import numpy
from mpi4py import MPI
import warnings
import functools
import contextlib
import os, sys

def is_structured_array(arr):
    Test if the input array is a structured array
    by testing for `dtype.names`
    if not isinstance(arr, numpy.ndarray) or not hasattr(arr, 'dtype'):
        return False
    return arr.dtype.char ==  'V'

def get_data_bounds(data, comm, selection=None):

    Return the global minimum/maximum of a numpy/dask array along the
    first axis.

    This is computed in chunks to avoid memory errors on large data.

    data : numpy.ndarray or dask.array.Array
        the data to find the bounds of
    comm :
        the MPI communicator

    min, max :
        the min/max of ``data``
    import dask.array as da

    # local min/max on this rank
    dmin = numpy.ones(data.shape[1:]) * (numpy.inf)
    dmax = numpy.ones_like(dmin) * (-numpy.inf)

    # max size
    Nlocalmax = max(comm.allgather(len(data)))

    # compute in chunks to avoid memory error
    chunksize = 1024**2 * 8
    for i in range(0, Nlocalmax, chunksize):
        s = slice(i, i + chunksize)

        if len(data) != 0:

            # selection has to be computed many times when data is `large`.
            if selection is not None:
                sel = selection[s]
                if isinstance(selection, da.Array):
                    sel = sel.compute()

            # be sure to use the source to compute
            d = data[s]
            if isinstance(data, da.Array):
                d = d.compute()

            # select
            if selection is not None:
                d = d[sel]

            # update min/max on this rank
            dmin = numpy.min([d.min(axis=0), dmin], axis=0)
            dmax = numpy.max([d.max(axis=0), dmax], axis=0)

    # global min/max across all ranks
    dmin = numpy.asarray(comm.allgather(dmin)).min(axis=0)
    dmax = numpy.asarray(comm.allgather(dmax)).max(axis=0)

    return dmin, dmax

def split_size_3d(s):
    Split `s` into three integers, a, b, c, such
    that a * b * c == s and a <= b <= c

    s : int
        integer to split

    a, b, c: int
        integers such that a * b * c == s and a <= b <= c
    a = int(s** 0.3333333) + 1
    d = s
    while a > 1:
        if s % a == 0:
            s = s // a
        a = a - 1
    b = int(s ** 0.5) + 1
    while b > 1:
        if s % b == 0:
            s = s // b
        b = b - 1
    c = s
    return a, b, c

def deprecate(name, alternative, alt_name=None):
    This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions
    as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emmitted
    when the function is used.
    alt_name = alt_name or alternative.__name__

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        warnings.warn("%s is deprecated. Use %s instead" % (name, alt_name),
                      FutureWarning, stacklevel=2)
        return alternative(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

def GatherArray(data, comm, root=0):
    Gather the input data array from all ranks to the specified ``root``.

    This uses `Gatherv`, which avoids mpi4py pickling, and also
    avoids the 2 GB mpi4py limit for bytes using a custom datatype

    data : array_like
        the data on each rank to gather
    comm : MPI communicator
        the MPI communicator
    root : int, or Ellipsis
        the rank number to gather the data to. If root is Ellipsis,
        broadcast the result to all ranks.

    recvbuffer : array_like, None
        the gathered data on root, and `None` otherwise
    if not isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray):
        raise ValueError("`data` must by numpy array in GatherArray")

    # need C-contiguous order
    if not data.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
        data = numpy.ascontiguousarray(data)
    local_length = data.shape[0]

    # check dtypes and shapes
    shapes = comm.allgather(data.shape)
    dtypes = comm.allgather(data.dtype)

    # check for structured data
    if dtypes[0].char == 'V':

        # check for structured data mismatch
        names = set(dtypes[0].names)
        if any(set(dt.names) != names for dt in dtypes[1:]):
            raise ValueError("mismatch between data type fields in structured data")

        # check for 'O' data types
        if any(dtypes[0][name] == 'O' for name in dtypes[0].names):
            raise ValueError("object data types ('O') not allowed in structured data in GatherArray")

        # compute the new shape for each rank
        newlength = comm.allreduce(local_length)
        newshape = list(data.shape)
        newshape[0] = newlength

        # the return array
        if root is Ellipsis or comm.rank == root:
            recvbuffer = numpy.empty(newshape, dtype=dtypes[0], order='C')
            recvbuffer = None

        for name in dtypes[0].names:
            d = GatherArray(data[name], comm, root=root)
            if root is Ellipsis or comm.rank == root:
                recvbuffer[name] = d

        return recvbuffer

    # check for 'O' data types
    if dtypes[0] == 'O':
        raise ValueError("object data types ('O') not allowed in structured data in GatherArray")

    # check for bad dtypes and bad shapes
    if root is Ellipsis or comm.rank == root:
        bad_shape = any(s[1:] != shapes[0][1:] for s in shapes[1:])
        bad_dtype = any(dt != dtypes[0] for dt in dtypes[1:])
        bad_shape = None; bad_dtype = None

    bad_shape, bad_dtype = comm.bcast((bad_shape, bad_dtype))

    if bad_shape:
        raise ValueError("mismatch between shape[1:] across ranks in GatherArray")
    if bad_dtype:
        raise ValueError("mismatch between dtypes across ranks in GatherArray")

    shape = data.shape
    dtype = data.dtype

    # setup the custom dtype
    duplicity = numpy.product(numpy.array(shape[1:], 'intp'))
    itemsize = duplicity * dtype.itemsize
    dt = MPI.BYTE.Create_contiguous(itemsize)

    # compute the new shape for each rank
    newlength = comm.allreduce(local_length)
    newshape = list(shape)
    newshape[0] = newlength

    # the return array
    if root is Ellipsis or comm.rank == root:
        recvbuffer = numpy.empty(newshape, dtype=dtype, order='C')
        recvbuffer = None

    # the recv counts
    counts = comm.allgather(local_length)
    counts = numpy.array(counts, order='C')

    # the recv offsets
    offsets = numpy.zeros_like(counts, order='C')
    offsets[1:] = counts.cumsum()[:-1]

    # gather to root
    if root is Ellipsis:
        comm.Allgatherv([data, dt], [recvbuffer, (counts, offsets), dt])
        comm.Gatherv([data, dt], [recvbuffer, (counts, offsets), dt], root=root)


    return recvbuffer

def ScatterArray(data, comm, root=0, counts=None):
    Scatter the input data array across all ranks, assuming `data` is
    initially only on `root` (and `None` on other ranks).

    This uses ``Scatterv``, which avoids mpi4py pickling, and also
    avoids the 2 GB mpi4py limit for bytes using a custom datatype

    data : array_like or None
        on `root`, this gives the data to split and scatter
    comm : MPI communicator
        the MPI communicator
    root : int
        the rank number that initially has the data
    counts : list of int
        list of the lengths of data to send to each rank

    recvbuffer : array_like
        the chunk of `data` that each rank gets
    import logging

    if counts is not None:
        counts = numpy.asarray(counts, order='C')
        if len(counts) != comm.size:
            raise ValueError("counts array has wrong length!")

    # check for bad input
    if comm.rank == root:
        bad_input = not isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray)
        bad_input = None
    bad_input = comm.bcast(bad_input)
    if bad_input:
        raise ValueError("`data` must by numpy array on root in ScatterArray")

    if comm.rank == 0:
        # need C-contiguous order
        if not data.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
            data = numpy.ascontiguousarray(data)
        shape_and_dtype = (data.shape, data.dtype)
        shape_and_dtype = None

    # each rank needs shape/dtype of input data
    shape, dtype = comm.bcast(shape_and_dtype)

    # object dtype is not supported
    fail = False
    if dtype.char == 'V':
         fail = any(dtype[name] == 'O' for name in dtype.names)
        fail = dtype == 'O'
    if fail:
        raise ValueError("'object' data type not supported in ScatterArray; please specify specific data type")

    # initialize empty data on non-root ranks
    if comm.rank != root:
        np_dtype = numpy.dtype((dtype, shape[1:]))
        data = numpy.empty(0, dtype=np_dtype)

    # setup the custom dtype
    duplicity = numpy.product(numpy.array(shape[1:], 'intp'))
    itemsize = duplicity * dtype.itemsize
    dt = MPI.BYTE.Create_contiguous(itemsize)

    # compute the new shape for each rank
    newshape = list(shape)

    if counts is None:
        newlength = shape[0] // comm.size
        if comm.rank < shape[0] % comm.size:
            newlength += 1
        newshape[0] = newlength
        if counts.sum() != shape[0]:
            raise ValueError("the sum of the `counts` array needs to be equal to data length")
        newshape[0] = counts[comm.rank]

    # the return array
    recvbuffer = numpy.empty(newshape, dtype=dtype, order='C')

    # the send counts, if not provided
    if counts is None:
        counts = comm.allgather(newlength)
        counts = numpy.array(counts, order='C')

    # the send offsets
    offsets = numpy.zeros_like(counts, order='C')
    offsets[1:] = counts.cumsum()[:-1]

    # do the scatter
    comm.Scatterv([data, (counts, offsets), dt], [recvbuffer, dt])
    return recvbuffer

def FrontPadArray(array, front, comm):
    """ Padding an array in the front with items before this rank.

    N = numpy.array(comm.allgather(len(array)), dtype='intp')
    offsets = numpy.cumsum(numpy.concatenate([[0], N], axis=0))
    mystart = offsets[comm.rank] - front
    torecv = (offsets[:-1] + N) - mystart

    torecv[torecv < 0] = 0 # before mystart
    torecv[torecv > front] = 0 # no more than needed
    torecv[torecv > N] = N[torecv > N] # fully enclosed

    if comm.allreduce(torecv.sum() != front, MPI.LOR):
        raise ValueError("cannot work out a plan to padd items. Some front values are too large. %d %d"
            % (torecv.sum(), front))

    tosend = comm.alltoall(torecv)
    sendbuf = [ array[-items:] if items > 0 else array[0:0] for i, items in enumerate(tosend)]
    recvbuf = comm.alltoall(sendbuf)
    return numpy.concatenate(list(recvbuf) + [array], axis=0)

def attrs_to_dict(obj, prefix):
    if not hasattr(obj, 'attrs'):
        return {}

    d = {}
    for key, value in obj.attrs.items():
        d[prefix + key] = value
    return d

import json
from astropy.units import Quantity, Unit
from nbodykit.cosmology import Cosmology

class JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    A subclass of :class:`json.JSONEncoder` that can also handle numpy arrays,
    complex values, and :class:`astropy.units.Quantity` objects.
    def default(self, obj):

        # Cosmology object
        if isinstance(obj, Cosmology):
            d = {}
            d['__cosmo__'] =
            return d

        # astropy quantity
        if isinstance(obj, Quantity):

            d = {}
            d['__unit__'] = str(obj.unit)

            value = obj.value
            if obj.size > 1:
                d['__dtype__'] = value.dtype.str if value.dtype.names is None else value.dtype.descr
                d['__shape__'] = value.shape
                value = value.tolist()

            d['__data__'] = value
            return d

        # complex values
        elif isinstance(obj, complex):
            return {'__complex__': [obj.real, obj.imag ]}

        # numpy arrays
        elif isinstance(obj, numpy.ndarray):
            value = obj
            dtype = obj.dtype
            d = {
                '__dtype__' :
                    dtype.str if dtype.names is None else dtype.descr,
                '__shape__' : value.shape,
                '__data__': value.tolist(),
            return d
        # explicity convert numpy data types to python types
        # see:
        elif isinstance(obj, numpy.floating):
            return float(obj)
        elif isinstance(obj, numpy.integer):
            return int(obj)

        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

class JSONDecoder(json.JSONDecoder):
    A subclass of :class:`json.JSONDecoder` that can also handle numpy arrays,
    complex values, and :class:`astropy.units.Quantity` objects.
    def hook(value):
        def fixdtype(dtype):
            if isinstance(dtype, list):
                true_dtype = []
                for field in dtype:
                    if len(field) == 3:
                        true_dtype.append((str(field[0]), str(field[1]), field[2]))
                    if len(field) == 2:
                        true_dtype.append((str(field[0]), str(field[1])))
                return true_dtype
            return dtype

        def fixdata(data, N, dtype):
            if not isinstance(dtype, list):
                return data

            # for structured array,
            # the last dimension shall be a tuple
            if N > 0:
                return [fixdata(i, N - 1, dtype) for i in data]
                assert len(data) == len(dtype)
                return tuple(data)

        d = None
        if '__dtype__' in value:
            dtype = fixdtype(value['__dtype__'])
            shape = value['__shape__']
            a = fixdata(value['__data__'], len(shape), dtype)
            d = numpy.array(a, dtype=dtype)

        if '__unit__' in value:
            if d is None:
                d = value['__data__']
            d = Quantity(d, Unit(value['__unit__']))

        if '__cosmo__' in value:
            d = Cosmology.from_dict(value['__cosmo__'])

        if d is not None:
            return d

        if '__complex__' in value:
            real, imag = value['__complex__']
            return real + 1j * imag

        return value

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs['object_hook'] = JSONDecoder.hook
        json.JSONDecoder.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

def timer(start, end):
    Utility function to return a string representing the elapsed time,
    as computed from the input start and end times

    start : int
        the start time in seconds
    end : int
        the end time in seconds

    str :
        the elapsed time as a string, using the format `hours:minutes:seconds`
    hours, rem = divmod(end-start, 3600)
    minutes, seconds = divmod(rem, 60)
    return "{:0>2}:{:0>2}:{:05.2f}".format(int(hours),int(minutes),seconds)

def captured_output(comm, root=0):
    Re-direct stdout and stderr to null for every rank but ``root``
    # keep output on root
    if root is not None and comm.rank == root:
        yield sys.stdout, sys.stderr
        from six.moves import StringIO
        from nbodykit.extern.wurlitzer import sys_pipes

        # redirect stdout and stderr
        old_stdout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, StringIO()
        old_stderr, sys.stderr = sys.stderr, StringIO()
            with sys_pipes() as (out, err):
                yield out, err
            sys.stdout = old_stdout
            sys.stderr = old_stderr

import mpsort
class DistributedArray(object):
    Distributed Array Object

    A distributed array is striped along ranks, along first dimension

    comm : :py:class:`mpi4py.MPI.Comm`
        the communicator

    local : array_like
        the local data


    def _find_dtype(dtype, comm):
        # guess the dtype
        dtypes = comm.allgather(dtype)
        dtypes = set([dtype for dtype in dtypes if dtype is not None])

        if len(dtypes) > 1:
            raise TypeError("Type of local array is inconsistent between ranks; got %s" % dtypes)
        return next(iter(dtypes))

    def _find_cshape(shape, comm):
        # guess the dtype
        shapes = comm.allgather(shape)

        shapes = set(shape[1:] for shape in shapes)

        if len(shapes) > 1:
            raise TypeError("Shape of local array is inconsistent between ranks; got %s" % shapes)

        clen = comm.allreduce(shape[0])
        cshape = tuple([clen] + list(shape[1:]))
        return cshape

    def __init__(self, local, comm):
        self.comm = comm

        shape = numpy.array(local, copy=False).shape
        dtype = numpy.array(local, copy=False).dtype if len(local) else None

        self.dtype = DistributedArray._find_dtype(dtype, comm)
        self.cshape = DistributedArray._find_cshape(shape, comm)

        # directly use the original local array.
        self.local = local
        self.topology = LinearTopology(local, comm)

        self.coffset = sum(comm.allgather(shape[0])[:comm.rank])

    def cempty(kls, cshape, dtype, comm):
        """ Create an empty array collectively """
        dtype = DistributedArray._find_dtype(dtype, comm)
        cshape = tuple(cshape)
        llen = cshape[0] * (comm.rank + 1) // comm.size - cshape[0] * (comm.rank) // comm.size
        shape = tuple([llen] + list(cshape[1:]))
        cshape1 = DistributedArray._find_cshape(shape, comm)
        if cshape != cshape1:
            raise ValueError("input cshape is inconsistent %s %s" % (cshape, cshape1))

        local = numpy.empty(shape, dtype=dtype)
        return DistributedArray(local, comm=comm)

    def concat(kls, *args, **kwargs):
        Append several distributed arrays into one.

        localsize : None


        localsize = kwargs.pop('localsize', None)

        comm = args[0].comm

        localsize_in = sum([len(arg.local) for arg in args])

        if localsize is None:
            localsize = sum([len(arg.local) for arg in args])

        eldtype = numpy.result_type(*[arg.local for arg in args])

        dtype = [('index', 'intp'), ('el', eldtype)]

        inp = numpy.empty(localsize_in, dtype=dtype)
        out = numpy.empty(localsize, dtype=dtype)

        go = 0
        o = 0
        for arg in args:
            inp['index'][o:o + len(arg.local)] = go + arg.coffset + numpy.arange(len(arg.local), dtype='intp')
            inp['el'][o:o + len(arg.local)]    = arg.local
            o = o + len(arg.local)
            go = go + arg.cshape[0]
        mpsort.sort(inp, orderby='index', out=out, comm=comm)
        return DistributedArray(out['el'].copy(), comm=comm)

    def sort(self, orderby=None):
        Sort array globally by key orderby.

        Due to a limitation of mpsort, self[orderby] must be u8.

        mpsort.sort(self.local, orderby, comm=self.comm)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return DistributedArray(self.local[key], self.comm)

    def unique_labels(self):
        Assign unique labels to sorted local.

        .. warning ::

            local data must be globally sorted, and of simple type. (numpy.unique)

        label   :  :py:class:`DistributedArray`
            the new labels, starting from 0

        prev, next = self.topology.prev(),

        junk, label = numpy.unique(self.local, return_inverse=True)

        if len(label) == 0:
            # work around numpy bug (<=1.13.3) when label is empty it
            # spits out booleans?? booleans!!
            # this causes issues when type cast rules in numpy
            # are tighten up.
            label = numpy.int64(label)

        if len(self.local) == 0:
            Nunique = 0
            # watch out: this is to make sure after shifting first
            # labels on the next rank is the same as my last label
            # when there is a spill-over.
            if next == self.local[-1]:
                Nunique = len(junk) - 1
                Nunique = len(junk)

        label += numpy.sum(self.comm.allgather(Nunique)[:self.comm.rank], dtype='intp')
        return DistributedArray(label, self.comm)

    def bincount(self, weights=None, local=False, shared_edges=True):
        Assign count numbers from sorted local data.

        .. warning ::

            local data must be globally sorted, and of integer type. (numpy.bincount)

        weights: array-like
            if given, count the weight instead of the number of objects.
        local : boolean
            if local is True, only count the local array.
        shared_edges : boolean
            if True, keep the counts at edges that are shared between ranks on both ranks.
            if False, keep the counts at shared edges to the rank on the left.

        N :  :py:class:`DistributedArray`
            distributed counts array. If items of the same value spans other
            chunks of array, they are added to N as well.

        if the local array is [ (0, 0), (0, 1)],
        Then the counts array is [ (3, ), (3, 1)]

        prev = self.topology.prev()
        if prev is not EmptyRank:
            offset = prev
            # two cases: either start counting from the last bin
            # of prev rank, or from next bin, depending on the
            # first value of my local data.
            if len(self.local) > 0:
                if prev != self.local[0]:
                    offset = prev + 1
            offset = 0

        # locally, we will bincount from offset to whereever we end

        N = numpy.bincount(self.local - offset, weights)

        if local:
            return N

        heads = self.topology.heads()
        tails = self.topology.tails()

        distN = DistributedArray(N, self.comm)
        headsN, tailsN = distN.topology.heads(), distN.topology.tails()

        if len(N) > 0:
            anyshared = False
            for i in reversed(range(self.comm.rank)):
                if tails[i] == self.local[0]:
                    N[0] += tailsN[i]
                    anyshared = True

            for i in range(self.comm.rank + 1, self.comm.size):
                if heads[i] == self.local[-1]:
                    N[-1] += headsN[i]

            if not shared_edges:
                # remove the edge from me, as it s already on the left rank.
                if anyshared:
                    N = N[1:]

        return DistributedArray(N, self.comm)

def _get_empty_rank():
    return EmptyRank

class EmptyRankType(object):
    def __repr__(self):
        return "EmptyRank"
    def __reduce__(self):
        return (_get_empty_rank, ())

EmptyRank = EmptyRankType()

class LinearTopology(object):
    """ Helper object for the topology of a distributed array
    def __init__(self, local, comm):
        self.local = local
        self.comm = comm

    def heads(self):
        The first items on each rank.

        heads : list
            a list of first items, EmptyRank is used for empty ranks

        head = EmptyRank
        if len(self.local) > 0:
            head = self.local[0]

        return self.comm.allgather(head)

    def tails(self):
        The last items on each rank.

        tails: list
            a list of last items, EmptyRank is used for empty ranks
        tail = EmptyRank
        if len(self.local) > 0:
            tail = self.local[-1]

        return self.comm.allgather(tail)

    def prev(self):
        The item before the local data.

        This method fetches the last item before the local data.
        If the rank before is empty, the rank before is used.

        If no item is before this rank, EmptyRank is returned

        prev : scalar
            Item before local data, or EmptyRank if all ranks before this rank is empty.


        tails = self.tails()
        for prev in reversed(tails[:self.comm.rank]):
            if prev is not EmptyRank:
                return prev
        return EmptyRank

    def next(self):
        The item after the local data.

        This method the first item after the local data.
        If the rank after current rank is empty,
        item after that rank is used.

        If no item is after local data, EmptyRank is returned.

        next : scalar
            Item after local data, or EmptyRank if all ranks after this rank is empty.

        heads = self.heads()
        for next in heads[self.comm.rank + 1:]:
            if next is not EmptyRank:
                return next
        return EmptyRank