"""DWC Network Server Emulator

    Copyright (C) 2014 polaris-
    Copyright (C) 2014 ToadKing
    Copyright (C) 2016 Sepalani

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
    License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

 Server emulator for *.available.gs.nintendowifi.net
                 and *.master.gs.nintendowifi.net
 Query and Reporting:

import logging
import SocketServer
import threading
import time
import Queue
import gamespy.gs_utility as gs_utils
import other.utils as utils
import traceback

from multiprocessing.managers import BaseManager
import dwc_config

logger = dwc_config.get_logger('GameSpyNatNegServer')

class GameSpyServerDatabase(BaseManager):


def handle_natneg(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: Unknown."""
               "Received unknown command %02x from %s:%d...",
               ord(recv_data[7]), *addr)
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(recv_data))

def handle_natneg_init(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x00 - NN_INIT.

    Send by the client to initialize the connection.

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 03 00 3d f1 00 71 00 00 01 0a
    00 01 e2 00 00 6d 61 72 69 6f 6b 61 72 74 77 69
    69 00

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 - NATNEG magic
    03                - NATNEG version
    00                - NATNEG record type
    3d f1 00 71       - Session id
    00                - Port type (between 0x00 and 0x03)
    00                - Client index (0x00 - Client,
                                      0x01 - Host)
    01                - Use game port
    0a 00 01 e2       - Local IP
    00 00             - Local port
    GAME_NAME 00      - Game name
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "Received initialization from %s:%d...", *addr)

    session_id = utils.get_int(recv_data, 8)
    output = bytearray(recv_data[0:14])

    # Checked with Tetris DS, Mario Kart DS, and Metroid Prime
    # Hunters, and this seems to be the standard response to 0x00
    output += bytearray([0xff, 0xff, 0x6d, 0x16, 0xb5, 0x7d, 0xea])
    output[7] = 0x01  # Initialization response
    nn.write_queue.put((output, addr, socket))

    # Try to connect to the server
    gameid = utils.get_string(recv_data, 0x15)
    client_id = "%02x" % ord(recv_data[13])
    localaddr = utils.get_local_addr(recv_data, 15)

    nn.session_list \
        .setdefault(session_id, {}) \
                        'connected': False,
                        'addr': '',
                        'localaddr': None,
                        'serveraddr': None,
                        'gameid': None

    # In fact, it's a pointer
    client_id_session = nn.session_list[session_id][client_id]
    client_id_session['gameid'] = gameid
    client_id_session['addr'] = addr
    client_id_session['localaddr'] = localaddr

    for client in nn.session_list[session_id]:
        # Another pointer
        client_session = nn.session_list[session_id][client]
        if client_session['connected'] or client == client_id:

        # --- Send to requesting client
        # Get server info
        serveraddr = nn.get_server_addr(gameid, session_id, client)
        client_session['serveraddr'] = serveraddr
                   "Found server from local ip/port: %s from %d",
                   serveraddr, session_id)

        # Get public port
        if client_session['serveraddr'] is not None:
            publicport = int(client_session['serveraddr']['publicport'])
            publicport = \
                client_session['localaddr'][1] or \

        output = bytearray(recv_data[0:12])
        output += utils.get_bytes_from_ip_str(client_session['addr'][0])
        output += utils.get_bytes_from_short(publicport, True)

        # Unknown, always seems to be \x42\x00
        output += bytearray([0x42, 0x00])
        output[7] = 0x05  # NN_CONNECT
        nn.write_queue.put((output, client_id_session['addr'], socket))

                   "Sent connection request to %s:%d...",
        logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(output))

        # --- Send to other client
        # Get server info
        serveraddr = nn.get_server_addr(gameid, session_id, client_id)
        client_id_session['serveraddr'] = serveraddr
                   "Found server 2 from local ip/port: %s from %d",
                   serveraddr, session_id)

        # Get public port
        if client_id_session['serveraddr'] is not None:
            publicport = int(client_id_session['serveraddr']['publicport'])
            publicport = \
                client_id_session['localaddr'][1] or \

        output = bytearray(recv_data[0:12])
        output += utils.get_bytes_from_ip_str(client_id_session['addr'][0])
        output += utils.get_bytes_from_short(publicport, True)

        # Unknown, always seems to be \x42\x00
        output += bytearray([0x42, 0x00])
        output[7] = 0x05  # NN_CONNECT
        nn.write_queue.put((output, client_session['addr'], socket))

                   "Sent connection request to %s:%d...",
        logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(output))

def handle_natneg_initack(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x01 - NN_INITACK.

    Reply by the server for record NN_INIT (0x00).

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 03 01 3d f1 00 71 00 00 ff ff
    6d 16 b5 7d ea

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 - NATNEG magic
    03                - NATNEG version
    01                - NATNEG record type
    3d f1 00 71       - Session id
    00                - Port type (between 0x00 and 0x03)
    00                - Client index (0x00 - Client,
                                      0x01 - Host)
    ff                - Use game port (-1)? Dummy value?
    ff 6d 16 b5       - Local IP? Dummy value?
    7d ea             - Local port? Hex speak of "Idea"? Dummy value?
               "Received server record type command NN_INITACK (0x01)"
               " from %s:%d...", *addr)
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(recv_data))

def handle_natneg_erttest(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x02 - NN_ERTTEST.

    Reply by the server for record NN_NATIFY_REQUEST (0x0C).

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 03 02 00 00 03 09 02 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 - NATNEG magic
    03                - NATNEG version
    02                - NATNEG record type
    00 00 03 09       - Session id
    02                - Port type (between 0x00 and 0x03)
                      - 60 bytes padding?
    00                - Client index (0x00 - Client,
                                      0x01 - Host)
    00                - NATNEG result?
    00 00 00 00       - NAT type?
    00 00 00 00       - NAT mapping scheme?
    00 (x50)          - Game name?
               "Received server record type command NN_ERTTEST (0x02)"
               " from %s:%d...", *addr)
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(recv_data))

def handle_natneg_ertack(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x03 - NN_ERTACK.

    Reply by the client for record NN_ERTTEST (0x02).
    Only the record type is changed.

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 03 03 00 00 03 09 02 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 - NATNEG magic
    03                - NATNEG version
    03                - NATNEG record type
    00 00 03 09       - Session id
    02                - Port type (between 0x00 and 0x03)
                      - 60 bytes padding?
    00                - Client index (0x00 - Client,
                                      0x01 - Host)
    00                - NATNEG result?
    00 00 00 00       - NAT type?
    00 00 00 00       - NAT mapping scheme?
    00 (x50)          - Game name?
    logger.log(logging.INFO, "Received ERT acknowledgement from %s:%d", *addr)

def handle_natneg_stateupdate(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x04 - NN_STATEUPDATE.



               "Received unimplemented command NN_STATEUPDATE (0x04)"
               " from %s:%d...", *addr)
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(output))

def handle_natneg_connect(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x05 - NN_CONNECT.

    Reply by the server for record NN_INIT (0x00).

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 03 05 3d f1 00 71 18 ab ed 7a
    da 00 42 00

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 - NATNEG magic
    03                - NATNEG version
    05                - NATNEG record type
    3d f1 00 71       - Session id
    18 ab ed 7a       - Remote IP
    da 00             - Remote port
    42                - Got remote data
    00                - Finished
               "Received server record type command NN_CONNECT (0x05)"
               " from %s:%d...", *addr)
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(recv_data))

def handle_natneg_connect_ack(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x06 - NN_CONNECT_ACK.

    Reply by the client for record NN_CONNECT (0x05).

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 03 06 3d f1 00 71 90 00 cd a0
    80 00 00 00 90

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 - NATNEG magic
    03                - NATNEG version
    06                - NATNEG record type
    3d f1 00 71       - Session id
    90                - Port type (0x00, 0x80 or 0x90)
    00                - Client index (0x00 - Client,
                                      0x01 - Host)
    cd                - Use game port?
    a0 80 00 00       - Local IP?
    00 90             - Local port?
    client_id = "%02x" % ord(recv_data[13])
    session_id = utils.get_int(recv_data, 8)
               "Received connected command from %s:%d...",

    if session_id in nn.session_list and \
       client_id in nn.session_list[session_id]:
        nn.session_list[session_id][client_id]['connected'] = True

def handle_natneg_connect_ping(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x07 - NN_CONNECT_PING.

    Looks like NN_CONNECT but between clients.
    The server shouldn't be involved.

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 03 07 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
    ?? ?? ?? ??

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 - NATNEG magic
    03                - NATNEG version
    07                - NATNEG record type
    ?? ?? ?? ??       - Session id
    ?? ?? ?? ??       - Remote IP
    ?? ??             - Remote port
    ??                - Sequence counter (0 or 1)
    ??                - Error
               "Received unimplemented command NN_CONNECT_PING (0x07)"
               " from %s:%d...", *addr)
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(recv_data))

def handle_natneg_backup_test(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x08 - NN_BACKUP_TEST.

    Send by the client.


    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "Received backup command from %s:%d...", *addr)
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(recv_data))

    # Backup response
    output = bytearray(recv_data)
    output[7] = 0x09  # NN_BACKUP_ACK
    nn.write_queue.put((output, addr, socket))

def handle_natneg_backup_ack(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x09 - NN_BACKUP_ACK.

    Reply by the server for record NN_BACKUP_TEST (0x08).
    Only the record type is changed.


               "Received server record type command NN_BACKUP_ACK (0x09)"
               " from %s:%d...", *addr)
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(output))

def handle_natneg_address_check(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x0A - NN_ADDRESS_CHECK.

    Send by the client during connection test.

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 03 0a 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 - NATNEG magic
    03                - NATNEG version
    0a                - NATNEG record type
    00 00 00 00       - Session id
    01                - Port type (between 0x00 and 0x03)
                      - 60 bytes padding?
    00                - Client index (0x00 - Client,
                                      0x01 - Host)
    00                - NATNEG result?
    00 00 00 00       - NAT type?
    00 00 00 00       - NAT mapping scheme?
    00 (x50)          - Game name?
    client_id = "%02x" % ord(recv_data[13])
               "Received address check command from %s:%d...",
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(recv_data))

    output = bytearray(recv_data[0:15])
    output += utils.get_bytes_from_ip_str(addr[0])
    output += utils.get_bytes_from_short(addr[1], True)
    output += bytearray(recv_data[len(output):])

    output[7] = 0x0b  # NN_ADDRESS_REPLY
    nn.write_queue.put((output, addr, socket))

    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "Sent address check response to %s:%d...", *addr)
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(output))

def handle_natneg_address_reply(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x0B - NN_ADDRESS_REPLY.

    Reply by the server for record NN_ADDRESS_CHECK (0x0A).

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 03 0b 00 00 00 03 01 00 00 25
    c9 e2 8a 91 e4

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 - NATNEG magic
    03                - NATNEG version
    0b                - NATNEG record type
    00 00 00 03       - Session id
    01                - Port type (between 0x00 and 0x03)
    00                - Client index (0x00 - Client,
                                      0x01 - Host)
    00                - Use game port
    25 c9 e2 8a       - Public IP
    91 e4             - Public port
               "Received server record type command NN_ADDRESS_REPLY (0x0B)"
               " from %s:%d...", *addr)
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(output))

def handle_natneg_natify_request(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x0C - NN_NATIFY_REQUEST.

    Send by the client during connection test.

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 03 0c 00 00 03 09 01 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 - NATNEG magic
    03                - NATNEG version
    0c                - NATNEG record type
    00 00 03 09       - Session id
    01                - Port type (between 0x00 and 0x03)
                      - 60 bytes padding?
    00                - Client index (0x00 - Client,
                                      0x01 - Host)
    00                - NATNEG result?
    00 00 00 00       - NAT type?
    00 00 00 00       - NAT mapping scheme?
    00 (x50)          - Game name?
    port_type = "%02x" % ord(recv_data[12])
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "Received natify command from %s:%d...", *addr)

    output = bytearray(recv_data)
    output[7] = 0x02  # ERT Test
    nn.write_queue.put((output, addr, socket))

    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "Sent natify response to %s:%d...", *addr)
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(output))

def handle_natneg_report(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x0D - NN_REPORT.

    Send by the client.

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 03 0d 3d f1 00 71 00 00 01 00
    00 00 06 00 00 00 00 6d 61 72 69 6f 6b 61 72 74
    77 69 69 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 - NATNEG magic
    03                - NATNEG version
    0d                - NATNEG record type
    3d f1 00 71       - Session id
    00                - Port type (0x00, 0x80 or 0x90)
    00                - Client index (0x00 - Client,
                                      0x01 - Host)
    01                - NATNEG result (0x00 - Error,
                                       0x01 - Success)
    00 00 00 06       - NAT type (0x00 - No NAT,
                                  0x01 - Firewall only,
                                  0x02 - Full cone,
                                  0x03 - Restricted cone,
                                  0x04 - Port restricted cone,
                                  0x05 - Symmetric,
                                  0x06 - Unknown)
    00 00 00 00       - NAT mapping scheme (0x00 - Unknown,
                                            0x01 - Private same as public,
                                            0x02 - Consistent port,
                                            0x03 - Incremental,
                                            0x04 - Mixed)
    GAME_NAME 00      - Game name (GAME_NAME is 49 bytes length)
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "Received report command from %s:%d...", *addr)
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(recv_data))

    # Report response
    output = bytearray(recv_data[:21])
    output[7] = 0x0e  # Report response
    output[14] = 0  # Clear byte to match real server's response
    nn.write_queue.put((output, addr, socket))

def handle_natneg_report_ack(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x0E - NN_REPORT_ACK.

    Reply by the server for record NN_REPORT (0x0D).

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 03 0e 3d f1 00 71 00 00 00 00
    00 00 06 00 00

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 - NATNEG magic
    03                - NATNEG version
    0e                - NATNEG record type
    3d f1 00 71       - Session id
    00                - Port type (0x00, 0x80 or 0x90)
    00                - Client index (0x00 - Client,
                                      0x01 - Host)
    00                - NATNEG result (0x00 - Error,
                                       0x01 - Success)
    00 00 00 06       - NAT type (0x00 - No NAT,
                                  0x01 - Firewall only,
                                  0x02 - Full cone,
                                  0x03 - Restricted cone,
                                  0x04 - Port restricted cone,
                                  0x05 - Symmetric,
                                  0x06 - Unknown)
               "Received server record type command NN_REPORT_ACK (0x0E)"
               " from %s:%d...", *addr)
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(recv_data))

def handle_natneg_preinit(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x0F - NN_PREINIT.

    Natneg v4 command thanks to Pipian.
    Only seems to be used in very few DS games, namely,
    Pokemon Black/White/Black 2/White 2.

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 04 0f b5 e0 95 2a 00 24 38 b2
    b3 5e

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 - NATNEG magic
    04                - NATNEG version
    0f                - NATNEG record type
    b5 e0 95 2a       - Session id
    00                - Client index (0x00 - Client,
                                      0x01 - Host)
    24                - State (0x00 - Waiting for client,
                               0x01 - Waiting for matchup,
                               0x02 - Ready)
    38 b2 b3 5e       - Other client's session id
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "Received pre-init command from %s:%d...", *addr)
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(recv_data))

    session = utils.get_int(recv_data[-4:], 0)

    # Report response
    output = bytearray(recv_data[:-4]) + bytearray([0, 0, 0, 0])
    output[7] = 0x10  # Pre-init response

    if not session:
        # What's the correct behavior when session == 0?
        output[13] = 2
    elif session in nn.natneg_preinit_session:
        # Should this be sent to both clients or just the one that
        # connected most recently?
        # I can't tell from a one sided packet capture of Pokemon.
        # For the time being, send to both clients just in case.
        output[13] = 2
        nn.write_queue.put((output, nn.natneg_preinit_session[session],

        output[12] = (1, 0)[output[12]]  # Swap the index
        del nn.natneg_preinit_session[session]
        output[13] = 0
        nn.natneg_preinit_session[session] = addr

    nn.write_queue.put((output, addr, socket))

def handle_natneg_preinit_ack(nn, recv_data, addr, socket):
    """Command: 0x10 - NN_PREINIT_ACK.

    Reply by the server for record NN_PREINIT (0x0F).

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 04 10 b5 e0 95 2a 00 00 00 00
    00 00

    After receiving other client's PREINIT:
    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 04 10 b5 e0 95 2a 01 02 00 00
    00 00

    fd fc 1e 66 6a b2 - NATNEG magic
    04                - NATNEG version
    10                - NATNEG record type
    b5 e0 95 2a       - Session id
    00                - Client index (0x00 - Client,
                                      0x01 - Host)
    00                - State (0x00 - Waiting for client,
                               0x01 - Waiting for matchup,
                               0x02 - Ready)
    00 00 00 00       - Other client's session id (or empty)
               "Received server record type command NN_PREINIT_ACK (0x10)"
               " from %s:%d...", *addr)
    logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(recv_data))

class GameSpyNatNegUDPServerHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
    """GameSpy NAT Negotiation handler."""

    nn_magics = bytearray([0xfd, 0xfc, 0x1e, 0x66, 0x6a, 0xb2])
    nn_commands = {
        '\x00': handle_natneg_init,
        '\x01': handle_natneg_initack,
        '\x02': handle_natneg_erttest,
        '\x03': handle_natneg_ertack,
        '\x04': handle_natneg_stateupdate,
        '\x05': handle_natneg_connect,
        '\x06': handle_natneg_connect_ack,
        '\x07': handle_natneg_connect_ping,
        '\x08': handle_natneg_backup_test,
        '\x09': handle_natneg_backup_ack,
        '\x0A': handle_natneg_address_check,
        '\x0B': handle_natneg_address_reply,
        '\x0C': handle_natneg_natify_request,
        '\x0D': handle_natneg_report,
        '\x0E': handle_natneg_report_ack,
        '\x0F': handle_natneg_preinit,
        '\x10': handle_natneg_preinit_ack

    def handle(self):
        """Handle NAT Negotiation request."""
        recv_data, socket = self.request
        addr = self.client_address

        logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "Connection from %s:%d...", *addr)
        logger.log(logging.DEBUG, "%s", utils.pretty_print_hex(recv_data))

        # Make sure it's a legal packet
        if not recv_data.startswith(self.nn_magics):
            logger.log(logging.ERROR, "Aborted due to illegal packet!")

        # Handle commands
            command = self.nn_commands.get(recv_data[7], handle_natneg)
            command(self.server, recv_data, addr, socket)
            logger.log(logging.ERROR, "Failed to handle command!")
            logger.log(logging.ERROR, "%s", traceback.format_exc())

class GameSpyNatNegUDPServer(SocketServer.UDPServer):
    """GameSpy NAT Negotiation server."""

    def __init__(self,
        self.session_list = {}
        self.natneg_preinit_session = {}
        self.secret_key_list = gs_utils.generate_secret_keys("gslist.cfg")

        self.server_manager = GameSpyServerDatabase(

        self.write_queue = Queue.Queue()

    def write_queue_send(self, data, address, socket):
        socket.sendto(data, address)

    def write_queue_worker(self):
        while True:
            data, address, socket = self.write_queue.get()
                             args=(data, address, socket)).start()

    def get_server_info(self, gameid, session_id, client_id):
        """Get server by public IP."""
        server = None
        ip_str = self.session_list[session_id][client_id]['addr'][0]
        servers = self.server_manager.get_natneg_server(session_id) \
        if servers is None:
            return None
        for console in [False, True]:
            if server is not None:
            ip = str(utils.get_ip_from_str(ip_str, console))
            server = next((s for s in servers if s['publicip'] == ip), None)

        return server

    def get_server_info_alt(self, gameid, session_id, client_id):
        """Get server by local address."""
        server = None
        ip_str = self.session_list[session_id][client_id]['addr'][0]

        for console in [False, True]:
            if server is not None:
            ip = str(utils.get_ip_from_str(ip_str, console))
            server = self.server_manager.find_server_by_local_address(

        return server

    def get_server_addr(self, gameid, session_id, client_id):
        """Get server address."""
        return \
            self.get_server_info(gameid, session_id, client_id) or \
            self.get_server_info_alt(gameid, session_id, client_id)

class GameSpyNatNegServer(object):
    def start(self):
        server = GameSpyNatNegUDPServer()
        logger.log(logging.INFO, "Server is now listening on %s:%d...",

if __name__ == "__main__":
    natneg_server = GameSpyNatNegServer()