#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Test POD module"""
import unittest
import os
from os.path import join
from shutil import rmtree
import copy

import numpy as np

from modred import pod, parallel, util
from modred.py2to3 import range
from modred.vectorspace import VectorSpaceArrays, VectorSpaceHandles
from modred.vectors import VecHandlePickle

#@unittest.skip('Testing something else.')
@unittest.skipIf(parallel.is_distributed(), 'Serial only.')
class TestPODArraysFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.num_states = 30
        self.num_vecs = 10

    def test_compute_modes(self):
        rtol = 1e-10
        atol = 1e-12

        # Generate weights to test different inner products.
        weights_1D = np.random.random(self.num_states)
        weights_2D = np.identity(self.num_states, dtype=np.complex)
        weights_2D[0, 0] = 2.
        weights_2D[2, 1] = 0.3j
        weights_2D[1, 2] = weights_2D[2, 1].conj()

        # Generate random snapshot data
        vecs_array = (
            np.random.random((self.num_states, self.num_vecs)) +
            1j * np.random.random((self.num_states, self.num_vecs)))

        # Test both method of snapshots and direct method
        for method in ['snaps', 'direct']:
            if method == 'snaps':
                compute_POD = pod.compute_POD_arrays_snaps_method
            elif method == 'direct':
                compute_POD = pod.compute_POD_arrays_direct_method
                raise ValueError('Invalid method choice.')

            # Loop through different inner product weights
            for weights in [None, weights_1D, weights_2D]:
                IP = VectorSpaceArrays(

                # Compute POD
                POD_res = compute_POD(vecs_array, inner_product_weights=weights)

                # For method of snapshots, test correlation array values
                if method == 'snaps':
                        IP(vecs_array, vecs_array), POD_res.correlation_array,
                        rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

                # Check POD eigenvalues and eigenvectors
                    IP(vecs_array, vecs_array).dot(POD_res.eigvecs),
                    rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

                # Check POD modes
                    vecs_array.dot(IP(vecs_array, POD_res.modes)),
                    rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

                # Check projection coefficients
                    POD_res.proj_coeffs, IP(POD_res.modes, vecs_array),
                    rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

                # Choose a random subset of modes to compute, for testing mode
                # indices argument. Test both an explicit selection of mode
                # indices and a None argument.
                mode_indices_trunc = np.unique(np.random.randint(
                    0, high=np.linalg.matrix_rank(vecs_array),
                    size=np.linalg.matrix_rank(vecs_array) // 2))
                for mode_idxs_arg, mode_idxs_vals in zip(
                    [None, mode_indices_trunc],
                    [range(POD_res.eigvals.size), mode_indices_trunc]):

                    # Compute POD
                    POD_res_sliced = compute_POD(
                        vecs_array, mode_indices=mode_idxs_arg,

                    # Check that if mode indices are passed in, the correct
                    # modes are returned.
                        POD_res.modes[:, mode_idxs_vals],
                        rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

#@unittest.skip('Testing something else.')
class TestPODHandles(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # Specify output locations
        if not os.access('.', os.W_OK):
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot write to current directory')
        self.test_dir = 'files_POD_DELETE_ME'
        if not os.path.isdir(self.test_dir):
            parallel.call_from_rank_zero(os.mkdir, self.test_dir)
        self.vec_path = join(self.test_dir, 'vec_%03d.pkl')
        self.mode_path = join(self.test_dir, 'mode_%03d.pkl')

        # Specify data dimensions
        self.num_states = 30
        self.num_vecs = 10

        # Generate random data and write to disk using handles
        self.vecs_array = (
                np.random.random, (self.num_states, self.num_vecs)) +
            1j * parallel.call_and_bcast(
                np.random.random, (self.num_states, self.num_vecs)))
        self.vec_handles = [
            VecHandlePickle(self.vec_path % i) for i in range(self.num_vecs)]
        for idx, hdl in enumerate(self.vec_handles):
            hdl.put(self.vecs_array[:, idx])


    def tearDown(self):
        parallel.call_from_rank_zero(rmtree, self.test_dir, ignore_errors=True)

    #@unittest.skip('Testing something else.')
    def test_init(self):
        """Test arguments passed to the constructor are assigned properly"""
        # Get default data member values
        # Set verbosity to false, to avoid printing warnings during tests
        def my_load(): pass
        def my_save(): pass
        def my_IP(): pass

        data_members_default = {
            'put_array': util.save_array_text, 'get_array':util.load_array_text,
            'verbosity': 0, 'eigvecs': None, 'eigvals': None,
            'correlation_array': None, 'vec_handles': None, 'vecs': None,
            'vec_space': VectorSpaceHandles(inner_product=my_IP, verbosity=0)}
        for k,v in util.get_data_members(
            pod.PODHandles(inner_product=my_IP, verbosity=0)).items():
            self.assertEqual(v, data_members_default[k])

        my_POD = pod.PODHandles(inner_product=my_IP, verbosity=0)
        data_members_modified = copy.deepcopy(data_members_default)
        data_members_modified['vec_space'] = VectorSpaceHandles(
            inner_product=my_IP, verbosity=0)
        for k,v in util.get_data_members(my_POD).items():
            self.assertEqual(v, data_members_modified[k])

        my_POD = pod.PODHandles(
            inner_product=my_IP, get_array=my_load, verbosity=0)
        data_members_modified = copy.deepcopy(data_members_default)
        data_members_modified['get_array'] = my_load
        for k,v in util.get_data_members(my_POD).items():
            self.assertEqual(v, data_members_modified[k])

        my_POD = pod.PODHandles(
            inner_product=my_IP, put_array=my_save, verbosity=0)
        data_members_modified = copy.deepcopy(data_members_default)
        data_members_modified['put_array'] = my_save
        for k,v in util.get_data_members(my_POD).items():
            self.assertEqual(v, data_members_modified[k])

        max_vecs_per_node = 500
        my_POD = pod.PODHandles(
            inner_product=my_IP, max_vecs_per_node=max_vecs_per_node,
        data_members_modified = copy.deepcopy(data_members_default)
        data_members_modified['vec_space'].max_vecs_per_node = max_vecs_per_node
        data_members_modified['vec_space'].max_vecs_per_proc = (
            max_vecs_per_node *
            parallel.get_num_nodes() /
        for k,v in util.get_data_members(my_POD).items():
            self.assertEqual(v, data_members_modified[k])

    #@unittest.skip('Testing something else.')
    def test_puts_gets(self):
        # Generate some random data
        correlation_array_true = parallel.call_and_bcast(
            np.random.random, ((self.num_vecs, self.num_vecs)))
        eigvals_true = parallel.call_and_bcast(
            np.random.random, self.num_vecs)
        eigvecs_true = parallel.call_and_bcast(
            np.random.random, ((self.num_states, self.num_vecs)))
        proj_coeffs_true = parallel.call_and_bcast(
            np.random.random, ((self.num_vecs, self.num_vecs)))

        # Create a POD object and store the data in it
        POD_save = pod.PODHandles(verbosity=0)
        POD_save.correlation_array = correlation_array_true
        POD_save.eigvals = eigvals_true
        POD_save.eigvecs = eigvecs_true
        POD_save.proj_coeffs = proj_coeffs_true

        # Write the data to disk
        eigvecs_path = join(self.test_dir, 'eigvecs.txt')
        eigvals_path = join(self.test_dir, 'eigvals.txt')
        correlation_array_path = join(self.test_dir, 'correlation.txt')
        proj_coeffs_path = join(self.test_dir, 'proj_coeffs.txt')
        POD_save.put_decomp(eigvals_path, eigvecs_path)

        # Create a new POD object and use it to load the data
        POD_load = pod.PODHandles(verbosity=0)
        POD_load.get_decomp(eigvals_path, eigvecs_path)

        # Check that the loaded data is correct
        np.testing.assert_equal(POD_load.eigvals, eigvals_true)
        np.testing.assert_equal(POD_load.eigvecs, eigvecs_true)
            POD_load.correlation_array, correlation_array_true)
        np.testing.assert_equal(POD_load.proj_coeffs, proj_coeffs_true)

    #@unittest.skip('Testing something else.')
    def test_compute_decomp(self):
        """Test computation of the correlation array and SVD arrays."""
        rtol = 1e-10
        atol = 1e-12

        # Compute POD using modred
        POD = pod.PODHandles(inner_product=np.vdot, verbosity=0)
        eigvals, eigvecs = POD.compute_decomp(self.vec_handles)

        # Test correlation array values by simply recomputing them.  Here simply
        # take all inner products, rather than assuming a symmetric inner
        # product.
                self.vec_handles, self.vec_handles),
            rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

        # Check POD eigenvectors and eigenvalues
            eigvecs.dot(np.diag(eigvals)), rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

        # Check that returned values match internal values
        np.testing.assert_equal(eigvals, POD.eigvals)
        np.testing.assert_equal(eigvecs, POD.eigvecs)

    #@unittest.skip('Testing something else.')
    def test_compute_modes(self):
        rtol = 1e-10
        atol = 1e-12

        # Compute POD using modred.  (The properties defining a POD mode require
        # manipulations involving the correct decomposition, so we cannot
        # isolate the mode computation from the decomposition step.)
        POD = pod.PODHandles(inner_product=np.vdot, verbosity=0)

        # Select a subset of modes to compute.  Compute at least half
        # the modes, and up to all of them.  Make sure to use unique
        # values.  (This may reduce the number of modes computed.)
        num_modes = parallel.call_and_bcast(
            POD.eigvals.size // 2, POD.eigvals.size + 1)
        mode_idxs = np.unique(parallel.call_and_bcast(
            0, POD.eigvals.size, num_modes))

        # Create handles for the modes
        mode_handles = [VecHandlePickle(self.mode_path % i) for i in mode_idxs]

        # Compute modes
        POD.compute_modes(mode_idxs, mode_handles, vec_handles=self.vec_handles)

        # Test modes
                mode_handles, self.vec_handles).dot(
                        self.vec_handles, mode_handles)),
            rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

    #@unittest.skip('Testing something else.')
    def test_compute_proj_coeffs(self):
        rtol = 1e-10
        atol = 1e-12

        # Compute POD using modred.  (The properties defining a projection onto
        # POD modes require manipulations involving the correct decomposition
        # and modes, so we cannot isolate the mode computation from those
        # computations.)
        POD = pod.PODHandles(inner_product=np.vdot, verbosity=0)
        mode_idxs = range(POD.eigvals.size)
        mode_handles = [VecHandlePickle(self.mode_path % i) for i in mode_idxs]
        POD.compute_modes(mode_idxs, mode_handles, vec_handles=self.vec_handles)

        # Compute true projection coefficients by computing the inner products
        # between modes and snapshots.
        proj_coeffs_true = POD.vec_space.compute_inner_product_array(
            mode_handles, self.vec_handles)

        # Compute projection coefficients using POD object, which avoids
        # actually manipulating handles and computing their inner products,
        # instead using elements of the decomposition for a more efficient
        # computations.
        proj_coeffs = POD.compute_proj_coeffs()

        # Test values
            proj_coeffs, proj_coeffs_true, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)

if __name__ == '__main__':