"""Check package URLs for updates

Subclasses of `Hoster` define how to handle each hoster. Hosters are
selected by regex matching each source URL in a recipe. The
`HTMLHoster` provides parsing for hosting sites listing new
releases in HTML format (probably covers most). Adding a hoster is
as simple as defining a regex to match the existing source URL, a
formatting string creating the URL of the relases page and a regex
to match links and extract their version.

- We need to use :conda:package:`regex` rather than `re` to allow
  recursive matching to manipulate capture groups in URL patterns as
  needed. (Technically, we could avoid this using a Snakemake wildcard
  type syntax to define the patterns - implementers welcome).


import abc
import inspect
import json
import logging
import os

from contextlib import redirect_stdout, redirect_stderr
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from html.parser import HTMLParser
from itertools import chain
from typing import (Any, Dict, List, Match, Mapping, Pattern, Set, Tuple, Type,
                    Optional, TYPE_CHECKING)
from urllib.parse import urljoin

import regex as re

from .aiopipe import AsyncRequests

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

#: Matches named capture groups
#: This is so complicated because we need to parse matched, not-escaped
#: parentheses to determine where the clause ends.
#: Requires regex package for recursion.
RE_CAPGROUP = re.compile(r"\(\?P<(\w+)>(?>[^()]+|\\\(|\\\)|(\((?>[^()]+|\\\(|\\\)|(?2))*\)))*\)")
RE_REFGROUP = re.compile(r"\(\?P=(\w+)\)")

def dedup_named_capture_group(pattern):
    """Replaces repetitions of capture groups with matches to first instance"""
    seen: Set[str] = set()

    def replace(match):
        "inner replace"
        name: str = match.group(1)
        if name in seen:
            return f"(?P={name})"
        return match.group(0)
    return re.sub(RE_CAPGROUP, replace, pattern)

def replace_named_capture_group(pattern, vals: Dict[str, str]):
    """Replaces capture groups with values from **vals**"""
    def replace(match):
        "inner replace"
        name = match.group(1)
        if name in vals:
            return vals[name] or ""
        return match.group(0)
    res = re.sub(RE_CAPGROUP, replace, pattern)
    res = re.sub(RE_REFGROUP, replace, res)
    return res

class HosterMeta(abc.ABCMeta):
    """Meta-Class for Hosters

    By making Hosters classes of a metaclass, rather than instances of a class,
    we leave the option to add functions to a Hoster.

    hoster_types: List["HosterMeta"] = []

    def __new__(cls, name: str, bases: Tuple[type, ...],
                namespace: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs) -> type:
        """Creates Hoster classes

        - expands references among ``{var}_pattern`` attributes
        - compiles ``{var}_pattern`` attributes to ``{var}_re``
        - registers complete classes
        typ = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs)

        if inspect.isabstract(typ):
            return typ
        if not typ.__name__.startswith("Custom"):

        patterns = {attr.replace("_pattern", ""): getattr(typ, attr)
                    for attr in dir(typ) if attr.endswith("_pattern")}

        for pat in patterns:
            # expand pattern references:
            pattern = ""
            new_pattern = patterns[pat]
            while pattern != new_pattern:
                pattern = new_pattern
                new_pattern = re.sub(r"(\{\d+,?\d*\})", r"{\1}", pattern)
                new_pattern = new_pattern.format_map(
                    {k: v.rstrip("$") for k, v in patterns.items()})
            patterns[pat] = pattern
            # repair duplicate capture groups:
            pattern = dedup_named_capture_group(pattern)
            # save parsed and compiled pattern
            setattr(typ, pat + "_pattern_compiled", pattern)
            logger.debug("%s Pattern %s = %s", typ.__name__, pat, pattern)
            setattr(typ, pat + "_re", re.compile(pattern))

        return typ

    def select_hoster(cls, url: str, config: Dict[str, str]) -> Optional["Hoster"]:
        """Select `Hoster` able to handle **url**

        Returns: `Hoster` or `None`
        logger.debug("Matching url '%s'", url)
        for hoster_type in cls.hoster_types:
            hoster = hoster_type.try_make_hoster(url, config)
            if hoster:
                return hoster
        return None

class Hoster(metaclass=HosterMeta):
    """Hoster Baseclass"""

    #: matches upstream version
    #: - begins with a number
    #: - then only numbers, characters or one of -, +, ., :, ~
    #: - at most 31 characters length (to avoid matching checksums)
    #: - accept v or r as prefix if after slash, dot, underscore or dash
    version_pattern: str = r"(?:(?<=[/._-])[rv])?(?P<version>\d[\da-zA-Z\-+\.:\~_]{0,30})"

    #: matches archive file extensions
    ext_pattern: str = r"(?P<ext>(?i)\.(?:(?:(tar\.|t)(?:xz|bz2|gz))|zip|jar))"

    #: named patterns that will change with a version upgrade
    exclude = ['version']

    def url_pattern(self) -> str:
        "matches upstream package url"

    #: will be generated as each class is created
    url_re: Pattern[str] = None

    def link_pattern(self) -> str:
        "matches links on relase page"

    def releases_formats(self) -> List[str]:
        "format template for release page URL"

    def __init__(self, url: str, match: Match[str]) -> None:
        self.vals = {k: v or "" for k, v in match.groupdict().items()}
        self.releases_urls = [
            for template in self.releases_formats
        logger.debug("%s matched %s with %s",
                     self.__class__.__name__, url, self.vals)

    def try_make_hoster(cls: Type["Hoster"], url: str,
                        config: Dict[str, str]) -> Optional["Hoster"]:
        """Creates hoster if **url** is matched by its **url_pattern**"""
        if config:
                klass: Type["Hoster"] = type(
                    "Customized" + cls.__name__,
                    {key+"_pattern":val for key, val in config.items()}
            except KeyError:
                logger.debug("Overrides invalid for %s - skipping", cls.__name__)
                return None
            klass = cls
        match = klass.url_re.search(url)
        if match:
            return klass(url, match)
        return None

    def get_versions(cls, req: "AsyncRequests", orig_version: str) -> List[Mapping[str, Any]]:
        "Gets list of versions from upstream hosting site"

class HrefParser(HTMLParser):
    """Extract link targets from HTML"""
    def __init__(self, link_re: Pattern[str]) -> None:
        self.link_re = link_re
        self.matches: List[Mapping[str, Any]] = []

    def get_matches(self) -> List[Mapping[str, Any]]:
        """Return matches found for **link_re** in href links"""
        return self.matches

    def handle_starttag(self, tag: str, attrs: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> None:
        if tag == "a":
            for key, val in attrs:
                if key == "href":

    def handle_a_href(self, href: str) -> None:
        """Process href attributes of anchor tags"""
        match = self.link_re.search(href)
        if match:
            data = match.groupdict()
            data["href"] = href

    def error(self, message: str) -> None:
        logger.debug("Error parsing HTML: %s", message)

# pylint: disable=abstract-method
class HTMLHoster(Hoster):
    """Base for Hosters handling release listings in HTML format"""

    async def get_versions(self, req, orig_version):
        exclude = set(self.exclude)
        vals = {key: val
                for key, val in self.vals.items()
                if key not in exclude}
        link_pattern = replace_named_capture_group(self.link_pattern_compiled, vals)
        link_re = re.compile(link_pattern)
        result = []
        for url in self.releases_urls:
            parser = HrefParser(link_re)
            parser.feed(await req.get_text_from_url(url))
            for match in parser.get_matches():
                match["link"] = urljoin(url, match["href"])
                match["releases_url"] = url

                match["vals"] = vals
        return result

class FTPHoster(Hoster):
    """Scans for updates on FTP servers"""
    async def get_versions(self, req, orig_version):
        exclude = set(self.exclude)
        vals = {key: val
                for key, val in self.vals.items()
                if key not in exclude}
        link_pattern = replace_named_capture_group(self.link_pattern_compiled, vals)
        link_re = re.compile(link_pattern)
        result = []
        for url in self.releases_urls:
            files = await req.get_ftp_listing(url)
            for fname in files:
                match = link_re.search(fname)
                if match:
                    data = match.groupdict()
                    data['fn'] = fname
                    data['link'] = "ftp://" + vals['host'] + fname
                    data['releases_url'] = url
        return result

    version_pattern = r"(?:(?<=[/._-])[rv])?(?P<version>\d[\da-zA-Z\-+\.:\~_]{0,30}?)"
    host_pattern = r"(?P<host>[-_.\w]+)"
    path_pattern = r"(?P<path>[-_/.\w]+/)"
    package_pattern = r"(?P<package>[-_\w]+)"
    suffix_pattern = r"(?P<suffix>([-_](lin|linux|Linux|x64|x86|src|64|OSX))*)"
    link_pattern = "{path}{package}{version}{suffix}{ext}"
    url_pattern = r"ftp://{host}/{link}"
    releases_formats = ["ftp://{host}/{path}"]

class OrderedHTMLHoster(HTMLHoster):
    """HTMLHoster for which we can expected newest releases at top

    The point isn't performance, but avoiding hassle with old versions
    which may follow different versioning schemes.
    E.g. 0.09 -> 0.10 -> 0.2 -> 0.2.1

    FIXME: If the current version is not in the list, that's likely
           a pathologic case. Should be handled somewhere.

    async def get_versions(self, req, orig_version):
        matches = await super().get_versions(req, orig_version)
        num = None
        for num, match in enumerate(matches):
            if match["version"] == self.vals["version"]:
        if num is None:
            return matches
        return matches[:num + 1]

class GithubBase(OrderedHTMLHoster):
    """Base class for software hosted on github.com"""
    exclude = ['version', 'fname']
    account_pattern = r"(?P<account>[-\w]+)"
    project_pattern = r"(?P<project>[-.\w]+)"
    prefix_pattern = r"(?P<prefix>[-_./\w]+?)"
    suffix_pattern = r"(?P<suffix>[-_](lin)?)"
    #tag_pattern = "{prefix}??{version}{suffix}??"
    tag_pattern = "{prefix}??{version}"
    url_pattern = r"github\.com{link}"
    fname_pattern = r"(?P<fname>[^/]+)"
    releases_formats = ["https://github.com/{account}/{project}/releases"]

class GithubRelease(GithubBase):
    """Matches release artifacts uploaded to Github"""
    link_pattern = r"/{account}/{project}/releases/download/{tag}/{fname}{ext}?"

class GithubTag(GithubBase):
    """Matches GitHub repository archives created automatically from tags"""
    link_pattern = r"/{account}/{project}/archive/{tag}{ext}"
    releases_formats = ["https://github.com/{account}/{project}/tags"]

class GithubReleaseAttachment(GithubBase):
    """Matches release artifacts uploaded as attachment to release notes"""
    link_pattern = r"/{account}/{project}/files/\d+/{tag}{ext}"

class GithubRepoStore(GithubBase):
    """Matches release artifacts stored in a github repo"""
    branch_pattern = r"(master|[\da-f]{40})"
    subdir_pattern = r"(?P<subdir>([-._\w]+/)+)"
    link_pattern = r"/{account}/{project}/blob/master/{subdir}{tag}{ext}"
    url_pattern = (r"(?:(?P<raw>raw\.githubusercontent)|github)\.com/"
    releases_formats = ["https://github.com/{account}/{project}/tree/master/{subdir}"]

class Bioconductor(HTMLHoster):
    """Matches R packages hosted at Bioconductor"""
    link_pattern = r"/src/contrib/(?P<package>[^/]+)_{version}{ext}"
    section_pattern = r"/(bioc|data/annotation|data/experiment)"
    url_pattern = r"bioconductor.org/packages/(?P<bioc>[\d\.]+){section}{link}"
    releases_formats = ["https://bioconductor.org/packages/{bioc}/bioc/html/{package}.html"]

class CargoPort(HTMLHoster):
    """Matches source backup urls created by cargo-port"""
    os_pattern = r"_(?P<os>src_all|linux_x86|darwin_x86)"
    link_pattern = r"(?P<package>[^/]+)_{version}{os}{ext}"
    url_pattern = r"depot.galaxyproject.org/software/(?P<package>[^/]+)/{link}"
    releases_formats = ["https://depot.galaxyproject.org/software/{package}"]

class SourceForge(HTMLHoster):
    """Matches packages hosted at SourceForge"""
    project_pattern = r"(?P<project>[-\w]+)"
    subproject_pattern = r"((?P<subproject>[-\w%]+)/)?"
    baseurl_pattern = r"sourceforge\.net/project(s)?/{project}/(?(1)files/|){subproject}"

    package_pattern = r"(?P<package>[-\w_\.+]*?[a-zA-Z+])"
    type_pattern = r"(?P<type>((linux|x?(64|86)|src|source|all|core|java\d?)[-_.])*)"
    type2_pattern = type_pattern.replace("type", "type2")
    sep_pattern = r"(?P<sep>[-_.]?)"  # separator between package name and version
    filename_pattern = "{package}{sep}({type2}{sep})?{version}({sep}{type})?{ext}"

    url_pattern = r"{baseurl}{filename}"
    link_pattern = r"{baseurl}{filename}"
    releases_formats = ["https://sourceforge.net/projects/{project}/files/"]

class JSONHoster(Hoster):
    """Base for Hosters handling release listings in JSON format"""
    async def get_versions(self, req, orig_version: str):
        result = []
        for url in self.releases_urls:
            text = await req.get_text_from_url(url)
            data = json.loads(text)
            matches = await self.get_versions_from_json(data, req, orig_version)
            for match in matches:
                match['releases_url'] = url
        return result
    link_pattern = "https://{url}"

    async def get_versions_from_json(self, data, req, orig_version) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
        """Extract matches from json data in **data**

class PyPi(JSONHoster):
    """Scans PyPi for updates"""
    async def get_versions_from_json(self, data, req, orig_version):
        latest = data["info"]["version"]
        result = []
        for vers in list(set([latest, orig_version])):
            if vers not in data['releases']:
            for rel in data['releases'][vers]:
                if rel["packagetype"] == "sdist":
                    rel["link"] = rel["url"]
                    rel["version"] = vers
                    rel["info"] = data['info']
        return result

    def _get_requirements(package, fname, url, digest, python_version, build_config):
        """Call into conda_build.skeletons.pypi to handle the ugly mess of extracting
        requirements from python packages.

        Note: It is not safe to call into conda multiple times parallel, and thus this
        function must not be called in parallel.
        from conda_build.skeletons.pypi import get_pkginfo, get_requirements

        with open("/dev/null", "w") as devnull:
            with redirect_stdout(devnull), redirect_stderr(devnull):
                    pkg_info = get_pkginfo(package, fname, url, digest, python_version,
                                           [], build_config, [])
                    requirements = get_requirements(package, pkg_info)
                except SystemExit as exc:
                    raise Exception(exc) from None
                except Exception as exc:
                    raise Exception(exc) from None

        if len(requirements) == 1 and isinstance(requirements[0], list):
            requirements = requirements[0]
        requirements_fixed = []
        for req in requirements:
            if '\n' in req:

        return pkg_info, requirements_fixed

    def _get_python_version(rel):
        """Try to determine correct python version"""
        choose_from = ('3.6', '3.5', '3.7', '2.7')

        requires_python = rel.get('requires_python')
        if requires_python:
            requires_python = requires_python.replace(" ", "")
            checks = []
            for check in requires_python.split(","):
                for key, func in (('==', lambda x, y: x == y),
                                  ('!=', lambda x, y: x != y),
                                  ('<=', lambda x, y: x <= y),
                                  ('>=', lambda x, y: x >= y),
                                  ('>', lambda x, y: x > y),
                                  ('<', lambda x, y: x > y),
                                  ('~=', lambda x, y: x == y)):
                    if check.startswith(key):
                        checks.append((func, check[len(key):]))
                    checks.append((lambda x, y: x == y, check))

            for vers in choose_from:
                    if all(op(LooseVersion(vers), LooseVersion(check))
                           for op, check in checks):
                        return vers
                except TypeError:
                    logger.exception("Failed to compare %s to %s", vers, requires_python)

        python_versions = [
            for classifier in rel['info'].get('classifiers', [])
            if classifier.startswith('Programming Language :: Python ::')
        for vers in choose_from:
            if vers in python_versions:
                return vers

        return '2.7'

    async def get_deps(self, pipeline, build_config, package, rel):
        """Get dependencies for **package** using version data **rel**

        This is messy even though we use conda_build.skeleton.pypi to
        extract the requirements from a setup.py. Since the setup.py
        actually gets executed, all manner of things can happen
        (e.g. for one Bioconda package, this triggers compilation
        of a binary module).
        req = pipeline.req
        # We download ourselves to get async benefits
        target_file = rel['filename']
        target_path = os.path.join(build_config.src_cache, target_file)
        if not os.path.exists(target_path):
            await req.get_file_from_url(target_path, rel['link'], target_file)

        python_version = self._get_python_version(rel)

        # Run code from conda_build.skeletons in ProcessPoolExecutor
        async with pipeline.conda_sem:
                pkg_info, depends = await pipeline.run_sp(
                    package, target_file, rel['link'],
                    ('sha256', rel['digests']['sha256']),
                    python_version, build_config)
            except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
                logger.info("Failed to get depends for PyPi %s (py=%s)",
                            target_file, python_version)
                logger.debug("Exception data", exc_info=True)

        logger.debug("PyPi info for %s: %s", target_file, pkg_info)

        # Convert into dict
        deps = {}
        for dep in depends:
            match = re.search(r'([^<>= ]+)(.*)', dep)
            if match:
                deps[match.group(1)] = match.group(2)
        # Write to rel dict for return
        rel['depends'] = {'host': deps, 'run': deps}

    releases_formats = ["https://pypi.org/pypi/{package}/json"]
    package_pattern = r"(?P<package>[\w\-\.]+)"
    source_pattern = r"{package}[-_]{version}{ext}"
    hoster_pattern = (r"(?P<hoster>"
    url_pattern = r"{hoster}/.*/{source}"

class Bioarchive(JSONHoster):
    """Scans for updates to packages hosted on bioarchive.galaxyproject.org"""
    async def get_versions_from_json(self, data, req, orig_version):
            latest = data["info"]["Version"]
            vals = {key: val
                    for key, val in self.vals.items()
                    if key not in self.exclude}
            vals['version'] = latest
            link = replace_named_capture_group(self.link_pattern, vals)
            return [{
                "link": link,
                "version": latest,
        except KeyError:
            return []

    releases_formats = ["https://bioarchive.galaxyproject.org/api/{package}.json"]
    package_pattern = r"(?P<package>[-\w.]+)"
    url_pattern = r"bioarchive.galaxyproject.org/{package}_{version}{ext}"

class CPAN(JSONHoster):
    """Scans for updates to Perl packages hosted on CPAN"""
    def parse_deps(data):
        """Parse CPAN format dependencies"""
        run_deps = {}
        host_deps = {}
        for dep in data:
            if dep['relationship'] != 'requires':
            if dep['module'] in ('strict', 'warnings'):
            name = dep['module'].lower().replace('::', '-')
            if 'version' in dep and dep['version'] not in ('0', None, 'undef'):
                version = ">="+str(dep['version'])
                version = ''
            if name != 'perl':
                name = 'perl-' + name
                version = ''

            if dep['phase'] == 'runtime':
                run_deps[name] = version
            elif dep['phase'] in ('build', 'configure', 'test'):
                host_deps[name] = version

        return {'host': host_deps, 'run': run_deps}

    async def get_versions_from_json(self, data, req, orig_version):
            version = {
                'link': data['download_url'],
                'version': str(data['version']),
                'depends': self.parse_deps(data['dependency'])
            result = [version]

            if version['version'] != orig_version:
                url = self.orig_release_format.format(vers=orig_version,
                text = await req.get_text_from_url(url)
                data2 = json.loads(text)
                if data2['hits']['total']:
                    data = data2['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']
                orig_vers = {
                    'link': data['download_url'],
                    'version': str(data['version']),
                    'depends': self.parse_deps(data['dependency'])
            return result
        except KeyError:
            return []

    package_pattern = r"(?P<package>[-\w.+]+)"
    author_pattern = r"(?P<author>[A-Z]+)"
    url_pattern = (r"(www.cpan.org|cpan.metacpan.org|search.cpan.org/CPAN)"
    releases_formats = ["https://fastapi.metacpan.org/v1/release/{package}"]
    orig_release_format = ("https://fastapi.metacpan.org/v1/release/_search"

class CRAN(JSONHoster):
    """R packages hosted on r-project.org (CRAN)"""
    async def get_versions_from_json(self, data, _, orig_version):
        res = []
        versions = list(set((str(data["latest"]), self.vals["version"], orig_version)))
        for vers in versions:
            if vers not in data['versions']:
            vdata = data['versions'][vers]
            depends = {
                "r-" + pkg.lower() if pkg != 'R' else 'r-base':
                spec.replace(" ", "").replace("\n", "").replace("*", "")
                for pkg, spec in chain(vdata.get('Depends', {}).items(),
                                       vdata.get('Imports', {}).items(),
                                       vdata.get('LinkingTo', {}).items())
            version = {
                'link': '',
                'version': vers,
                'depends': {'host': depends, 'run': depends},
        return res

    package_pattern = r"(?P<package>[\w.]+)"
    url_pattern = (r"r-project\.org/src/contrib"
    releases_formats = ["https://crandb.r-pkg.org/{package}/all"]

# pylint: disable=abstract-method
class BitBucketBase(OrderedHTMLHoster):  # abstract
    """Base class for hosting at bitbucket.org"""
    account_pattern = r"(?P<account>[-\w]+)"
    project_pattern = r"(?P<project>[-.\w]+)"
    prefix_pattern = r"(?P<prefix>[-_./\w]+?)??"
    url_pattern = r"bitbucket\.org{link}"

class BitBucketTag(BitBucketBase):
    """Tag based releases hosted at bitbucket.org"""
    link_pattern = "/{account}/{project}/get/{prefix}{version}{ext}"
    releases_formats = ["https://bitbucket.org/{account}/{project}/downloads/?tab=tags",

class BitBucketDownload(BitBucketBase):
    """Uploaded releases hosted at bitbucket.org"""
    link_pattern = "/{account}/{project}/downloads/{prefix}{version}{ext}"
    releases_formats = ["https://bitbucket.org/{account}/{project}/downloads/?tab=downloads"]

class GitlabTag(OrderedHTMLHoster):
    """Tag based releases hosted at gitlab.com"""
    account_pattern = r"(?P<account>[-\w]+)"
    subgroup_pattern = r"(?P<subgroup>(?:/[-\w]+|))"
    project_pattern = r"(?P<project>[-.\w]+)"
    link_pattern = (r"/{account}{subgroup}/{project}/(repository|-/archive)/"
    url_pattern = r"gitlab\.com{link}"
    releases_formats = ["https://gitlab.com/{account}{subgroup}/{project}/tags"]

logger.info(f"Hosters loaded: %s", [h.__name__ for h in HosterMeta.hoster_types])