# Description: Grammar based generation/fuzzer
# Author: Jesse Schwartzentruber
# Copyright 2014 BlackBerry Limited
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#    limitations under the License.
# Language Defn Syntax
# ====================
# SymName         Def1 [Def2] (concat)
# SymName{a,b}    Def (repeat, between a-b instances)
# SymName   1     Def1 (either Def1 (1:3 odds) or Def2 (2:3))
#           2     Def2
# SymName         /[A-Za-z]*..+[^a-f]{2}/ (simple regex)
# SymName         @SymName1   (returns a previously defined instance of SymName1)
# FuncCall        rndint(a,b) (rndint, rndflt are built-in, others can be passed as keyword args to the Grammar constructor)
# suggestions (not working):
# SymName{a,b} 1 Def1 (combine repeat and choice, has the additional property that each defn will only be used at most once)
#              1 Def2

import logging as log
import io
import os
import random
import re

if bool(os.getenv("DEBUG")):

class _GenState(object):

    def __init__(self, grmr):
        self.symstack = []
        self.instances = {}
        self.output = []
        self.grmr = grmr

class WeightedChoice(object):

    def __init__(self, iterable=None):
        self.total = 0.0
        self.values = []
        self.weights = []
        if iterable is not None:

    def extend(self, iterable):
        for v in iterable:

    def append(self, value, weight=1):
        self.total += weight

    def choice(self):
        target = random.uniform(0, self.total)
        for w, v in zip(self.weights, self.values):
            target -= w
            if target < 0:
                return v
        raise Exception("Too much total weight? remainder is %0.2f from %0.2f total" % (target, self.total))

    def __repr__(self):
        return "WeightedChoice(%s)" % list(zip(self.values, self.weights))

class Grammar(object):
    """Generate a language conforming to a given grammar specification.

    A Grammar consists of a set of symbol definitions which are used to define the structure of a language. The Grammar
    object is created from a text input with the format described below, and then used to generate randomly constructed
    instances of the described language. The entrypoint of the grammar is the named symbol 'root'. Comments are allowed
    anywhere in the file, preceded by a hash character (``#``).

    Symbols can either be named or implicit. A named symbol consists of a symbol name at the beginning of a line,
    followed by at least one whitespace character, followed by the symbol definition.


            SymbolName  Definition

    Implicit symbols are defined without being assigned an explicit name. For example a regular expression can be used
    in a concatenation definition directly, without being assigned a name. Choice and repeat symbols cannot be defined



                SymbolName      SubSymbol1 [SubSymbol2] ...

        A concatenation consists of one or more symbols which will be generated in succession. The sub-symbol can be
        any named symbol, reference, or an implicit declaration of allowed symbol types. A concatenation can also be
        implicitly defined as the sub-symbol of a choice or repeat symbol.

    **Choice**: (must be named, not implicit)


                SymbolName      Weight1     SubSymbol1
                               [Weight2     SubSymbol2]
                               [Weight3     SubSymbol3]

        A choice consists of one or more weighted sub-symbols. At generation, only one of the sub-symbols will be
        generated at random, with each sub-symbol being generated with probability of weight/sum(weights) (the sum of
        all weights in this choice). Weight can be a non-negative number.

    **Repeat**: (must be named, not implicit)


                SymbolName      {Min,Max}   SubSymbol

        Defines a repetition of a sub-symbol. The number of repetitions is at most ``Max``, and at minimum ``Min``.



                SymbolName      'some text'
                SymbolName      "some text"

        A text symbol is a string generated verbatim in the output. A few escape codes are recognized:
            * ``\\t``  horizontal tab (ASCII 0x09)
            * ``\\n``   line feed (ASCII 0x0A)
            * ``\\v``  vertical tab (ASCII 0x0B)
            * ``\\r``  carriage return (ASCII 0x0D)
        Any other character preceded by backslash will appear in the output without the backslash (including backslash,
        single quote, and double quote).

    **Regular expression**:


                SymbolName      /[a-zA][0-9]*.+[^0-9]{2}.[^abc]{1,3}/

        A regular expression (regex) symbol is a minimal regular expression implementation used for generating text
        patterns (rather than the traditional use for matching text patterns). A regex symbol consists of one or more
        parts in succession, and each part consists of a character set definition optionally followed by a repetition
        specification. The character set definition can be a period ``.`` to denote any character, a set of characters in
        brackets eg. ``[0-9a-f]``, or an inverted set of characters ``[^a-z]`` (any character except a-z). As shown, ranges can
        be used by using a dash. The dash character can be matched in a set by putting it last in the brackets. The
        optional repetition specification can be a range of integers in curly braces, eg. ``{1,10}`` will generate between
        1 and 10 repetitions (at random), a single integer in curly braces, eg. ``{10}`` will generate exactly 10
        repetitions, an asterisk character (``*``) which is equivalent to ``{0,5}``, or a plus character (``+``) which is
        equivalent to ``{1,5}``.

    **Random floating point decimal**:


                SymbolName      rndflt(a,b)

        A random floating-point decimal number between ``a`` and ``b`` inclusive.

    **Random integer**:


                SymbolName      rndint(a,b)

        A random integer between ``a`` and ``b`` inclusive.



                SymbolRef       @SymbolName

        Symbol references allow a generated symbol to be used elsewhere in the grammar. Referencing a symbol by
        ``@Symbol`` will output a generated value of ``Symbol`` from elsewhere in the output.

    **Filter function**:


                SymbolName      function(SymbolArg1[,...])

        This denotes an externally defined filter function. Note that the function name can be any valid Python
        identifier. The function can take an arbitrary number of arguments, but must return a single string which is
        the generated value for this symbol instance. Functions are passed as keyword arguments into the Grammar object

    _RE_LINE = re.compile(r"""
                           ^(?P<broken>.*)\\$ |
                           ^\s*(?P<comment>\#).*$ |
                           ^(?P<nothing>\s*)$ |
                           ^(?P<name>\w+)(?P<type>\s*((?P<weight>[\d.]+)|\||\{\s*(?P<a>\d+)\s*(,\s*(?P<b>\d+)\s*)?\})\s*|\s+)(?P<def>.+)$ |
                           """, re.VERBOSE)

    def __init__(self, grammar="", **kwargs):
        sym = None
        self._start = None
        self.symtab = {}
        self.n_implicit = -1
        self.tracked = set()
        self.funcs = kwargs
        if "rndint" not in self.funcs:
            self.funcs["rndint"] = lambda a, b: str(random.randint(int(a), int(b)))
        if "rndflt" not in self.funcs:
            self.funcs["rndflt"] = lambda a, b: str(random.uniform(float(a), float(b)))
        if not isinstance(grammar, io.IOBase):
            grammar = io.StringIO(grammar)
        ljoin = ""
        for line_no, line in enumerate(grammar, 1):
            log.debug("parsing line # %d: %s", line_no, line.rstrip())
            m = Grammar._RE_LINE.match(ljoin + line)
            if m is None:
                raise Exception("Parse error on line %d" % line_no)
            if m.group("broken") is not None:
                ljoin = m.group("broken")
            ljoin = ""
            if m.group("comment") or m.group("nothing") is not None:
            if m.group("name"):
                sym_name, sym_type, sym_def = m.group("name", "type", "def")
                sym_type = sym_type.lstrip()
                if sym_type.startswith("|") or m.group("weight"):
                    # choice
                    weight = float(m.group("weight")) if m.group("weight") else 1
                    sym = ChoiceSymbol(sym_name, line_no, self)
                    sym.append(Symbol.parse(sym_def, line_no, self), weight, self)
                elif sym_type.startswith("{"):
                    # repeat
                    a, b = m.group("a", "b")
                    a = int(a)
                    b = int(b) if b else a
                    sym = RepeatSymbol(sym_name, a, b, line_no, self)
                    sym.extend(Symbol.parse(sym_def, line_no, self))
                    # sym def
                    sym = ConcatSymbol.parse(sym_name, sym_def, line_no, self)
                self.symtab[sym_name] = sym
                # continuation of choice
                if sym is None or not isinstance(sym, ChoiceSymbol):
                    raise Exception("Unexpected continuation of choice symbol on line %d" % line_no)
                weight = float(m.group("contweight")) if m.group("contweight") else 1
                sym.append(Symbol.parse(m.group("cont"), line_no, self), weight, self)

        # sanity check
        funcs_used = {"rndflt", "rndint"}
        for name, sym in self.symtab.items():
            if isinstance(sym, AbstractSymbol):
                raise Exception("Symbol %s used on line %d but not defined" % (name, sym.line_no))
            elif isinstance(sym, FuncSymbol):
                if sym.fname not in self.funcs:
                    raise Exception("Function %s used on line %d but not defined" % (sym.fname, sym.line_no))
        if self.funcs.keys() != funcs_used:
            raise Exception("Unused keyword argument(s): %s" % list(self.funcs.keys() - funcs_used))

    def copy0(self):
        # used by GrammarCracker
        r = Grammar()
        r._start = self._start
        r.n_implicit = self.n_implicit
        r.tracked = self.tracked
        r.funcs = self.funcs
        r.symtab = {nm: sym.copy0() for nm, sym in self.symtab.items()}
        return r

    def implicit(self):
        self.n_implicit += 1
        return self.n_implicit

    def generate(self, start="root"):
        if not isinstance(start, _GenState):
            gstate = _GenState(self)
            gstate.symstack = [start]
            gstate.instances = {s: [] for s in self.tracked}
            gstate = start
        tracking = []
        while gstate.symstack:
            this = gstate.symstack.pop()
            if isinstance(this, tuple):
                assert this[0] == "untrack"
                tracked = tracking.pop()
                assert this[1] == tracked[0]
                instance = "".join(gstate.output[tracked[1]:])
            if this in self.tracked: # need to capture everything generated by this symbol and add to "instances"
                gstate.symstack.append(("untrack", this))
                tracking.append((this, len(gstate.output)))
            return "".join(gstate.output)
        except TypeError:
            return b"".join(gstate.output)

class Symbol(object):
    _RE_DEFN = re.compile(r"""
                           ^(?P<quote>["']) |
                           ^(?P<hexstr>x["']) |
                           ^(?P<regex>/) |
                           ^(?P<infunc>[,)]) |
                           ^(?P<comment>\#).* |
                           ^(?P<func>\w+)\( |
                           ^@(?P<ref>\w+) |
                           ^(?P<sym>\w+) |
                           ^(?P<ws>\s+)""", re.VERBOSE)

    def __init__(self, name, line_no, grmr=None):
        self.name = name
        self.line_no = line_no
        if grmr is not None:
            if name in grmr.symtab and not isinstance(grmr.symtab[name], (AbstractSymbol, RefSymbol)):
                raise Exception("Redefinition of symbol %s on line %d (previously declared on line %d)" % (name, line_no, grmr.symtab[name].line_no))
            grmr.symtab[name] = self

    def generate(self, gstate):
        raise Exception("Can't generate symbol %s of type %s" % (self.name, type(self)))

    def match(self, inp, ptr):
        return 0

    def _parse(defn, line_no, grmr, in_func):
        result = []
        while defn:
            m = Symbol._RE_DEFN.match(defn)
            if m is None:
                raise Exception("Failed to parse definition on line %d at: %s" % (line_no, defn))
            log.debug("parsed %s from %s", {k: v for k, v in m.groupdict().items() if v is not None}, defn)
            if m.group("ws") is not None:
                defn = defn[m.end(0):]
            if m.group("quote"):
                sym, defn = TextSymbol.parse(defn, line_no, grmr)
            elif m.group("hexstr"):
                sym, defn = BinSymbol.parse(defn, line_no, grmr)
            elif m.group("regex"):
                sym, defn = RegexSymbol.parse(defn, line_no, grmr)
            elif m.group("func"):
                defn = defn[m.end(0):]
                sym, defn = FuncSymbol.parse(m.group("func"), defn, line_no, grmr)
            elif m.group("ref"):
                sym = RefSymbol(m.group("ref"), line_no, grmr)
                defn = defn[m.end(0):]
            elif m.group("sym"):
                    sym = grmr.symtab[m.group("sym")]
                except KeyError:
                    sym = AbstractSymbol(m.group("sym"), line_no, grmr)
                defn = defn[m.end(0):]
            elif m.group("comment"):
                defn = ""
            elif m.group("infunc"):
                if not in_func:
                    raise Exception("Unexpected token in definition on line %d at: %s" % (line_no, defn))
        return result, defn

    def copy0(self):
        return self

    def parse_func_arg(defn, line_no, grmr):
        return Symbol._parse(defn, line_no, grmr, True)

    def parse(defn, line_no, grmr):
        res, remain = Symbol._parse(defn, line_no, grmr, False)
        assert not remain
        return res

class AbstractSymbol(Symbol):

    def __init__(self, name, line_no, grmr):
        Symbol.__init__(self, name, line_no, grmr)
        log.debug("\tabstract %s", name)

class BinSymbol(Symbol):
    _RE_QUOTE = re.compile(r'''(?P<end>["'])''')

    def __init__(self, value, line_no, grmr):
        name = "[bin %s]" % grmr.implicit()
        Symbol.__init__(self, name, line_no, grmr)
        self.value = bytes.fromhex(value)
        log.debug("\tbin %s: %s", name, value)

    def generate(self, gstate):

    def match(self, inp, ptr):
        # returns the length of matching input (0 for no match)
        if inp.startswith(self.value, ptr):
            return len(self.value)
        return 0

    def parse(defn, line_no, grmr):
        x, qchar, defn = defn[0], defn[1], defn[2:]
        assert x == "x"
        assert qchar in "'\""
        enquo = defn.find(qchar)
        if enquo == -1:
            raise Exception("Unterminated bin literal!")
        value, defn = defn[:enquo], defn[enquo+1:]
        sym = BinSymbol(value, line_no, grmr)
        return sym, defn

class TextSymbol(Symbol):
    _RE_QUOTE = re.compile(r'''(?P<end>["'])|\\(?P<esc>.)''')

    def __init__(self, value, line_no, grmr):
        name = "[text %s]" % grmr.implicit()
        Symbol.__init__(self, name, line_no, grmr)
        self.value = value
        log.debug("\ttext %s: %s", name, value)

    def generate(self, gstate):

    def match(self, inp, ptr):
        # returns the length of matching input (0 for no match)
        if inp.startswith(self.value, ptr):
            return len(self.value)
        return 0

    def parse(defn, line_no, grmr):
        qchar, defn = defn[0], defn[1:]
        assert qchar in "'\""
        out, last = [], 0
        for m in TextSymbol._RE_QUOTE.finditer(defn):
            last = m.end(0)
            if m.group("end") == qchar:
            elif m.group("end"):
                    out.append({"n": "\n",
                                "r": "\r",
                                "t": "\t",
                                "v": "\v"}[m.group("esc")])
                except KeyError:
            raise Exception("Unterminated string literal!")
        defn = defn[last:]
        sym = TextSymbol("".join(out), line_no, grmr)
        return sym, defn

class ConcatSymbol(Symbol, list):

    def __init__(self, name, line_no, grmr):
        Symbol.__init__(self, name, line_no, grmr)
        log.debug("\tconcat %s", name)

    def generate(self, gstate):

    def parse(name, defn, line_no, grmr):
        result = ConcatSymbol(name, line_no, grmr)
        result.extend(Symbol.parse(defn, line_no, grmr))
        return result

class ChoiceSymbol(Symbol, WeightedChoice):

    def __init__(self, name, line_no, grmr):
        Symbol.__init__(self, name, line_no, grmr)
        log.debug("\tchoice %s", name)
        self.cracker = None

    def copy0(self):
        r = ChoiceSymbol(self.name, self.line_no, None)
        r.values = self.values
        r.weights = [0] * len(self.values)
        return r

    def append(self, value, weight, grmr):
        if len(value) == 1 and isinstance(grmr.symtab[value[0]], WeightedChoice):
            weight = grmr.symtab[value[0]].total
        WeightedChoice.append(self, value, weight)

    def generate(self, gstate):

class FuncSymbol(Symbol):
    _RE_CRACK_RNDFLT = re.compile(r"[0-9e.+-]+")
    _RE_CRACK_RNDINT = re.compile(r"[0-9+-]+")

    def __init__(self, name, line_no, grmr):
        sname = "[%s %s]" % (name, grmr.implicit())
        Symbol.__init__(self, sname, line_no, grmr)
        self.fname = name
        self.args = []

    def generate(self, gstate):
        args = []
        for arg in self.args:
            astate = _GenState(gstate.grmr)
            astate.symstack = [arg]
            astate.instances = gstate.instances

    def match_rndflt(self, inp, ptr):
        m = FuncSymbol._RE_CRACK_RNDFLT.match(inp[ptr:])
        if m is not None:
            return len(m.group(0))
        return 0

    def match_rndint(self, inp, ptr):
        m = FuncSymbol._RE_CRACK_RNDINT.match(inp[ptr:])
        if m is not None:
            return len(m.group(0))
        return 0

    def parse(name, defn, line_no, grmr):
        result = FuncSymbol(name, line_no, grmr)
        done = False
        while not done:
            arg, defn = Symbol.parse_func_arg(defn, line_no, grmr)
            assert defn[0] in ",)"
            done = defn[0] == ")"
            defn = defn[1:]
            if arg or not done:
                sym = ConcatSymbol("%s.%s]" % (result.name[:-1], len(result.args)), line_no, grmr)
        return result, defn

class RefSymbol(Symbol):

    def __init__(self, ref, line_no, grmr):
        Symbol.__init__(self, "@%s" % ref, line_no, grmr)
        if ref not in grmr.symtab:
            grmr.symtab[ref] = AbstractSymbol(ref, line_no, grmr)
        self.ref = ref
        log.debug("\tref %s", ref)

    def generate(self, gstate):
        if gstate.instances[self.ref]:
            pass # TODO, no instances yet, what now? generate one?
            # dharma generates content first, then reference definitions after (which must be created before the content)
            # this makes the testcases much cleaner ...  but how to work with the cracker?
            # IDEA:
            # we know which variables are tracked .. (ie references are possible, added to Grammar.tracked)
            # so whenever a tracked variable could occur, don't generate it, but keep track of where it could be
            # - if it's in a choice, set the weight to 0
            # - if it's somewhere else ?? error?
            # if a reference to the tracked variable is used, go back and generate the tracked variable in one of the preceding places
            # it could have occurred.
            # simpler:
            # don't mess with the weights, but do keep track of the first place one could have occurred but didn't
            # if a reference is needed before one is actually generated, go back and generate it where it could have occurred.
            # - might be complicated (might violate repeat conditions, might need a reference before we find a place to generate the declaration)
            # alternate: go dharma style and don't allow reference variables to be declared except when called for, then defined in a specific place
            # - how does this work with parsing?

class RepeatSymbol(Symbol, list):

    def __init__(self, name, a, b, line_no, grmr):
        Symbol.__init__(self, name, line_no, grmr)
        self.a, self.b = a, b
        log.debug("\trepeat %s", name)

    def copy0(self):
        r = RepeatSymbol(self.name, 0, 0, self.line_no, None)
        return r

    def generate(self, gstate):
        n = random.randint(self.a, random.randint(self.a, self.b)) # roughly betavariate(0.75, 2.25)
        gstate.symstack.extend(n * list(reversed(self)))

class _RegexClassSymbol(Symbol):

    def __init__(self, alpha=None, inv=False):
        self.alpha, self.inv = alpha, inv

    def match(self, inp, ptr):
        if ptr >= len(inp):
        elif self.alpha is None or (not self.inv and inp[ptr] in self.alpha):
            return 1
        elif self.inv and inp[ptr] not in self.alpha:
            return 1
        return 0

class RegexSymbol(Symbol):
                      "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" \
                      "0123456789" \
                      ",./<>?;':\"[]\\{}|=_+`~!@#$%^&*() -"
    _RE_REPEAT = re.compile(r"^\{\s*(?P<a>\d+)\s*(,\s*(?P<b>\d+)\s*)?\}")

    def __init__(self, line_no, grmr):
        name = "[regex %s]" % grmr.implicit()
        Symbol.__init__(self, name, line_no, grmr)
        self.parts = []
        self.n_implicit = 0
        log.debug("\tregex %s", name)

    def new_choice(self, grmr):
        name = "%s.%s]" % (self.name[:-1], self.n_implicit)
        self.n_implicit += 1
        return ChoiceSymbol(name, self.line_no, grmr)

    def add_repeat(self, sym, a, b, grmr):
        name = "%s.%s]" % (self.name[:-1], self.n_implicit)
        self.n_implicit += 1
        rep = RepeatSymbol(name, a, b, self.line_no, grmr)

    def generate(self, gstate):

    def parse(defn, line_no, grmr):
        result = RegexSymbol(line_no, grmr)
        c = 1
        sym = None
        assert defn[0] == "/"
        while c < len(defn):
            if defn[c] == "/":
                if sym is not None:
                return result, defn[c+1:]
            elif defn[c] == "[":
                # range
                if sym is not None:
                sym = result.new_choice(grmr)
                inverse = defn[c+1] == "^"
                c += 2 if inverse else 1
                alpha = []
                while c < len(defn):
                    if defn[c] == "\\":
                        c += 2
                    elif defn[c] == "]":
                        c += 1
                        c += 1
                    if len(alpha) >= 3 and alpha[-2] == "-":
                        # expand range
                        start, end, alpha = alpha[-3], alpha[-1], alpha[:-3]
                        alpha.extend(chr(l) for l in range(ord(start), ord(end)+1))
                        if alpha[-1] == "-": # move this so we don't end up expanding a false range (not a bullet-proof solution)
                            alpha = alpha[-1] + alpha[:-1]
                alpha = set(alpha)
                sym.cracker = _RegexClassSymbol(alpha, inverse)
                if inverse:
                    alpha = set(RegexSymbol._REGEX_ALPHABET) - alpha
                for s in alpha:
                    sym.append([TextSymbol(s, line_no, grmr).name], 1, grmr)
            elif defn[c] == ".":
                # any one thing
                if sym is not None:
                c += 1
                    sym = grmr.symtab["[regex alpha]"]
                except KeyError:
                    sym = ChoiceSymbol("[regex alpha]", 0, grmr)
                    sym.cracker = _RegexClassSymbol()
                    for s in RegexSymbol._REGEX_ALPHABET:
                        sym.append([TextSymbol(s, 0, grmr).name], 1, grmr)
            elif defn[c] == "\\":
                # escape
                if sym is not None:
                sym = TextSymbol(defn[c+1], line_no, grmr)
                c += 2
            elif defn[c] == "+":
                assert sym is not None # TODO, raise something meaningful
                c += 1
                result.add_repeat(sym, 1, 5, grmr)
                sym = None
            elif defn[c] == "*":
                assert sym is not None # TODO, raise something meaningful
                result.add_repeat(sym, 0, 5, grmr)
                c += 1
                sym = None
            elif defn[c] == "{":
                assert sym is not None # TODO, raise something meaningful
                m = RegexSymbol._RE_REPEAT.match(defn[c:])
                assert m is not None # TODO, raise something meaningful
                a = int(m.group("a"))
                b = int(m.group("b")) if m.group("b") else a
                result.add_repeat(sym, a, b, grmr)
                c += m.end(0)
                sym = None
                # bare char
                if sym is not None:
                sym = TextSymbol(defn[c], line_no, grmr)
                c += 1
        raise Exception("Unterminated regular expression")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import argparse
    import os.path
    import sys

    argp = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate a testcase from a grammar")
    argp.add_argument("input", type=argparse.FileType('r'), help="Input grammar definition")
    argp.add_argument("output", type=argparse.FileType('w'), nargs="?", default=sys.stdout, help="Output testcase")
    argp.add_argument("-f", "--function", action="append", nargs=2, help="Function used in the grammar (eg. -f filter lambda x:x.replace('x','y')", default=[])
    args = argp.parse_args()
    args.function = {func: eval(defn) for (func, defn) in args.function}
    args.output.write(Grammar(args.input.read(), **args.function).generate())