"""Implementations of linear transforms."""

import numpy as np
import torch

from torch import nn
from torch.nn import functional as F, init

import utils

from nde import transforms

class LinearCache(object):
    """Helper class to store the cache of a linear transform.

    The cache consists of: the weight matrix, its inverse and its log absolute determinant.

    def __init__(self):
        self.weight = None
        self.inverse = None
        self.logabsdet = None

    def invalidate(self):
        self.weight = None
        self.inverse = None
        self.logabsdet = None

class Linear(transforms.Transform):
    """Abstract base class for linear transforms that parameterize a weight matrix."""

    def __init__(self, features, using_cache=False):
        if not utils.is_positive_int(features):
            raise TypeError('Number of features must be a positive integer.')

        self.features = features
        self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(features))

        # Caching flag and values.
        self.using_cache = using_cache
        self.cache = LinearCache()

    def forward(self, inputs, context=None):
        if not self.training and self.using_cache:
            outputs = F.linear(inputs, self.cache.weight, self.bias)
            logabsdet = self.cache.logabsdet * torch.ones(outputs.shape[0])
            return outputs, logabsdet
            return self.forward_no_cache(inputs)

    def _check_forward_cache(self):
        if self.cache.weight is None and self.cache.logabsdet is None:
            self.cache.weight, self.cache.logabsdet = self.weight_and_logabsdet()

        elif self.cache.weight is None:
            self.cache.weight = self.weight()

        elif self.cache.logabsdet is None:
            self.cache.logabsdet = self.logabsdet()

    def inverse(self, inputs, context=None):
        if not self.training and self.using_cache:
            outputs = F.linear(inputs - self.bias, self.cache.inverse)
            logabsdet = (-self.cache.logabsdet) * torch.ones(outputs.shape[0])
            return outputs, logabsdet
            return self.inverse_no_cache(inputs)

    def _check_inverse_cache(self):
        if self.cache.inverse is None and self.cache.logabsdet is None:
            self.cache.inverse, self.cache.logabsdet = self.weight_inverse_and_logabsdet()

        elif self.cache.inverse is None:
            self.cache.inverse = self.weight_inverse()

        elif self.cache.logabsdet is None:
            self.cache.logabsdet = self.logabsdet()

    def train(self, mode=True):
        if mode:
            # If training again, invalidate cache.
        return super().train(mode)

    def use_cache(self, mode=True):
        if not utils.is_bool(mode):
            raise TypeError('Mode must be boolean.')
        self.using_cache = mode

    def weight_and_logabsdet(self):
        # To be overridden by subclasses if it is more efficient to compute the weight matrix
        # and its logabsdet together.
        return self.weight(), self.logabsdet()

    def weight_inverse_and_logabsdet(self):
        # To be overridden by subclasses if it is more efficient to compute the weight matrix
        # inverse and weight matrix logabsdet together.
        return self.weight_inverse(), self.logabsdet()

    def forward_no_cache(self, inputs):
        """Applies `forward` method without using the cache."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def inverse_no_cache(self, inputs):
        """Applies `inverse` method without using the cache."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def weight(self):
        """Returns the weight matrix."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def weight_inverse(self):
        """Returns the inverse weight matrix."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def logabsdet(self):
        """Returns the log absolute determinant of the weight matrix."""
        raise NotImplementedError()

class NaiveLinear(Linear):
    """A general linear transform that uses an unconstrained weight matrix.

    This transform explicitly computes the log absolute determinant in the forward direction
    and uses a linear solver in the inverse direction.

    Both forward and inverse directions have a cost of O(D^3), where D is the dimension
    of the input.

    def __init__(self, features, orthogonal_initialization=True, using_cache=False):

            features: int, number of input features.
            orthogonal_initialization: bool, if True initialize weights to be a random
                orthogonal matrix.

            TypeError: if `features` is not a positive integer.
        super().__init__(features, using_cache)

        if orthogonal_initialization:
            self._weight = nn.Parameter(utils.random_orthogonal(features))
            self._weight = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(features, features))
            stdv = 1.0 / np.sqrt(features)
            init.uniform_(self._weight, -stdv, stdv)

    def forward_no_cache(self, inputs):
            output = O(D^2N)
            logabsdet = O(D^3)
            D = num of features
            N = num of inputs
        batch_size = inputs.shape[0]
        outputs = F.linear(inputs, self._weight, self.bias)
        logabsdet = utils.logabsdet(self._weight)
        logabsdet = logabsdet * torch.ones(batch_size)
        return outputs, logabsdet

    def inverse_no_cache(self, inputs):
            output = O(D^3 + D^2N)
            logabsdet = O(D^3)
            D = num of features
            N = num of inputs
        batch_size = inputs.shape[0]
        outputs = inputs - self.bias
        outputs, lu = torch.gesv(outputs.t(), self._weight)  # Linear-system solver.
        outputs = outputs.t()
        # The linear-system solver returns the LU decomposition of the weights, which we
        # can use to obtain the log absolute determinant directly.
        logabsdet = -torch.sum(torch.log(torch.abs(torch.diag(lu))))
        logabsdet = logabsdet * torch.ones(batch_size)
        return outputs, logabsdet

    def weight(self):
            weight = O(1)
        return self._weight

    def weight_inverse(self):
            inverse = O(D^3)
            D = num of features
        return torch.inverse(self._weight)

    def weight_inverse_and_logabsdet(self):
            inverse = O(D^3)
            logabsdet = O(D)
            D = num of features
        # If both weight inverse and logabsdet are needed, it's cheaper to compute both together.
        identity = torch.eye(self.features, self.features)
        weight_inv, lu = torch.gesv(identity, self._weight)  # Linear-system solver.
        logabsdet = torch.sum(torch.log(torch.abs(torch.diag(lu))))
        return weight_inv, logabsdet

    def logabsdet(self):
            logabsdet = O(D^3)
            D = num of features
        return utils.logabsdet(self._weight)