# ida_kernelcache/vtable.py
# Brandon Azad
# Functions for analyzing and symbolicating vtables in the kernelcache.

from itertools import islice, takewhile

import idc
import idautils

from symbol import vtable_symbol_for_class
import ida_utilities as idau
import classes
import stub

_log = idau.make_log(0, __name__)

"""The first few entries of the virtual method tables in the kernelcache are empty."""
"""The minimum number of methods in a virtual method table."""
"""The minimum length of a virtual method table in words, including the initial empty entries."""

def vtable_length(ea, end=None, scan=False):
    """Find the length of a virtual method table.

    This function checks whether the effective address could correspond to a virtual method table
    and calculates its length, including the initial empty entries. By default (when scan is
    False), this function returns the length of the vtable if the address could correspond to a
    vtable, or 0 if the address definitely could not be a vtable.

        ea: The linear address of the start of the vtable.

        end: The end address to search through. Defaults to the end of the section.
        scan: Set to True to indicate that this function is being called to scan memory for virtual
            method tables. Instead of returning the length of the vtable or 0, this function will
            return a tuple (possible, length). Additionally, as a slight optimization, this
            function will sometimes look ahead in order to increase the amount of data that can be
            skipped, reducing duplication of effort between subsequent calls.

        If scan is False (the default), then this function returns the length of the vtable in
        words, including the initial empty entries.

        Otherwise, this function returns a tuple (possible, length). If the address could
        correspond to the start of a vtable, then possible is True and length is the length of the
        vtable in words, including the initial empty entries. Otherwise, if the address is
        definitely not the start of a vtable, then possible is False and length is the number of
        words that can be skipped when searching for the next vtable.
    # TODO: This function should be reorganized. The better way of doing it is to count the number
    # of zero entries, then the number of nonzero entries, then decide based on that. Less
    # special-casing that way.
    # TODO: We should have a static=True/False flag to indicate whether we want to include the
    # empty entries.
    def return_value(possible, length):
        if scan:
            return possible, length
        return length if possible else 0
    # Initialize default values.
    if end is None:
        end = idc.SegEnd(ea)
    words = idau.ReadWords(ea, end)
    # Iterate through the first VTABLE_OFFSET words. If any of them are nonzero, then we can skip
    # past all the words we just saw.
    for idx, word in enumerate(islice(words, VTABLE_OFFSET)):
        if word != 0:
            return return_value(False, idx + 1)
    # Now this first word after the padding section is special.
    first = next(words, None)
    if first is None:
        # We have 2 zeros followed by the end of our range.
        return return_value(False, VTABLE_OFFSET)
    elif first == 0:
        # We have VTABLE_OFFSET + 1 zero entries.
        zeros = VTABLE_OFFSET + 1
        if scan:
            # To avoid re-reading the data we just read in the case of a zero-filled section, let's
            # look ahead a bit until we find the first non-zero value.
            for word in words:
                if word is None:
                    return return_value(False, zeros)
                if word != 0:
                zeros += 1
                # We found no nonzero words before the end.
                return return_value(False, zeros)
        # We can skip all but the last VTABLE_OFFSET zeros.
        return return_value(False, zeros - VTABLE_OFFSET)
    # TODO: We should verify that all vtable entries refer to code.
    # Now we know that we have at least one nonzero value, our job is easier. Get the full length
    # of the vtable, including the first VTABLE_OFFSET entries and the subsequent nonzero entries,
    # until either we find a zero word (not included) or run out of words in the stream.
    length = VTABLE_OFFSET + 1 + idau.iterlen(takewhile(lambda word: word != 0, words))
    # Now it's simple: We are valid if the length is long enough, invalid if it's too short.
    return return_value(length >= MIN_VTABLE_LENGTH, length)

def convert_vtable_to_offsets(vtable, length=None):
    """Convert a vtable into a sequence of offsets.

        vtable: The address of the virtual method table.

        length: The length of the vtable, if known.

        True if the data was successfully converted into offsets.
    if length is None:
        length = vtable_length(vtable)
    if not length:
        _log(0, 'Address {:#x} is not a vtable', vtable)
        return False
    successful = True
    for address in idau.Addresses(vtable, length=length, step=idau.WORD_SIZE):
        if not idc.OpOff(address, 0, 0):
            _log(0, 'Could not change address {:#x} into an offset', address)
            successful = False
    return successful

def _convert_vtable_methods_to_functions(vtable, length):
    """Convert each virtual method in the vtable into an IDA function."""
    for vmethod in vtable_methods(vtable, length=length):
        if not idau.force_function(vmethod):
            _log(0, 'Could not convert virtual method {:#x} into a function', vmethod)

def initialize_vtables():
    """Convert vtables into offsets and ensure that virtual methods are IDA functions."""
    for vtable, length in classes.vtables.items():
        if not convert_vtable_to_offsets(vtable, length):
            _log(0, 'Could not convert vtable at address {:x} into offsets', vtable)
        _convert_vtable_methods_to_functions(vtable, length)

def add_vtable_symbol(vtable, classname):
    """Add a symbol for the virtual method table at the specified address.

        vtable: The address of the virtual method table.
        classname: The name of the C++ class with this virtual method table.

        True if the data was successfully converted into a vtable and the symbol was added.
    vtable_symbol = vtable_symbol_for_class(classname)
    if not idau.set_ea_name(vtable, vtable_symbol):
        _log(0, 'Address {:#x} already has name {} instead of vtable symbol {}'
                .format(vtable, idau.get_ea_name(vtable), vtable_symbol))
        return False
    return True

def initialize_vtable_symbols():
    """Populate IDA with virtual method table symbols for an iOS kernelcache."""
    for classname, classinfo in classes.class_info.items():
        if classinfo.vtable:
            _log(3, 'Class {} has vtable at {:#x}', classname, classinfo.vtable)
            if not add_vtable_symbol(classinfo.vtable, classname):
                _log(0, 'Could not add vtable symbol for class {} at address {:#x}', classname,
            _log(0, 'Class {} has no known vtable', classname)

def class_vtable_method(classinfo, index):
    """Get the virtual method for a class by index.

        classinfo: The class information of the class.
        index: The index of the virtual method, skipping the empty entries (that is, the first
            virtual method is at index 0).
    # Get the vtable for the class.
    methods = classinfo.vtable_methods
    count = classinfo.vtable_nmethods
    if index >= count:
        return None
    return idau.read_word(methods + index * idau.WORD_SIZE)

def vtable_methods(vtable, start=VTABLE_OFFSET, length=None, nmethods=None):
    """Get the methods in a virtual method table.

    A generator that returns each method in the virtual method table. The initial empty entries are

        vtable: The address of the virtual method table. (This includes the initial empty entries.)

        start: The index at which to start returning values. All prior indexes
            are skipped. Default is VTABLE_OFFSET, meaning the initial empty
            entries will be skipped.
        length: The length of the vtable, including the initial empty entries. Specify this value
            to read the entire vtable if the length is already known.
        nmethods: The number of methods to read, excluding the initial empty entries. If None, the
            whole vtable will be read. Default is None.
    assert vtable
    # Get the length of the vtable.
    if nmethods is not None:
        length = nmethods + VTABLE_OFFSET
    elif length is None:
        length = vtable_length(vtable)
    # Read the methods.
    for i in xrange(start, length):
        yield idau.read_word(vtable + i * idau.WORD_SIZE)

def class_vtable_methods(classinfo, nmethods=None, new=False):
    """Get the methods in a virtual method table for a class.

    A generator that returns each method in the virtual method table. The initial empty entries are

        classinfo: The ClassInfo object describing the class.

        nmethods: The number of methods to read, excluding the initial empty entries. If None, the
            whole vtable will be read. Default is None.
        new: If True, only return methods not defined in the superclass. Default is False.
    if not classinfo.vtable:
        return []
    if new and classinfo.superclass:
        start = classinfo.superclass.vtable_length
        start = VTABLE_OFFSET
    return vtable_methods(classinfo.vtable, start=start, length=classinfo.vtable_length,

def vtable_overrides(class_vtable, super_vtable, class_vlength=None, super_vlength=None,
        new=False, methods=False):
    """Get the overrides of a virtual method table.

    A generator that returns the index of each override in the virtual method table. The initial
    empty entries are skipped, so the first virtual method is at index 0.

        class_vtable: The vtable of the class.
        super_vtable: The vtable of the ancestor to compare against for overrides.

        class_vlength: The length of class_vtable. If None, it will be calculated.
        super_vlength: The length of super_vtable. If None, it will be calculated.
        new: If True, include new virtual methods not present in the superclass. Default is False.
        methods: If True, then the generator will produce a tuple containing the index, the
            overridden method in the subclass, and the original method in the superclas, rather
            than just the index. Default is False.
    assert class_vtable
    # Get the vtable lengths.
    if class_vlength is None:
        class_vlength = vtable_length(class_vtable)
    if super_vlength is None:
        super_vlength = vtable_length(super_vtable)
    assert class_vlength >= super_vlength >= 0
    # Skip the first VTABLE_OFFSET entries.
    class_vtable  += VTABLE_OFFSET * idau.WORD_SIZE
    super_vtable  += VTABLE_OFFSET * idau.WORD_SIZE
    class_vlength -= VTABLE_OFFSET
    super_vlength -= VTABLE_OFFSET
    # How many methods are we iterating over?
    if new:
        nmethods = class_vlength
        nmethods = super_vlength
    # Iterate through the methods.
    for i in xrange(nmethods):
        # Read the old method.
        super_method = None
        if i < super_vlength:
            super_method = idau.read_word(super_vtable + i * idau.WORD_SIZE)
        # Read the new method. (It's always in range.)
        class_method = idau.read_word(class_vtable + i * idau.WORD_SIZE)
        # If they're different, yield.
        if class_method != super_method:
            if methods:
                yield i, class_method, super_method
                yield i

def class_vtable_overrides(classinfo, superinfo=None, new=False, methods=False):
    """Get the overrides of a virtual method table for a class.

    A generator that returns the index of each override in the virtual method table. The initial
    empty entries are skipped, so the first virtual method is at index 0.

        classinfo: The ClassInfo of the class to inspect.

        superinfo: The ClassInfo of the ancestor to compare against for overrides. If None, then
            the ClassInfo of the direct superclass will be used. Default is None.
        new: If True, include new virtual methods not present in the superclass. Default is False.
        methods: If True, then the generator will produce a tuple containing the index, the
            overridden method in the subclass, and the original method in the superclas, rather
            than just the index. Default is False.
    if not classinfo.vtable:
    # Get the correct superinfo.
    if superinfo is None:
        # Default to the superclass, but if there isn't one, there's nothing to do.
        superinfo = classinfo.superclass
        if not superinfo and not new:
        if superinfo not in classinfo.ancestors():
            raise ValueError('Invalid arguments: classinfo={}, superinfo={}'.format(classinfo,
    # Get the vtable for the class.
    class_vtable = classinfo.vtable
    class_vlength = classinfo.vtable_length
    # Get the vtable for the superclass.
    if superinfo:
        super_vtable = superinfo.vtable
        super_vlength = superinfo.vtable_length
        assert class_vlength >= super_vlength
        super_vtable = 0
        super_vlength = 0
    # Run the generator.
    for x in vtable_overrides(class_vtable, super_vtable, class_vlength=class_vlength,
            super_vlength=super_vlength, new=new, methods=methods):
        yield x

def class_from_vtable_method_symbol(method_symbol):
    """Get the base class in a vtable method symbol.

    Extract the name of the base class from a canonical method symbol.
    demangled = idc.Demangle(method_symbol, idc.GetLongPrm(idc.INF_SHORT_DN))
    if not demangled:
        return None
    classname = demangled.split('::', 1)[0]
    if classname == demangled:
        return None
    return classname

def _vtable_method_symbol_substitute_class(method_symbol, new_class, old_class=None):
    """Create a new method symbol by substituting the class to which the method belongs."""
    # TODO: This is wrong when the class name is repeated!
    if not old_class:
        old_class = class_from_vtable_method_symbol(method_symbol)
        if not old_class:
            return None
    old_class_part = '{}{}'.format(len(old_class), old_class)
    new_class_part = '{}{}'.format(len(new_class), new_class)
    if old_class_part not in method_symbol:
        return None
    return method_symbol.replace(old_class_part, new_class_part, 1)

_ignore_vtable_methods = (

def _ok_to_rename_method(override, name):
    """Some method names are ok to rename."""
    return (name.startswith('j_') and idau.iterlen(idautils.XrefsTo(override)) == 1)

def _bad_name_dont_use_as_override(name):
    """Some names shouldn't propagate into vtable symbols."""
    # Ignore jumps and stubs and fixed known special values.
    return (name.startswith('j_') or stub.symbol_references_stub(name)
            or name in _ignore_vtable_methods)

def _symbolicate_overrides_for_classinfo(classinfo, processed):
    """A recursive function to symbolicate vtable overrides for a class and its superclasses."""
    # If we've already been processed, stop.
    if classinfo in processed:
    # First propagate symbol information to our superclass.
    if classinfo.superclass:
        _symbolicate_overrides_for_classinfo(classinfo.superclass, processed)
    # Now symbolicate the superclass.
    for _, override, original in class_vtable_overrides(classinfo, methods=True):
        # Skip this method if the override already has a name and we can't rename it.
        override_name = idau.get_ea_name(override, user=True)
        if override_name and not _ok_to_rename_method(override, override_name):
        # Skip this method if the original does not have a name or if it's a bad name.
        original_name = idau.get_ea_name(original, user=True)
        if not original_name or _bad_name_dont_use_as_override(original_name):
        # Get the new override name if we substitute for the override class's name.
        new_name = _vtable_method_symbol_substitute_class(original_name, classinfo.classname)
        if not new_name:
            _log(0, 'Could not substitute class {} into method symbol {} for override {:#x}',
                    classinfo.classname, original_name, override)
        # Now that we have the new name, set it.
        if override_name:
            _log(2, 'Renaming {} -> {}', override_name, new_name)
        if not idau.set_ea_name(override, new_name, rename=True):
            _log(0, 'Could not set name {} for method {:#x}', new_name, override)
    # We're done.

def initialize_vtable_method_symbols():
    """Symbolicate overridden methods in a virtual method table.

    Propagate symbol names from the virtual method tables of the base classes.
    processed = set()
    for classinfo in classes.class_info.values():
        _symbolicate_overrides_for_classinfo(classinfo, processed)