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import sys
import argparse
from . import utils

def create_args_parser():
    """ process command line arguments and perform sanity checks """
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Run the same command across a number of "
                                                 "AWS accounts and/or regions.",
                                     usage="%(prog)s [options] [COMMAND]",
NOTE:  -R, -o and -a can take a comma-separated list or the option may be given multiple times.


    aws_with --role=admins-role
    Assume the IAM role 'admins-role' within the current AWS account and then run a shell.

    aws_with --role=admins-role --accounts=123456789012
    Assume the IAM role 'admins-role' in the account 123456789012 and then run a shell.

    aws_with --regions='us-*' ec2 describe-instances
    List all EC2 instances across all US regions.

    aws_with --ous=/Technology/Development s3 ls
    List all S3 buckets owned by any account under the Organizations OU 'Development'.
    The 'Development' OU is itself under the 'Technology' OU off the Root OU.

    aws_with -o /Production,/Staging/Final -R '*' \\
        cloudformation update-stack --stack-name 'security-checks' ...
    Update a stack across all accounts under the 'Production' Organizations OU
    or under the /Staging/Final OU and across all regions.

    parser.add_argument("-V", "--version",
                        dest="show_version", action="store_true",
                        help="Show the version number and exit")

    parser.add_argument("-R", "--regions",
                        dest="regions", action="append",
                        help="Run the command for all regions that match PATTERNS")

    parser.add_argument("-r", "--role",
                        dest="role", action="store",
                        help="Use STS assumeRole to take on a different IAM role. If not "
                             "specified then ROLE defaults to OrganizationAccountAccessRole")

    parser.add_argument("-o", "--ous",
                        dest="ous", action="append",
                        help="Run the command for all child accounts under "
                             "the Organizations OU PATHS")

    parser.add_argument("-a", "--accounts",
                        dest="accounts", action="append",
                        help="Run the command for all the listed ACCOUNTS")

    parser.add_argument("-x", "--no-recursive",
                        dest="no_recursive", action="store_true",
                        help="When scanning Organizations for accounts, don't look recursively")

    parser.add_argument("-t", "--threads",
                        dest="threads", action="store", default=2, type=int,
                        help="Set the number of threads to use when running commands (default: 2)")

    parser.add_argument("-f", "--output",
                        dest="format", action="store", default="json",
                        type=str, choices=["json", "yaml", "text"],
                        help="Set the output format to use")

    parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet",
                        dest="quiet", action="store_true",
                        help="Suppress output if a command is successful but has no output")

    parser.add_argument("-e", "--stop-on-error",
                        dest="stop_on_error", action="store_true",
                        help="Stop running commands if one throws an error")

    parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose",
                        dest="verbosity", action="count",
                        help="Output debug messages, increase messages with -v -v")

    parser.add_argument("-g", "--no-cli-guess",
                        dest="no_cli_guess", action="store_true",
                        help="Do not attempt to guess if the command is an AWS CLI command")

    parser.add_argument("-m", "--no-master",
                        dest="no_master", action="store_true",
                        help="Do not include the Organizations master account in searches")

    parser.add_argument("-p", "--profile",
                        dest="profile", action="store",
                        help="Use the saved AWS credentials/profile called PROFILE")

    parser.add_argument("command", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, metavar="COMMAND",
                        help="This is the command that should be run across regions/accounts/OUs."
                             "  COMMAND is mandatory when the -R or -o options are used, "
                             "otherwise it is optional and a shell will be run if it is omitted.")

    return parser

def show_version():
    """ display version information and then exit """
    import os
    import inspect
    import awscli
    import boto3
    import botocore
    import subprocess
    print("aws_with version: {}".format(sys.modules["aws_with"].VERSION))
    print("aws_with key libraries:")
    print("    aws {} from {}".format(
        subprocess.check_output(['aws','--version'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).replace('\n',''),
    print("    awscli {} from {}".format(awscli.__version__, os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(awscli))))
    print("    boto3 {} from {}".format(boto3.__version__, os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(boto3))))
    print("    botocore {} from {}".format(botocore.__version__, os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(botocore))))
    print("    python {} from {}".format(sys.version.replace('\n',''), sys.executable))

def error(message):
    """ display an error related to command line arguments and quit """
    print(message + "\nhint: try -h for help")

def args_basic_checks(parsed_options):
    """ perform basic sanity checks on the command line arguments """
    if parsed_options.show_version:

    if len(sys.argv) == 2 and parsed_options.verbosity > 0:

    if parsed_options.threads < 1:
        parsed_options.threads = 1

    check_none = [parsed_options.role, parsed_options.regions,
                  parsed_options.ous, parsed_options.accounts]

    if check_none == [None]*len(check_none):
        error("error: you must specify at least one of -r, -R, -o or -a")

    if parsed_options.accounts and parsed_options.ous:
        error("error: you cannot specify both -a and -o")

    if parsed_options.regions and parsed_options.command == 0:
        error("error: if you specify -R or -o then you must supply a command to run")

    if parsed_options.ous and parsed_options.command == 0:
        error("error: if you specify -R or -o then you must supply a command to run")

    if parsed_options.accounts and len(parsed_options.accounts) > 1 and parsed_options.command:
        error("error: if you specify multiple accounts with -a then "
              "you must supply a command to run")

def check_args():
    """ process command line arguments """
    parser = create_args_parser()
    parsed_options = parser.parse_args()

    # if -a or -o are specified the -r has a default value so set it...
    if parsed_options.accounts is not None or parsed_options.ous is not None:
        if parsed_options.role is None:
            parsed_options.role = "OrganizationAccountAccessRole"

    # expand out parsed_options that can take a list of values...
    parsed_options.ous = sorted(set(utils.split_list(parsed_options.ous, ",")))
    parsed_options.accounts = sorted(set(utils.split_list(parsed_options.accounts, ",")))
    parsed_options.regions = sorted(set(utils.split_list(parsed_options.regions, ",")))
    return parsed_options