import asyncio
import functools
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from dataclasses import dataclass
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, AsyncIterator, Awaitable, Callable, List, Optional, Type

import aiohttp
import click
from yarl import URL

class Post:
    id: int
    owner: str
    editor: str
    title: str
    text: Optional[str]  # post listing doesn't return text field

    def pprint(self) -> None:
        click.echo(f"Post {}")
        click.echo(f"  Owner:  {self.owner}")
        click.echo(f"  Editor: {self.editor}")
        click.echo(f"  Title:  {self.title}")
        if self.text is not None:
            click.echo(f"  Text:   {self.text}")

class Client:
    def __init__(self, base_url: URL, user: str) -> None:
        self._base_url = base_url
        self._user = user
        self._client = aiohttp.ClientSession(raise_for_status=True)

    async def close(self) -> None:
        return await self._client.close()

    async def __aenter__(self) -> "Client":
        return self

    async def __aexit__(
        exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
        exc_val: Optional[BaseException],
        exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType],
    ) -> Optional[bool]:
        await self.close()
        return None

    def _make_url(self, path: str) -> URL:
        return self._base_url / path

    async def create(self, title: str, text: str) -> Post:
        async with
            json={"owner": self._user, "title": title, "text": text},
        ) as resp:
            ret = await resp.json()
            return Post(**ret["data"])

    async def get(self, post_id: int) -> Post:
        async with self._client.get(self._make_url(f"api/{post_id}")) as resp:
            ret = await resp.json()
            return Post(**ret["data"])

    async def delete(self, post_id: int) -> None:
        async with self._client.delete(self._make_url(f"api/{post_id}")) as resp:
            resp  # to make linter happy

    async def update(
        self, post_id: int, title: Optional[str] = None, text: Optional[str] = None
    ) -> Post:
        json = {"editor": self._user}
        if title is not None:
            json["title"] = title
        if text is not None:
            json["text"] = text
        async with self._client.patch(
            self._make_url(f"api/{post_id}"), json=json
        ) as resp:
            ret = await resp.json()
            return Post(**ret["data"])

    async def list(self) -> List[Post]:
        async with self._client.get(self._make_url(f"api")) as resp:
            ret = await resp.json()
            return [Post(text=None, **item) for item in ret["data"]]

class Root:
    base_url: URL
    user: str
    show_traceback: bool

    async def client(self) -> AsyncIterator[Client]:
        client = Client(self.base_url, self.user)
            yield client
            await client.close()

def async_cmd(func: Callable[..., Awaitable[None]]) -> Callable[..., None]:
    def inner(root: Root, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
            return, **kwargs))
        except Exception as exc:
            if root.show_traceback:
                click.echo(f"Error: {exc}")

    inner = click.pass_obj(inner)
    return inner
    "--base-url", type=str, default="http://localhost:8080", show_default=True
@click.option("--user", type=str, default="Anonymous", show_default=True)
@click.option("--show-traceback", is_flag=True, default=False, show_default=True)
def main(ctx: click.Context, base_url: str, user: str, show_traceback: bool) -> None:
    """REST client for tutorial server"""
    ctx.obj = Root(URL(base_url), user, show_traceback)

@click.option("--title", type=str, required=True)
@click.option("--text", type=str, required=True)
async def create(root: Root, title: str, text: str) -> None:
    """Create new blog post"""
    async with root.client() as client:
        post = await client.create(title, text)
        click.echo(f"Created post {}")

@click.argument("post_id", type=int)
async def get(root: Root, post_id: int) -> None:
    """Get detailed info about blog post"""
    async with root.client() as client:
        post = await client.get(post_id)

@click.argument("post_id", type=int)
async def delete(root: Root, post_id: int) -> None:
    """Delete blog post"""
    async with root.client() as client:
        await client.delete(post_id)
        click.echo(f"Post {post_id} is deleted")

@click.argument("post_id", type=int)
@click.option("--text", type=str)
@click.option("--title", type=str)
async def update(
    root: Root, post_id: int, title: Optional[str], text: Optional[str]
) -> None:
    """Update existing blog post"""
    async with root.client() as client:
        post = await client.update(post_id, title, text)

async def list(root: Root) -> None:
    """List existing blog posts"""
    async with root.client() as client:
        posts = await client.list()
        click.echo("List posts:")
        for post in posts:

if __name__ == "__main__":