#  Copyright (C) 2008 Greg Landrum
#   @@ All Rights Reserved @@
#  This file is part of the RDKit.
#  The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
#  which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
#  of the RDKit source tree.
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure

from rdkit.Chem.Draw.canvasbase import CanvasBase

class Canvas(CanvasBase):

    def __init__(self, size, name='', imageType='png'):
        self._name = name
        self.size = size
        dpi = max(size[0], size[1])
        figsize = (int(float(size[0]) / dpi), int(float(size[1]) / dpi))
        self._figure = figure(figsize=figsize)
        self._axes = self._figure.add_axes([0, 0, 2.5, 2.5])
        self._dpi = dpi

    def rescalePt(self, p1):
        return [float(p1[0]) / self._dpi, float(self.size[1] - p1[1]) / self._dpi]

    def addCanvasLine(self, p1, p2, color=(0, 0, 0), color2=None, **kwargs):
        canvas = self._axes
        p1 = self.rescalePt(p1)
        p2 = self.rescalePt(p2)
        if color2 and color2 != color:
            mp = (p1[0] + p2[0]) / 2., (p1[1] + p2[1]) / 2.
            canvas.add_line(Line2D((p1[0], mp[0]), (p1[1], mp[1]), color=color, **kwargs))
            canvas.add_line(Line2D((mp[0], p2[0]), (mp[1], p2[1]), color=color2, **kwargs))
            canvas.add_line(Line2D((p1[0], p2[0]), (p1[1], p2[1]), color=color, **kwargs))

    def addCanvasText(self, text, pos, font, color=(0, 0, 0), **kwargs):
        import re
        pos = self.rescalePt(pos)
        canvas = self._axes
        text = re.sub(r'<.*?>', '', text)
        orientation = kwargs.get('orientation', 'E')
        halign = 'center'
        valign = 'center'
        if orientation == 'E':
            halign = 'left'
        elif orientation == 'W':
            halign = 'right'
        elif orientation == 'S':
            valign = 'top'
        elif orientation == 'N':
            valign = 'bottom'

        annot = canvas.annotate(text, (pos[0], pos[1]), color=color, verticalalignment=valign,
                                horizontalalignment=halign, weight=font.weight, size=font.size * 2.0,

            bb = annot.get_window_extent(renderer=self._figure.canvas.get_renderer())
            w, h = bb.width, bb.height
            tw, th = canvas.transData.inverted().transform((w, h))
        except AttributeError:
            tw, th = 0.1, 0.1  # <- kludge
        return (tw, th, 0)

    def addCanvasPolygon(self, ps, color=(0, 0, 0), **kwargs):
        canvas = self._axes
        ps = [self.rescalePt(x) for x in ps]
        canvas.add_patch(Polygon(ps, linewidth=0, facecolor=color))

    def addCanvasDashedWedge(self, p1, p2, p3, dash=(2, 2), color=(0, 0, 0), color2=None, **kwargs):
        canvas = self._axes
        dash = (3, 3)
        pts1 = self._getLinePoints(p1, p2, dash)
        pts2 = self._getLinePoints(p1, p3, dash)
        pts1 = [self.rescalePt(p) for p in pts1]
        pts2 = [self.rescalePt(p) for p in pts2]
        if len(pts2) < len(pts1):
            pts2, pts1 = pts1, pts2
        for i in range(len(pts1)):
            if color2 and color2 != color:
                mp = (pts1[i][0] + pts2[i][0]) / 2., (pts1[i][1] + pts2[i][1]) / 2.
                canvas.add_line(Line2D((pts1[i][0], mp[0]), (pts1[i][1], mp[1]), color=color, **kwargs))
                canvas.add_line(Line2D((mp[0], pts2[i][0]), (mp[1], pts2[i][1]), color=color2, **kwargs))
                    Line2D((pts1[i][0], pts2[i][0]), (pts1[i][1], pts2[i][1]), color=color, **kwargs))