#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

	This file contains all the classes for copula objects.

__author__ = "Maxime Jumelle"
__license__ = "Apache 2.0"
__maintainer__ = "Maxime Jumelle"
__email__ = "maxime@aipcloud.io"

from . import archimedean_generators as generators
from . import math_misc
from .math_misc import multivariate_t_distribution
from . import estimation

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import inv

import scipy
import scipy.misc
from scipy.stats import kendalltau, pearsonr, spearmanr, norm, t, multivariate_normal
from scipy.linalg import sqrtm
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
import scipy.integrate as integrate

# An abstract copula object
class Copula():

	def __init__(self, dim=2, name='indep'):
		Creates a new abstract Copula.
		dim : integer (greater than 1)
			The dimension of the copula.
		name : string
			Default copula. 'indep' is for independence copula, 'frechet_up' the upper Fréchet-Hoeffding bound and 'frechet_down' the lower Fréchet-Hoeffding bound.
		if dim < 2 or int(dim) != dim:
			raise ValueError("Copula dimension must be an integer greater than 1.")
		self.dim = dim
		self.name = name
		self.kendall = None
		self.pearson = None
		self.spearman = None

	def __str__(self):
		return "Copula ({0}).".format(self.name)

	def _check_dimension(self, x):
		if len(x) != self.dim:
			raise ValueError("Expected vector of dimension {0}, get vector of dimension {1}".format(self.dim, len(x)))
	def dimension(self):
		Returns the dimension of the copula.
		return self.dim

	def correlations(self, X):
		Compute the correlations of the specified data. Only available when dimension of copula is 2.

		X : numpy array (of size n * 2)
			Values to compute correlations.

		kendall : float
			The Kendall tau.
		pearson : float
			The Pearson's R
		spearman : float
			The Spearman's R
		if self.dim != 2:
			raise Exception("Correlations can not be computed when dimension is greater than 2.")
		self.kendall = kendalltau(X[:,0], X[:,1])[0]
		self.pearson = pearsonr(X[:,0], X[:,1])[0]
		self.spearman = spearmanr(X[:,0], X[:,1])[0]
		return self.kendall, self.pearson, self.spearman

	def kendall(self):
		Returns the Kendall's tau. Note that you should previously have computed correlations.
		if self.kendall == None:
			raise ValueError("You must compute correlations before accessing to Kendall's tau.")
		return self.kendall

	def pearson(self):
		Returns the Pearson's r. Note that you should previously have computed correlations.
		if self.pearson == None:
			raise ValueError("You must compute correlations before accessing to Pearson's r.")
		return self.pearson

	def spearman(self):
		Returns the Spearman's rho. Note that you should previously have computed correlations.
		if self.pearson == None:
			raise ValueError("You must compute correlations before accessing to Spearman's rho.")
		return self.spearman	

	def cdf(self, x):
		Returns the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the copula.
		x : numpy array (of size d)
			Values to compute CDF.
		if self.name == 'indep':
			return np.prod(x)
		elif self.name == 'frechet_up':
			return min(x)
		elif self.name == 'frechet_down':
			return max(sum(x) - self.dim + 1., 0)

	def pdf(self, x):
		Returns the probability distribution function (PDF) of the copula.
		x : numpy array (of size d)
			Values to compute PDF.
		if self.name == 'indep':
			return sum([ np.prod([ x[j] for j in range(self.dim) if j != i ]) for i in range(self.dim) ])
		elif self.name in [ 'frechet_down', 'frechet_up' ]:
			raise NotImplementedError("PDF is not available for Fréchet-Hoeffding bounds.")
	def concentration_down(self, x):
		Returns the theoretical lower concentration function.
		x : float (between 0 and 0.5)
		if x > 0.5 or x < 0:
			raise ValueError("The argument must be included between 0 and 0.5.")
		return self.cdf([x, x]) / x
	def concentration_up(self, x):
		Returns the theoritical upper concentration function.
		x : float (between 0.5 and 1)
		if x < 0.5 or x > 1:
			raise ValueError("The argument must be included between 0.5 and 1.")
		return (1. - 2*x + self.cdf([x, x])) / (1. - x)
	def concentration_function(self, x):
		Returns the theoritical concentration function.
		x : float (between 0 and 1)
		if x < 0 or x > 1:
			raise ValueError("The argument must be included between 0 and 1.")
		if x < 0.5:
			return self.concentration_down(x)
		return self.concentration_up(x)
class ArchimedeanCopula(Copula):

	families = [ 'clayton', 'gumbel', 'frank', 'joe', 'amh' ]

	def __init__(self, family='clayton', dim=2):
		Creates an Archimedean copula.
		family : str
			The name of the copula.
		dim : int
			The dimension of the copula.
		super(ArchimedeanCopula, self).__init__(dim=dim)
		self.family = family
		self.parameter = 1.5
		if family == 'clayton':
			self.generator = generators.claytonGenerator
			self.generatorInvert = generators.claytonGeneratorInvert
		elif family == 'gumbel':
			self.generator = generators.gumbelGenerator
			self.generatorInvert = generators.gumbelGeneratorInvert
		elif family == 'frank':
			self.generator = generators.frankGenerator
			self.generatorInvert = generators.frankGeneratorInvert
		elif family == 'joe':
			self.generator = generators.joeGenerator
			self.generatorInvert = generators.joeGeneratorInvert
		elif family == 'amh':
			self.parameter = 0.5
			self.generator = generators.aliMikhailHaqGenerator
			self.generatorInvert = generators.aliMikhailHaqGeneratorInvert
			raise ValueError("The family name '{0}' is not defined.".format(family))

	def __str__(self):
		return "Archimedean Copula ({0}) :".format(self.family) + "\n*\tParameter : {:1.6f}".format(self.parameter)
	def generator(self, x):
		return self.generator(x, self.parameter)
	def inverse_generator(self, x):
		return self.generatorInvert(x, self.parameter)
	def get_parameter(self):
		return self.parameter
	def set_parameter(self, theta):
		self.parameter = theta
	def getFamily(self):
		return self.family

	def _check_dimension(self, x):
		Check if the number of variables is equal to the dimension of the copula.
		if len(x) != self.dim:
			raise ValueError("Expected vector of dimension {0}, get vector of dimension {1}".format(self.dim, len(x)))

	def cdf(self, x):
		Returns the CDF of the copula.

		x : numpy array (of size copula dimension or n * copula dimension)

			The CDF value on x.
		if len(np.asarray(x).shape) > 1:
			return [ self.generatorInvert(sum([ self.generator(v, self.parameter) for v in row ]), self.parameter) for row in x ]
			return self.generatorInvert(sum([ self.generator(v, self.parameter) for v in x ]), self.parameter)

	def pdf_param(self, x, theta):
		Returns the PDF of the copula with the specified theta. Use this when you want to compute PDF with another parameter.

		x : numpy array (of size n * copula dimension)
		theta : float
			The custom parameter.

			The PDF value on x.
		# prod is the product of the derivatives of the generator for each variable
		prod = 1
		# The sum of generators that will be computed on the invert derivative
		sumInvert = 0
		# The future function (if it exists) corresponding to the n-th derivative of the invert
		invertNDerivative = None

		# Exactly 0 causes instability during computing for these copulas
		if self.family in [ "frank", "clayton"] and theta == 0:
			theta = 1e-8

		# For each family, the structure is the same
		if self.family == 'clayton':
			# We compute product and sum
			for i in range(self.dim):
				prod *= -x[i]**(-theta - 1.)
				sumInvert += self.generator(x[i], theta)

			# We define (when possible) the n-th derivative of the invert of the generator
			def claytonInvertnDerivative(t, theta, order):
				product = 1
				for i in range(1, order):
					product *= (-1. / theta - i)
				if theta * t < -1:
					return -theta**(order - 1) * product 
				return -theta**(order - 1) * product * (1. + theta * t)**(-1. / theta - order)

			invertNDerivative = claytonInvertnDerivative	

		elif self.family == 'gumbel':
			if self.dim == 2:
				for i in range(self.dim):
					prod *= (theta / (np.log(x[i]) * x[i]))*(-np.log(x[i]))**theta
					sumInvert += self.generator(x[i], theta)

				def gumbelInvertDerivative(t, theta, order):
					return 1. / theta**2 * t**(1. / theta - 2.) * (theta + t**(1. / theta) - 1.) * np.exp(-t**(1. / theta))
				if self.dim == 2:
					invertNDerivative = gumbelInvertDerivative
		elif self.family == 'frank':
			if self.dim == 2:
				for i in range(self.dim):
					prod *= theta / (1. - np.exp(theta * x[i]))
					sumInvert += self.generator(x[i], theta)

				def frankInvertDerivative(t, theta, order):
					C = np.exp(-theta) - 1.
					return - C / theta * np.exp(t) / (C + np.exp(t))**2
				invertNDerivative = frankInvertDerivative
		elif self.family == 'joe':
			if self.dim == 2:
				for i in range(self.dim):
					prod *= -theta * (1. - x[i])**(theta - 1.) / (1. - (1. - x[i])**theta)
					sumInvert += self.generator(x[i], theta)

				def joeInvertDerivative(t, theta, order):
					return 1. / theta**2 * (1. - np.exp(-t))**(1. / theta) * (theta * np.exp(t) - 1.) / (np.exp(t) - 1.)**2

				invertNDerivative = joeInvertDerivative
		elif self.family == 'amh':
			if self.dim == 2:
				for i in range(self.dim):
					prod *= (theta - 1.) / (x[i] * (1. - theta * (1. - x[i])))
					sumInvert += self.generator(x[i], theta)

				def amhInvertDerivative(t, theta, order):
					return (1. - theta) * np.exp(t) * (theta + np.exp(t)) / (np.exp(t) - theta)**3

				invertNDerivative = amhInvertDerivative
		if invertNDerivative == None:
				invertNDerivative = lambda t, theta, order: scipy.misc.derivative(lambda x: self.generatorInvert(x, theta), t, n=order, order=order+order%2+1)
				raise Exception("The {0}-th derivative of the invert of the generator could not be computed.".format(self.dim))
		# We compute the PDF of the copula
		return prod * invertNDerivative(sumInvert, theta, self.dim)

	def pdf(self, x):
		return self.pdf_param(x, self.parameter)

	def fit(self, X, method='cmle', verbose=False, theta_bounds=None, **kwargs):
		Fit the archimedean copula with specified data.

		X : numpy array (of size n * copula dimension)
			The data to fit.
		method : str
			The estimation method to use. Default is 'cmle'.
		verbose : bool
			Output various informations during fitting process.
		theta_bounds : tuple
			Definition set of theta. Use this only with custom family.
			Arguments of method. See estimation for more details.

			The estimated parameter of the archimedean copula.
			Various data from estimation method. Often estimated hyper-parameters.
		n = X.shape[0]
		if n < 1:
			raise ValueError("At least two values are needed to fit the copula.")
		estimationData = None
		# Moments method (only when dimension = 2)
		if method == 'moments':
			if self.kendall == None:
			if self.family == 'clayton':
				self.parameter = 2. * self.kendall / (1. - self.kendall)
			elif self.family == 'gumbel':
				self.parameter = 1. / (1. - self.kendall)
			elif self.family == 'frank':
				def target(x):
					return 1 - 4 / x + 4 / x**2 * integrate.quad(lambda t: t / (np.exp(t) - 1), np.finfo(np.float32).eps, x)[0] - self.kendall
				self.parameter = fsolve(target, 1)[0]
				raise Exception("Moments estimation is not available for this copula.")
		# Canonical Maximum Likelihood Estimation
		elif method == 'cmle':
			# Pseudo-observations from real data X
			pobs = []
			for i in range(self.dim):
				order = X[:,i].argsort()
				ranks = order.argsort()
				u_i = [ (r + 1) / (n + 1) for r in ranks ]

			pobs = np.transpose(np.asarray(pobs))

			is_scalar = True
			theta_start = np.array(0.5)
			bounds = theta_bounds
			if bounds == None:
				if self.family == 'amh':
					bounds = (-1, 1 - 1e-6)
					is_scalar = False
				elif self.family == 'clayton':
					bounds = (0, 10)
				elif self.family in ['gumbel', 'joe'] :
					bounds = (1, None)
					is_scalar = False

			def log_likelihood(theta):
				param_obs = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: self.pdf_param(x, theta), arr=pobs, axis=1)
				return -np.log(param_obs).sum()
			if self.family == 'amh':
				theta_start = np.array(0.5)
			elif self.family in ['gumbel', 'joe']:
				theta_start = np.array(1.5)

			res = estimation.cmle(log_likelihood,
					optimize_method=kwargs.get('optimize_method', 'Brent'),
					bounded_optimize_method=kwargs.get('bounded_optimize_method', 'SLSQP'),

			self.parameter = res['x'] if is_scalar else res['x'][0]
		# Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Inference Functions for Margins
		elif method in [ 'mle', 'ifm' ]:
			if not('marginals' in kwargs):
				raise ValueError("Marginals distribution are required for MLE.")
			if not('hyper_param' in kwargs):
				raise ValueError("Hyper-parameters are required for MLE.")
			bounds = theta_bounds
			if bounds == None:
				if self.family == 'amh':
					bounds = (-1, 1 - 1e-6)
				elif self.family == 'clayton':
					bounds = (0, None)
				elif self.family in ['gumbel', 'joe'] :
					bounds = (1, None)

			theta_start = [ 2 ]
			if self.family == 'amh':
				theta_start = [ 0.5 ]
			if method == 'mle':
				res, estimationData = estimation.mle(self, X, marginals=kwargs.get('marginals', None), hyper_param=kwargs.get('hyper_param', None), hyper_param_start=kwargs.get('hyper_param_start', None), hyper_param_bounds=kwargs.get('hyper_param_bounds', None), theta_start=theta_start, theta_bounds=bounds, optimize_method=kwargs.get('optimize_method', 'Nelder-Mead'), bounded_optimize_method=kwargs.get('bounded_optimize_method', 'SLSQP'))
				res, estimationData = estimation.ifm(self, X, marginals=kwargs.get('marginals', None), hyper_param=kwargs.get('hyper_param', None), hyper_param_start=kwargs.get('hyper_param_start', None), hyper_param_bounds=kwargs.get('hyper_param_bounds', None), theta_start=theta_start, theta_bounds=bounds, optimize_method=kwargs.get('optimize_method', 'Nelder-Mead'), bounded_optimize_method=kwargs.get('bounded_optimize_method', 'SLSQP'))
			self.parameter = res['x'][0]
			raise ValueError("Method '{0}' is not defined.".format(method))
		return self.parameter, estimationData
class GaussianCopula(Copula):

	def __init__(self, dim=2, R=[[1, 0.5], [0.5, 1]]):
		super(GaussianCopula, self).__init__(dim=dim)

	def __str__(self):
		return "Gaussian Copula :\n*Correlation : \n" + str(self.R)

	def cdf(self, x):
		return multivariate_normal.cdf([ norm.ppf(u) for u in x ], cov=self.R)

	def set_corr(self, R):
		Set the Correlation matrix of the copula.

		R : numpy array (of size copula dimensions * copula dimension)
			The definite positive correlation matrix. Note that you should check yourself if the matrix is definite positive.
		S = np.asarray(R)
		if len(S.shape) > 2:
			raise ValueError("2-dimensional array expected, get {0}-dimensional array.".format(len(S.shape)))
		if S.shape[0] != S.shape[1]:
			raise ValueError("Correlation matrix must be a squared matrix of dimension {0}".format(self.dim))
		if not(np.array_equal(np.transpose(S), S)):
			raise ValueError("Correlation matrix is not symmetric.")
		self.R = S
		self._R_det = np.linalg.det(S)
		self._R_inv = np.linalg.inv(S)
	def get_corr(self):
		return self.R

	def pdf(self, x):
		u_i = norm.ppf(x)
		return self._R_det**(-0.5) * np.exp(-0.5 * np.dot(u_i, np.dot(self._R_inv - np.identity(self.dim), u_i)))
	def pdf_param(self, x, R):
		if self.dim == 2 and not(hasattr(R, '__len__')):
			R = [R]
		if len(np.asarray(R).shape) == 2 and len(R) != self.dim:
			raise ValueError("Expected covariance matrix of dimension {0}.".format(self.dim))
		u = norm.ppf(x)
		cov = np.ones([ self.dim, self.dim ])
		idx = 0
		if len(np.asarray(R).shape) <= 1:
			if len(R) == self.dim * (self.dim - 1) / 2:
				for j in range(self.dim):
					for i in range(j + 1, self.dim):
						cov[j][i] = R[idx]
						cov[i][j] = R[idx]
						idx += 1
				raise ValueError("Expected covariance matrix, get an array.")
		if self.dim == 2:
			RDet = cov[0][0] * cov[1][1] - cov[0][1]**2
			RInv = 1. / RDet * np.asarray([[ cov[1][1], -cov[0][1]], [ -cov[0][1], cov[0][0] ]])
			RDet = np.linalg.det(cov)
			RInv = np.linalg.inv(cov)
		return [ RDet**(-0.5) * np.exp(-0.5 * np.dot(u_i, np.dot(RInv - np.identity(self.dim), u_i))) for u_i in u ]
	def quantile(self,  x):
		return multivariate_normal.ppf([ norm.ppf(u) for u in x ], cov=self.R)

	def fit(self, X, method='cmle', verbose=True, **kwargs):
		Fit the Gaussian copula with specified data.

		X : numpy array (of size n * copula dimension)
			The data to fit.
		method : str
			The estimation method to use. Default is 'cmle'.
		verbose : bool
			Output various informations during fitting process.
			Arguments of method. See estimation for more details.

			The estimated parameters of the Gaussian copula.
		print("Fitting Gaussian copula.")
		n = X.shape[0]
		if n < 1:
			raise ValueError("At least two values are needed to fit the copula.")
		self._check_dimension(X[0, :])

		# Canonical Maximum Likelihood Estimation
		if method == 'cmle':
			# Pseudo-observations from real data X
			pobs = []
			for i in range(self.dim):
				order = X[:,i].argsort()
				ranks = order.argsort()
				u_i = [ (r + 1) / (n + 1) for r in ranks ]

			pobs = np.transpose(np.asarray(pobs))
			# The inverse CDF of the normal distribution (do not place it in loop, hungry process)
			ICDF = norm.ppf(pobs)

			def log_likelihood(rho):
				S = np.identity(self.dim)
				# We place rho values in the up and down triangular part of the covariance matrix
				for i in range(self.dim - 1):
					for j in range(i + 1,  self.dim):
						S[i][j] = rho[i * (self.dim - 1) + j - 1]
						S[self.dim - i - 1][self.dim - j - 1] = S[i][j]
				# Computation of det and invert matrix
				if self.dim == 2:
					RDet = S[0, 0] * S[1, 1] - rho**2
					RInv = 1. / RDet * np.asarray([[ S[1, 1], -rho], [ -rho, S[0, 0] ]])
					RDet = np.linalg.det(S)
					RInv = np.linalg.inv(S)
				# Log-likelihood
				lh = 0
				for i in range(n):
					cDens = RDet**(-0.5) * np.exp(-0.5 * np.dot(ICDF[i,  :], np.dot(RInv, ICDF[i,  :])))
					lh += np.log(cDens)

				return -lh

			rho_start = [ 0.0 for i in range(int(self.dim * (self.dim - 1) / 2)) ]
			res = estimation.cmle(log_likelihood,
				theta_start=rho_start, theta_bounds=None,
				optimize_method=kwargs.get('optimize_method', 'Nelder-Mead'),
				bounded_optimize_method=kwargs.get('bounded_optimize_method', 'SLSQP'))
			rho = res['x']
		elif method == 'mle':
			rho_start = [ 0.0 for i in range(int(self.dim * (self.dim - 1) / 2)) ]
			res, estimationData = estimation.mle(self, X, marginals=kwargs.get('marginals', None), hyper_param=kwargs.get('hyper_param', None), hyper_param_start=kwargs.get('hyper_param_start', None), hyper_param_bounds=kwargs.get('hyper_param_bounds', None), theta_start=rho_start, optimize_method=kwargs.get('optimize_method', 'Nelder-Mead'), bounded_optimize_method=kwargs.get('bounded_optimize_method', 'SLSQP'))
			rho = res['x']
		self.R = np.identity(self.dim)
		# We extract rho values to covariance matrix
		for i in range(self.dim - 1):
			for j in range(i + 1,  self.dim):
				self.R[i][j] = rho[i * (self.dim - 1) + j - 1]
				self.R[self.dim - i - 1][self.dim - j - 1] = self.R[i][j]
		# We compute the nearest semi-definite positive matrix for the covariance matrix
		self.R = math_misc.nearPD(self.R)

class StudentCopula(Copula):
	def __init__(self, dim=2, df=1, R=[[1, 0], [0, 1]]):
		super(StudentCopula, self).__init__(dim=dim)
		self.df = df
		self.R = R

	def __str__(self):
		return "Student Copula :\n*\t DF : {:1.3f}".format(self.df) + "\n*\t Correlation : \n" + str(self.R)
	def get_df(self):
		return self.df
	def set_df(self, df):
		if df <= 0:
			raise ValueError("The degrees of freedom must be strictly greater than 0.")
		self.df = df
	def set_corr(self, R):
		Set the covariance of the copula.

		R : numpy array (of size copula dimensions * copula dimension)
			The definite positive covariance matrix. Note that you should check yourself if the matrix is definite positive.
		S = np.asarray(R)
		if len(S.shape) > 2:
			raise ValueError("2-dimensional array expected, get {0}-dimensional array.".format(len(S.shape)))
		if S.shape[0] != S.shape[1]:
			raise ValueError("Covariance matrix must be a squared matrix of dimension {0}".format(self.dim))
		if len([ 1 for i in range(S.shape[0]) if S[i, i] <= 0]) > 0:
			raise ValueError("Null or negative variance encountered in covariance matrix.")
		if not(np.array_equal(np.transpose(S), S)):
			raise ValueError("Covariance matrix is not symmetric.")
		self.R = S
	def get_corr(self):
		return self.R
	def cdf(self, x):
		tv = np.asarray([ scipy.stats.t.ppf(u, df=self.df) for u in x ])

		def fun(a, b):
			return multivariate_t_distribution(np.asarray([a, b]), np.asarray([0, 0]), self.R, self.df, self.dim)
		lim_0 = lambda x: -10
		lim_1 = lambda x: tv[1]
		return fun(x[0], x[1])
		#return scipy.integrate.dblquad(fun, -10, tv[0], lim_0, lim_1)[0]
	def pdf(self, x):
		tv = np.asarray([ scipy.stats.t.ppf(u, df=self.df) for u in x ])
		prod = 1
		for i in range(self.dim):
			prod *= scipy.stats.t.pdf(tv[i], df=self.df)
		return multivariate_t_distribution(tv, 0, self.R, self.df, self.dim) / prod

	def fit(self, X, method='cmle', df_fixed=False, verbose=True, **kwargs):
		Fits the Student copula with specified data.

		X : numpy array (of size n * copula dimension)
			The data to fit.
		method : str
			The estimation method to use. Default is 'cmle'.
		df_fixed : bool
			Optimizes degrees of freedom if set to False.
		verbose : bool
			Output various informations during fitting process.
			Arguments of method. See estimation for more details.

			The estimated parameters of the Gaussian copula.
		print("Fitting Student copula.")
		n = X.shape[0]
		if n < 1:
			raise ValueError("At least two values are needed to fit the copula.")
		self._check_dimension(X[0, :])

		# Canonical Maximum Likelihood Estimation
		if method == 'cmle':
			# Pseudo-observations from real data X
			pobs = []
			for i in range(self.dim):
				order = X[:,i].argsort()
				ranks = order.argsort()
				u_i = [ (r + 1) / (n + 1) for r in ranks ]

			pobs = np.transpose(np.asarray(pobs))

			ICDF = []
			if df_fixed:
				ICDF = t.ppf(pobs, df=self.df)

			def log_likelihood(params):
				if df_fixed:
					nu = self.df
					rho = params
					nu = params[0]
					rho = params[1:]
				S = np.identity(self.dim)

				if df_fixed:
					t_inv = ICDF
					t_inv = t.ppf(pobs, df=nu)
				# We place rho values in the up and down triangular part of the covariance matrix
				for i in range(self.dim - 1):
					for j in range(i + 1,  self.dim):
						S[i][j] = rho[i * (self.dim - 1) + j - 1]
						S[self.dim - i - 1][self.dim - j - 1] = S[i][j]
				# Computation of det and invert matrix
				if self.dim == 2:
					RDet = S[0, 0] * S[1, 1] - rho**2
					RInv = 1. / RDet * np.asarray([[ S[1, 1], -rho], [ -rho, S[0, 0] ]])
					RDet = np.linalg.det(S)
					RInv = np.linalg.inv(S)

				D = sqrtm(np.diag(np.diag(S)))
				Dinv = inv(D)
				P = np.dot(np.dot(Dinv, S), Dinv)
				# Log-likelihood
				lh = 0
				for i in range(n):
					cDens = math_misc.multivariate_t_distribution(t_inv[i,  :], 0, P, nu, self.dim)
					lh += np.log(cDens)

				return -lh

			x_start = [ 0.0 for i in range(int(self.dim * (self.dim - 1) / 2)) ]
			if not(df_fixed):
				x_start = [ 1.0 ] + x_start
			res = estimation.cmle(log_likelihood,
				theta_start=x_start, theta_bounds=None,
				optimize_method=kwargs.get('optimize_method', 'Nelder-Mead'),
				bounded_optimize_method=kwargs.get('bounded_optimize_method', 'SLSQP'))
			fitted_params = res['x']

		self.R = np.identity(self.dim)
		# We extract rho values to covariance matrix
		if df_fixed:
			nu = self.df
			rho = fitted_params
			nu = fitted_params[0]
			rho = fitted_params[1:]

		for i in range(self.dim - 1):
			for j in range(i + 1,  self.dim):
				self.R[i][j] = rho[i * (self.dim - 1) + j - 1]
				self.R[self.dim - i - 1][self.dim - j - 1] = self.R[i][j]
		# We compute the nearest semi-definite positive matrix for the covariance matrix
		self.R = math_misc.nearPD(self.R)