import pygsp
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from karateclub.estimator import Estimator

class GraphWave(Estimator):
    r"""An implementation of `"GraphWave" <>`_
    from the KDD '18 paper "Learning Structural Node Embeddings Via Diffusion Wavelets".
    The procedure first calculates the graph wavelets using a heat kernel. The wavelets
    are treated as probability distributions over nodes from a source node. Using these
    the characteristic function is evaluated at certain gird points to learn structural
    node embeddings of the vertices.

        sample_number (int): Number of evaluation points. Default is 200.
        step_size (float): Grid point step size. Default is 0.1.
        heat_coefficient (float): Heat kernel coefficient. Default is 1.0.
        approximation (int): Chebyshev polynomial order. Default is 100.
        mechanism (str): Wavelet calculation method 'exact' or 'approximate'. Default is 'approximate'.
        switch (int): Vertex cardinality when the wavelet calculation method switches to approximation. Default is 1000.
        seed (int): Random seed value. Default is 42.
    def __init__(self, sample_number=200, step_size=0.1, heat_coefficient=1.0,
                 approximation=100, mechanism="approximate", switch=1000, seed=42):

        self.sample_number = sample_number
        self.step_size = step_size
        self.heat_coefficient = heat_coefficient
        self.approximation = approximation
        self.mechanism = mechanism
        self.switch = switch
        self.seed = seed

    def _create_evaluation_points(self):
        Calculating the grid points.
        self._steps = [x*self.step_size for x in range(self.sample_number)]

    def _check_size(self, graph):
        Checking the size of the target graph. Switching based on size and settings.
        Arg types:
            * **graph** *(NetworkX graph)* - The graph being embedded.
        self._number_of_nodes = graph.number_of_nodes()
        if self._number_of_nodes > self.switch:
            self.mechanism = "approximate"

    def _single_wavelet_generator(self, node):
        Calculating the characteristic function for a given node, using the eigen decomposition.
        Arg types:
            * **node** *(int)* - The node being embedded.

        Return types:
            * **wavelet_coefficients** *(Numpy array)* - The wavelet representation of the node.
        impulse = np.zeros((self._number_of_nodes))
        impulse[node] = 1.0
        diags = np.diag(np.exp(-self.heat_coefficient*self._eigen_values))
        eigen_diag =, diags)
        waves =, np.transpose(self._eigen_vectors))
        wavelet_coefficients =, impulse)
        return wavelet_coefficients

    def _exact_wavelet_calculator(self):
        Calculates the structural role embedding using the exact eigenvalue decomposition.
        self._real_and_imaginary = []
        for node in range(self._number_of_nodes):
            wave = self._single_wavelet_generator(node)
            wavelet_coefficients = [np.mean(np.exp(wave*1.0*step*1j)) for step in self._steps]
        self._real_and_imaginary = np.array(self._real_and_imaginary)

    def _exact_structural_wavelet_embedding(self):
        Calculates the eigenvectors, eigenvalues and an exact embedding is created.
        self._eigen_values = self._G.e / max(self._G.e)
        self._eigen_vectors = self._G.U

    def _approximate_wavelet_calculator(self):
        Given the Chebyshev polynomial and graph the approximate embedding is calculated.
        self._real_and_imaginary = []
        for node in range(self._number_of_nodes):
            impulse = np.zeros((self._number_of_nodes))
            impulse[node] = 1
            wave_coeffs = pygsp.filters.approximations.cheby_op(self._G, self._chebyshev, impulse)
            real_imag = [np.mean(np.exp(wave_coeffs*1*step*1j)) for step in self._steps]
        self._real_and_imaginary = np.array(self._real_and_imaginary)

    def _approximate_structural_wavelet_embedding(self):
        Estimating the largest eigenvalue.
        Setting up the heat filter and the Cheybshev polynomial.
        Using the approximate wavelet calculator method.
        self._heat_filter = pygsp.filters.Heat(self._G, tau=[self.heat_coefficient])
        self._chebyshev = pygsp.filters.approximations.compute_cheby_coeff(self._heat_filter,

    def fit(self, graph):
        Fitting a GraphWave model.

        Arg types:
            * **graph** *(NetworkX graph)* - The graph to be embedded.
        self._G = pygsp.graphs.Graph(nx.adjacency_matrix(graph))

        if self.mechanism == "exact":
        elif self.mechanism == "approximate":
            raise NameError("Unknown method.")

    def get_embedding(self):
        r"""Getting the node embedding.

        Return types:
            * **embedding** *(Numpy array)* - The embedding of nodes.
        embedding = [self._real_and_imaginary.real, self._real_and_imaginary.imag]
        embedding = np.concatenate(embedding, axis=1)
        return embedding