# Copyright 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
# the License is located at
#     http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/
# or in the 'license' file accompanying this file. This file is
# ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
import cgi
import csv
import logging
import os

import mlio
from mlio.integ.arrow import as_arrow_file
from mlio.integ.numpy import as_numpy
from mlio.integ.scipy import to_coo_matrix
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
from sagemaker_containers import _content_types
from scipy.sparse import vstack as scipy_vstack
import xgboost as xgb

from sagemaker_algorithm_toolkit import exceptions as exc
from sagemaker_xgboost_container.constants import xgb_content_types


CSV = 'csv'
LIBSVM = 'libsvm'
PARQUET = 'parquet'
RECORDIO_PROTOBUF = 'recordio-protobuf'

                       _content_types.CSV, xgb_content_types.LIBSVM,
                       xgb_content_types.X_LIBSVM, xgb_content_types.X_PARQUET,

                             _content_types.CSV, xgb_content_types.X_PARQUET,

INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE_ERROR = "{invalid_content_type} is not an accepted ContentType: " + \
                             ", ".join(['%s' % c for c in VALID_CONTENT_TYPES]) + "."
INVALID_CONTENT_FORMAT_ERROR = "First line '{line_snippet}...' of file '{file_name}' is not " \
                               "'{content_type}' format. Please ensure the file is in '{content_type}' format."

def _get_invalid_content_type_error_msg(invalid_content_type):
    return INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE_ERROR.format(invalid_content_type=invalid_content_type)

def _get_invalid_libsvm_error_msg(line_snippet, file_name):
    return INVALID_CONTENT_FORMAT_ERROR.format(line_snippet=line_snippet, file_name=file_name, content_type='LIBSVM')

def _get_invalid_csv_error_msg(line_snippet, file_name):
    return INVALID_CONTENT_FORMAT_ERROR.format(line_snippet=line_snippet, file_name=file_name, content_type='CSV')

def get_content_type(content_type_cfg_val):
    """Get content type from data config.

    Assumes that training and validation data have the same content type.

    ['libsvm', 'text/libsvm ;charset=utf8', 'text/x-libsvm'] will return 'libsvm'
    ['csv', 'text/csv', 'text/csv; label_size=1'] will return 'csv'

    :param content_type_cfg_val
    :return: Parsed content type
    if content_type_cfg_val is None:
        return LIBSVM
        # cgi.parse_header extracts all arguments after ';' as key-value pairs
        # e.g. cgi.parse_header('text/csv;label_size=1;charset=utf8') returns
        # the tuple ('text/csv', {'label_size': '1', 'charset': 'utf8'})
        content_type, params = cgi.parse_header(content_type_cfg_val.lower())

        if content_type in [CSV, _content_types.CSV]:
            # CSV content type allows a label_size parameter
            # that should be 1 for XGBoost
            if (params and 'label_size' in params and params['label_size'] != '1'):
                msg = "{} is not an accepted csv ContentType. "\
                        "Optional parameter label_size must be equal to 1".format(content_type_cfg_val)
                raise exc.UserError(msg)
            return CSV
        elif content_type in [LIBSVM, xgb_content_types.LIBSVM, xgb_content_types.X_LIBSVM]:
            return LIBSVM
        elif content_type in [PARQUET, xgb_content_types.X_PARQUET]:
            return PARQUET
        elif content_type in [RECORDIO_PROTOBUF, xgb_content_types.X_RECORDIO_PROTOBUF]:
            return RECORDIO_PROTOBUF
            raise exc.UserError(_get_invalid_content_type_error_msg(content_type_cfg_val))

def _is_data_file(file_path, file_name):
    """Return true if file name is a valid data file name.

    A file is valid if:
    * File name does not start with '.' or '_'.
    * File is not a XGBoost cache file.

    :param file_path:
    :param file_name:
    :return: bool
    if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(file_path, file_name)):
        return False
    if file_name.startswith('.') or file_name.startswith('_'):
        return False
    # avoid XGB cache file
    if '.cache' in file_name:
        if 'dtrain' in file_name or 'dval' in file_name:
            return False
    return True

def _get_csv_delimiter(sample_csv_line):
        delimiter = csv.Sniffer().sniff(sample_csv_line).delimiter
        logging.info("Determined delimiter of CSV input is \'{}\'".format(delimiter))
    except Exception as e:
        raise exc.UserError("Could not determine delimiter on line {}:\n{}".format(sample_csv_line[:50], e))
    return delimiter

def _get_num_valid_libsvm_features(libsvm_line):
    """Get number of valid LIBSVM features.

    XGBoost expects the following LIBSVM format:
        <label>(:<instance weight>) <index>:<value> <index>:<value> <index>:<value> ...

    :param libsvm_line:
    :return: -1 if the line is not a valid LIBSVM line; otherwise, return number of correctly formatted features
    split_line = libsvm_line.split(' ')
    num_sparse_features = 0

    if not _is_valid_libsvm_label(split_line[0]):
        logging.error("{} does not follow LIBSVM label format <label>(:<weight>).".format(split_line[0]))
        return -1

    if len(split_line) > 1:
        for idx in range(1, len(split_line)):
            if ':' not in split_line[idx]:
                return -1
                libsvm_feature_contents = split_line[1].split(':')
                if len(libsvm_feature_contents) != 2:
                    return -1
                    num_sparse_features += 1
        return num_sparse_features
        return 0

def _is_valid_libsvm_label(libsvm_label):
    """Check if LIBSVM label is formatted like so:

    <label> if just label
    <label>:<instance_weight> if label and instance weight both exist

    :param libsvm_label:
    split_label = libsvm_label.split(':')

    if len(split_label) <= 2:
        for label_part in split_label:
            except ValueError:
                return False
        return False

    return True

def _validate_csv_format(file_path):
    """Validate that data file is CSV format.

    Check that delimiter can be inferred.

    Note: This only validates the first line in the file. This is not a comprehensive file check,
    as XGBoost will have its own data validation.

    :param file_path
    with open(file_path, 'r', errors='ignore') as read_file:
        line_to_validate = read_file.readline()

def _validate_libsvm_format(file_path):
    """Validate that data file is LIBSVM format.

    XGBoost expects the following LIBSVM format:
        <label>(:<instance weight>) <index>:<value> <index>:<value> <index>:<value> ...

    Note: This only validates the first line that has a feature. This is not a comprehensive file check,
    as XGBoost will have its own data validation.

    :param file_path
    with open(file_path, 'r', errors='ignore') as read_file:
        for line_to_validate in read_file:
            num_sparse_libsvm_features = _get_num_valid_libsvm_features(line_to_validate)

            if num_sparse_libsvm_features > 1:
                # Return after first valid LIBSVM line with features
            elif num_sparse_libsvm_features < 0:
                raise exc.UserError(_get_invalid_libsvm_error_msg(
                    line_snippet=line_to_validate[:50], file_name=file_path.split('/')[-1]))

    logging.warning("File {} is not an invalid LIBSVM file but has no features. Accepting simple validation.".format(

def validate_data_file_path(data_path, content_type):
    """Validate data in data_path are formatted correctly based on content_type.

    Note: This is not a comprehensive validation. XGBoost has its own content validation.

    :param data_path:
    :param content_type:
    parsed_content_type = get_content_type(content_type)

    if not os.path.exists(data_path):
        raise exc.UserError("{} is not a valid path!".format(data_path))

        if os.path.isfile(data_path):
            data_files = [data_path]
            dir_path = None
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(data_path):
                if dirs == []:
                    dir_path = root
            data_files = [
                os.path.join(dir_path, file_name) for file_name in os.listdir(dir_path) if _is_data_file(
                    dir_path, file_name)]
        if parsed_content_type.lower() == CSV:
            for data_file_path in data_files:
        elif parsed_content_type.lower() == LIBSVM:
            for data_file_path in data_files:
        elif parsed_content_type.lower() == PARQUET or parsed_content_type.lower() == RECORDIO_PROTOBUF:
            # No op

def _get_csv_dmatrix_file_mode(files_path, csv_weights):
    """Get Data Matrix from CSV data in file mode.

    Infer the delimiter of data from first line of first data file.

    :param files_path: File path where CSV formatted training data resides, either directory or file
    :param csv_weights: 1 if instance weights are in second column of CSV data; else 0
    :return: xgb.DMatrix
    csv_file = files_path if os.path.isfile(files_path) else [
        f for f in os.listdir(files_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(files_path, f))][0]
    with open(os.path.join(files_path, csv_file)) as read_file:
        sample_csv_line = read_file.readline()
    delimiter = _get_csv_delimiter(sample_csv_line)

        if csv_weights == 1:
            dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(
                '{}?format=csv&label_column=0&delimiter={}&weight_column=1'.format(files_path, delimiter))
            dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix('{}?format=csv&label_column=0&delimiter={}'.format(files_path, delimiter))

    except Exception as e:
        raise exc.UserError("Failed to load csv data with exception:\n{}".format(e))

    return dmatrix

def _get_csv_dmatrix_pipe_mode(pipe_path, csv_weights):
    """Get Data Matrix from CSV data in pipe mode.

    :param pipe_path: SageMaker pipe path where CSV formatted training data is piped
    :param csv_weights: 1 if instance weights are in second column of CSV data; else 0
    :return: xgb.DMatrix or None
        dataset = [mlio.SageMakerPipe(pipe_path)]
        reader = mlio.CsvReader(dataset=dataset,

        # Check if data is present in reader
        if reader.peek_example() is not None:
            examples = []
            for example in reader:
                # Write each feature (column) of example into a single numpy array
                tmp = [as_numpy(feature).squeeze() for feature in example]
                tmp = np.array(tmp)
                if len(tmp.shape) > 1:
                    # Columns are written as rows, needs to be transposed
                    tmp = tmp.T
                    # If tmp is a 1-D array, it needs to be reshaped as a matrix
                    tmp = np.reshape(tmp, (1, tmp.shape[0]))

            data = np.vstack(examples)
            del examples

            if csv_weights == 1:
                dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data[:, 2:], label=data[:, 0], weight=data[:, 1])
                dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data[:, 1:], label=data[:, 0])

            return dmatrix
            return None

    except Exception as e:
        raise exc.UserError("Failed to load csv data with exception:\n{}".format(e))

def get_csv_dmatrix(path, csv_weights, is_pipe=False):
    """Get Data Matrix from CSV data.

    :param path: Path where CSV formatted training data resides, either directory, file, or SageMaker pipe
    :param csv_weights: 1 if instance weights are in second column of CSV data; else 0
    :param is_pipe: Boolean to indicate if data is being read in pipe mode
    :return: xgb.DMatrix or None
    if is_pipe:
        return _get_csv_dmatrix_pipe_mode(path, csv_weights)
        return _get_csv_dmatrix_file_mode(path, csv_weights)

def get_libsvm_dmatrix(files_path, is_pipe=False):
    """Get DMatrix from libsvm file path.

    Pipe mode not currently supported for libsvm.

    :param files_path: File path where LIBSVM formatted training data resides, either directory or file
    :param is_pipe: Boolean to indicate if data is being read in pipe mode
    :return: xgb.DMatrix
    if is_pipe:
        raise exc.UserError("Pipe mode not supported for LibSVM.")

        dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(files_path)
    except Exception as e:
        raise exc.UserError("Failed to load libsvm data with exception:\n{}".format(e))

    return dmatrix

def _get_parquet_dmatrix_file_mode(files_path):
    """Get Data Matrix from parquet data in file mode.

    :param files_path: File path where parquet formatted training data resides, either directory or file
    :return: xgb.DMatrix
        table = pq.read_table(files_path)

        data = table.to_pandas()
        del table

        if type(data) is pd.DataFrame:
            # pyarrow.Table.to_pandas may produce NumPy array or pandas DataFrame
            data = data.to_numpy()

        dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data[:, 1:], label=data[:, 0])
        del data

        return dmatrix

    except Exception as e:
        raise exc.UserError("Failed to load parquet data with exception:\n{}".format(e))

def _get_parquet_dmatrix_pipe_mode(pipe_path):
    """Get Data Matrix from parquet data in pipe mode.

    :param pipe_path: SageMaker pipe path where parquet formatted training data is piped
    :return: xgb.DMatrix or None
        f = mlio.SageMakerPipe(pipe_path)
        examples = []

        with f.open_read() as strm:
            reader = mlio.ParquetRecordReader(strm)

            for record in reader:
                table = pq.read_table(as_arrow_file(record))
                array = table.to_pandas()
                if type(array) is pd.DataFrame:
                    array = array.to_numpy()

        if examples:
            data = np.vstack(examples)
            del examples

            dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data[:, 1:], label=data[:, 0])
            return dmatrix
            return None

    except Exception as e:
        raise exc.UserError("Failed to load parquet data with exception:\n{}".format(e))

def get_parquet_dmatrix(path, is_pipe=False):
    """Get Data Matrix from parquet data.

    :param path: Path where parquet formatted training data resides, either directory, file, or SageMaker pipe
    :param is_pipe: Boolean to indicate if data is being read in pipe mode
    :return: xgb.DMatrix or None
    if is_pipe:
        return _get_parquet_dmatrix_pipe_mode(path)
        return _get_parquet_dmatrix_file_mode(path)

def get_recordio_protobuf_dmatrix(path, is_pipe=False):
    """Get Data Matrix from recordio-protobuf data.

    :param path: Path where recordio-protobuf formatted training data resides, either directory, file, or SageMaker pipe
    :param is_pipe: Boolean to indicate if data is being read in pipe mode
    :return: xgb.DMatrix or None
        if is_pipe:
            dataset = [mlio.SageMakerPipe(path)]
            reader = mlio.RecordIOProtobufReader(dataset=dataset,
            dataset = mlio.list_files(path)
            reader = mlio.RecordIOProtobufReader(dataset=dataset,

        if reader.peek_example() is not None:
            # recordio-protobuf tensor may be dense (use numpy) or sparse (use scipy)
            if type(reader.peek_example()['values']) is mlio.core.DenseTensor:
                to_matrix = as_numpy
                vstack = np.vstack
                to_matrix = to_coo_matrix
                vstack = scipy_vstack

            all_features = []
            all_labels = []
            for example in reader:
                features = to_matrix(example['values'])

                labels = as_numpy(example['label_values'])

            all_features = vstack(all_features)
            all_labels = np.concatenate(all_labels, axis=None)
            dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(all_features, label=all_labels)
            return dmatrix
            return None

    except Exception as e:
        raise exc.UserError("Failed to load recordio-protobuf data with exception:\n{}".format(e))

def get_dmatrix(data_path, content_type, csv_weights=0, is_pipe=False):
    """Create Data Matrix from CSV or LIBSVM file.

    Assumes that sanity validation for content type has been done.

    :param data_path: Either directory or file
    :param content_type:
    :param csv_weights: Only used if file_type is 'csv'.
                        1 if the instance weights are in the second column of csv file; otherwise, 0
    :param is_pipe: Boolean to indicate if data is being read in pipe mode
    :return: xgb.DMatrix or None
    if not (os.path.exists(data_path) or (is_pipe and os.path.exists(data_path + '_0'))):
        return None
        if os.path.isfile(data_path) or is_pipe:
            files_path = data_path
        elif not is_pipe:
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(data_path):
                if dirs == []:
                    files_path = root
        if content_type.lower() == CSV:
            dmatrix = get_csv_dmatrix(files_path, csv_weights, is_pipe)
        elif content_type.lower() == LIBSVM:
            dmatrix = get_libsvm_dmatrix(files_path, is_pipe)
        elif content_type.lower() == PARQUET:
            dmatrix = get_parquet_dmatrix(files_path, is_pipe)
        elif content_type.lower() == RECORDIO_PROTOBUF:
            dmatrix = get_recordio_protobuf_dmatrix(files_path, is_pipe)

        if dmatrix and dmatrix.get_label().size == 0:
            raise exc.UserError(
                "Got input data without labels. Please check the input data set. "
                "If training job is running on multiple instances, please switch "
                "to using single instance if number of records in the data set "
                "is less than number of workers (16 * number of instance) in the cluster.")

    return dmatrix

def get_size(data_path, is_pipe=False):
    """Return size of data files at dir_path.

    :param data_path: Either directory or file
    :param is_pipe: Boolean to indicate if data is being read in pipe mode
    :return: Size of data or 1 if sagemaker pipe found
    if is_pipe and os.path.exists(data_path + '_0'):
        logging.info('Pipe path {} found.'.format(data_path))
        return 1
    if not os.path.exists(data_path):
        logging.info('Path {} does not exist!'.format(data_path))
        return 0
        total_size = 0
        if os.path.isfile(data_path):
            return os.path.getsize(data_path)
            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(data_path):
                for current_file in files:
                    if current_file.startswith('.'):
                        raise exc.UserError("Hidden file found in the data path! Remove that before training.")
                    file_path = os.path.join(root, current_file)
                    total_size += os.path.getsize(file_path)
            return total_size