# PyScreeze

Apparently Pillow support on Ubuntu 64-bit has several additional steps since it doesn't have JPEG/PNG support out of the box. Description here:


__version__ = '0.1.26'

import collections
import datetime
import functools
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import errno

from contextlib import contextmanager

    from PIL import Image
    from PIL import ImageOps
    from PIL import ImageDraw
    if sys.platform == 'win32': # TODO - Pillow now supports ImageGrab on macOS.
        from PIL import ImageGrab
except ImportError:
    # We ignore this because failures due to Pillow not being installed
    # should only happen when the functions that specifically depend on
    # Pillow are called. The main use case is when PyAutoGUI imports
    # PyScreeze, but Pillow isn't installed because the user is running
    # some platform/version of Python that Pillow doesn't support, then
    # importing PyAutoGUI should not automatically fail because it
    # imports PyScreeze.
    # So we have a `pass` statement here since a failure to import
    # Pillow shouldn't crash PyScreeze.

    import cv2, numpy
    useOpenCV = True
    RUNNING_CV_2 = cv2.__version__[0] < '3'
except ImportError:
    useOpenCV = False

RUNNING_PYTHON_2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
if useOpenCV:
    if RUNNING_CV_2:

    unicode = str # On Python 3, all the isinstance(spam, (str, unicode)) calls will work the same as Python 2.

if sys.platform == 'win32':
    # On Windows, the monitor scaling can be set to something besides normal 100%.
    # PyScreeze and Pillow needs to account for this to make accurate screenshots.
    # TODO - How does macOS and Linux handle monitor scaling?
    import ctypes
    except AttributeError:
        pass # Windows XP doesn't support monitor scaling, so just do nothing.


# For version 0.1.19 I changed it so that ImageNotFoundException was raised
# instead of returning None. In hindsight, this change came too late, so I'm
# changing it back to returning None. But I'm also including this option for
# folks who would rather have it raise an exception.

scrotExists = False
    if sys.platform not in ('java', 'darwin', 'win32'):
        whichProc = subprocess.Popen(
            ['which', 'scrot'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        scrotExists = whichProc.wait() == 0
except OSError as ex:
    if ex.errno == errno.ENOENT:
        # if there is no "which" program to find scrot, then assume there
        # is no scrot.

if sys.platform == 'win32':
    from ctypes import windll

    # win32 DC(DeviceContext) Manager
    def __win32_openDC(hWnd):
        hDC = windll.user32.GetDC(hWnd)
        if hDC == 0: #NULL
            raise WindowsError("windll.user32.GetDC failed : return NULL")
            yield hDC
            if windll.user32.ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC) == 0:
                raise WindowsError("windll.user32.ReleaseDC failed : return 0")

Box = collections.namedtuple('Box', 'left top width height')
Point = collections.namedtuple('Point', 'x y')
RGB = collections.namedtuple('RGB', 'red green blue')

class PyScreezeException(Exception):
    pass # This is a generic exception class raised when a PyScreeze-related error happens.

class ImageNotFoundException(PyScreezeException):
    pass # This is an exception class raised when the locate functions fail to locate an image.

def requiresPillow(wrappedFunction):
    A decorator that marks a function as requiring Pillow to be installed.
    This raises PyScreezeException if Pillow wasn't imported.
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            raise PyScreezeException('The Pillow package is required to use this function.')
        return wrappedFunction(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

def _load_cv2(img, grayscale=None):
    # load images if given filename, or convert as needed to opencv
    # Alpha layer just causes failures at this point, so flatten to RGB.
    # RGBA: load with -1 * cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR to preserve alpha
    # to matchTemplate, need template and image to be the same wrt having alpha

    if grayscale is None:
        grayscale = GRAYSCALE_DEFAULT
    if isinstance(img, (str, unicode)):
        # The function imread loads an image from the specified file and
        # returns it. If the image cannot be read (because of missing
        # file, improper permissions, unsupported or invalid format),
        # the function returns an empty matrix
        # http://docs.opencv.org/3.0-beta/modules/imgcodecs/doc/reading_and_writing_images.html
        if grayscale:
            img_cv = cv2.imread(img, LOAD_GRAYSCALE)
            img_cv = cv2.imread(img, LOAD_COLOR)
        if img_cv is None:
            raise IOError("Failed to read %s because file is missing, "
                          "has improper permissions, or is an "
                          "unsupported or invalid format" % img)
    elif isinstance(img, numpy.ndarray):
        # don't try to convert an already-gray image to gray
        if grayscale and len(img.shape) == 3:  # and img.shape[2] == 3:
            img_cv = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
            img_cv = img
    elif hasattr(img, 'convert'):
        # assume its a PIL.Image, convert to cv format
        img_array = numpy.array(img.convert('RGB'))
        img_cv = img_array[:, :, ::-1].copy()  # -1 does RGB -> BGR
        if grayscale:
            img_cv = cv2.cvtColor(img_cv, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        raise TypeError('expected an image filename, OpenCV numpy array, or PIL image')
    return img_cv

def _locateAll_opencv(needleImage, haystackImage, grayscale=None, limit=10000, region=None, step=1,
    TODO - rewrite this
        faster but more memory-intensive than pure python
        step 2 skips every other row and column = ~3x faster but prone to miss;
            to compensate, the algorithm automatically reduces the confidence
            threshold by 5% (which helps but will not avoid all misses).
          - OpenCV 3.x & python 3.x not tested
          - RGBA images are treated as RBG (ignores alpha channel)
    if grayscale is None:
        grayscale = GRAYSCALE_DEFAULT

    confidence = float(confidence)

    needleImage = _load_cv2(needleImage, grayscale)
    needleHeight, needleWidth = needleImage.shape[:2]
    haystackImage = _load_cv2(haystackImage, grayscale)

    if region:
        haystackImage = haystackImage[region[1]:region[1]+region[3],
        region = (0, 0)  # full image; these values used in the yield statement
    if (haystackImage.shape[0] < needleImage.shape[0] or
        haystackImage.shape[1] < needleImage.shape[1]):
        # avoid semi-cryptic OpenCV error below if bad size
        raise ValueError('needle dimension(s) exceed the haystack image or region dimensions')

    if step == 2:
        confidence *= 0.95
        needleImage = needleImage[::step, ::step]
        haystackImage = haystackImage[::step, ::step]
        step = 1

    # get all matches at once, credit: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7670112/finding-a-subimage-inside-a-numpy-image/9253805#9253805
    result = cv2.matchTemplate(haystackImage, needleImage, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
    match_indices = numpy.arange(result.size)[(result > confidence).flatten()]
    matches = numpy.unravel_index(match_indices[:limit], result.shape)

    if len(matches[0]) == 0:
            raise ImageNotFoundException('Could not locate the image (highest confidence = %.3f)' % result.max())

    # use a generator for API consistency:
    matchx = matches[1] * step + region[0]  # vectorized
    matchy = matches[0] * step + region[1]
    for x, y in zip(matchx, matchy):
        yield Box(x, y, needleWidth, needleHeight)

# TODO - We should consider renaming _locateAll_python to _locateAll_pillow, since Pillow is the real dependency.
def _locateAll_python(needleImage, haystackImage, grayscale=None, limit=None, region=None, step=1):
    # setup all the arguments
    if grayscale is None:
        grayscale = GRAYSCALE_DEFAULT

    needleFileObj = None
    if isinstance(needleImage, (str, unicode)):
        # 'image' is a filename, load the Image object
        needleFileObj = open(needleImage, 'rb')
        needleImage = Image.open(needleFileObj)

    haystackFileObj = None
    if isinstance(haystackImage, (str, unicode)):
        # 'image' is a filename, load the Image object
        haystackFileObj = open(haystackImage, 'rb')
        haystackImage = Image.open(haystackFileObj)

    if region is not None:
        haystackImage = haystackImage.crop((region[0], region[1], region[0] + region[2], region[1] + region[3]))
        region = (0, 0) # set to 0 because the code always accounts for a region

    if grayscale: # if grayscale mode is on, convert the needle and haystack images to grayscale
        needleImage = ImageOps.grayscale(needleImage)
        haystackImage = ImageOps.grayscale(haystackImage)
        # if not using grayscale, make sure we are comparing RGB images, not RGBA images.
        if needleImage.mode == 'RGBA':
            needleImage = needleImage.convert('RGB')
        if haystackImage.mode == 'RGBA':
            haystackImage = haystackImage.convert('RGB')

    # setup some constants we'll be using in this function
    needleWidth, needleHeight = needleImage.size
    haystackWidth, haystackHeight = haystackImage.size

    needleImageData = tuple(needleImage.getdata())
    haystackImageData = tuple(haystackImage.getdata())

    needleImageRows = [needleImageData[y * needleWidth:(y+1) * needleWidth] for y in range(needleHeight)] # LEFT OFF - check this
    needleImageFirstRow = needleImageRows[0]

    assert len(needleImageFirstRow) == needleWidth, 'For some reason, the calculated width of first row of the needle image is not the same as the width of the image.'
    assert [len(row) for row in needleImageRows] == [needleWidth] * needleHeight, 'For some reason, the needleImageRows aren\'t the same size as the original image.'

    numMatchesFound = 0

    # NOTE: After running tests/benchmarks.py on the following code, it seem that having a step
    # value greater than 1 does not give *any* significant performance improvements.
    # Since using a step higher than 1 makes for less accurate matches, it will be
    # set to 1.
    step = 1 # hard-code step as 1 until a way to improve it can be figured out.

    if step == 1:
        firstFindFunc = _kmp
        firstFindFunc = _steppingFind

    for y in range(haystackHeight): # start at the leftmost column
        for matchx in firstFindFunc(needleImageFirstRow, haystackImageData[y * haystackWidth:(y+1) * haystackWidth], step):
            foundMatch = True
            for searchy in range(1, needleHeight, step):
                haystackStart = (searchy + y) * haystackWidth + matchx
                if needleImageData[searchy * needleWidth:(searchy+1) * needleWidth] != haystackImageData[haystackStart:haystackStart + needleWidth]:
                    foundMatch = False
            if foundMatch:
                # Match found, report the x, y, width, height of where the matching region is in haystack.
                numMatchesFound += 1
                yield Box(matchx + region[0], y + region[1], needleWidth, needleHeight)
                if limit is not None and numMatchesFound >= limit:
                    # Limit has been reached. Close file handles.
                    if needleFileObj is not None:
                    if haystackFileObj is not None:

    # There was no limit or the limit wasn't reached, but close the file handles anyway.
    if needleFileObj is not None:
    if haystackFileObj is not None:

    if numMatchesFound == 0:
            raise ImageNotFoundException('Could not locate the image.')

def locate(needleImage, haystackImage, **kwargs):
    # Note: The gymnastics in this function is because we want to make sure to exhaust the iterator so that the needle and haystack files are closed in locateAll.
    kwargs['limit'] = 1
    points = tuple(locateAll(needleImage, haystackImage, **kwargs))
    if len(points) > 0:
        return points[0]
            raise ImageNotFoundException('Could not locate the image.')
            return None

def locateOnScreen(image, minSearchTime=0, **kwargs):
    """TODO - rewrite this
    minSearchTime - amount of time in seconds to repeat taking
    screenshots and trying to locate a match.  The default of 0 performs
    a single search.
    start = time.time()
    while True:
            screenshotIm = screenshot(region=None) # the locateAll() function must handle cropping to return accurate coordinates, so don't pass a region here.
            retVal = locate(image, screenshotIm, **kwargs)
            except AttributeError:
                # Screenshots on Windows won't have an fp since they came from
                # ImageGrab, not a file. Screenshots on Linux will have fp set
                # to None since the file has been unlinked
            if retVal or time.time() - start > minSearchTime:
                return retVal
        except ImageNotFoundException:
            if time.time() - start > minSearchTime:
                    return None

def locateAllOnScreen(image, **kwargs):

    # TODO - Should this raise an exception if zero instances of the image can be found on the screen, instead of always returning a generator?
    screenshotIm = screenshot(region=None) # the locateAll() function must handle cropping to return accurate coordinates, so don't pass a region here.
    retVal = locateAll(image, screenshotIm, **kwargs)
    except AttributeError:
        # Screenshots on Windows won't have an fp since they came from
        # ImageGrab, not a file. Screenshots on Linux will have fp set
        # to None since the file has been unlinked
    return retVal

def locateCenterOnScreen(image, **kwargs):
    coords = locateOnScreen(image, **kwargs)
    if coords is None:
        return None
        return center(coords)

def showRegionOnScreen(region, outlineColor='red', filename='_showRegionOnScreen.png'):
    # TODO - This function is useful! Document it!
    screenshotIm = screenshot()
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(screenshotIm)
    region = (region[0], region[1], region[2] + region[0], region[3] + region[1]) # convert from (left, top, right, bottom) to (left, top, width, height)
    draw.rectangle(region, outline=outlineColor)

def _screenshot_win32(imageFilename=None, region=None):
    # TODO - Use the winapi to get a screenshot, and compare performance with ImageGrab.grab()
    # https://stackoverflow.com/a/3586280/1893164
    im = ImageGrab.grab()
    if region is not None:
        assert len(region) == 4, 'region argument must be a tuple of four ints'
        region = [int(x) for x in region]
        im = im.crop((region[0], region[1], region[2] + region[0], region[3] + region[1]))
    if imageFilename is not None:
    return im

def _screenshot_osx(imageFilename=None, region=None):
    # TODO - use tmp name for this file.
    if imageFilename is None:
        tmpFilename = 'screenshot%s.png' % (datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m%d_%H-%M-%S-%f'))
        tmpFilename = imageFilename
    subprocess.call(['screencapture', '-x', tmpFilename])
    im = Image.open(tmpFilename)

    if region is not None:
        assert len(region) == 4, 'region argument must be a tuple of four ints'
        region = [int(x) for x in region]
        im = im.crop((region[0], region[1], region[2] + region[0], region[3] + region[1]))
        os.unlink(tmpFilename) # delete image of entire screen to save cropped version
        # force loading before unlinking, Image.open() is lazy

    if imageFilename is None:
    return im

def _screenshot_linux(imageFilename=None, region=None):
    if not scrotExists:
        raise NotImplementedError('"scrot" must be installed to use screenshot functions in Linux. Run: sudo apt-get install scrot')
    if imageFilename is None:
        tmpFilename = '.screenshot%s.png' % (datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m%d_%H-%M-%S-%f'))
        tmpFilename = imageFilename
    if scrotExists:
        subprocess.call(['scrot', '-z', tmpFilename])
        im = Image.open(tmpFilename)

        if region is not None:
            assert len(region) == 4, 'region argument must be a tuple of four ints'
            region = [int(x) for x in region]
            im = im.crop((region[0], region[1], region[2] + region[0], region[3] + region[1]))
            os.unlink(tmpFilename) # delete image of entire screen to save cropped version
            # force loading before unlinking, Image.open() is lazy

        if imageFilename is None:
        return im
        raise Exception('The scrot program must be installed to take a screenshot with PyScreeze on Linux. Run: sudo apt-get install scrot')

def _kmp(needle, haystack, _dummy): # Knuth-Morris-Pratt search algorithm implementation (to be used by screen capture)
    # build table of shift amounts
    shifts = [1] * (len(needle) + 1)
    shift = 1
    for pos in range(len(needle)):
        while shift <= pos and needle[pos] != needle[pos-shift]:
            shift += shifts[pos-shift]
        shifts[pos+1] = shift

    # do the actual search
    startPos = 0
    matchLen = 0
    for c in haystack:
        while matchLen == len(needle) or \
              matchLen >= 0 and needle[matchLen] != c:
            startPos += shifts[matchLen]
            matchLen -= shifts[matchLen]
        matchLen += 1
        if matchLen == len(needle):
            yield startPos

def _steppingFind(needle, haystack, step):
    for startPos in range(0, len(haystack) - len(needle) + 1):
        foundMatch = True
        for pos in range(0, len(needle), step):
            if haystack[startPos + pos] != needle[pos]:
                foundMatch = False
        if foundMatch:
            yield startPos

def center(coords):
    Returns a `Point` object with the x and y set to an integer determined by the format of `coords`.

    The `coords` argument is a 4-integer tuple of (left, top, width, height).

    For example:

    >>> center((10, 10, 6, 8))
    Point(x=13, y=14)
    >>> center((10, 10, 7, 9))
    Point(x=13, y=14)
    >>> center((10, 10, 8, 10))
    Point(x=14, y=15)

    # TODO - one day, add code to handle a Box namedtuple.
    return Point(coords[0] + int(coords[2] / 2), coords[1] + int(coords[3] / 2))

def pixelMatchesColor(x, y, expectedRGBColor, tolerance=0):
    pix = pixel(x, y)
    if len(pix) == 3 or len(expectedRGBColor) == 3: #RGB mode
        r, g, b = pix[:3]
        exR, exG, exB = expectedRGBColor[:3]
        return (abs(r - exR) <= tolerance) and (abs(g - exG) <= tolerance) and (abs(b - exB) <= tolerance)
    elif len(pix) == 4 and len(expectedRGBColor) == 4: #RGBA mode
        r, g, b, a = pix
        exR, exG, exB, exA = expectedRGBColor
        return (abs(r - exR) <= tolerance) and (abs(g - exG) <= tolerance) and (abs(b - exB) <= tolerance) and (abs(a - exA) <= tolerance)
        assert False, 'Color mode was expected to be length 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA), but pixel is length %s and expectedRGBColor is length %s' % (len(pix), len(expectedRGBColor))

def pixel(x, y):
    if sys.platform == 'win32':
        # On Windows, calling GetDC() and GetPixel() is twice as fast as using our screenshot() function.
        with __win32_openDC(0) as hdc: # handle will be released automatically
            color = windll.gdi32.GetPixel(hdc, x, y)
            if color < 0:
                raise WindowsError("windll.gdi32.GetPixel failed : return {}".format(color))
            # color is in the format 0xbbggrr https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd183449(v=vs.85).aspx
            bbggrr = "{:0>6x}".format(color) # bbggrr => 'bbggrr' (hex)
            b, g, r = (int(bbggrr[i:i+2], 16) for i in range(0, 6, 2))
            return (r, g, b)
        # Need to select only the first three values of the color in
        # case the returned pixel has an alpha channel
        return RGB(*(screenshot().getpixel((x, y))[:3]))

# set the screenshot() function based on the platform running this module
if sys.platform.startswith('java'):
    raise NotImplementedError('Jython is not yet supported by PyScreeze.')
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
    screenshot = _screenshot_osx
elif sys.platform == 'win32':
    screenshot = _screenshot_win32
else: # TODO - Make this more specific. "Anything else" does not necessarily mean "Linux".
    screenshot = _screenshot_linux

grab = screenshot # for compatibility with Pillow/PIL's ImageGrab module.

# set the locateAll function to use opencv if possible; python 3 needs opencv 3.0+
# TODO - Should this raise an exception if zero instances of the image can be found on the screen, instead of always returning a generator?
if useOpenCV:
    locateAll = _locateAll_opencv
    if not RUNNING_PYTHON_2 and cv2.__version__ < '3':
        locateAll = _locateAll_python
    locateAll = _locateAll_python