Client class.

Base class for the clients.
import logging
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from json import dumps as serialize
from json import loads as deserialize
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Union

from apply_defaults import apply_config, apply_self  # type: ignore

from .config import config
from .exceptions import ReceivedErrorResponseError
from .log import log_
from .parse import parse
from .requests import Notification, Request
from .response import ErrorResponse, Response

request_log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".request")
response_log = logging.getLogger(__name__ + ".response")

class Client(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    Protocol-agnostic base class for clients.

    Subclasses must override `send_message` to transport the message.

    DEFAULT_REQUEST_LOG_FORMAT = "--> %(message)s"
    DEFAULT_RESPONSE_LOG_FORMAT = "<-- %(message)s"

    @apply_config(config, converters={"id_generator": "getcallable"})
    def __init__(
        trim_log_values: bool = False,
        validate_against_schema: bool = True,
        id_generator: Optional[Iterator] = None,
        basic_logging: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
            trim_log_values: Abbreviate the log entries of requests and responses.
            validate_against_schema: Validate response against the JSON-RPC schema.
            id_generator: Iterable of values to use as the "id" part of the request.
            basic_logging: Will create log handlers to output request & response
        self.trim_log_values = trim_log_values
        self.validate_against_schema = validate_against_schema
        self.id_generator = id_generator
        if basic_logging:

    def basic_logging(self) -> None:
        Call this on the client object to create log handlers to output request and
        response messages.
        # Request handler
        if len(request_log.handlers) == 0:
            request_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
        # Response handler
        if len(response_log.handlers) == 0:
            response_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

    def log_request(
        self, request: str, trim_log_values: bool = False, **kwargs: Any
    ) -> None:
        Log a request.

            request: The JSON-RPC request string.
            trim_log_values: Log an abbreviated version of the request.
        return log_(request, request_log, "info", trim=trim_log_values, **kwargs)

    def log_response(
        self, response: Response, trim_log_values: bool = False, **kwargs: Any
    ) -> None:
        Log a response.

        Note this is different to log_request, in that it takes a Response object, not a

            response: The Response object to log. Note this is different to log_request
                which takes a string.
            trim_log_values: Log an abbreviated version of the response.
        return log_(response.text, response_log, "info", trim=trim_log_values, **kwargs)

    def send_message(
        self, request: str, response_expected: bool, **kwargs: Any
    ) -> Response:
        Transport the message to the server and return the response.

            request: The JSON-RPC request string.
            response_expected: Whether the request expects a response.

            A Response object.

    def validate_response(self, response: Response) -> None:
        Can be overridden for custom validation of the response.

        Raise an exception to fail validation.

    def send(
        request: Union[str, Dict, List],
        trim_log_values: bool = False,
        validate_against_schema: bool = True,
        **kwargs: Any
    ) -> Response:
        Send a request, passing the whole JSON-RPC request object.

        After sending, logs, validates and parses.

        >>> client.send('{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "ping", "id": 1}')

            request: The JSON-RPC request. Can be either a JSON-encoded string or a
                Request/Notification object.
            trim_log_values: Abbreviate the log entries of requests and responses.
            validate_against_schema: Validate response against the JSON-RPC schema.
            kwargs: Clients can use this to configure an single request. For example,
                HTTPClient passes this through to `requests.Session.send()`.
            in the case of a Notification.
        # We need both the serialized and deserialized version of the request
        if isinstance(request, str):
            request_text = request
            request_deserialized = deserialize(request)
            request_text = serialize(request)
            request_deserialized = request
        batch = isinstance(request_deserialized, list)
        response_expected = batch or "id" in request_deserialized
        self.log_request(request_text, trim_log_values=trim_log_values)
        response = self.send_message(
            request_text, response_expected=response_expected, **kwargs
        self.log_response(response, trim_log_values=trim_log_values)
        response.data = parse(
            response.text, batch=batch, validate_against_schema=validate_against_schema
        # If received a single error response, raise
        if isinstance(response.data, ErrorResponse):
            raise ReceivedErrorResponseError(response.data)
        return response

    def notify(
        method_name: str,
        *args: Any,
        trim_log_values: Optional[bool] = None,
        validate_against_schema: Optional[bool] = None,
        **kwargs: Any
    ) -> Response:
        Send a JSON-RPC request, without expecting a response.

            method_name: The remote procedure's method name.
            args: Positional arguments passed to the remote procedure.
            kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the remote procedure.
            trim_log_values: Abbreviate the log entries of requests and responses.
            validate_against_schema: Validate response against the JSON-RPC schema.
        return self.send(
            Notification(method_name, *args, **kwargs),

    def request(
        method_name: str,
        *args: Any,
        trim_log_values: bool = False,
        validate_against_schema: bool = True,
        id_generator: Optional[Iterator] = None,
        **kwargs: Any
    ) -> Response:
        Send a request by passing the method and arguments.

        >>> client.request("cat", name="Yoko")

            method_name: The remote procedure's method name.
            args: Positional arguments passed to the remote procedure.
            kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the remote procedure.
            trim_log_values: Abbreviate the log entries of requests and responses.
            validate_against_schema: Validate response against the JSON-RPC schema.
            id_generator: Iterable of values to use as the "id" part of the request.
        return self.send(
            Request(method_name, id_generator=id_generator, *args, **kwargs),

    def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Callable:
        This gives us an alternate way to make a request.

        >>> client.cube(3)
        --> {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "cube", "params": [3], "id": 1}

        That's the same as saying `client.request("cube", 3)`.

        def attr_handler(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Response:
            return self.request(name, *args, **kwargs)

        return attr_handler