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import sys
import os
import threading
import boto3
import botocore
import socket

from . import regions, utils, organizations, commands

def examine_regions(logger, options):
    """ for each region provided, use it as a regex to search for regions... """
    logger.debug("Getting list of regions")
    regions_list = regions.get_regions_list(logger)
    if options.regions:
        matched_regions = map(lambda x: regions.get_regions_from_regex(logger, x, regions_list),
        options.regions = sorted(set(utils.flatten_list(matched_regions)))
        if not options.regions:
            print("error: no matching regions found")
        logger.info("Set regions: %s", ", ".join(options.regions))

    # if we don't have any regions set, then try and get it from the current session...
    if not options.regions:
        logger.debug("No regions specified on command line, guessing...")
        options.regions = [boto3.session.Session().region_name]
        if options.regions == [None]:
            options.regions = ["<default>"]
            logger.info("No region set, using default")
            logger.info("Set regions: %s", ", ".join(options.regions))

def examine_accounts(logger, options, org_client):
    """ if we don't have any accounts set, then try and get guess our current account_id... """
    logger.debug("Getting list of accounts")
    if not options.accounts:
        logger.debug("No accounts specified on command line, guessing...")
            # if we have any kind of AWS credentials set then this should work...
            account_id = boto3.client("sts").get_caller_identity()["Account"]
            options.accounts = [account_id]
        except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError):
            print("error: unable to work out existing account ID, "
                  "please check your AWS credentials, or specify it with the '-a' option")

    logger.info("Set accounts: %s", ", ".join(options.accounts))

    # if we were given OUs then convert them into a list of accounts
    logger.debug("Checking if we need to traverse an Organization")
    if options.ous:
        logger.debug("Getting list of accounts from OUs")
        mapped_list = map(lambda path: organizations.get_accounts_for_ou(logger, options,
                                                                         org_client, path),
        options.accounts = utils.flatten_list(mapped_list)
        if options.no_master:
            master = org_client.describe_organization()["Organization"]["MasterAccountId"]
            logger.debug("Removing the master account (%s) from the list of accounts", master)
            options.accounts = filter(lambda x: x["Id"] != master, options.accounts)

    logger.info("Set accounts: %s", options.accounts)

def examine_command(logger, options):
    """ look at the command and guess if it is an AWS CLI built in command """
    if not options.no_cli_guess and options.command:
            import awscli.clidriver
            logger.debug("Guessing if the supplied command is an AWS CLI command..")
            cli = awscli.clidriver.CLIDriver()
            cli_help = cli.create_help_command()
            aws_cli_commands = map(lambda x: x, cli_help.command_table)

            if options.command[0] in aws_cli_commands:
                options.command.insert(0, "aws")
                logger.debug("Assuming command is an AWS CLI, new command is: %s", options.command)
        except ImportError:
            logger.debug("awscli module not found or failed to load")

def build_work_plan(logger, options, sts_client):
    """ create a big list of commands we need to run... """
    logger.info("Starting analysis on work plan")
    commands_list = []

    # iterate over accounts and regions...
    for account in options.accounts:

        logger.debug("Looking at account: %s", account)
        account_id = account["Id"] if isinstance(account, dict) else account

        # work out if we need to call STS to assume a new role...
        if options.role:

            # call STS to get credentials for the account and role...
                arn = "arn:aws:iam::{}:role/{}".format(account_id, options.role)
                logger.debug("Calling STS to get temporary credentials for: %s", arn)
                assumed_role = sts_client.assume_role(
                    RoleSessionName="{}@{}".format(os.environ["USER"], socket.gethostname()),
                    ExternalId="{}@{}".format(os.environ["USER"], socket.gethostname())

            except botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError as be_bce:
                print("error switching role ({}@{}): {}".format(options.role,
                                                                account_id, be_bce.args))

            except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as be_ce:
                print("error switching role ({}@{}): {}".format(options.role,
                                                                account_id, be_ce.args))

        for region in options.regions:
            logger.debug("Looking at region: %s", region)
            cmd = {}
            cmd["command"] = options.command
            cmd["environment"] = {}
            cmd["role"] = options.role
            cmd["account_id"] = account_id
            cmd["account"] = account
            cmd["region"] = region
            env = cmd["environment"]

            if region != "<default>":
                env["AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"] = region
            if options.profile:
                session = boto3.session.Session(profile_name=options.profile)
                env["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] = session.get_credentials().access_key
            if options.role:
                env["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] = assumed_role["Credentials"]["AccessKeyId"]

            logger.debug("Adding command to work plan: %s", cmd)
            cmd["options"] = options

            # add credentials and sensitive information after we have output debug info...
            if options.profile:
                env["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] = session.get_credentials().secret_key
            if options.role:
                env["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] = assumed_role["Credentials"]["SecretAccessKey"]
                env["AWS_SESSION_TOKEN"] = assumed_role["Credentials"]["SessionToken"]


    return commands_list

def execute_work_plan(logger, options, commands_list):
    """ run through commands_list and run various commands in the thread pool """
    logger.info("Executing work plan across a thread pool of size: %s", options.threads)
    utils.GLOBALS["main_thread_lock"] = threading.Lock()
    utils.GLOBALS["thread_pool_lock"] = threading.BoundedSemaphore(options.threads)
    utils.GLOBALS["thread_count"] = len(commands_list)
    logger.debug("Locks created, task list size = %s", utils.GLOBALS["thread_count"])

    # obtain the main thread lock...
    logger.debug("Acquiring main thread lock")

    for cmd in commands_list:
        logger.debug("waiting for next thread to be available")
        logger.debug("thread is available, starting thread")
        threading.Thread(target=commands.run_command, args=(logger, options, cmd, )).start()

    # block on the main thread lock being released...
    logger.debug("Blocking main thread, waiting on commands to finish")
    logger.debug("Main thread lock released, working on output")