import re
import itertools
import maya.OpenMaya as om
import maya.cmds as cmds
import cross3d
from cross3d.abstract.abstractscenewrapper import AbstractSceneWrapper
from cross3d import ExceptionRouter

class MayaSceneWrapper( AbstractSceneWrapper ):
	#							Making OpenMaya pythonic
	def _asMOBject(cls, obj):
		''' When passed a object name it will convert it to a MObject. If passed a MObject, it will return the MObject
		:param obj: A MObject or object name to return as a MObject

		if isinstance(obj, basestring):
			sel = om.MSelectionList()
			obj = om.MObject()
			sel.getDependNode(0, obj)
		elif obj.__module__.startswith("pymel"):
			obj = obj.__apimfn__().object()

		return obj
	def _getAttributeDataType(cls, data):
		""" Returns the OpenMaya.MFnData id for the given object. Returns OpenMaya.MFnData.kInvalid
		if the object type could not be identified.
		:param data: the object to get the data type of
		:return: int value for the dataType
		dataType = om.MFnData.kInvalid
		if isinstance(data, basestring):
			dataType = om.MFnData.kString
		elif isinstance(value, float):
			dataType = om.MFnData.kFloatArray
		elif isinstance(value, int):
			dataType = om.MFnData.kIntArray
		# TODO: add support for other types
		return dataType
	def _createAttribute(cls, mObj, name, dataType=None, shortName=None, default=None):
		""" Create a attribute on the provided object. Returns the attribute name and shortName. You 
		should provide dataType or default when calling this method so a valid dataType is selected. 
		MayaSceneWrapper._normalizeAttributeName is called on name to ensure it is storing the 
		attribute with a valid attribute name. If shortName is not provided, the name will have 
		MayaSceneWrapper._normalizeAttributeShortName called on it.
		:param mObj: The OpenMaya.MObject to create the attribute on
		:param name: The name used to access the attribute
		:param dataType: The type of data to store in the attribute. Defaults to None.
		:param shortName: The shortName used by scripting. Defaults to None.
		:param default: The default value assigned to the attribute. Defaults to None.
		:return: (name, short name) Because the attribute name and shortName are normalized, this
					returns the actual names used for attribute names.
		name = cls._normalizeAttributeName(name)
		if dataType == None and default != None:
			dataType == cls._getAttributeDataType(default)
			if dataType == om.MFnData.kInvalid:
				# No vaid dataType was found, default to None so we can handle it diffrently
				dataType == None
				cross3d.logger.debug('Unable To determine the attribute type.\n{}'.format(str(default)))
		if dataType == None:
			# MCH 09/17/14 # TODO Evaluate if this is a valid default?
			dataType = om.MFnData.kAny
		with ExceptionRouter():
			if shortName == None:
				shortName = cls._normalizeAttributeShortName(name, uniqueOnObj=mObj)
			depNode = om.MFnDependencyNode(mObj)
		sAttr = om.MFnTypedAttribute()
		if False: #if default:
			# TODO: Handle creating the default object
			attr = sAttr.create(name, shortName, dataType, default)
			attr = sAttr.create(name, shortName, dataType)

		# TODO MIKE: Problem with "|groundPlane_transform".
		except RuntimeError:
		return name, shortName
	def _getPlug(cls, mObj, name):
		""" For a given OpenMaya.MObject return the OpenMaya.MPlug object with that attribute name.
		If the property does not exist, raises "RuntimeError: (kInvalidParameter): Cannot find item of required type"
		:param mObj: The source MObject
		:param name: The name of the attribute to get from mObj.
		:return: A OpenMaya.MPlug object
		with ExceptionRouter():
			depNode = om.MFnDependencyNode(mObj)
			attr = depNode.attribute(name)
			return om.MPlug(mObj, attr)
	def _hasAttribute(cls, mObj, name):
		with ExceptionRouter():
			depNode = om.MFnDependencyNode(mObj)
			return depNode.hasAttribute(name)
	def _isDagNode(cls, mObj):
		""" Is this object in the DAG. """
		return mObj.hasFn(om.MFn.kDagNode)
	def _namespace(self, mObj):
		name = self._mObjName(mObj, False)
		return re.match(r'((?P<namespace>[^:]+):)?(?P<name>.+)', name).groupdict()
	def _normalizeAttributeName(cls, name):
		""" Removes invalid characters for attribute names from the provided string.
		:param name: The string used as the name of a attribute.
		:return: string
		return re.sub(r'\W', '', name)
	def _normalizeAttributeShortName(cls, name, uniqueOnObj=None):
		""" Creates a shortName for the provided attribute name by calling MayaSceneWrapper._normalizeAttributeName.
		It then adds the first character to any capital letters in the rest of the name. The name is then lowercased.
		If uniqueOnObj is provided with a object, it will ensure the returned attribute name is 
		unique by attaching a 3 digit padded number to it. It will be the lowest available number.
		:param name: The string used to generate the short name.
		:param uniqueOnObj: Ensure the name is unque. Defaults to None.
		:return: string
		name = cls._normalizeAttributeName(name)
		if len(name):
			name = name[0] + re.sub(r'[a-z]', '', name[1:])
		name = name.lower()
		if uniqueOnObj:

			# Ensure a unique object name by adding a value to the number.
			# TODO MIKE: Same issue with the "|groundPlane_transform".
				names = set(cmds.listAttr(cls._mObjName(uniqueOnObj), shortNames=True))
				name = api.Scene._findUniqueName(name, names, incFormat='{name}{count}')
			except ValueError:

		return name
	def _setAttribute(cls, mObj, name, value):
		""" Stores a pythonic value as a attribute on the provided object. This does not call
		MayaSceneWrapper._normalizeAttributeName, so make sure you have a valid attribute name.
		This does not create the attribute, so make sure it is created first.
		Note: Only string, float and int dataType's are currently supported.
		:param mObj: A OpenMaya.MObject to set the attribute value to
		:param name: The name of the attribute to store the value in
		:param value: The value to store in the attribute
		plug = cls._getPlug(mObj, name)
		if isinstance(value, basestring):
		elif isinstance(value, bool):
#		elif isinstance(value, double):
#			plug.setDouble(value)
		elif isinstance(value, float):
		elif isinstance(value, int):
#		elif isinstance(value, MAngle):
#			plug.setMAngle(value)
#		elif isinstance(value, MDataHandle):
#			plug.setMDataHandle(value)
#		elif isinstance(value, MDistance):
#			plug.setMDistance(value)
#		elif isinstance(value, MObject):
#			plug.setMObject(value)
#		elif isinstance(value, MPxData):
#			plug.setMPxData(value)
#		elif isinstance(value, MTime):
#			plug.setMTime(value)
#		elif isinstance(value, int):
#			plug.setNumElements(value)
#		elif isinstance(value, ShortInt):
#			plug.setShort(value)
	def _getchildShapeNodes(cls, nativeObject):
		""" A Maya helper that returns a generator of all shape nodes for the provided transform node.
			nativeObject (OpenMaya.MObject): The object to get the shape nodes of.
		if nativeObject.apiType() == om.MFn.kTransform:
			path = om.MDagPath.getAPathTo(nativeObject)
			numShapes = om.MScriptUtil()
			numShapesPtr = numShapes.asUintPtr()
			for index in range(om.MScriptUtil(numShapesPtr).asUint()):
				p = om.MDagPath.getAPathTo(nativeObject)
				yield p.node()
	def _getShapeNode(cls, nativeObject):
		""" A Maya Helper that returns the first shape node of the provided transform node.
		If no shape node exists the nativeObject is returned.
			nativeObject (OpenMaya.MObject): The MObject to get the first shape node from.
			OpenMaya.MObject: The first shape node of the transform or the passed in object.
		if nativeObject.apiType() == om.MFn.kTransform:
			path = om.MDagPath.getAPathTo(nativeObject)
			numShapes = om.MScriptUtil()
			numShapesPtr = numShapes.asUintPtr()
			if om.MScriptUtil(numShapesPtr).asUint():
				# TODO: Should this return the last shape, instead of the first?
				return path.node()
		return nativeObject
	def _getTransformNode(cls, nativeObject):
		""" A Maya Helper that returns the first transform node of the provided shape node.
		The nativeObject is returned if the nativeObject is a transform node.
		:param nativeObject: The OpenMaya.MObject to get the transform node of
		:return: OpenMaya.MObject
		with ExceptionRouter():
			# If its not a dag object, there is no transform to return use the nativeObject
			if not cls._isDagNode(nativeObject):

				# The world node doesn't play well with the getting transform code.
				return nativeObject
			path = om.MDagPath.getAPathTo(nativeObject)
			newPointer = path.transform()
			if newPointer != nativeObject:
				return newPointer
		return nativeObject
	def _mFnApiTypeMap(cls):
		""" Creates a dictionary mapping all apiType values to their apiTypeStr. 
		A few values have duplicate keys so the names are inside a list. This method is intended
		to be used for api exploration only and should not be used in production code.
			dict: A dict mapping int values to a list of OpenMaya.MFn constant names.
		out = {}
		for name in dir(om.MFn):
			value = getattr(om.MFn, name)
			if name.startswith('k'):
				out.setdefault(value, []).append(name)
		return out
	def _mObjName(cls, nativeObject, fullName=True):
		""" A Maya Helper that returns the name of a object, because OpenMaya can't 
		expose the name in a single call.
		:param nativeObject: The OpenMaya.MObject to get the name of
		:param fullName: If True return the Name(Full Path), else return the displayName. Defaults to True
		:return: nativeObject's name as a string
		with ExceptionRouter():
			if cls._isDagNode(nativeObject):
				dagPath = om.MDagPath.getAPathTo(nativeObject)
				if fullName:
					return dagPath.fullPathName()
				return dagPath.partialPathName().split("|")[-1]
			return om.MFnDependencyNode(nativeObject).name()

	#							cross3d private methods
	def _nativePointer(self):
		""" If you are storing OpenMaya.MObject's long enough for them to become invalidated(opening 
		a new scene for example), maya will crash and close because it is now accessing invalid 
		memory. To be able to safely store MObject's for long term, we need to store them in a
		MObjectHandle object.
		return self._nativeHandle.object()
	def _nativePointer(self, nativePointer):
		if nativePointer is None:
			# We can't pass None to om.MObjectHandle, but we can pass a empty MObject
			nativePointer = om.MObject()
		self._nativeHandle = om.MObjectHandle(nativePointer)
	def _nativeProperty(self, key, default=None):
			\remarks	return the value of the property defined by the inputed key
			\sa			hasProperty, setProperty, _nativeProperty, AbstractScene._fromNativeValue
			\param		key			<str>
			\param		default		<variant>	(auto-converted from the application's native value)
			\return		<variant>
		name = self._mObjName(self._nativePointer, True)
		ret = cmds.getAttr("{name}.{key}".format(name=name, key=key))
		return ret
		return default

	def _setNativeProperty(self, key, nativeValue):
			\remarks	set the value of the property defined by the inputed key
			\sa			hasProperty, property, setProperty, AbstractScene._toNativeValue
			\param		key		<str>
			\param		value	<variant>	(pre-converted to the application's native value)
			\retrun		<bool> success
		name = self._mObjName(self._nativePointer, True)
		attrId = "{name}.{key}".format(name=name, key=key)
		# MCH 10/07/14 HACK: This seems brittle as hell, and will probably will cause problems later
		# also, we will probably run into cases where we will need to pass kwargs to set the proper variable
		if isinstance(nativeValue, (list, tuple)):
			# This may not work in all cases, but based on the documentation, you have to pass a flat
			# args list to setattr.
			cmds.setAttr(attrId, *list(itertools.chain(*nativeValue)))
#			# for the test cases I've found so far, cmds.getAttr returns [(value, value, value)].
#			# This can not be passed to setAttr, and must be stripped to a flat args list.
#			if isinstance(nativeValue[0], (list, tuple)):
#				value = nativeValue[0]
#			cmds.setAttr(attrId, *value)
		cmds.setAttr(attrId, nativeValue)
	def propertyNames(self):
		""" Return a list of the property names linked to this instance
		:return: list of names
		name = self._mObjName(self._nativePointer, True)
		return cmds.listAttr(name, settable=True, output=True)
	#							cross3d public methods
	def namespace(self):
		# I am not re-using the name method on purpose.
		name = self._mObjName(self._nativePointer, False)

		# Splitting the name to detect for name spaces.
		split = name.split(':')[0:]
		if len(split) > 1:
			return ':'.join(split[:-1])
		return ''

	def setNamespace(self, namespace):
		# I am not re-using the name method on purpose.
		name = self._mObjName(self._nativePointer, False)
		displayName = name.split(':')[-1]

		if not namespace:
			cmds.rename(self.path(), self.displayName())
			if not cmds.namespace(exists=namespace):
			cmds.rename(self.path(), ':'.join([namespace, displayName]))
		return True

	def displayName(self):
		""" Returns the display name for object. This does not include parent structure """

	def name(self):
		""" Return the full name of this object, including parent structure """
		return self._mObjName(self._nativePointer, False)

	def path(self):
		return self._mObjName(self._nativePointer, True)

	def setDisplayName(self, name):
		""" Set the display name for this wrapper instance to the inputed 
		name - if not reimplemented, then it will set the object's actual 
		name to the inputed name
		cmds.rename(self.path(), ':'.join([self.namespace(), name]))
	def setUniqueId(self, uniqueId):
		""" Unique Id is read only and can not be set in Maya """
		return False

	def uniqueId(self):
		""" Return the unique id for this controller instance """
		return self._nativeHandle.hashCode()
# register the symbol
cross3d.registerSymbol('SceneWrapper', MayaSceneWrapper)