# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Arno Onken
# This file is part of the mixedvines package.
# The mixedvines package is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# The mixedvines package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
This module implements a copula vine model with mixed marginals.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from scipy.stats import norm, kendalltau
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import numpy as np
from .marginal import Marginal
from .copula import Copula, IndependenceCopula

class MixedVine(object):
    This class represents a copula vine model with mixed marginals.

    dim : integer
        The number of marginals of the vine model.  Must be greater than 1.

    root : VineLayer
        The root layer of the vine tree.

        Calculates the log of the probability density function.
        Calculates the probability density function.
        Generates random variates from the mixed vine.
    entropy(alpha, sem_tol, mc_size)
        Estimates the entropy of the mixed vine.
    set_marginal(marginal_index, rv_mixed)
        Sets a particular marginal distribution in the mixed vine tree.
    set_copula(layer_index, copula_index, copula)
        Sets a particular pair copula in the mixed vine tree.
    fit(samples, is_continuous, trunc_level, do_refine, keep_order)
        Fits the mixed vine to the given samples.

    class VineLayer(object):
        This class represents a layer of a copula vine tree.  A tree
        description in layers is advantageous, because most operations on the
        vine work in sweeps from layer to layer.

        input_layer : VineLayer, optional
            The layer providing input.  (Default: `None`)
        input_indices : array_like, optional
            Array of length n where n is the number of copulas in this layer.
            Each element in the array is a 2-tuple containing the left and
            right input indices of the respective pair-copula.  `None` if this
            is the marginal layer.
        marginals : array_like, optional
            List with the marginal distributions as elements.  `None` if this
            is not the marginal layer.
        copulas : array_like, optional
            List with the pair-copulas of this layer as elements.  `None` if
            this is the marginal layer.

        input_layer : VineLayer
            The layer providing input.
        output_layer : VineLayer
            The output layer.
        input_indices : array_like
            Array with the input indices of the copulas.
        input_marginal_indices : array_like
            Array with the input indices of the marginals.
        marginals : array_like
            List with the marginal distributions of this layer as elements.
        copulas : array_like
            List with the pair-copulas of this layer as elements.

            Determines whether the layer is a marginal layer.
            Determines whether the layer is a root layer.
            Log of the probability density function.
            Computes densities and cumulative distribution functions.
        build_curvs(urvs, curvs)
            Builds conditional uniform random variates `curvs` for
        curv_ccdf(sample, curvs, copula_index)
            Generates a conditional sample for `build_curvs`.
        make_dependent(urvs, curvs)
            Introduces dependencies between the uniform random variates `urvs`.
            Generates random variates from the mixed vine.
        fit(samples, is_continuous, trunc_level)
            Fits a vine tree.
            Constructs an array containing all copula parameters.
            Sets all copula parameters to the values stored in params.
            Collects the bounds of all copula parameters.

        def __init__(self, input_layer=None, input_indices=None,
                     marginals=None, copulas=None):
            self.input_layer = input_layer
            self.output_layer = None
            if input_layer is not None:
                input_layer.output_layer = self
            self.input_indices = input_indices
            self.marginals = marginals
            self.copulas = copulas
            # Set indices of input marginals
            if input_indices is not None:
                if input_layer.is_marginal_layer():
                    self.input_marginal_indices = input_indices
                    self.input_marginal_indices = []
                    for _, i_ind in enumerate(input_indices):
                self.input_marginal_indices = None

        def is_marginal_layer(self):
            Determines whether the layer is the marginal layer.

                `True` if the layer is the marginal layer.
            return not self.input_layer

        def is_root_layer(self):
            Determines whether the layer is the output layer.

                `True` if the layer is the root layer.
            return not self.output_layer

        def logpdf(self, samples):
            Calculates the log of the probability density function.

            samples : array_like
                n-by-d matrix of samples where n is the number of samples and d
                is the number of marginals.

                Log of the probability density function evaluated at `samples`.
            if samples.size == 0:
                return np.empty((0, 1))
            if self.is_root_layer():
                res = self.densities(samples)
                return res['logpdf']
            return self.output_layer.logpdf(samples)

        def _marginal_densities(self, samples):
            Evaluate marginal densities and cumulative distribution functions.

            samples : array_like
                n-by-d matrix of samples where n is the number of samples and d
                is the number of marginals.

            dout : dictionary
                The densities and cumulative distribution functions.  Keys:
                `logpdf`: Equal to first element of `logp`.
                'logp': Log of the probability density function.
                'cdfp': Upper cumulative distribution functions.
                'cdfm': Lower cumulative distribution functions.
                'is_continuous': List of booleans where element i is `True` if
                output element i is continuous.
            logp = np.zeros(samples.shape)
            cdfp = np.zeros(samples.shape)
            cdfm = np.zeros(samples.shape)
            is_continuous = np.zeros(len(self.marginals), dtype=bool)
            for k, marginal in enumerate(self.marginals):
                is_continuous[k] = marginal.is_continuous
                cdfp[:, k] = marginal.cdf(samples[:, k])
                if marginal.is_continuous:
                    logp[:, k] = marginal.logpdf(samples[:, k])
                    cdfm[:, k] = marginal.cdf(samples[:, k] - 1)
                    old_settings = np.seterr(divide='ignore')
                    logp[:, k] = np.log(np.maximum(0, cdfp[:, k] - cdfm[:, k]))
            logpdf = logp[:, self.output_layer.input_indices[0][0]]
            dout = {'logpdf': logpdf, 'logp': logp, 'cdfp': cdfp, 'cdfm': cdfm,
                    'is_continuous': is_continuous}
            return dout

        def densities(self, samples):
            Computes densities and cumulative distribution functions layer by

            samples : array_like
                n-by-d matrix of samples where n is the number of samples and d
                is the number of marginals.

            dout : dictionary
                The densities and cumulative distribution functions.  Keys:
                `logpdf`: Sum of the first elements of `logp` of all input
                layers and this one.
                'logp': Log of the probability density function.
                'cdfp': Upper cumulative distribution functions.
                'cdfm': Lower cumulative distribution functions.
                'is_continuous': List of booleans where element i is `True` if
                output element i is continuous.
            if self.is_marginal_layer():
                return self._marginal_densities(samples)
            # Propagate samples to input_layer
            din = self.input_layer.densities(samples)
            # Prepare output densities
            logp = np.zeros((samples.shape[0], len(self.copulas)))
            cdfp = np.zeros((samples.shape[0], len(self.copulas)))
            cdfm = np.zeros((samples.shape[0], len(self.copulas)))
            is_continuous = np.zeros(len(self.copulas), dtype=bool)
            for k, copula in enumerate(self.copulas):
                i = self.input_indices[k][0]
                j = self.input_indices[k][1]
                # Distinguish between discrete and continuous inputs
                if din['is_continuous'][i] and din['is_continuous'][j]:
                    cdfp[:, k] \
                        = copula.ccdf(
                            np.array([din['cdfp'][:, i],
                                      din['cdfp'][:, j]]).T, axis=0)
                    logp[:, k] \
                        = copula.logpdf(
                            np.array([din['cdfp'][:, i],
                                      din['cdfp'][:, j]]).T) \
                        + din['logp'][:, j]
                elif not din['is_continuous'][i] \
                        and din['is_continuous'][j]:
                    old_settings = np.seterr(divide='ignore')
                    isf = np.isfinite(din['logp'][:, i])
                    cdfp[~isf, k] = 0.0
                    cdfp[isf, k] = np.exp(np.log(
                                       np.array([din['cdfp'][isf, i],
                                                 din['cdfp'][isf, j]]).T)
                                   - copula.cdf(
                                       np.array([din['cdfm'][isf, i],
                                                 din['cdfp'][isf, j]]).T)))
                                          - din['logp'][isf, i])
                    isf = np.isfinite(din['logp'][:, i])
                    logp[~isf, k] = -np.inf
                    logp[isf, k] = np.log(
                                       np.array([din['cdfp'][isf, i],
                                                 din['cdfp'][isf, j]]).T)
                                   - copula.ccdf(
                                       np.array([din['cdfm'][isf, i],
                                                 din['cdfp'][isf, j]]).T))
                        ) - din['logp'][isf, i] + din['logp'][isf, j]
                elif din['is_continuous'][i] \
                        and not din['is_continuous'][j]:
                    cdfp[:, k] \
                        = copula.ccdf(
                            np.array([din['cdfp'][:, i],
                                      din['cdfp'][:, j]]).T, axis=0)
                    cdfm[:, k] \
                        = copula.ccdf(
                            np.array([din['cdfp'][:, i],
                                      din['cdfm'][:, j]]).T, axis=0)
                    old_settings = np.seterr(divide='ignore')
                    logp[:, k] \
                        = np.log(np.maximum(0, cdfp[:, k] - cdfm[:, k]))
                    old_settings = np.seterr(divide='ignore')
                    isf = np.isfinite(din['logp'][:, i])
                    cdfp[~isf, k] = 0.0
                    cdfp[isf, k] = np.exp(np.log(
                                       np.array([din['cdfp'][isf, i],
                                                 din['cdfp'][isf, j]]).T)
                                   - copula.cdf(
                                       np.array([din['cdfm'][isf, i],
                                                 din['cdfp'][isf, j]]).T)))
                                          - din['logp'][isf, i])
                    isf = np.isfinite(din['logp'][:, i])
                    cdfm[~isf, k] = 0.0
                    cdfm[isf, k] = np.exp(np.log(
                                       np.array([din['cdfp'][isf, i],
                                                 din['cdfm'][isf, j]]).T)
                                   - copula.cdf(
                                       np.array([din['cdfm'][isf, i],
                                                 din['cdfm'][isf, j]]).T)))
                                          - din['logp'][isf, i])
                    logp[:, k] \
                        = np.log(np.maximum(0, cdfp[:, k] - cdfm[:, k]))
                # This propagation of continuity is specific for the c-vine
                is_continuous[k] = din['is_continuous'][j]
            logpdf = din['logpdf'] + logp[:, 0]
            dout = {'logpdf': logpdf, 'logp': logp, 'cdfp': cdfp, 'cdfm': cdfm,
                    'is_continuous': is_continuous}
            return dout

        def build_curvs(self, urvs, curvs):
            Helper function for `make_dependent`.  Builds conditional uniform
            random variates `curvs` for `make_dependent`.

            urvs : array_like
                Uniform random variates to be made dependent by
            curvs : array_like
                Array to be filled with dependent conditional uniform random
                variates by `make_dependent`.

            urvs : array_like
                Dependent uniform random variates.
            curvs : array_like
                Conditional uniform random variates.
            (urvs, curvs) = self.make_dependent(urvs, curvs)
            if self.is_marginal_layer():
                first_marginal_index = self.output_layer.input_indices[0][0]
                curvs[:, first_marginal_index] = urvs[:, first_marginal_index]
                copula_index = 0
                curv_index = self.input_marginal_indices[copula_index][1]
                curvs[:, curv_index] = self.curv_ccdf(urvs[:, curv_index],
                                                      curvs, copula_index)
            return (urvs, curvs)

        def curv_ccdf(self, sample, curvs, copula_index):
            Helper function for `build_curvs` to generate a conditional sample.

            sample : float
                Right input for the marginal layer.
            curvs : array_like
                Conditional uniform random variates.
            copula_index : integer
                Index of the copula to be used to generate the dependent

            sample : float
                Conditional sample for `curvs` at index `copula_index`.
            if not self.is_marginal_layer():
                sample = self.input_layer.curv_ccdf(
                    sample, curvs, self.input_indices[copula_index][1])
                curv_index = self.input_marginal_indices[copula_index][0]
                input_urvs = np.array([curvs[:, curv_index], sample]).T
                sample = self.copulas[copula_index].ccdf(input_urvs, axis=0)
            return sample

        def make_dependent(self, urvs, curvs=None):
            Helper function for `rvs`.  Introduces dependencies between the
            uniform random variates `urvs` according to the vine copula tree.

            urvs : array_like
                Uniform random variates to be made dependent.
            curvs : array_like, optional
                Array to be filled with dependent conditional uniform random
                variates by `build_curvs`.  (Default: `None`)

            urvs : array_like
                Dependent uniform random variates.
            curvs : array_like
                Conditional uniform random variates.
            if curvs is None:
                curvs = np.zeros(shape=urvs.shape)
            if not self.is_marginal_layer():
                (urvs, curvs) = self.input_layer.build_curvs(urvs, curvs)
            copula_index = 0
            layer = self
            while not layer.is_marginal_layer():
                imi = layer.input_marginal_indices[copula_index]
                input_urvs = np.array([curvs[:, imi[0]], urvs[:, imi[1]]]).T
                urvs[:, imi[1]] = layer.copulas[copula_index].ppcf(input_urvs,
                copula_index = layer.input_indices[copula_index][1]
                layer = layer.input_layer
            return (urvs, curvs)

        def rvs(self, size=1):
            Generates random variates from the mixed vine.  Currently assumes a
            c-vine structure.

            size : integer, optional
                The number of samples to generate.  (Default: 1)

                n-by-d matrix of samples where n is the number of samples and d
                is the number of marginals.
            if self.is_root_layer():
                # Determine distribution dimension
                layer = self
                while not layer.is_marginal_layer():
                    layer = layer.input_layer
                dim = len(layer.marginals)
                samples = np.random.random(size=[size, dim])
                (samples, _) = self.make_dependent(samples)
                # Use marginals to transform dependent uniform samples
                for i, marginal in enumerate(layer.marginals):
                    samples[:, i] = marginal.ppf(samples[:, i])
                return samples
            return self.output_layer.rvs(size)

        def fit(self, samples, is_continuous, trunc_level=None):
            Fits the vine tree to the given samples.  This method is supposed
            to be called on the output layer and will recurse to its input

            samples : array_like
                n-by-d matrix of samples where n is the number of samples and d
                is the number of marginals.
            is_continuous : array_like
                List of boolean values of length d, where d is the number of
                marginals and element i is `True` if marginal i is continuous.
            trunc_level : integer, optional
                Layer level to truncate the vine at.  Copulas in layers beyond
                are just independence copulas.  If the level is `None`, then
                the vine is not truncated.  (Default: `None`)

            output_urvs : array_like
                The output uniform random variates of the layer.  Can be
                ignored if this is the output layer.
            if self.is_marginal_layer():
                output_urvs = np.zeros(samples.shape)
                for i in range(samples.shape[1]):
                    self.marginals[i] = Marginal.fit(samples[:, i],
                    output_urvs[:, i] = self.marginals[i].cdf(samples[:, i])
                input_urvs = self.input_layer.fit(samples, is_continuous, trunc_level)
                truncate = trunc_level and samples.shape[1] \
                    - len(self.input_indices) > trunc_level - 1
                output_urvs = np.zeros((samples.shape[0],
                for i, i_ind in enumerate(self.input_indices):
                    if truncate:
                        self.copulas[i] = IndependenceCopula()
                        self.copulas[i] = Copula.fit(input_urvs[:, i_ind])
                    output_urvs[:, i] \
                        = self.copulas[i].ccdf(input_urvs[:, i_ind])
            return output_urvs

        def get_all_params(self):
            Constructs an array containing all copula parameters.

            params : list
                A list containing all copula parameter values starting with the
                parameters of the first copula layer and continuing layer by
            if self.is_marginal_layer():
                params = []
                params = self.input_layer.get_all_params()
                for copula in self.copulas:
                    if copula.theta is not None:
                        for param in copula.theta:
            return params

        def set_all_params(self, params):
            Sets all copula parameters to the values stored in params.

            params : list
                A list containing all copula parameter values starting with the
                parameters of the first copula layer and continuing layer by
            if not self.is_marginal_layer():
                for i in range(len(self.copulas)):
                    if self.copulas[i].theta is not None:
                        for j in range(len(self.copulas[i].theta)):
                            self.copulas[i].theta[j] = params.pop(0)

        def get_all_bounds(self):
            Collects the bounds of all copula parameters.

            bnds : list
                A list of 2-tuples containing all copula parameter bounds
                starting with the parameters of the first copula layer and
                continuing layer by layer.  The first element of tuple i
                denotes the lower bound and the second element denotes the
                upper bound of parameter i.
            if self.is_marginal_layer():
                bnds = []
                bnds = self.input_layer.get_all_bounds()
                for copula in self.copulas:
                    for bnd in copula.theta_bounds():
            return bnds

    def __init__(self, dim):
        if dim < 2:
            raise ValueError("the number of marginals 'dim' must be greater"
                             " than 1")
        self.root = self._construct_c_vine(np.arange(dim))

    def logpdf(self, samples):
        Calculates the log of the probability density function.

        samples : array_like
            n-by-d matrix of samples where n is the number of samples and d is
            the number of marginals.

            Log of the probability density function evaluated at `samples`.
        return self.root.logpdf(samples)

    def pdf(self, samples):
        Calculates the probability density function.

        samples : array_like
            n-by-d matrix of samples where n is the number of samples and d
            is the number of marginals.

            Probability density function evaluated at `samples`.
        return np.exp(self.logpdf(samples))

    def rvs(self, size=1):
        Generates random variates from the mixed vine.

        size : integer, optional
            The number of samples to generate.  (Default: 1)

            n-by-d matrix of samples where n is the number of samples and d is
            the number of marginals.
        return self.root.rvs(size)

    def entropy(self, alpha=0.05, sem_tol=1e-3, mc_size=1000):
        Estimates the entropy of the mixed vine.

        alpha : float, optional
            Significance level of the entropy estimate.  (Default: 0.05)
        sem_tol : float, optional
            Maximum standard error as a stopping criterion.  (Default: 1e-3)
        mc_size : integer, optional
            Number of samples that are drawn in each iteration of the Monte
            Carlo estimation.  (Default: 1000)

        ent : float
            Estimate of the mixed vine entropy in bits.
        sem : float
            Standard error of the mixed vine entropy estimate in bits.
        # Gaussian confidence interval for sem_tol and level alpha
        conf = norm.ppf(1 - alpha)
        sem = np.inf
        ent = 0.0
        var_sum = 0.0
        k = 0
        while sem >= sem_tol:
            # Generate samples
            samples = self.rvs(mc_size)
            logp = self.logpdf(samples)
            log2p = logp[np.isfinite(logp)] / np.log(2)
            k += 1
            # Monte-Carlo estimate of entropy
            ent += (-np.mean(log2p) - ent) / k
            # Estimate standard error
            var_sum += np.sum((-log2p - ent) ** 2)
            sem = conf * np.sqrt(var_sum / (k * mc_size * (k * mc_size - 1)))
        return ent, sem

    def set_marginal(self, marginal_index, rv_mixed):
        Sets a particular marginal distribution in the mixed vine tree for
        manual construction of a mixed vine model.

        marginal_index : integer
            The index of the marginal in the marginal layer.
        rv_mixed : scipy.stats.distributions.rv_frozen
            The marginal distribution to be inserted.
        layer = self.root
        while not layer.is_marginal_layer():
            layer = layer.input_layer
        layer.marginals[marginal_index] = Marginal(rv_mixed)

    def set_copula(self, layer_index, copula_index, copula):
        Sets a particular pair copula in the mixed vine tree for manual
        construction of a mixed vine model.

        layer_index : integer
            The index of the vine layer.
        copula_index : integer
            The index of the copula in its layer.
        copula : Copula
            The copula to be inserted.
        layer = self.root
        while not layer.is_marginal_layer():
            layer = layer.input_layer
        if layer_index < 1 or layer_index >= len(layer.marginals):
            raise IndexError("argument 'layer_index' out of range")
        for _ in range(layer_index):
            layer = layer.output_layer
        layer.copulas[copula_index] = copula

    def fit(samples, is_continuous, trunc_level=None, do_refine=False,
        Fits the mixed vine to the given samples.

        samples : array_like
            n-by-d matrix of samples where n is the number of samples and d is
            the number of marginals.
        is_continuous : array_like
            List of boolean values of length d, where d is the number of
            marginals and element i is `True` if marginal i is continuous.
        trunc_level : integer, optional
            Layer level to truncate the vine at.  Copulas in layers beyond are
            just independence copulas.  If the level is `None`, then the vine
            is not truncated.  (Default: `None`)
        do_refine : boolean, optional
            If `True`, then all pair copula parameters are optimized jointly at
            the end.  (Default: `False`)
        keep_order : boolean, optional
            If `False`, then a heuristic is used to select the vine structure.
            (Default: `False`)

        vine : MixedVine
            The mixed vine with parameters fitted to `samples`.
        dim = samples.shape[1]
        vine = MixedVine(dim)
        if not keep_order:
            element_order = MixedVine._heuristic_element_order(samples)
            vine.root = MixedVine._construct_c_vine(element_order)
        vine.root.fit(samples, is_continuous, trunc_level)
        if do_refine:
            # Refine copula parameters
            initial_point = vine.root.get_all_params()
            bnds = vine.root.get_all_bounds()

            def cost(params):
                Calculates the cost of a given set of copula parameters.
                vals = vine.logpdf(samples)
                return -np.sum(vals)

            result = minimize(cost, initial_point, method='SLSQP',
        return vine

    def _heuristic_element_order(samples):
        Finds an order of elements that heuristically facilitates vine
        modelling.  For this purpose, Kendall's tau is calculated between
        samples of pairs of elements and elements are scored according to the
        sum of absolute Kendall's taus of pairs the elements appear in.

        samples : array_like
            n-by-d matrix of samples where n is the number of samples and d is
            the number of marginals.

        order : array_like
            Permutation of all element indices reflecting descending scores.
        dim = samples.shape[1]
        # Score elements according to total absolute Kendall's tau
        score = np.zeros(dim)
        for i in range(1, dim):
            for j in range(i):
                tau, _ = kendalltau(samples[:, i], samples[:, j])
                score[i] += np.abs(tau)
                score[j] += np.abs(tau)
        # Get order indices for descending score
        order = score.argsort()[::-1]
        return order

    def _construct_c_vine(element_order):
        Constructs a c-vine tree without setting marginals or copulas.  The
        c-vine tree is constructed according to the input element order.  The
        index of the element with the most important dependencies should come
        first in the input argument.

        element_order : array_like
            Permutation of all element indices.

        root : VineLayer
            The root layer of the canonical vine tree.
        dim = len(element_order)
        marginals = np.empty(dim, dtype=Marginal)
        layer = MixedVine.VineLayer(marginals=marginals)
        identity_order = np.arange(dim - 1)
        for i in range(1, dim):
            input_indices = []
            if i == 1:
                order = element_order
                order = identity_order
            # For each successor layer, generate c-vine input indices
            for j in range(dim - i):
                input_indices.append(np.array([order[0], order[j+1]]))
            copulas = np.empty(len(input_indices), dtype=Copula)
            # Generate vine layer
            layer = MixedVine.VineLayer(input_layer=layer,
        root = layer
        return root