from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
from textblob import TextBlob

import re
import wikipedia

class Article:
    """Retrieves and analyzes wikipedia articles"""

    def __init__(self, title): =
        self.summary = TextBlob(

    def generate_trivia_sentences(self):
        sentences = self.summary.sentences

        # Remove the first sentence - it's never a good one
        del sentences[0]

        trivia_sentences = []
        for sentence in sentences:
            trivia = self.evaluate_sentence(sentence)
            if trivia:

        return trivia_sentences

    def get_similar_words(self, word):
        # In the absence of a better method, take the first synset
        synsets = wn.synsets(word, pos='n')

        # If there aren't any synsets, return an empty list
        if len(synsets) == 0:
            return []
            synset = synsets[0]

        # Get the hypernym for this synset (again, take the first)
        hypernym = synset.hypernyms()[0]

        # Get some hyponyms from this hypernym
        hyponyms = hypernym.hyponyms()

        # Take the name of the first lemma for the first 8 hyponyms
        similar_words = []
        for hyponym in hyponyms:
            similar_word = hyponym.lemmas()[0].name().replace('_', ' ')
            if similar_word != word:

            if len(similar_words) == 8:

        return similar_words

    def evaluate_sentence(self, sentence):
        if sentence.tags[0][1] == 'RB' or len(sentence.words) < 6:
            # This sentence starts with an adverb or is less than five words long
            # and probably won't be a good fit
            return None

        tag_map = {word.lower(): tag for word, tag in sentence.tags}

        replace_nouns = []
        for word, tag in sentence.tags:
            # For now, only blank out non-proper nouns that don't appear in the article title
            if tag == 'NN' and word not in
                # Is it in a noun phrase? If so, blank out the last two words in that phrase
                for phrase in sentence.noun_phrases:
                    if phrase[0] == '\'':
                        # If it starts with an apostrophe, ignore it
                        # (this is a weird error that should probably
                        # be handled elsewhere)

                    if word in phrase:
                        # Blank out the last two words in this phrase
                        [replace_nouns.append(phrase_word) for phrase_word in phrase.split()[-2:]]

                # If we couldn't find the word in any phrases,
                # replace it on its own
                if len(replace_nouns) == 0:
        if len(replace_nouns) == 0:
            # Return none if we found no words to replace
            return None

        trivia = {
            'answer': ' '.join(replace_nouns)

        if len(replace_nouns) == 1:
            # If we're only replacing one word, use WordNet to find similar words
            trivia['similar_words'] = self.get_similar_words(replace_nouns[0])
            # If we're replacing a phrase, don't bother - it's too unlikely to make sense
            trivia['similar_words'] = []

        # Blank out our replace words (only the first occurrence of the word in the sentence)
        replace_phrase = ' '.join(replace_nouns)
        blanks_phrase = ('__________ ' * len(replace_nouns)).strip()

        expression = re.compile(re.escape(replace_phrase), re.IGNORECASE)
        sentence = expression.sub(blanks_phrase, str(sentence), count=1)

        trivia['question'] = sentence
        return trivia