Tiny Web - pretty simple and powerful web server for tiny platforms like ESP8266 / ESP32
MIT license
(C) Konstantin Belyalov 2017-2018
import logging
import uasyncio as asyncio
import ujson as json
import gc
import uos as os
import sys
import uerrno as errno
import usocket as socket

log = logging.getLogger('WEB')

def urldecode_plus(s):
    """Decode urlencoded string (including '+' char).

    Returns decoded string
    s = s.replace('+', ' ')
    arr = s.split('%')
    res = arr[0]
    for it in arr[1:]:
        if len(it) >= 2:
            res += chr(int(it[:2], 16)) + it[2:]
        elif len(it) == 0:
            res += '%'
            res += it
    return res

def parse_query_string(s):
    """Parse urlencoded string into dict.

    Returns dict
    res = {}
    pairs = s.split('&')
    for p in pairs:
        vals = [urldecode_plus(x) for x in p.split('=', 1)]
        if len(vals) == 1:
            res[vals[0]] = ''
            res[vals[0]] = vals[1]
    return res

class HTTPException(Exception):
    """HTTP protocol exceptions"""

    def __init__(self, code=400):
        self.code = code

class request:
    """HTTP Request class"""

    def __init__(self, _reader):
        self.reader = _reader
        self.headers = {}
        self.method = b''
        self.path = b''
        self.query_string = b''

    async def read_request_line(self):
        """Read and parse first line (AKA HTTP Request Line).
        Function is generator.

        Request line is something like:
        GET /something/script?param1=val1 HTTP/1.1
        while True:
            rl = await self.reader.readline()
            # skip empty lines
            if rl == b'\r\n' or rl == b'\n':
        rl_frags = rl.split()
        if len(rl_frags) != 3:
            raise HTTPException(400)
        self.method = rl_frags[0]
        url_frags = rl_frags[1].split(b'?', 1)
        self.path = url_frags[0]
        if len(url_frags) > 1:
            self.query_string = url_frags[1]

    async def read_headers(self, save_headers=[]):
        """Read and parse HTTP headers until \r\n\r\n:
        Optional argument 'save_headers' controls which headers to save.
            This is done mostly to deal with memory constrains.

        Function is generator.

        HTTP headers could be like:
        Host: google.com
        Content-Type: blah
        while True:
            line = await self.reader.readline()
            if line == b'\r\n':
            frags = line.split(b':', 1)
            if len(frags) != 2:
                raise HTTPException(400)
            if frags[0] in save_headers:
                self.headers[frags[0]] = frags[1].strip()

    async def read_parse_form_data(self):
        """Read HTTP form data (payload), if any.
        Function is generator.

            - dict of key / value pairs
            - None in case of no form data present
        # TODO: Probably there is better solution how to handle
        # request body, at least for simple urlencoded forms - by processing
        # chunks instead of accumulating payload.
        if b'Content-Length' not in self.headers:
            return {}
        # Parse payload depending on content type
        if b'Content-Type' not in self.headers:
            # Unknown content type, return unparsed, raw data
            return {}
        size = int(self.headers[b'Content-Length'])
        if size > self.params['max_body_size'] or size < 0:
            raise HTTPException(413)
        data = await self.reader.readexactly(size)
        # Use only string before ';', e.g:
        # application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
        ct = self.headers[b'Content-Type'].split(b';', 1)[0]
            if ct == b'application/json':
                return json.loads(data)
            elif ct == b'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
                return parse_query_string(data.decode())
        except ValueError:
            # Re-generate exception for malformed form data
            raise HTTPException(400)

class response:
    """HTTP Response class"""

    def __init__(self, _writer):
        self.writer = _writer
        self.send = _writer.awrite
        self.code = 200
        self.version = '1.0'
        self.headers = {}

    async def _send_headers(self):
        """Compose and send:
        - HTTP request line
        - HTTP headers following by \r\n.
        This function is generator.

        Because of usually we have only a few HTTP headers (2-5) it doesn't make sense
        to send them separately - sometimes it could increase latency.
        So combining headers together and send them as single "packet".
        # Request line
        hdrs = 'HTTP/{} {} MSG\r\n'.format(self.version, self.code)
        # Headers
        for k, v in self.headers.items():
            hdrs += '{}: {}\r\n'.format(k, v)
        hdrs += '\r\n'
        # Collect garbage after small mallocs
        await self.send(hdrs)

    async def error(self, code, msg=None):
        """Generate HTTP error response
        This function is generator.

            code - HTTP response code

            # Not enough permissions. Send HTTP 403 - Forbidden
            await resp.error(403)
        self.code = code
        if msg:
            self.add_header('Content-Length', len(msg))
        await self._send_headers()
        if msg:
            await self.send(msg)

    async def redirect(self, location, msg=None):
        """Generate HTTP redirect response to 'location'.
        Basically it will generate HTTP 302 with 'Location' header

            location - URL to redirect to

            # Redirect to /something
            await resp.redirect('/something')
        self.code = 302
        self.add_header('Location', location)
        if msg:
            self.add_header('Content-Length', len(msg))
        await self._send_headers()
        if msg:
            await self.send(msg)

    def add_header(self, key, value):
        """Add HTTP response header

            key - header name
            value - header value

            resp.add_header('Content-Encoding', 'gzip')
        self.headers[key] = value

    def add_access_control_headers(self):
        """Add Access Control related HTTP response headers.
        This is required when working with RestApi (JSON requests)
        self.add_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', self.params['allowed_access_control_origins'])
        self.add_header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', self.params['allowed_access_control_methods'])
        self.add_header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', self.params['allowed_access_control_headers'])

    async def start_html(self):
        """Start response with HTML content type.
        This function is generator.

            await resp.start_html()
            await resp.send('<html><h1>Hello, world!</h1></html>')
        self.add_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
        await self._send_headers()

    async def send_file(self, filename, content_type=None, content_encoding=None, max_age=2592000):
        """Send local file as HTTP response.
        This function is generator.

            filename - Name of file which exists in local filesystem
        Keyword arguments:
            content_type - Filetype. By default - None means auto-detect.
            max_age - Cache control. How long browser can keep this file on disk.
                      By default - 30 days
                      Set to 0 - to disable caching.

        Example 1: Default use case:
            await resp.send_file('images/cat.jpg')

        Example 2: Disable caching:
            await resp.send_file('static/index.html', max_age=0)

        Example 3: Override content type:
            await resp.send_file('static/file.bin', content_type='application/octet-stream')
            # Get file size
            stat = os.stat(filename)
            slen = str(stat[6])
            self.add_header('Content-Length', slen)
            # Find content type
            if content_type:
                self.add_header('Content-Type', content_type)
            # Add content-encoding, if any
            if content_encoding:
                self.add_header('Content-Encoding', content_encoding)
            # Since this is static content is totally make sense
            # to tell browser to cache it, however, you can always
            # override it by setting max_age to zero
            self.add_header('Cache-Control', 'max-age={}, public'.format(max_age))
            with open(filename) as f:
                await self._send_headers()
                buf = bytearray(128)
                while True:
                    size = f.readinto(buf)
                    if size == 0:
                    await self.send(buf, sz=size)
        except OSError as e:
            # special handling for ENOENT / EACCESS
            if e.args[0] in (errno.ENOENT, errno.EACCES):
                raise HTTPException(404)

async def restful_resource_handler(req, resp, param=None):
    """Handler for RESTful API endpoins"""
    # Gather data - query string, JSON in request body...
    data = await req.read_parse_form_data()
    # Add parameters from URI query string as well
    # This one is actually for simply development of RestAPI
    if req.query_string != b'':
    # Call actual handler
    _handler, _kwargs = req.params['_callmap'][req.method]
    # Collect garbage before / after handler execution
    if param:
        res = _handler(data, param, **_kwargs)
        res = _handler(data, **_kwargs)
    # Handler result could be:
    # 1. generator - in case of large payload
    # 2. string - just string :)
    # 2. dict - meaning client what tinyweb to convert it to JSON
    # it can also return error code together with str / dict
    # res = {'blah': 'blah'}
    # res = {'blah': 'blah'}, 201
    if isinstance(res, asyncio.type_gen):
        # Result is generator, use chunked response
        # NOTICE: HTTP 1.0 by itself does not support chunked responses, so, making workaround:
        # Response is HTTP/1.1 with Connection: close
        resp.version = '1.1'
        resp.add_header('Connection', 'close')
        resp.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        resp.add_header('Transfer-Encoding', 'chunked')
        await resp._send_headers()
        # Drain generator
        for chunk in res:
            chunk_len = len(chunk.encode('utf-8'))
            await resp.send('{:x}\r\n'.format(chunk_len))
            await resp.send(chunk)
            await resp.send('\r\n')
        await resp.send('0\r\n\r\n')
        if type(res) == tuple:
            resp.code = res[1]
            res = res[0]
        elif res is None:
            raise Exception('Result expected')
        # Send response
        if type(res) is dict:
            res_str = json.dumps(res)
            res_str = res
        resp.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
        resp.add_header('Content-Length', str(len(res_str)))
        await resp._send_headers()
        await resp.send(res_str)

class webserver:

    def __init__(self, request_timeout=3, max_concurrency=3, backlog=16, debug=False):
        """Tiny Web Server class.
        Keyword arguments:
            request_timeout - Time for client to send complete request
                              after that connection will be closed.
            max_concurrency - How many connections can be processed concurrently.
                              It is very important to limit this number because of
                              memory constrain.
                              Default value depends on platform
            backlog         - Parameter to socket.listen() function. Defines size of
                              pending to be accepted connections queue.
                              Must be greater than max_concurrency
            debug           - Whether send exception info (text + backtrace)
                              to client together with HTTP 500 or not.
        self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        self.request_timeout = request_timeout
        self.max_concurrency = max_concurrency
        self.backlog = backlog
        self.debug = debug
        self.explicit_url_map = {}
        self.parameterized_url_map = {}
        # Currently opened connections
        self.conns = {}
        # Statistics
        self.processed_connections = 0

    def _find_url_handler(self, req):
        """Helper to find URL handler.
        Returns tuple of (function, opts, param) or (None, None) if not found.
        # First try - lookup in explicit (non parameterized URLs)
        if req.path in self.explicit_url_map:
            return self.explicit_url_map[req.path]
        # Second try - strip last path segment and lookup in another map
        idx = req.path.rfind(b'/') + 1
        path2 = req.path[:idx]
        if len(path2) > 0 and path2 in self.parameterized_url_map:
            # Save parameter into request
            req._param = req.path[idx:].decode()
            return self.parameterized_url_map[path2]
        # No handler found
        return (None, None)

    async def _handle_request(self, req, resp):
        await req.read_request_line()
        # Find URL handler
        req.handler, req.params = self._find_url_handler(req)
        if not req.handler:
            # No URL handler found - read response and issue HTTP 404
            await req.read_headers()
            raise HTTPException(404)
        # req.params = params
        # req.handler = han
        resp.params = req.params
        # Read / parse headers
        await req.read_headers(req.params['save_headers'])

    async def _handler(self, reader, writer):
        """Handler for TCP connection with
        HTTP/1.0 protocol implementation

            req = request(reader)
            resp = response(writer)
            # Read HTTP Request with timeout
            await asyncio.wait_for(self._handle_request(req, resp),

            # OPTIONS method is handled automatically
            if req.method == b'OPTIONS':
                # Since we support only HTTP 1.0 - it is important
                # to tell browser that there is no payload expected
                # otherwise some webkit based browsers (Chrome)
                # treat this behavior as an error
                resp.add_header('Content-Length', '0')
                await resp._send_headers()

            # Ensure that HTTP method is allowed for this path
            if req.method not in req.params['methods']:
                raise HTTPException(405)

            # Handle URL
            if hasattr(req, '_param'):
                await req.handler(req, resp, req._param)
                await req.handler(req, resp)
            # Done here
        except (asyncio.CancelledError, asyncio.TimeoutError):
        except OSError as e:
            # Do not send response for connection related errors - too late :)
            # P.S. code 32 - is possible BROKEN PIPE error (TODO: is it true?)
            if e.args[0] not in (errno.ECONNABORTED, errno.ECONNRESET, 32):
                    await resp.error(500)
                except Exception as e:
                    log.exc(e, "")
        except HTTPException as e:
                await resp.error(e.code)
            except Exception as e:
        except Exception as e:
            # Unhandled expection in user's method
            log.exc(e, "")
                await resp.error(500)
                # Send exception info if desired
                if self.debug:
                    sys.print_exception(e, resp.writer.s)
            except Exception as e:
            await writer.aclose()
            # Max concurrency support -
            # if queue is full schedule resume of TCP server task
            if len(self.conns) == self.max_concurrency:
            # Delete connection, using socket as a key
            del self.conns[id(writer.s)]

    def add_route(self, url, f, **kwargs):
        """Add URL to function mapping.

            url - url to map function with
            f - function to map

        Keyword arguments:
            methods - list of allowed methods. Defaults to ['GET', 'POST']
            save_headers - contains list of HTTP headers to be saved. Case sensitive. Default - empty.
            max_body_size - Max HTTP body size (e.g. POST form data). Defaults to 1024
            allowed_access_control_headers - Default value for the same name header. Defaults to *
            allowed_access_control_origins - Default value for the same name header. Defaults to *
        if url == '' or '?' in url:
            raise ValueError('Invalid URL')
        # Initial params for route
        params = {'methods': ['GET'],
                  'save_headers': [],
                  'max_body_size': 1024,
                  'allowed_access_control_headers': '*',
                  'allowed_access_control_origins': '*',
        params['allowed_access_control_methods'] = ', '.join(params['methods'])
        # Convert methods/headers to bytestring
        params['methods'] = [x.encode() for x in params['methods']]
        params['save_headers'] = [x.encode() for x in params['save_headers']]
        # If URL has a parameter
        if url.endswith('>'):
            idx = url.rfind('<')
            path = url[:idx]
            idx += 1
            param = url[idx:-1]
            if path.encode() in self.parameterized_url_map:
                raise ValueError('URL exists')
            params['_param_name'] = param
            self.parameterized_url_map[path.encode()] = (f, params)

        if url.encode() in self.explicit_url_map:
            raise ValueError('URL exists')
        self.explicit_url_map[url.encode()] = (f, params)

    def add_resource(self, cls, url, **kwargs):
        """Map resource (RestAPI) to URL

            cls - Resource class to map to
            url - url to map to class
            kwargs - User defined key args to pass to the handler.

            class myres():
                def get(self, data):
                    return {'hello': 'world'}

            app.add_resource(myres, '/api/myres')
        methods = []
        callmap = {}
        # Create instance of resource handler, if passed as just class (not instance)
            obj = cls()
        except TypeError:
            obj = cls
        # Get all implemented HTTP methods and make callmap
        for m in ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']:
            fn = m.lower()
            if hasattr(obj, fn):
                callmap[m.encode()] = (getattr(obj, fn), kwargs)
        self.add_route(url, restful_resource_handler,
                       save_headers=['Content-Length', 'Content-Type'],

    def route(self, url, **kwargs):
        """Decorator for add_route()

            def index(req, resp):
                await resp.start_html()
                await resp.send('<html><body><h1>Hello, world!</h1></html>\n')
        def _route(f):
            self.add_route(url, f, **kwargs)
            return f
        return _route

    def resource(self, url, method='GET', **kwargs):
        """Decorator for add_resource() method

            def users(data):
                return {'a': 1}

            async def index(data, topic_id):
                yield '{'
                yield '"topic_id": "{}",'.format(topic_id)
                yield '"message": "test",'
                yield '}'
        def _resource(f):
            self.add_route(url, restful_resource_handler,
                           save_headers=['Content-Length', 'Content-Type'],
                           _callmap={method.encode(): (f, kwargs)})
            return f
        return _resource

    async def _tcp_server(self, host, port, backlog):
        """TCP Server implementation.
        Opens socket for accepting connection and
        creates task for every new accepted connection
        addr = socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM)[0][-1]
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
            while True:
                yield asyncio.IORead(sock)
                csock, caddr = sock.accept()
                # Start handler / keep it in the map - to be able to
                # shutdown gracefully - by close all connections
                self.processed_connections += 1
                hid = id(csock)
                handler = self._handler(asyncio.StreamReader(csock),
                                        asyncio.StreamWriter(csock, {}))
                self.conns[hid] = handler
                # In case of max concurrency reached - temporary pause server:
                # 1. backlog must be greater than max_concurrency, otherwise
                #    client will got "Connection Reset"
                # 2. Server task will be resumed whenever one active connection finished
                if len(self.conns) == self.max_concurrency:
                    # Pause
                    yield False
        except asyncio.CancelledError:

    def run(self, host="", port=8081, loop_forever=True):
        """Run Web Server. By default it runs forever.

        Keyword arguments:
            host - host to listen on. By default - localhost (
            port - port to listen on. By default - 8081
            loop_forever - run loo.loop_forever(), otherwise caller must run it by itself.
        self._server_coro = self._tcp_server(host, port, self.backlog)
        if loop_forever:

    def shutdown(self):
        """Gracefully shutdown Web Server"""
        for hid, coro in self.conns.items():