#!/usr/bin/env python3

"""Radio and server metrics, for pretty graphs at https://lainon.life/graphs/.

  metrics.py [--icecast-host=HOST]
  metrics.py (-h | --help)

  --icecast-host=HOST   Hostname of the Icecast HTTP server [default: localhost]
  --icecast-port=PORT   Port of the Icecast HTTP server     [default: 8000]

  --influxdb-host=HOST  Hostname of the InfluxDB API server [default: localhost]
  --influxdb-port=PORT  Port of the InfluxDB API server     [default: 8086]
  --influxdb-user=USER  Username of the InfluxDB API server [default: root]
  --influxdb-pass=PASS  Password of the InfluxDB API server [default: root]
  --influxdb-name=NAME  Name of the InfluxDB database       [default: lainon.life]

  -h --help             Show this text

from datetime import datetime
from docopt import docopt
from influxdb import InfluxDBClient

import json
import os
import psutil
import subprocess
import time
import urllib

def snapshot_icecast(host, port):
    """Return a snapshot of the icecast listener status."""

    f = urllib.request.urlopen("http://{}:{}/status-json.xsl".format(host, port))
    stats = json.loads(f.read().decode("utf8"))

    snapshot = []
    for src in stats["icestats"]["source"]:
        if "server_name" in src and "listeners" in src:
                    "channel": src["server_name"][:-6].replace("[mpd] ", ""),
                    "format": src["server_name"][-4:][:-1],
                    "listeners": src["listeners"],

    formats = {stream["format"] for stream in snapshot}
    channels = {stream["channel"] for stream in snapshot}

    return snapshot, formats, channels

def icecast_metrics_list(now, host, port):
    """Return a list of icecast metrics, or the empty list if it fails."""

        snapshot, formats, channels = snapshot_icecast(host, port)
    except Exception:
        return []

    return [
            "measurement": "format_listeners",
            "time": now,
            "fields": {
                fmt: sum(
                        for stream in snapshot
                        if stream["format"] == fmt
                for fmt in formats
            "measurement": "channel_listeners",
            "time": now,
            "fields": {
                ch: sum(
                        for stream in snapshot
                        if stream["channel"] == ch
                for ch in channels

def network_metrics():
    """Get the current upload, in bytes, since last boot."""

    psinfo = psutil.net_io_counters(pernic=True)

    return {
        "{}_{}".format(iface, way): ifinfo[n]
        for iface, ifinfo in psinfo.items()
        for way, n in {"up": 0, "down": 1}.items()

def cpu_metrics():
    """Get the percentage usage of every cpu."""

    cpus = psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True)
    return {"core{}".format(n): percent for n, percent in enumerate(cpus)}

def disk_metrics():
    """Get the disk usage, in bytes."""

    def add_usage(ms, dus, dname):
            for i, val in enumerate(dus):
                if val.decode("utf-8") == dname:
                    ms[dname] = int(dus[i - 1])
        except Exception:

    # Overall disk usage
    statinfo = os.statvfs("/")
    metrics = {"used": statinfo.f_frsize * (statinfo.f_blocks - statinfo.f_bfree)}

    # Per-directory disk usage
    dirs = ["/home", "/nix", "/srv", "/tmp", "/var"]
    argv = ["du", "-s", "-b"]
    argv.extend(dirs)  # why doesn't python have an expression variant of this!?
    dus = subprocess.check_output(argv).split()
    for dname in dirs:
        add_usage(metrics, dus, dname)

    return metrics

def memory_metrics():
    """Get the RAM and swap usage, in bytes."""

    vminfo = psutil.virtual_memory()
    swinfo = psutil.swap_memory()

    return {
        "vm_used": vminfo[3],
        "vm_buffers": vminfo[7],
        "vm_cached": vminfo[8],
        "swap_used": swinfo[1],
        "vm_used_no_buffers_cache": vminfo[3] - vminfo[7] - vminfo[8],

def gather_metrics(now, icecastHost, icecastPort):
    """Gather metrics to send to InfluxDB."""

    metrics = icecast_metrics_list(now, icecastHost, icecastPort)
            {"measurement": "network", "time": now, "fields": network_metrics()},
            {"measurement": "disk", "time": now, "fields": disk_metrics()},
            {"measurement": "cpu", "time": now, "fields": cpu_metrics()},
            {"measurement": "memory", "time": now, "fields": memory_metrics()},

    return metrics

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = docopt(__doc__)

            args["--icecast-port"] = int(args["--icecast-port"])
        except ValueError:
            raise Exception("--icecast-port must be an integer")
            args["--influxdb-port"] = int(args["--influxdb-port"])
        except ValueError:
            raise Exception("--influxdb-port must be an integer")
    except Exception as e:

    client = InfluxDBClient(

    # Ensure the database exists

    # We do this all in the same process to avoid the overhead of
    # launching a python interpreter every 30s, which appears to mess
    # with psutil's reporting of CPU usage.
    while True:
        now = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
        print("Sending report for {}".format(now))
        metrics = gather_metrics(now, args["--icecast-host"], args["--icecast-port"])
        client.write_points(metrics, database=args["--influxdb-name"])