Util functions implementing the camera


import tensorflow as tf

def batch_orth_proj_idrot(X, camera, name=None):
    X is N x num_points x 3
    camera is N x 3
    same as applying orth_proj_idrot to each N 
    with tf.variable_scope(name, "batch_orth_proj_idrot", [X, camera]):
        # TODO check X dim size.
        # tf.Assert(X.shape[2] == 3, [X])

        camera = tf.reshape(camera, [-1, 1, 3], name="cam_adj_shape")

        X_trans = X[:, :, :2] + camera[:, :, 1:]

        shape = tf.shape(X_trans)
        return tf.reshape(
            camera[:, :, 0] * tf.reshape(X_trans, [shape[0], -1]), shape)