import functools
import types
import string
import sys
from collections import namedtuple

from hindley_milner import TypeVariable
from hindley_milner import TypeOperator
from hindley_milner import Var
from hindley_milner import App
from hindley_milner import Lam
from hindley_milner import unify
from hindley_milner import analyze
from hindley_milner import Function
from hindley_milner import Tuple
from hindley_milner import ListType

if sys.version[0] == '2':
    lowercase = string.lowercase
    lowercase = string.ascii_lowercase

# Typeclasses

if sys.version[0] == '2':
    __python_builtins__ = set((
        types.BooleanType, types.BufferType, types.BuiltinFunctionType,
        types.BuiltinMethodType, types.ClassType, types.CodeType,
        types.ComplexType, types.DictProxyType, types.DictType,
        types.DictionaryType, types.EllipsisType, types.FileType,
        types.FloatType, types.FrameType, types.FunctionType,
        types.GeneratorType, types.GetSetDescriptorType, types.InstanceType,
        types.IntType, types.LambdaType, types.ListType, types.LongType,
        types.MemberDescriptorType, types.MethodType, types.ModuleType,
        types.NoneType, types.NotImplementedType, types.ObjectType,
        types.SliceType, types.StringType, types.StringTypes,
        types.TracebackType, types.TupleType, types.TypeType,
        types.UnboundMethodType, types.UnicodeType, types.XRangeType, set,

    __python_function_types__ = set((
        types.FunctionType, types.LambdaType, types.MethodType,
        types.UnboundMethodType, types.BuiltinFunctionType,

    __python_builtins__ = set((
        bool, dict, type(Ellipsis), float, int, type(None), str, tuple,
        type, types.BuiltinFunctionType, types.BuiltinMethodType,
        types.CodeType, types.DynamicClassAttribute, types.FrameType,
        types.FunctionType, types.GeneratorType, types.GetSetDescriptorType,
        types.LambdaType, types.MappingProxyType, types.MemberDescriptorType,
        types.MethodType, types.ModuleType, types.TracebackType))

    __python_function_types__ = set((
        types.FunctionType, types.LambdaType, types.MethodType,
        types.BuiltinFunctionType, types.BuiltinMethodType))

def is_builtin(cls):
    Test whether a class or type is a Python builtin.

        cls: The class or type to examine

        True if a type is a Python builtin type, and False otherwise.
    return cls in __python_builtins__

def nt_to_tuple(nt):
    Convert an instance of namedtuple (or an instance of a subclass of
    namedtuple) to a tuple, even if the instance's __iter__
    method has been changed. Useful for writing derived instances of

        nt: an instance of namedtuple

        A tuple containing each of the items in nt
    return tuple((getattr(nt, f) for f in nt.__class__._fields))

class TypeMeta(type):
    Metaclass for Typeclass type. Ensures that all typeclasses are instantiated
    with a dictionary to map instances to their member functions, and a list of
    def __init__(self, *args):
        super(TypeMeta, self).__init__(*args)
        self.__instances__ = {}
        self.__dependencies__ = self.mro()[1:-2] # excl self, Typeclass, object

    def __getitem__(self, item):
            if isinstance(item, ADT):
                return self.__instances__[id(item.__type_constructor__)]
            elif isinstance(typeof(item), ListType):
                return self.__instances__[id(type(item))]
            elif isinstance(item, Hask):
                return self.__instances__[id(typeof(item))]
            return self.__instances__[id(type(item))]
        except KeyError:
            raise TypeError("No instance for {0}".format(item))

class Typeclass(object):
    Base class for Hask typeclasses.

    All subclasses should implement make_instance, which controls what happens
    when a new instance is added. This method should set up whatever
    attributes/functions belong to the typeclass, and then call build_instance.
    See for examples.
    __metaclass__ = TypeMeta

    def make_instance(typeclass, type_, *args):
        raise NotImplementedError("Typeclasses must implement make_instance")

    def derive_instance(typeclass, type_):
        raise NotImplementedError("Typeclasses must implement derive_instance")

def build_instance(typeclass, cls, attrs):
    Add a new instance to a typeclass, i.e. modify the typeclass's instance
    dictionary to include the new instance.

        typeclass: The typeclass for which we are adding an instance
        cls: The class or type to be added
        attrs: A dict of {str:function}, mapping function names to functions
               for the typeclass instance

    Returns: None

        TypeError, if cls is not a member of all superclasses of typeclass
    # 1) check dependencies
    for dep in typeclass.__dependencies__:
        if id(cls) not in dep.__instances__:
            raise TypeError("Missing dependency: %s" % dep.__name__)

    # 2) add type and its instance method to typeclass's instance dictionary
    __methods__ = namedtuple("__%s__" % str(id(cls)), attrs.keys())(**attrs)
    typeclass.__instances__[id(cls)] = __methods__

def has_instance(cls, typeclass):
    Test whether a class is a member of a particular typeclass.

        cls: The class or type to test for membership
        typeclass: The typeclass to check. Must be a subclass of Typeclass.

        True if cls is a member of typeclass, and False otherwise.
    if not issubclass(typeclass, Typeclass):
        return False
    return id(cls) in typeclass.__instances__

# Static typing and type signatures

class Hask(object):
    Base class for objects within hask.

    ADTs, TypedFunc, List, Undefined, and other hask-related types are all
    subclasses of Hask.

    All subclasses must define __type__, which returns a representation of the
    object in the internal type system language.
    def __type__(self):
        raise TypeError()

class Undefined(Hask):
    A class with no concrete type definition (so its type can unify with any
    other type). Used to create `undefined` and to enable psuedo-laziness in
    pattern matching.
    def __type__(self):
        return TypeVariable()

class PyFunc(object):
    Singleton object that represents (any of the) Python function types in the
    type system and in type signatures.

def typeof(obj):
    Returns the type of an object within the internal type system.

        obj: the object to inspect

        An object representing the type in the internal type system language
        (i.e., a TypeOperator or TypeVariable)
    TypeVariable.next_var_name = 'a'

    if isinstance(obj, Hask):
        return obj.__type__()

    elif isinstance(obj, tuple):
        return Tuple(map(typeof, obj))

    elif obj is None:
        return TypeOperator(None, [])

    elif type(obj) in __python_function_types__:
        return TypeOperator(PyFunc, [])

    return TypeOperator(type(obj), [])

class TypeSignature(object):
    Internal representation of a type signature, consisting of a list of
    function type arguments and a list of (typeclass, type_variable) typeclass
    constraint pairs.
    def __init__(self, args, constraints):
        self.args = args
        self.constraints = constraints

class TypeSignatureHKT(object):
    Internal representation of a higher-kinded type within a type signature,
    consisting of the type constructor and its type parameter names.
    def __init__(self, tcon, params):
        self.tcon = tcon
        self.params = params

class TypeSignatureError(Exception):

def build_sig_arg(arg, cons, var_dict):
    Covert a single argument of a type signature into its internal type system

        arg: The argument (a string, a Python type, etc) to convert
        cons: a dictionary of typeclass constraints for the type signature
        var_dict: a dictionary of bound type variables

    Returns: A TypeVariable or TypeOperator representing the arg

    Raises: TypeSignatureError, if the argument cannot be converted
    # string representing type variable
    if isinstance(arg, str) and all((l in lowercase for l in arg)):
        if arg not in var_dict:
            if arg in cons:
                var_dict[arg] = TypeVariable(constraints=cons[arg])
                var_dict[arg] = TypeVariable()
        return var_dict[arg]

    # subsignature, e.g. H/ (H/ int >> int) >> int >> int
    elif isinstance(arg, TypeSignature):
        return make_fn_type(build_sig(arg, var_dict))

    # HKT, e.g. t(Maybe "a") or t("m", "a", "b")
    elif isinstance(arg, TypeSignatureHKT):
        if type(arg.tcon) == str:
            hkt = build_sig_arg(arg.tcon, cons, var_dict)
            hkt = arg.tcon
        return TypeOperator(hkt, [build_sig_arg(a, cons, var_dict)
                                  for a in arg.params])

    # None (the unit type)
    elif arg is None:
        return TypeOperator(None, [])

    # Tuples: ("a", "b"), (int, ("a", float)), etc.
    elif isinstance(arg, tuple):
        return Tuple(map(lambda x: build_sig_arg(x, cons, var_dict), arg))

    # Lists: ["a"], [int], etc.
    elif isinstance(arg, list) and len(arg) == 1:
        return ListType(build_sig_arg(arg[0], cons, var_dict))

    # any other type, builtin or user-defined
    elif isinstance(arg, type):
        return TypeOperator(arg, [])

    raise TypeSignatureError("Invalid item in type signature: %s" % arg)

def make_fn_type(params):
    Turn a list of type parameters into the corresponding internal type system
    object that represents the type of a function over the parameters.

        params: a list of type paramaters, e.g. from a type signature. These
                should be instances of TypeOperator or TypeVariable

        An instance of TypeOperator representing the function type
    if len(params) == 2:
        last_input, return_type = params
        return Function(last_input, return_type)
    return Function(params[0], make_fn_type(params[1:]))

def build_sig(type_signature, var_dict=None):
    Parse a TypeSignature object and convert it to the internal type system

        type_signature: an instance of TypeSignature
        var_dict: a dictionary of already-bound type variables, or None

    Returns: A list of TypeVariable/TypeOperator objects, representing the
             function type corresponding to the type signature
    args = type_signature.args
    cons = type_signature.constraints
    var_dict = {} if var_dict is None else var_dict
    return [build_sig_arg(i, cons, var_dict) for i in args]

class TypedFunc(Hask):
    Partially applied, statically typed function wrapper.
    def __init__(self, fn, fn_args, fn_type):
        self.__doc__ = fn.__doc__
        self.func = fn
        self.fn_args = fn_args
        self.fn_type = fn_type

    def __type__(self):
        return self.fn_type

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # the environment contains the type of the function and the types
        # of the arguments
        env = {id(self):self.fn_type}
        env.update({id(arg):typeof(arg) for arg in args})
        ap = Var(id(self))

        for arg in args:
            if isinstance(arg, Undefined):
                return arg
            ap = App(ap, Var(id(arg)))
        result_type = analyze(ap, env)

        if len(self.fn_args) - 1 == len(args):
            result = self.func(*args)
            unify(result_type, typeof(result))
            return result
        return TypedFunc(functools.partial(self.func, *args, **kwargs),
                         self.fn_args[len(args):], result_type)

    def __mod__(self, arg):
        (%) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b

        % is the apply operator, equivalent to $ in Haskell
        return self.__call__(arg)

    def __mul__(self, fn):
        (*) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)

        * is the function compose operator, equivalent to . in Haskell
        if not isinstance(fn, TypedFunc):
            return fn.__rmul__(self)

        env = {id(self):self.fn_type, id(fn):fn.fn_type}
        compose = Lam("arg", App(Var(id(self)), App(Var(id(fn)), Var("arg"))))
        newtype = analyze(compose, env)

        composed_fn = lambda x: self.func(fn.func(x))
        newargs = [fn.fn_args[0]] + self.fn_args[1:]

        return TypedFunc(composed_fn, fn_args=newargs, fn_type=newtype)

# ADT creation

class ADT(Hask):
    """Base class for Hask algebraic data types."""

def make_type_const(name, typeargs):
    Build a new type constructor given a name and the type parameters.

        name: the name of the new type constructor to be created
        typeargs: the type parameters to the constructor

        A new class that acts as a type constructor
    def raise_fn(err):
        raise err()

    default_attrs = {"__params__":tuple(typeargs), "__constructors__":()}
    cls = type(name, (ADT,), default_attrs)

    cls.__type__ = lambda self: \
        TypeOperator(cls, [TypeVariable() for i in cls.__params__])

    # Unless typeclass instances are provided or derived, ADTs do not support
    # any of these attributes, and trying to use one is a TypeError
    cls.__iter__ = lambda self: raise_fn(TypeError)
    cls.__contains__ = lambda self, other: raise_fn(TypeError)
    cls.__add__ = lambda self, other: raise_fn(TypeError)
    cls.__radd__ = lambda self, other: raise_fn(TypeError)
    cls.__rmul__ = lambda self, other: raise_fn(TypeError)
    cls.__mul__ = lambda self, other: raise_fn(TypeError)
    cls.__lt__ = lambda self, other: raise_fn(TypeError)
    cls.__gt__ = lambda self, other: raise_fn(TypeError)
    cls.__le__ = lambda self, other: raise_fn(TypeError)
    cls.__ge__ = lambda self, other: raise_fn(TypeError)
    cls.__eq__ = lambda self, other: raise_fn(TypeError)
    cls.__ne__ = lambda self, other: raise_fn(TypeError)
    cls.count = lambda self, other: raise_fn(TypeError)
    cls.index = lambda self, other: raise_fn(TypeError)

    # Unless Show is instantiated/derived, use object's `repr` method
    cls.__repr__ = object.__repr__
    cls.__str__ = object.__str__

    return cls

def make_data_const(name, fields, type_constructor, slot_num):
    Build a data constructor given the name, the list of field types, and the
    corresponding type constructor.

    The general approach is to create a subclass of the type constructor and a
    new class created with `namedtuple`, with some of the features from
    `namedtuple` such as equality and comparison operators stripped out.

        name: the name of the data constructor (a string)
        fields: the list of fields that the data constructor will have (a list
                of strings and types)
        type_constructor: the type constructor for the data constructor's type
        slot_num: the position of the data constructor in the `data` statement
                  defining the new type (e.g., Nothing=0, Just=1)

        The new data constructor
    # create the data constructor
    base = namedtuple(name, ["i%s" % i for i, _ in enumerate(fields)])
    cls = type(name, (type_constructor, base), {})
    cls.__type_constructor__ = type_constructor
    cls.__ADT_slot__ = slot_num

    if len(fields) == 0:
        # If the data constructor takes no arguments, create an instance of it
        # and return that instance rather than returning the class
        cls = cls()
        # Otherwise, modify __type__ so that it matches up fields from the data
        # constructor with type params from the type constructor
        def __type__(self):
            args = [typeof(self[fields.index(p)]) \
                    if p in fields else TypeVariable()
                    for p in type_constructor.__params__]
            return TypeOperator(type_constructor, args)
        cls.__type__ = __type__

    type_constructor.__constructors__ += (cls,)
    return cls

def build_ADT(typename, typeargs, data_constructors, to_derive):
    Create a new algebraic data type (a type constructor and at least one data

        typename: a string representing the name of the type constructor
        typeargs: strings representing the type parameters of the type
                  constructor (should be unique, lowercase strings)
        data_constructors: a list of (name, [field]) pairs representing
                           each of the data constructors for the new type.
        to_derive: a list of typeclasses (subclasses of Typeclass) that should
                   be derived for the new type

        The type constructor, followed by each of the data constructors (in the
        order they were defined)

    Example usage:
                  data_constructors=[("Nothing", []), ("Just", ["a"])],
                  to_derive=[Read, Show, Eq, Ord])
    # 1) Create the new type constructor and data constructors
    newtype = make_type_const(typename, typeargs)
    dcons = [make_data_const(dc_name, dc_fields, newtype, i)
             for i, (dc_name, dc_fields) in enumerate(data_constructors)]

    # 2) Derive typeclass instances for the new type constructor
    for tclass in to_derive:

    # 3) Wrap data constructors in TypedFunc instances
    for i, (dc_name, dc_fields) in enumerate(data_constructors):
        if len(dc_fields) == 0:

        return_type = TypeSignatureHKT(newtype, typeargs)
        sig = TypeSignature(list(dc_fields) + [return_type], [])
        sig_args = build_sig(sig, {})
        dcons[i] = TypedFunc(dcons[i], sig_args, make_fn_type(sig_args))
    return tuple([newtype,] + dcons)

# Pattern matching

class PatternMatchBind(object):
    """Represents a local variable bound by pattern matching."""
    def __init__(self, name): = name

class PatternMatchListBind(object):
    Represents the head (first element) and tail (remaining elements) of a
    pattern-matched list
    def __init__(self, head, tail):
        self.head = head
        self.tail = tail

def pattern_match(value, pattern, env=None):
    Pattern match a value and a pattern.

        value: the value to pattern-match on
        pattern: a pattern, consisting of literals and/or locally bound
        env: a dictionary of local variables bound while matching

    Returns: (True, env) if the match is successful, and (False, env) otherwise

        SyntaxError, if a variable name is used multiple times in the same
    env = {} if env is None else env
    if isinstance(pattern, PatternMatchBind):
        if in env:
            raise SyntaxError("Conflicting definitions for %s" %
        env[] = value
        return True, env

    elif isinstance(pattern, PatternMatchListBind):
        head, tail = list(value[:len(pattern.head)]), value[len(pattern.head):]
        matches, env = pattern_match(head, pattern.head, env)
        if matches:
            return pattern_match(tail, pattern.tail, env)
        return False, env

    elif type(value) == type(pattern):
        if isinstance(value, ADT):
            return pattern_match(nt_to_tuple(value), nt_to_tuple(pattern), env)

        elif hasattr(value, "__iter__"):
            matches = []
            if len(value) != len(pattern):
                return False, env

            for v, p in zip(value, pattern):
                match_status, env = pattern_match(v, p, env)
            return all(matches), env

        elif value == pattern:
            return True, env

    return False, env