#  Copyright 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.                                           # 
#                                                                                                                    # 
#  Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance     # 
#  with the License. A copy of the License is located at                                                             # 
#                                                                                                                    # 
#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/                                                                               # 
#                                                                                                                    # 
#  or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES # 
#  OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions    # 
#  and limitations under the License.                                                                                # 

import re

import boto3
import botocore.exceptions
import jmespath

import boto_retry
import services
from helpers import as_namedtuple
from outputs import raise_exception, raise_value_error

ERR_UNEXPECTED_MULTIPLE_RESULTS = "Requested a single resource result but there are multiple resources in the result"
ERR_NO_BOTO_SERVICE_METHOD = "Service client for service \"{}\" has no method named \"{}\""



class AwsService(object):
    Base class for implementing AWS service classes

    def __init__(self, service_name,
        :param service_name: Name of the service
        :param resource_names: Resources that van be retrieved for the service
        :param resources_with_tags: resources that support tags
        :param role_arn: Optional (cross account) role to use to retrieve services
        :param session: Optional session to use to retrieve services
        :param tags_as_dict: Set to True true to convert resource tags to dictionaries
        :param as_named_tuple: Set to True to return resources as named tuples instead of a dictionary
        :param custom_result_paths: Dictionary with custom JMES paths to retrieve the results from the "describe" method call
        :param mapped_parameters: Dictionary with parameter named that are translated before calling the "method" call
        :param next_token_result: Name of the next token in the response to use in a next "describe" call to retrieve remaining
        :param next_token_argument: Name of the parameter to pass the next token value from a previous "describe" call as a
        starting point to retrieve remaining results
        :param service_retry_strategy: service retry strategy for making boto api calls

        self._service_client = None
        self._assumed_role = None

        # use session, role or none (non used default session)
        self._session = session
        if session is not None and role_arn is not None:
            raise ValueError("role parameter cannot be used in combination with session parameter")
        self.role_arn = role_arn

        # name of the services
        self.service_name = service_name
        # used to retrieve resources without case sensitivity
        self._resource_names = {name.lower(): name for name in resource_names}
        # resources that have tags
        self._resources_with_tags = resources_with_tags

        self._as_tuple = as_named_tuple
        self._tags_as_dict = tags_as_dict

        # attributes are excluded from implicit conversion to named tuples
        self._tuple_excludes = ["Tags"]
        # attribute names for tags that will be converted to dictionaries
        self._converted_tags = ["Tags"]

        # default continuation parameter and result attribute
        self._nexttoken_result = next_token_result if next_token_result is not None else DEFAULT_NEXT_TOKEN
        self._nexttoken_argument = next_token_argument if next_token_argument is not None else DEFAULT_NEXT_TOKEN

        # default custom result paths
        self._custom_result_paths = custom_result_paths if custom_result_paths is not None else {}
        # default translated parameters
        self._mapped = mapped_parameters if mapped_parameters is not None else {}

        self._sts_client = None
        self._aws_account = None

        self._cached_tags = None

        self._service_retry_strategy = service_retry_strategy
        self._context = self._service_retry_strategy.context if self._service_retry_strategy is not None else None

        self._resource_name = None
        self._use_tuple = None
        self._describe_args = None
        self._select_on_tag = None
        self._use_cached_tags = None
        self._cached_tags_region = None
        self._cached_tags_session = None
        self._tag_roles = []
        self._tags = None

    def is_regional():
        Returns True for regional services, False for global services. Overwrite in inherited services if service is global
        :return: True for regional services, False for global services
        return True

    def session(self):
        Returns a (cached) session for the service class instance, use role if an arf for that role was provided, otherwise the
        default boto3 session is used
        :return: Session
        if self._session is None:
            self._session = services.get_session(role_arn=self.role_arn,
                                                 sts_client=self.sts_client if self.role_arn not in [None, ""] else None)
        return self._session

    def sts_client(self):
        Returns a (cached) sts client
        :return: Sts client
        if self._sts_client is None:
            self._sts_client = boto3.client("sts")
        return self._sts_client

    def service_regions(self):
        Returns all regions in which a service is available
        :return:  all regions in which the service is available
        return services.get_session().get_available_regions(service_name=self.service_name)

    def service_client(self, region=None, method_names=None):
        Returns a client for the service using the session/role/region of the service class instance
        :param region:
        :param method_names: names of function to create wrapper methods for with retry logic
        :return: client for making the call to describe the resources

        if region is None:
            region = boto3.client(self.service_name).meta.config.region_name

        if self._service_client is None or self._service_client.meta.config.region_name != region:
            args = {
                "service_name": self.service_name,
                "region_name": region

            used_session = self._session if self._session is not None else services.get_session(self.role_arn)
            self._service_client = used_session.client(**args)

        if self._service_retry_strategy is not None and method_names is not None:
            for method_name in method_names:
                if getattr(self._service_client, method_name + boto_retry.DEFAULT_SUFFIX, None) is None:
                    boto_retry.make_method_with_retries(boto_client_or_resource=self._service_client, name=method_name,

        return self._service_client

    def aws_account(self):
        Returns the (cached) AWS account, using the role if one was specified, otherwise the account is retrieved by getting the
        caller identity from the STS service
        :return: Current AWS account number for the instance of the service class
        if self._aws_account is None:
            if self.role_arn not in [None, ""]:
                self._aws_account = services.account_from_role_arn(self.role_arn)
                self._aws_account = services.get_aws_account(self.sts_client)

        return self._aws_account

    def assumed_role(self):
        Returns the assumed role for the instance of the service class, None if it used the default boto session
        if self.role_arn is not None:
            return self.role_arn
        if self._assumed_role is None:
            arn = self.sts_client.get_caller_identity()["Arn"]
            if re.match("^arn:aws:iam::\\d{12}:role/", arn):
                self._assumed_role = "/".join(
                    arn.replace("arn:aws:sts::", "arn:aws:iam::").replace(":assumed-role/", ":role/").split("/")[0:-1])
        return self._assumed_role

    def _get_resource_name(self, resource_name):
        Returns a normalized resource name.
        :param resource_name: Name of the resource, not case sensitive and can be in camel as snake case. Raises a Value
        exception if there is no resource with that name in the service
        :return: Normalized resource name
        parts = resource_name.split('_')
        name = "".join(part[0].upper() + part[1:] for part in parts)
        if name.lower() not in self._resource_names:
            raise ValueError("{} is not a valid resource for service {}, valid resources are {}".format(
                resource_name, self.service_name, ", ".join(sorted(self.resources))))
        return self._resource_names[name.lower()]

    def describe_resources_function_name(self, resource_name):
        Returns the name of the boto client method call to retrieve the specified resource. Note that this method most likely
        needs to be overwritten for inherited services for specific methods that are named differently than "describe"ResourceName
        :param resource_name:
        :return: Name of the boto3 client function to retrieve the specified resource type
        # assume describe_<resource_name> as a default
        return "describe_" + resource_name[0].lower() + "".join(
            [i if i.islower() or i == "_" else "_" + i.lower() for i in resource_name[1:]])

    def required_describe_resource_permissions(self, resource_name):
        Returns the IAM permission to describe the specified resource type. If tags need to be retrieved with an explicit method
        call then the most likely overwritten _get_tag_resource method call is made to get the name of the tags resource that is
        used for an additional permission.
        :param resource_name:

        def snake_to_camel_case(s):
            result = ""
            s = s.strip("_").capitalize()
            i = 0

            while i < len(s):
                if s[i] == "_":
                    i += 1
                    result += s[i].upper()
                    result += s[i]
                i += 1

            return result

        if not resource_name:
            return []

        permissions = ["{}:{}".format(self.service_name, snake_to_camel_case(self.describe_resources_function_name(resource_name)))]

        # need to retrieve tags in an explicit call?
        if resource_name in self.resources_with_tags:
            tagging_resource_name = self._get_tag_resource()
            if tagging_resource_name:
                get_tags_function_name = snake_to_camel_case(self.describe_resources_function_name(tagging_resource_name))
                permissions.append("{}:{}".format(self.service_name, get_tags_function_name))

        return permissions

    def _next_token_argument_name(self, resources):
        Returns the name of the continuation token parameter to be used in the describe call for a specific resource. Most likely
        needs to be overwritten in inherited service class for service/resource specific parameter names
        :param resources: Name of the resource type
        :return: Name of the continuation token parameter
        return self._nexttoken_argument

    def _next_token_result_name(self, resources):
       Return the name of the continuation token attribute from the result of the describe response for a specific resource. Most
       likely needs to be overwritten in inherited service class for service/resource specific attribute names
       :param resources: Name of the resource type
       :return: Name of the continuation token attribute
        return self._nexttoken_result

    def _map_describe_function_parameters(self, resources, args):
        Maps the parameter names passed to the service class describe call to names used to make the call the the boto
        service client describe call
        :param resources: Name of the resource type
        :param args: parameters to be mapped
        :return: mapped parameters

        if len(self._mapped) == 0:
            return args

        mapped_args = args.copy()
        for arg in self._mapped:
            if arg in mapped_args:
                mapped_args[self._mapped[arg]] = args[arg]
                del mapped_args[arg]

        return mapped_args

    def _tuple_name_func(self, name):
        Method that returns the name of the named tuple for a specific resource. Overwrite if the name of the named tuple must be
        different than the name of the resource type
        :param name: Name of the resource
        :return: Name of the named tuple
        return name

    def _extract_resources(self, resp, select):
        Extracts the resources from the response from the boto client "describe" call
        :param resp: Response from boto client
        :param select: JMES path to filter returned resources and/or map/select attributes
        :return: Selected resources
        if select is not None:
            expression = select
            expression = self._custom_result_paths.get(self._resource_name, self._resource_name)
        if expression != "":
            resources = jmespath.search(expression, resp)
            resources = resp

        if resources is None:
            resources = []
        elif not isinstance(resources, list):
            resources = [resources]

        return resources

    def _convert_tags_to_dictionaries(self, resource):
        Converts the tags attribute from Key:Value combinations into python dictionaries
        :param resource: Service resource
        if self._tags_as_dict:
            for t in self._converted_tags:
                if t in resource:
                    tags = resource.get(t, []) or []
                    resource[t] = tags if isinstance(tags, dict) else {tag["Key"].strip(): tag.get("Value", "").strip() for tag in

    def _get_tags_for_resource(self, client, resource):
        Returns the tags for specific resources that require additional boto calls to retrieve their tags. Most likely this
        method needs to be overwritten for specific services/resources
        :param client: Client that can be used to make the boto call to retrieve the tags
        :param resource: The resource for which to retrieve the tags
        :return: Tags for the specified resource
        return resource.get("Tags", {})

    def _get_tag_resource(self):
        Returns the name of the service/resource specific resource that is used to explicitly retrieve the tags for that
        resource. Most likely this method needs to be overwritten for specific services/resources
        :return: Resource name for the tags
        return ""

    def _transform_returned_resource(self, client, resource):
        This method takes the resource from the boto "describe" method and transforms them into the requested
        output format of the service class describe function
        :param client: boto client for the service that can be used to retrieve additional attributes, eg tags
        :param resource: The resource returned from the boto call
        :return: The transformed service resource

        # get tags for the resource
        if self._tags:
            if self._resources_with_tags is None:
                raise Exception("Service {} does not support tags".format(self.service_name))
            if self._resource_name not in self._resources_with_tags:
                raise Exception("Resource {} for service {} does not support tags".format(self._resource_name, self.service_name))
            if resource.get("Tags", None) is None:
                resource["Tags"] = self._get_tags_for_resource(client, resource)

        # convert tags to dictionaries
        if self._tags_as_dict and not isinstance(resource.get("Tags", {}), dict):

        # convert resource to named tuple
        if self._use_tuple:
            return as_namedtuple(self._resource_name, resource, deep=True, name_func=self._tuple_name_func,
            return resource

    def use_cached_tags(resource, tags_to_retrieve):
        return False

    def describe(self, service_resource, region=None, tags=False, tags_as_dict=None, as_tuple=None,
                 select=None, filter_func=None, context=None, select_on_tag=None, tag_roles=None, **describe_args):
        This method is used to retrieve service resources, specified by their name, from a service
        :param filter_func: function for additional filtering of resources
        :param service_resource: Name of the service resource, not case sensitive, use camel or snake case
        :param region: Region from where resources are retrieved, if None then the current region is used
        :param tags: Set to True to return tags with the resource
        :param tags_as_dict: Set to True to return tags as python dictionaries
        :param as_tuple: Set to true to return results as immutable named dictionaries instead of dictionaries
        :param select: JMES path to select resources and select/transform attributes of returned resources
        :param select_on_tag: only include resources that have a tag with this name
        :param tag_roles: optional roles used to assume to select tags for a resource as this may be required by shared resources
        from another account
        :param describe_args: Parameters passed to the boto "describe" function
        :param context: Lambda context
        :return: Service resources of the specified resource type for the service.

        def use_tuple():
            Tests if resources should be returned as named tuples
            :return: True for tuples, False for dictionaries
            return (as_tuple is not None and as_tuple) or (as_tuple is None and self._as_tuple)

        def tags_as_dictionary():
            Tests if tags should be returned as python dictionaries
            :return: True for dictionaries, False for original tag format
            return tags_as_dict if tags_as_dict is not None else self._tags_as_dict

        # normalize resource name
        self._resource_name = self._get_resource_name(service_resource)
        # get the name of the boto3 method to retrieve this resource type
        describe_func_name = self.describe_resources_function_name(self._resource_name)

        # get additional parameters for boto describe method and map parameter names
        if describe_args is None:
            function_args = {}
            function_args = self._map_describe_function_parameters(self._resource_name, describe_args)

        # get method from boto service client
        if self._service_retry_strategy is not None:
            method_names = [describe_func_name]
            describe_func_name = describe_func_name + boto_retry.DEFAULT_SUFFIX
            method_names = None

        client = self.service_client(region=region, method_names=method_names)
        describe_func = getattr(client, describe_func_name, None)
        if describe_func is None:
            raise_value_error(ERR_NO_BOTO_SERVICE_METHOD, self.service_name, describe_func_name)

        self._cached_tags = None

        next_token = self._next_token_result_name(self._resource_name)

        self._tags_as_dict = tags_as_dictionary()
        self._use_tuple = use_tuple()
        self._describe_args = describe_args
        self._select_on_tag = select_on_tag
        self._tags = tags
        self._tag_roles = tag_roles
        self._context = context

        done = False
        while not done:

            # call boto method to retrieve until no more resources are retrieved
                resp = describe_func(**function_args)
            except Exception as ex:
                expected_exceptions = describe_args.get(boto_retry.EXPECTED_EXCEPTIONS, [])
                if type(ex).__name__ in expected_exceptions or getattr(ex, "response", {}).get("Error", {}) \
                        .get("Code", "") in expected_exceptions:
                    done = True
                    raise ex

            # extract resources from result and transform to requested output format
            resources_data = self._extract_resources(resp=resp, select=select)
            self._use_cached_tags = self.__class__.use_cached_tags(self._resource_name, len(resources_data))

            for obj in resources_data:
                if filter_func is not None and not filter_func(obj):
                # annotate additional account and region attributes
                obj["AwsAccount"] = self.aws_account
                obj["Region"] = self.service_client(region).meta.region_name if self.is_regional() else None
                obj["Service"] = self.service_name
                obj["ResourceTypeName"] = self._resource_name

                # yield the transformed resource
                transformed = self._transform_returned_resource(self.service_client(region=region), resource=obj)

                if select_on_tag is None or select_on_tag in transformed.get("Tags", {}):
                    yield transformed

            # if there are set the continuation token parameter for the next call to the value of the results continuation token
            # test if more resources are available
            if next_token in resp and resp[next_token] not in ["", False, None]:
                self.set_continuation_call_parameters(function_args, next_token, resp)
                # all resources retrieved
                done = True

    def set_continuation_call_parameters(self, function_args, next_token, resp):
        next_token_argument = self._next_token_argument_name(self._resource_name)
        function_args[next_token_argument] = resp[next_token]

    def get(self, service_resource, region=None, tags_as_dict=None, tags=False, as_tuple=None, select_on_tag=None, select=None,
            tag_roles=None, **describe_args):
        Alternative for describe method in cases where only a single specific resource is expected. An exception is raised when
        multiple resources are returned from the service
        :param select_on_tag: Get only if resource has this tag
        :param service_resource: Name of the service resource, not case sensitive, use camel or snake case
        :param region: Region from where resources are retrieved, if None then the current region is used
        :param tags: Set to True to return tags with the resource
        :param tags_as_dict: Set to True to return tags as python dictionaries
        :param as_tuple: Set to true to return results as immutable named dictionaries instead of dictionaries
        :param select: JMES path to select resources and select/transform attributes of returned resources
        :param tag_roles: optional role used to assume to select tags for a resource as this may be required by shared resources
        from another account
        :param describe_args: Parameters passed to the boto "describe" function
        :return: Service resource of the specified resource type for the service, None if the resource was not available.

        # get resources
        results = self.describe(service_resource=service_resource,

            # get the first returned resource
            result = next(results)
                # if there is more than one result, raise Exception
            except StopIteration:
                # Expected exception as there should be only one result
                return result
        except StopIteration:
            return None

    def resources(self):
        Returns names of all available resources for this service
        :return: names of all available resources for this service
        return list(self._resource_names.values())

    def resources_with_tags(self):
        return self._resources_with_tags if self._resources_with_tags else []

    def resource_method_mapping(self):
        Returns a list of how service resources are mapped to the corresponding boto method calls
        :return: Resource to boto client method mapping
        return {r: self.describe_resources_function_name(r) for r in self.resources}

    def cached_tags(self, resource_name, region=None, session=None):
        if self._cached_tags is None or region != self._cached_tags_region or self._cached_tags_session != session:
            tag_client = boto_retry.get_client_with_retries("resourcegroupstaggingapi",
                                                            session=self._session if session is None
                                                            else session,
                                                            region=region if region is not None
                                                            else self._session["region_name"])

            args = {"ResourcesPerPage": 50,
                    "ResourceTypeFilters": ["{}:{}".format(self.service_name, resource_name)]}

            if self._select_on_tag is not None:
                args["TagFilters"] = [{"Key": self._select_on_tag}]

            self._cached_tags = {}

            while True:

                    resp = tag_client.get_resources_with_retries(**args)
                    for resource in resp.get("ResourceTagMappingList", []):
                        self._cached_tags[resource["ResourceARN"]] = resource.get("Tags", {})

                    if resp.get("PaginationToken", "") != "":
                        args["PaginationToken"] = resp["PaginationToken"]
                except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as ex:
                    if getattr(ex, "response", {}).get("Error", {}).get("Code", "") == "InvalidParameterValue":

            self._cached_tags_region = region
            self._cached_tags_session = session
        return self._cached_tags