# coding: utf-8

'''Main module; launch and navigation related stuff'''

from __future__ import print_function
import sublime
from sublime import Region
from sublime_plugin import WindowCommand, TextCommand
import os
from os.path import basename, dirname, isdir, exists, join

ST3 = int(sublime.version()) >= 3000

if ST3:
    from .common import DiredBaseCommand, print, set_proper_scheme, calc_width, get_group, hijack_window, emit_event, NT, PARENT_SYM
    from . import prompt
    from .show import show
    from .jumping import jump_names
else:  # ST2 imports
    from common import DiredBaseCommand, print, set_proper_scheme, calc_width, get_group, hijack_window, emit_event, NT, PARENT_SYM
    import prompt
    from show import show
    from jumping import jump_names

def reuse_view():
    return sublime.load_settings('dired.sublime-settings').get('dired_reuse_view', False)

def plugin_loaded():
    if len(sublime.windows()) == 1 and len(sublime.windows()[0].views()) == 0:

    window = sublime.active_window()
    if not ST3:
        global recursive_plugin_loaded
        # recursion limit is 1000 generally, so it will try to refresh for 100*1000 ms (100 s)
        # if no active_window in 100 s, then no refresh
        # if view still loading, refresh fail because view cant be edited
        if not window or any(view.is_loading() for view in window.views()):
            recursive_plugin_loaded += 1
                return sublime.set_timeout(plugin_loaded, 100)
            except RuntimeError:
                print('\ndired.plugin_loaded run recursively %d time(s); and failed to refresh\n' % recursive_plugin_loaded)

    for w in sublime.windows():
        for v in w.views():
            if v.settings() and v.settings().get("dired_path"):
                # reset sels because dired_index not exists yet, so we cant restore sels
                v.run_command("dired_refresh", {"reset_sels": True})

    import sys
    dfsobserver = '%s0_dired_fs_observer' % ('FileBrowser.' if ST3 else '')
    if dfsobserver not in sys.modules or sys.modules[dfsobserver].Observer is None:
        return sublime.error_message(
            u'watchdog module is not importable, hence we cannot know about '
            u'changes on file system, and auto-refresh will not work.\n\n'
            u'Despite that, FileBrowser is fully usable without auto-refresh, '
            u'you can just ignore this message and manually refresh view with r key.\n\n'
            u'But if you want working auto-refresh:\n'
            u' • if you install manually, then look at Readme how to install it,\n'
            u' • if you install via Package Control, report an issue.')

    sublime.load_settings('dired.sublime-settings').add_on_change('dired_autorefresh', lambda: emit_event(u'toggle_watch_all', sublime.load_settings('dired.sublime-settings').get('dired_autorefresh', None)))
    # if not ST3:
    #     print('\ndired.plugin_loaded run recursively %d time(s); and call refresh command\n'%recursive_plugin_loaded)

def plugin_unloaded():

if not ST3:
    unload_handler = plugin_unloaded
    recursive_plugin_loaded = 1

class DiredCommand(WindowCommand, DiredBaseCommand):
    Prompt for a directory to display and display it.
    def run(self, immediate=False, single_pane=False, project=False, other_group=False):
        path, goto = self._determine_path()
        if project:
            folders = self.window.folders()
            if len(folders) == 1:
                path = folders[0]
            elif folders:
                names = [basename(f) for f in folders]
                longest_name = max([len(n) for n in names])
                for i, f in enumerate(folders):
                    name     = names[i]
                    offset   = ' ' * (longest_name - len(name) + 1)
                    names[i] = u'%s%s%s' % (name, offset, self.display_path(f))
                self.window.show_quick_panel(names, lambda i: self._show_folder(i, path, goto, single_pane, other_group), sublime.MONOSPACE_FONT)
        if immediate:
            show(self.window, path, goto=goto, single_pane=single_pane, other_group=other_group)
            prompt.start('Directory:', self.window, path, self._show)

    def _show_folder(self, index, path, goto, single_pane, other_group):
        if index != -1:
            choice = self.window.folders()[index]
            if path == choice:
                show(self.window, path, goto=goto, single_pane=single_pane, other_group=other_group)
                show(self.window, choice, single_pane=single_pane, other_group=other_group)

    def _show(self, path):
        show(self.window, path)

    def _determine_path(self):
        '''Return (path, fname) so goto=fname to set cursor'''
        # Use the current view's directory if it has one.
        view = self.window.active_view()
        path = view and view.file_name()
        folders = self.window.folders()
        if path:
            for f in folders:
                # e.g. ['/a', '/aa'], to open '/aa/f' we need '/aa/'
                if path.startswith(u''.join([f, os.sep])):
                    return (f, path)
            return os.path.split(path)

        # Use the first project folder if there is one.
        data = self.window.project_data() if ST3 else None
        if data and 'folders' in data:
            folders = data['folders']
            if folders:
                return (folders[0]['path'], '')

        # Use window folder if possible
        if len(folders) > 0:
            return (folders[0], '')

        # Use the user's home directory.
        return (os.path.expanduser('~'), '')

class DiredRefreshCommand(TextCommand, DiredBaseCommand):
    Populates or repopulates a dired view.

    self.index is a representation of view lines
               list contains full path of each item in a view, except
               header ['', ''] and parent_dir [PARENT_SYM]
    self.index shall be updated according to view modifications (refresh, expand single directory, fold)
                    and stored in view settings as 'dired_index'

    The main reason for index is access speed to item path because we can
    to get full path, instead of grinding with substr thru entire view
    substr is slow: https://github.com/SublimeTextIssues/Core/issues/882
    def run(self, edit, goto='', to_expand=None, toggle=None, reset_sels=None):
            Optional filename to put the cursor on; used only from "dired_up"

            List of relative paths for direcories which shall be expanded

            If true, marked/selected directories shall switch state,
            i.e. expand/collapse

            If True, previous selections & marks shan’t be restored
        # after restart ST, callback seems to disappear, so reset callback on each refresh for more reliability
        self.view.settings().add_on_change('color_scheme', lambda: set_proper_scheme(self.view))

        path = self.path
        names = []
        if path == 'ThisPC\\':
            path, names = '', self.get_disks()
        if path and not exists(path):
            if sublime.ok_cancel_dialog(u'FileBrowser:\n\nDirectory does not exist:\n\n\t%s\n\nTry to go up?' % path, u'Go'):

        emit_event(u'start_refresh', (self.view.id(), path), view=self.view)

        self.expanded = expanded = self.view.find_all(u'^\s*▾') if not reset_sels else []
        self.show_hidden = self.view.settings().get('dired_show_hidden_files', True)
        self.goto = goto
        if os.sep in goto:
            to_expand = self.expand_goto(to_expand)

        self.number_line = 0
        if reset_sels and not to_expand:
            self.index, self.marked, self.sels = [], None, None
            self.populate_view(edit, path, names)
            if not reset_sels:
                self.index  = self.get_all()
                self.marked = self.get_marked()
                self.sels   = (self.get_selected(), list(self.view.sel()))
                self.marked, self.sels = None, None
            self.re_populate_view(edit, path, names, expanded, to_expand, toggle)
        emit_event(u'finish_refresh', (self.view.id(), self.expanded + ([path] if path else [])), view=self.view)

    def expand_goto(self, to_expand):
        '''e.g. self.goto = "a/b/c/d/", then to put cursor onto d, it should be
        to_expand = ["a/", "a/b/", "a/b/c/"] (items order in list dont matter)
        to_expand = to_expand or []
        goto = self.goto
        while len(goto.split(os.sep)) > 2:
            parent = dirname(goto) + os.sep
            goto = parent.rstrip(os.sep)
        return to_expand

    def re_populate_view(self, edit, path, names, expanded, to_expand, toggle):
        '''Called when we know that some directories were (or/and need to be) expanded'''
        root = path
        for i, r in enumerate(expanded):
            name = self.get_fullpath_for(r)
            expanded[i] = name
        if toggle and to_expand:
            merged = list(set(expanded + to_expand))
            expanded = [e for e in merged if not (e in expanded and e in to_expand)]
            expanded.extend(to_expand or [])
        self.expanded = expanded
        # we need prev index to setup expanded list — done, so reset index
        self.index = []

        tree = self.traverse_tree(root, root, '', names, expanded)
        if not tree:
            return self.populate_view(edit, path, names)

        items = self.correcting_index(path, tree)
        self.write(edit, items)
        self.view.run_command('dired_call_vcs', {'path': path})

    def populate_view(self, edit, path, names):
        '''Called when no directories were (or/and need to be) expanded'''
        if not path and names:  # open ThisPC
            self.continue_populate(edit, path, names)
        items, error = self.try_listing_directory(path)
        if error:
            self.view.insert(edit, self.view.line(self.view.sel()[0]).b,
                             u'\t<%s>' % error)
            self.continue_populate(edit, path, items)

    def continue_populate(self, edit, path, names):
        '''Called if there is no exception in self.populate_view'''
        self.sel = None
        items = self.correcting_index(path, self.prepare_filelist(names, path, '', ''))
        self.write(edit, items)
        self.view.run_command('dired_call_vcs', {'path': path})

    def traverse_tree(self, root, path, indent, tree, expanded):
        '''Recursively build list of filenames for self.re_populate_view'''
        if not path:  # special case for ThisPC, path is empty string
            items = [u'%s\\' % d for d in tree]
            tree  = []

            if indent:  # this happens during recursive call, i.e. path in expanded
                # basename return funny results for c:\\ so it is tricky
                bname = os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(path)) or path.rstrip(os.sep)
                tree.append(u'%s▾ %s%s' % (indent[:-1], bname.rstrip(os.sep), os.sep))
                self.index.append(u'%s' % path)

            items, error = self.try_listing_directory(path)
            if error:
                tree[~0] += u'\t<%s>' % error
            if not items:
                if path == root:
                    return []
                # expanding empty folder, so notify that it is empty
                tree[~0] += '\t<empty>'

        files = []
        index_files = []
        for f in items:
            new_path = join(path, f)
            dir_path = u'%s%s' % (new_path.rstrip(os.sep), os.sep)
            check = isdir(new_path)
            if check and dir_path in expanded:
                self.traverse_tree(root, dir_path, indent + '\t', tree, expanded)
            elif check:
                tree.append(u'%s▸ %s%s' % (indent, f.rstrip(os.sep), os.sep))
                files.append(u'%s≡ %s' % (indent, f))

        self.index += index_files
        tree += files
        return tree

    def set_title(self, path):
        '''Update name of tab and return tuple of two elements
            text    list of two unicode obj (will be inserted before filenames in view) or empty list
            header  boolean, value of dired_header setting
        header  = self.view.settings().get('dired_header', False)
        name    = jump_names().get(path or self.path)
        caption = u"{0} → {1}".format(name, path) if name else path or self.path
        text    = [caption, len(caption)*(u'—')] if header else []
        icon    = self.view.name()[:2]
        if not path:
            title = u'%s%s' % (icon, name or 'This PC')
            norm_path = path.rstrip(os.sep)
            if self.view.settings().get('dired_show_full_path', False):
                title = u'%s%s (%s)' % (icon, name or basename(norm_path), norm_path)
                title = u'%s%s' % (icon, name or basename(norm_path))
        return (text, header)

    def write(self, edit, fileslist):
        '''apply changes to view'''
        self.view.erase(edit, Region(0, self.view.size()))
        self.view.insert(edit, 0, '\n'.join(fileslist))

        fileregion = self.fileregion()
        count = len(self.view.lines(fileregion)) if fileregion else 0
        self.view.settings().set('dired_count', count)
        self.view.settings().set('dired_index', self.index)

    def correcting_index(self, path, fileslist):
        '''Add leading elements to self.index (if any), we need conformity of
        elements in self.index and line numbers in view
        Return list of unicode objects that ready to be inserted in view
        text, header = self.set_title(path)
        if path and (not fileslist or self.show_parent()):
            self.index = [PARENT_SYM] + self.index
            self.number_line += 1
        if header:
            self.index = ['', ''] + self.index
            self.number_line += 2
        return text + fileslist

    def restore_selections(self, path):
        '''Set cursor(s) and mark(s)'''
        if self.goto:
            if self.goto[~0] != os.sep:
                self.goto += (os.sep if isdir(join(path, self.goto)) else '')
            self.sels = ([self.goto.replace(path, '', 1)], None)

    def get_disks(self):
        '''create list of disks on Windows for ThisPC folder'''
        names = []
            disk = '%s:' % s
            if isdir(disk):
        return names

# NAVIGATION #####################################################

class DiredNextLineCommand(TextCommand, DiredBaseCommand):
    def run(self, edit, forward=None):

class DiredMoveCommand(TextCommand, DiredBaseCommand):
    def run(self, edit, to="bof"):

class DiredSelect(TextCommand, DiredBaseCommand):
    '''Common command for opening file/directory in existing view'''
    def run(self, edit, new_view=0, other_group=0, and_close=0):
        new_view     if True, open directory in new view, rather than existing one
        other_group  if True, create a new group (if need) and open file in this group
        and_close    if True, close FileBrowser view after file was open
        self.index = self.get_all()
        filenames = (self.get_selected(full=True) if not new_view else
                     self.get_marked(full=True) or self.get_selected(full=True))

        window = self.view.window()
        if self.goto_directory(filenames, window, new_view):

        dired_view = self.view
        if other_group:

        self.last_created_view = None
        for fqn in filenames:
            self.open_item(fqn, window, new_view)

        if and_close:
            if self.last_created_view:

    def goto_directory(self, filenames, window, new_view):
        '''If reuse view is turned on and the only item is a directory, refresh the existing view'''
        if new_view and reuse_view():
            return False
        fqn = filenames[0]
        if len(filenames) == 1 and isdir(fqn):
            show(self.view.window(), fqn, view_id=self.view.id())
            return True
        elif fqn == PARENT_SYM:
            return True
        return False

    def open_item(self, fqn, window, new_view):
        if isdir(fqn):
            show(window, fqn, ignore_existing=new_view)
        elif exists(fqn):  # ignore 'item <error>'
            self.last_created_view = window.open_file(fqn)
            sublime.status_message(u'File does not exist (%s)' % (basename(fqn.rstrip(os.sep)) or fqn))

    def focus_other_group(self, window):
        '''call it when preview open in other group'''
        target_group = self._other_group(window, window.active_group())
        # set_view_index and focus are not very reliable
        # just focus target_group should do what we want

    def _other_group(self, w, nag):
        creates new group if need and return index of the group where files
        shall be opened
        groups = w.num_groups()
        if groups == 1:
            width = calc_width(self.view)
            w.set_layout({"cols": [0.0, width, 1.0], "rows": [0.0, 1.0], "cells": [[0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 2, 1]]})
        group = get_group(groups, nag)
        return group

class DiredPreviewCommand(DiredSelect):
    '''Open file as a preview, so focus remains in FileBrowser view'''
    def run(self, edit):
        self.index = self.get_all()
        filenames = self.get_selected(full=True)

        if not filenames:
            return sublime.status_message(u'Nothing to preview')

        fqn = filenames[0]

        if isdir(fqn) or fqn == PARENT_SYM:
            if not ST3:
                return sublime.status_message(u'No preview for directories')
            self.view.run_command('dired_preview_directory', {'fqn': fqn})

        if exists(fqn):
            if ST3:
                self.view.run_command('dired_file_properties', {'fqn': fqn})
            window = self.view.window()
            dired_view = self.view
            window.open_file(fqn, sublime.TRANSIENT)
            sublime.status_message(u'File does not exist (%s)' % (basename(fqn.rstrip(os.sep)) or fqn))

class DiredExpand(TextCommand, DiredBaseCommand):
    '''Open directory(s) inline, aka treeview'''
    def run(self, edit, toggle=False):
        toggle  if True, state of directory(s) will be toggled (i.e. expand/collapse)
        self.index = self.get_all()
        filenames = self.get_marked(full=True) or self.get_selected(parent=False, full=True)

        if len(filenames) == 1 and filenames[0][~0] == os.sep:
            return self.expand_single_directory(edit, filenames[0], toggle)
        elif filenames:
            # working with several selections at once is very tricky, thus for reliability we should
            # recreate the entire tree, despite it is supposedly slower, but not really, because
            # one view.replace/insert() call is faster than multiple ones
            self.view.run_command('dired_refresh', {'to_expand': filenames, 'toggle': toggle})
            return sublime.status_message('Item cannot be expanded')

    def expand_single_directory(self, edit, filename, toggle):
        '''Expand one directory is save and fast, thus we do it here,
        but for many directories calling refresh command'''
        marked = self.get_marked()
        seled  = self.get_selected()

        if toggle and self.try_to_fold(marked):

        self.view.run_command('dired_fold', {'update': True, 'index': self.index})
        self.index = self.get_all()  # fold changed index, get a new one

        self.show_hidden = self.view.settings().get('dired_show_hidden_files', True)
        self.sel = self.view.get_regions('marked')[0] if marked else list(self.view.sel())[0]
        line     = self.view.line(self.sel)

        # number of next line to make slicing work properly
        self.number_line = 1 + self.view.rowcol(line.a)[0]
        # line may have inline error msg after os.sep
        root = self.view.substr(line).split(os.sep)[0].replace(u'▸', u'▾', 1) + os.sep

        items, error = self.try_listing_directory(filename)
        if error:
            replacement = [u'%s\t<%s>' % (root, error)]
        elif items:
            replacement = [root] + self.prepare_filelist(items, '', filename, '\t')
            dired_count = self.view.settings().get('dired_count', 0)
            self.view.settings().set('dired_count', dired_count + len(items))
        else:  # expanding empty folder, so notify that it is empty
            replacement = [u'%s\t<empty>' % root]

        self.view.replace(edit, line, '\n'.join(replacement))

        self.view.settings().set('dired_index', self.index)
        self.restore_sels((seled, [self.sel]))
        self.view.run_command('dired_call_vcs', {'path': self.path})
        emit_event(u'finish_refresh', (self.view.id(), [filename]), view=self.view)

    def try_to_fold(self, marked):
        line = self.view.line(self.view.get_regions('marked')[0] if marked else
        content = self.view.substr(line).lstrip()[0]
        if content == u'▾':
            return True
            return False

class DiredFold(TextCommand, DiredBaseCommand):
    This command used to fold/erase/shrink (whatever you like to call it) content
    of some [sub]directory (within current directory, see self.path).
    There are two cases when this command would be fired:
        1. User mean to collapse (key ←)
        2. User mean to expand   (key →)
    In first case we just erase region, however, we need to figure out which region to erase:
        (a) if cursor placed on directory item and next line(s) indented (representing content of
            the directory) — erase indented line(s);
        (b) next line is not indented, but the line of directory item is indented — erase directory
            item itself and all neighbours with the same indent;
        (c) cursor placed on file item which is indented — same as prev. (erase item and neighbours)
    In second case we need to decide if erasing needed or not:
        (a) if directory was expanded — do erase (as in 1.a), so then it’ll be filled again,
            basically it is like update/refresh;
        (b) directory was collapsed — do nothing.

    Very important, in case of actual modification of view, set valid dired_index setting
                    see DiredRefreshCommand docs for details
    def run(self, edit, update=None, index=None):
            True when user mean to expand, i.e. no folding for collapsed directory even if indented
            list returned by self.get_all(), kinda cache during DiredExpand.expand_single_directory

        Call self.fold method on each line (multiple selections/marks), restore marks and selections
        v = self.view
        self.update = update
        self.index  = index or self.get_all()
        self.marked = None
        self.seled  = (self.get_selected(), list(self.view.sel()))
        marks       = self.view.get_regions('marked')
        virt_sels   = []

        if marks:
            for m in marks:
                if 'directory' in self.view.scope_name(m.a):
                    virt_sels.append(Region(m.a, m.a))
            self.marked = self.get_marked()
        sels = virt_sels or list(v.sel())

        lines = [v.line(s.a) for s in reversed(sels)]
        for line in lines:
            self.fold(edit, line)


    def fold(self, edit, line):
        '''line is a Region, on which folding is supposed to happen (or not)'''
        line, indented_region = self.get_indented_region(line)
        if not indented_region:
            return  # folding is not supposed to happen, so we exit

        self.apply_change_into_view(edit, line, indented_region)

    def get_indented_region(self, line):
        '''Return tuple:
                Region which shall NOT be erased, can be equal to argument line or less if folding
                was called on indented file item or indented collapsed directory
                Region which shall be erased
        v = self.view
        eol = line.b - 1
        if 'error' in v.scope_name(eol):  # remove inline error, e.g. <empty>
            indented_region = v.extract_scope(eol)
            return (line, indented_region)

        current_region = v.indented_region(line.b)
        next_region    = v.indented_region(line.b + 2)

        is_dir     = 'directory' in v.scope_name(line.a)
        next_empty = next_region.empty()
        this_empty = current_region.empty()
        line_in_next = next_region.contains(line)
        this_in_next = next_region.contains(current_region)

        def __should_exit():
            collapsed_dir = self.update and (line_in_next or next_empty or this_in_next)
            item_in_root  = (not is_dir or next_empty) and this_empty
            return collapsed_dir or item_in_root

        if __should_exit():
            return (None, None)

        elif self.update or (is_dir and not next_empty and not line_in_next):
            indented_region = next_region

        elif not this_empty:
            indented_region = current_region
            line = v.line(indented_region.a - 2)

            return (None, None)

        return (line, indented_region)

    def apply_change_into_view(self, edit, line, indented_region):
        '''set count and index, track marks/selections, replace icon, erase indented_region'''
        v = self.view

        # do not set count & index on empty directory
        if not line.contains(indented_region):
            removed_count = len(v.lines(indented_region))
            dired_count = v.settings().get('dired_count', 0)
            v.settings().set('dired_count', int(dired_count) - removed_count)
            if indented_region.b == v.size():
                # MUST avoid new line at eof
                indented_region = Region(indented_region.a - 1, indented_region.b)

            start_line = 1 + v.rowcol(line.a)[0]
            end_line   = start_line + removed_count
            self.index = self.index[:start_line] + self.index[end_line:]
            v.settings().set('dired_index', self.index)

        if self.marked or self.seled:
            path = self.path
            folded_name = self.get_parent(line, path)
            if self.marked:
            elif self.seled:

        name_point  = self._get_name_point(line)
        icon_region = Region(name_point - 2, name_point - 1)

        v.replace(edit, icon_region, u'▸')
        v.erase(edit, indented_region)
        emit_event(u'fold', (self.view.id(), self.index[start_line - 1]), view=self.view)

class DiredUpCommand(TextCommand, DiredBaseCommand):
    def run(self, edit):
        path = self.path
        parent = dirname(path.rstrip(os.sep))
        if parent != os.sep and parent[1:] != ':\\':
            # need to avoid c:\\\\
            parent += os.sep
        if parent == path and NT:
            parent = 'ThisPC'
        elif parent == path:
        elif path == 'ThisPC\\':

        view_id = (self.view.id() if reuse_view() else None)
        goto = basename(path.rstrip(os.sep)) or path
        show(self.view.window(), parent, view_id, goto=goto)

class DiredGotoCommand(TextCommand, DiredBaseCommand):
    Prompt for a new directory.
    def run(self, edit):
        prompt.start('Goto:', self.view.window(), self.path, self.goto)

    def goto(self, path):
        show(self.view.window(), path, view_id=self.view.id())

# MARKING ###########################################################

class DiredMarkExtensionCommand(TextCommand, DiredBaseCommand):
    def run(self, edit):
        filergn = self.fileregion()
        if filergn.empty():
        current_item = self.view.substr(self.view.line(self.view.sel()[0].a))
        if current_item.endswith(os.sep) or current_item == PARENT_SYM:
            ext = ''
            ext = current_item.split('.')[-1]
        pv = self.view.window().show_input_panel('Extension:', ext, self.on_done, None, None)

    def on_done(self, ext):
        ext = ext.strip()
        if not ext:
        if not ext.startswith('.'):
            ext = '.' + ext
        self._mark(mark=lambda oldmark, filename: filename.endswith(ext) or oldmark,

class DiredMarkCommand(TextCommand, DiredBaseCommand):
    Marks or unmarks files.

    The mark can be set to '*' to mark a file, ' ' to unmark a file,  or 't' to toggle the

    By default only selected files are marked, but if markall is True all files are
    marked/unmarked and the selection is ignored.

    If there is no selection and mark is '*', the cursor is moved to the next line so
    successive files can be marked by repeating the mark key binding (e.g. 'm').
    def run(self, edit, mark=True, markall=False, forward=True):
        assert mark in (True, False, 'toggle')

        filergn = self.fileregion()
        if filergn.empty():

        if not mark and markall:

        # If markall is set, mark/unmark all files.  Otherwise only those that are selected.
        regions = [filergn] if markall else list(self.view.sel())

        if mark == 'toggle':
            mark = lambda oldmark, filename: not oldmark

        self._mark(mark=mark, regions=regions)

        # If there is no selection, move the cursor forward so the user can keep pressing 'm'
        # to mark successive files.
        if not markall and len(self.view.sel()) == 1 and self.view.sel()[0].empty():

# OTHER #############################################################

class DiredToggleHiddenFilesCommand(TextCommand):
    def run(self, edit):
        show = self.view.settings().get('dired_show_hidden_files', True)
        self.view.settings().set('dired_show_hidden_files', not show)

# MOUSE INTERATIONS #################################################

def dired_mouse(view, args):
    s = view.settings()
    if s.get("dired_path") and not s.get("dired_rename_mode"):
        if 'directory' in view.scope_name(view.sel()[0].a):
            command = ("dired_expand", {"toggle": True})
            command = ("dired_select", {"other_group": True})
        system_command = args["command"] if "command" in args else None
        if system_command:
            system_args = dict({"event": args["event"]}.items())
            view.run_command(system_command, system_args)

if ST3:
    class DiredDoubleclickCommand(TextCommand, DiredBaseCommand):
        def run_(self, view, args):
            dired_mouse(self.view, args)
    class DiredDoubleclickCommand(TextCommand, DiredBaseCommand):
        def run_(self, args):
            dired_mouse(self.view, args)