Poloidal field coil

Used in machine to define coils. Can also be a base class for other coil types.


Copyright 2016-2019 Ben Dudson, University of York. Email: benjamin.dudson@york.ac.uk

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from .gradshafranov import Greens, GreensBr, GreensBz, mu0
import numpy as np
import numbers

class AreaCurrentLimit:
    Calculate the coil area based on a fixed current density limit
    def __init__(self, current_density = 3.5e9):
        current_density   - Maximum current density in A/m^2
        Limits in general depend on the magnetic field
        Typical values Nb3Sn ~ 3.5e9 A/m^2
        self._current_density = current_density
    def __call__(self, coil):
        Return the area in m^2, given a Coil object
        return abs(coil.current * coil.turns) / self._current_density

class Coil:
    Represents a poloidal field coil

    public members
    R, Z - Location of the coil
    current - current in the coil in Amps
    turns   - Number of turns
    control - enable or disable control system
    area    - Cross-section area in m^2

    The total toroidal current carried by the coil is current * turns

    # A dtype for converting to Numpy array and storing in HDF5 files
    dtype = np.dtype([
        (str("R"), np.float64),
        (str("Z"), np.float64),
        (str("current"), np.float64),
        (str("turns"), np.int),
        (str("control"), np.bool),

    def __init__(self, R, Z, current=0.0, turns=1, control=True, area=AreaCurrentLimit()):
        R, Z - Location of the coil
        current - current in each turn of the coil in Amps
        turns   - Number of turns. Total coil current is current * turns
        control - enable or disable control system
        area    - Cross-section area in m^2

        Area can be a fixed value (e.g. 0.025 for 5x5cm coil), or can be specified
        using a function which takes a coil as an input argument.
        To specify a current density limit, use:
        area = AreaCurrentLimit(current_density)
        where current_density is in A/m^2. The area of the coil will be recalculated
        as the coil current is changed.

        The most important effect of the area is on the coil self-force:
        The smaller the area the larger the hoop force for a given current.
        self.R = R
        self.Z = Z
        self.current = current
        self.turns = turns
        self.control = control
        self.area = area

    def psi(self, R, Z):
        Calculate poloidal flux at (R,Z)
        return self.controlPsi(R,Z) * self.current

    def createPsiGreens(self, R, Z):
        Calculate the Greens function at every point, and return
        array. This will be passed back to evaluate Psi in
        return self.controlPsi(R,Z)

    def calcPsiFromGreens(self, pgreen):
        Calculate plasma psi from Greens functions and current
        return self.current * pgreen

    def Br(self, R, Z):
        Calculate radial magnetic field Br at (R,Z)
        return self.controlBr(R,Z) * self.current

    def Bz(self, R, Z):
        Calculate vertical magnetic field Bz at (R,Z)
        return self.controlBz(R,Z) * self.current

    def controlPsi(self, R, Z):
        Calculate poloidal flux at (R,Z) due to a unit current
        return Greens(self.R, self.Z, R, Z) * self.turns
    def controlBr(self, R, Z):
        Calculate radial magnetic field Br at (R,Z) due to a unit current
        return GreensBr(self.R,self.Z, R, Z) * self.turns
    def controlBz(self, R, Z):
        Calculate vertical magnetic field Bz at (R,Z) due to a unit current
        return GreensBz(self.R,self.Z, R, Z) * self.turns

    def getForces(self, equilibrium):
        Calculate forces on the coils in Newtons
        Returns an array of two elements: [ Fr, Fz ]

        Force on coil due to its own current:
            Lorentz self‐forces on curved current loops
            Physics of Plasmas 1, 3425 (1998); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.870491
            David A. Garren and James Chen
        current = self.current # current per turn
        total_current = current * self.turns # Total toroidal current

        # Calculate field at this coil due to all other coils
        # and plasma. Need to zero this coil's current
        self.current = 0.0
        Br = equilibrium.Br(self.R, self.Z)
        Bz = equilibrium.Bz(self.R, self.Z)
        self.current = current

        # Assume circular cross-section for hoop (self) force
        minor_radius = np.sqrt(self.area / np.pi)
        # Self inductance factor, depending on internal current
        # distribution. 0.5 for uniform current, 0 for surface current
        self_inductance = 0.5

        # Force per unit length.
        # In cgs units f = I^2/(c^2 * R) * (ln(8*R/a) - 1 + xi/2)
        # In SI units f = mu0 * I^2 / (4*pi*R) * (ln(8*R/a) - 1 + xi/2)
        self_fr = (mu0 * total_current**2 / (4.*np.pi*self.R)) * (np.log(8.*self.R/minor_radius) - 1 + self_inductance/2.)
        Ltor = 2*np.pi*self.R  # Length of coil
        return np.array([ (total_current * Bz  + self_fr) * Ltor, # Jphi x Bz = Fr, self force always outwards
                          -total_current * Br * Ltor]) # Jphi x Br = - Fz
    def __repr__(self):
        return ("Coil(R={0}, Z={1}, current={2:.1f}, turns={3}, control={4})"
                .format(self.R, self.Z, self.current, self.turns, self.control))

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (self.R == other.R
                and self.Z == other.Z
                and self.current == other.current
                and self.turns == other.turns
                and self.control == other.control)

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other

    def to_numpy_array(self):
        Helper method for writing output
        return np.array((self.R, self.Z, self.current, self.turns, self.control),

    def from_numpy_array(cls, value):
        if value.dtype != cls.dtype:
            raise ValueError("Can't create {this} from dtype: {got} (expected: {dtype})"
                             .format(this=type(cls), got=value.dtype, dtype=cls.dtype))
        return Coil(*value[()])

    def area(self):
        The cross-section area of the coil in m^2
        if isinstance(self._area, numbers.Number):
            assert self._area > 0
            return self._area
        # Calculate using functor
        area = self._area(self)
        assert area > 0
        return area
    def area(self, area):
        self._area = area

    def plot(self, axis=None, show=False):
        Plot the coil location, using axis if given
        The area of the coil is used to set the radius
        minor_radius = np.sqrt(self.area / np.pi)
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        if axis is None:
            fig = plt.figure()
            axis = fig.add_subplot(111)
        circle = plt.Circle((self.R, self.Z), minor_radius, color='b')
        return axis