# Copyright (c) 2015 Nicolas JOUANIN
# See the file license.txt for copying permission.
import asyncio
from struct import pack, unpack
from hbmqtt.errors import NoDataException

def bytes_to_hex_str(data):
    converts a sequence of bytes into its displayable hex representation, ie: 0x??????
    :param data: byte sequence
    :return: Hexadecimal displayable representation
    return '0x' + ''.join(format(b, '02x') for b in data)

def bytes_to_int(data):
    convert a sequence of bytes to an integer using big endian byte ordering
    :param data: byte sequence
    :return: integer value
        return int.from_bytes(data, byteorder='big')
        return data

def int_to_bytes(int_value: int, length: int) -> bytes:
    convert an integer to a sequence of bytes using big endian byte ordering
    :param int_value: integer value to convert
    :param length: (optional) byte length
    :return: byte sequence
    if length == 1:
        fmt = "!B"
    elif length == 2:
        fmt = "!H"
    return pack(fmt, int_value)

def read_or_raise(reader, n=-1):
    Read a given byte number from Stream. NoDataException is raised if read gives no data
    :param reader: reader adapter
    :param n: number of bytes to read
    :return: bytes read
        data = yield from reader.read(n)
    except (asyncio.IncompleteReadError, ConnectionResetError, BrokenPipeError):
        data = None
    if not data:
        raise NoDataException("No more data")
    return data

def decode_string(reader) -> bytes:
    Read a string from a reader and decode it according to MQTT string specification
    :param reader: Stream reader
    :return: UTF-8 string read from stream
    length_bytes = yield from read_or_raise(reader, 2)
    str_length = unpack("!H", length_bytes)
    if str_length[0]:
        byte_str = yield from read_or_raise(reader, str_length[0])
            return byte_str.decode(encoding='utf-8')
            return str(byte_str)
        return ''

def decode_data_with_length(reader) -> bytes:
    Read data from a reader. Data is prefixed with 2 bytes length
    :param reader: Stream reader
    :return: bytes read from stream (without length)
    length_bytes = yield from read_or_raise(reader, 2)
    bytes_length = unpack("!H", length_bytes)
    data = yield from read_or_raise(reader, bytes_length[0])
    return data

def encode_string(string: str) -> bytes:
    data = string.encode(encoding='utf-8')
    data_length = len(data)
    return int_to_bytes(data_length, 2) + data

def encode_data_with_length(data: bytes) -> bytes:
    data_length = len(data)
    return int_to_bytes(data_length, 2) + data

def decode_packet_id(reader) -> int:
    Read a packet ID as 2-bytes int from stream according to MQTT specification (2.3.1)
    :param reader: Stream reader
    :return: Packet ID
    packet_id_bytes = yield from read_or_raise(reader, 2)
    packet_id = unpack("!H", packet_id_bytes)
    return packet_id[0]

def int_to_bytes_str(value: int) -> bytes:
    Converts a int value to a bytes array containing the numeric character.
    Ex: 123 -> b'123'
    :param value: int value to convert
    :return: bytes array
    return str(value).encode('utf-8')