Instruction module

This module exposes a number of tools for interacting with an
instruction defined within the database. There are three types
of tools within this module and each can be distinguished by their
prefixes which can be used to decode the operands for an instruction.
At the present time, only the Intel, AArch32/AArch64 (ARM), and the
MIPS32/MIPS64 architectures are currently supported.

Although IDA internally uses the ``idaapi.insn_t`` and ``idaapi.op_t``
to represent an instruction and its operands, this module's base
argument type is typically an address or an operand index. When
dealing with an instruction's operands, the ``ops_`` prefix represents
all of the instructions operands and typically will take only an
address.  Likewise when dealing with a single operand, the ``op_``
prefix is used and will take an address and the operand index.

To request the actual IDA types (``idaapi.insn_t`` and ``idaapi.op_t``)
there are two tools that are provided. The ``instruction.at`` tool will
take an address and return an ``idaapi.insn_t``. To get an operand type
(``idaapi.op_t``), a user can use ``instruction.operand``.  This will
take an address and an operand index and return the desired type.

Some globals are also defined for the given architecture which
can be used to query or access the registers that are currently
available. Once IDA has determined the architecture for the database
the ``register_t`` class is instantiated for each available register.
This object allows one to reference any register that is defined for
the architecture.

Another object that is created is the ``architecture_t`` object.
Searching for a register can be done by index and size or simply by
its name. This object also allows one to promote or demote a register
between its various sizes. This allows one to navigate between the
8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, or 64-bit versions of a register available in
the architecture.

import six
from six.moves import builtins

import functools, operator, itertools, types
import logging, collections, math

import database, function
import structure, enumeration
import ui, internal
from internal import utils, interface, exceptions as E

import idaapi

## operand types
class __optype__(object):
    This namespace is a registration table for all the different operand
    type decoders available for the known architectures. This is used
    for looking up an operand according to the operand and processor
    cache = {}
    def define(cls, processor, type):
        '''Register the operand decoder for the specfied `processor` and `type`'''
        def decorator(fn):
            res = processor, type
            return cls.cache.setdefault(res, fn)
        return decorator

    def lookup(cls, type, processor=None):
        '''Lookup the operand decoder for a specific `type` and `processor`.'''
        try: return cls.cache[processor or idaapi.ph.id, type]
        except KeyError: return cls.cache[0, type]

    def decode(cls, ea, op, processor=None):
        '''Using the specified `processor`, decode the operand `op` at the specified address `ea`.'''
        res = cls.lookup(op.type, processor=processor)
        return res(ea, op)

    def type(cls, op, processor=None):
        '''Return the operand type's name for the specified `processor` and `op`.'''
        res = cls.lookup(op.type, processor=processor)
        return res.__name__

    def size(cls, op, processor=None):
        '''Return the size of the operand identified by `op` for the specified `processor`.'''
        if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0:
            return idaapi.get_dtyp_size(op.dtyp)
        return idaapi.get_dtype_size(op.dtype)

## general functions
def at():
    '''Returns the ``idaapi.insn_t`` instance at the current address.'''
    return at(ui.current.address())
def at(ea):
    '''Returns the ``idaapi.insn_t`` instance at the address `ea`.'''
    ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
    if not database.type.is_code(ea):
        raise E.InvalidTypeOrValueError(u"{:s}.at({:#x}) : Unable to decode a non-instruction at specified address.".format(__name__, ea))

    # If we're using backwards-compatiblity mode (which means decode_insn takes
    # different parameters, then manage the result using idaapi.cmd
    if hasattr(idaapi, 'cmd'):
        length = idaapi.decode_insn(ea)
        if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0:
            return idaapi.cmd.copy()

        tmp = idaapi.insn_t()
        return tmp

    # Otherwise we can just use the API as we see fit
    res = idaapi.insn_t()
    length = idaapi.decode_insn(res, ea)
    return res

def size():
    '''Returns the length of the instruction at the current address.'''
    return size(ui.current.address())
def size(ea):
    '''Returns the length of the instruction at the address `ea`.'''
    return at(ea).size

def feature():
    '''Returns the feature bitmask of the instruction at the current address.'''
    return feature(ui.current.address())
def feature(ea):
    '''Return the feature bitmask for the instruction at the address `ea`.'''
    if database.is_code(ea):
        return at(ea).get_canon_feature()
    return None

def opinfo(opnum):
    '''Returns the ``idaapi.opinfo_t`` for the operand `opnum` belonging to the instruction at the current address.'''
    return opinfo(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def opinfo(ea, opnum):
    '''Returns the ``idaapi.opinfo_t`` for the operand `opnum` belonging to the instruction at the address `ea`.'''
    ti, flags = idaapi.opinfo_t(), database.type.flags(ea)
    return idaapi.get_opinfo(ea, opnum, flags, ti) if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else idaapi.get_opinfo(ti, ea, opnum, flags)

def mnemonic():
    '''Returns the mnemonic of the instruction at the current address.'''
    return mnemonic(ui.current.address())
def mnemonic(ea):
    '''Returns the mnemonic of the instruction at the address `ea`.'''
    ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
    res = (idaapi.ua_mnem(ea) or '').lower()
    return utils.string.of(res)
mnem = utils.alias(mnemonic)

## functions that return an ``idaapi.op_t`` for an operand
def operands():
    '''Returns all of the ``idaapi.op_t`` instances for the instruction at the current address.'''
    return operands(ui.current.address())
def operands(ea):
    '''Returns all of the ``idaapi.op_t`` instances for the instruction at the address `ea`.'''
    insn = at(ea)

    # if we're in compatibility mode, then old-fashioned IDA requires us to copy
    # our operands into our new types.
    if hasattr(idaapi, 'cmd'):

        # take operands until we encounter an idaapi.o_void
        iterable = itertools.takewhile(utils.fcompose(operator.attrgetter('type'), functools.partial(operator.ne, idaapi.o_void)), insn.Operands)

        # if we're using IDA < 7.0, then make copies of each instruction and return it
        if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0:
            return tuple(op.copy() for op in iterable)

        # otherwise, we need to make an instance of it and then assign to make a copy
        iterable = ((idaapi.op_t(), op) for op in iterable)
        return tuple([n.assign(op), n][1] for n, op in iterable)

    # apparently idaapi is not increasing a reference count for our operands, so we
    # need to make a copy of them quickly before we access them.
    operands = [idaapi.op_t() for index in six.moves.range(idaapi.UA_MAXOP)]
    [ op.assign(insn.ops[index]) for index, op in enumerate(operands)]

    # now we can just fetch them until idaapi.o_void
    iterable = itertools.takewhile(utils.fcompose(operator.attrgetter('type'), functools.partial(operator.ne, idaapi.o_void)), operands)

    # and return it as a tuple
    return tuple(iterable)

def operand(opnum):
    '''Returns the ``idaapi.op_t`` for the operand `opnum` belonging to the instruction at the current address.'''
    return operand(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def operand(ea, opnum):
    '''Returns the ``idaapi.op_t`` for the operand `opnum` belonging to the instruction at the address `ea`.'''
    insn = at(ea)

    # If we're using backwards-compatiblity mode then we need to assign the
    # operand into our op_t.
    if hasattr(idaapi, 'cmd'):
        # IDA < 7.0 means we can just call .copy() to duplicate it
        if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0:
            return insn.Operands[opnum].copy()

        # Otherwise we'll need to instantiate it, and then .assign() into it
        res = idaapi.op_t()
        return res

    # Otherwise we need to make a copy of it because IDA will crash if we don't
    res = idaapi.op_t()
    return res

## functions vs all operands of an insn
def ops_count():
    '''Returns the number of operands of the instruction at the current address.'''
    return ops_count(ui.current.address())
def ops_count(ea):
    '''Returns the number of operands of the instruction at the address `ea`.'''
    ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
    return len(operands(ea))

def ops_repr():
    '''Returns a tuple of the ``op_repr`` of all the operands for the instruction at the current address.'''
    return ops_repr(ui.current.address())
def ops_repr(ea):
    '''Returns a tuple of the ``op_repr`` of all the operands for the instruction at the address `ea`.'''
    ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
    f = functools.partial(op_repr, ea)
    return tuple(map(f, six.moves.range(ops_count(ea))))

def ops():
    '''Returns a tuple of all the operands for the instruction at the current address.'''
    return ops(ui.current.address())
def ops(ea):
    '''Returns a tuple of all the operands for the instruction at the address `ea`.'''
    ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
    f = functools.partial(op, ea)
    return tuple(map(f, six.moves.range(ops_count(ea))))
ops_value = utils.alias(ops)

def ops_size():
    '''Returns a tuple with all the sizes of each operand for the instruction at the current address.'''
    return ops_size(ui.current.address())
def ops_size(ea):
    '''Returns a tuple with all the sizes of each operand for the instruction at the address `ea`.'''
    get_dtype_attribute = operator.attrgetter('dtyp' if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else 'dtype')
    get_dtype_size = idaapi.get_dtyp_size if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else idaapi.get_dtype_size

    ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
    f = utils.fcompose(functools.partial(operand, ea), get_dtype_attribute, get_dtype_size, int)
    return tuple(map(f, six.moves.range(ops_count(ea))))

def opts():
    '''Returns a tuple of the types for all the operands in the instruction at the current address.'''
    return ops_type(ui.current.address())
def opts(ea):
    '''Returns a tuple of the types for all the operands in the instruction at the address `ea`.'''
    ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
    f = functools.partial(opt, ea)
    return tuple(map(f, six.moves.range(ops_count(ea))))
ops_type = utils.alias(opts)

def ops_state():
    '''Returns a tuple for all the operands containing one of the states "r", "w", or "rw"` describing how the operands for the current instruction operands are modified.'''
    return ops_state(ui.current.address())
def ops_state(ea):
    '''Returns a tuple of for all the operands containing one of the states "r", "w", or "rw" describing how the operands are modified for the instruction at address `ea`.'''
    ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
    f = feature(ea)
    res = ( ((f&ops_state.read[i]), (f&ops_state.write[i])) for i in six.moves.range(ops_count(ea)) )
    return tuple((r and 'r' or '') + (w and 'w' or '') for r, w in res)

# pre-cache the CF_ flags from idaapi inside ops_state
ops_state.read, ops_state.write = zip(*((getattr(idaapi, "CF_USE{:d}".format(idx + 1), 1 << (7 + idx)), getattr(idaapi, "CF_CHG{:d}".format(idx + 1), 1 << (1 + idx))) for idx in six.moves.range(idaapi.UA_MAXOP)))

def ops_read():
    '''Returns the indices of any operands that are being read from by the instruction at the current address.'''
    return ops_read(ui.current.address())
def ops_read(ea):
    '''Returns the indices of any operands that are being read from by the instruction at the address `ea`.'''
    ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
    return tuple(opnum for opnum, state in enumerate(ops_state(ea)) if 'r' in state)

def ops_write():
    '''Returns the indices of the operands that are being written to by the instruction at the current address.'''
    return ops_write(ui.current.address())
def ops_write(ea):
    '''Returns the indices of the operands that are being written to by the instruction at the address `ea`.'''
    ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
    return tuple(opnum for opnum, state in enumerate(ops_state(ea)) if 'w' in state)

def ops_constant():
    '''Return the indices of any operands in the current instruction that are constants.'''
    return ops_constant(ui.current.address())
def ops_constant(ea):
    '''Return the indices of any operands in the instruction at `ea` that are constants.'''
    ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
    return tuple(opnum for opnum, value in enumerate(ops_value(ea)) if isinstance(value, six.integer_types))
ops_const = utils.alias(ops_constant)

@utils.multicase(reg=(basestring, interface.register_t))
def ops_register(reg, *regs, **modifiers):
    """Yields the index of each operand in the instruction at the current address that uses `reg` or any one of the registers in `regs`.

    If the keyword `write` is true, then only return the result if it's writing to the register.
    return ops_register(ui.current.address(), reg, *regs, **modifiers)
@utils.multicase(reg=(basestring, interface.register_t))
def ops_register(ea, reg, *regs, **modifiers):
    """Yields the index of each operand in the instruction at address `ea` that uses `reg` or any one of the registers in `regs`.

    If the keyword `write` is true, then only return the result if it's writing to the register.
    ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
    iterops = interface.regmatch.modifier(**modifiers)
    uses = interface.regmatch.use( (reg,) + regs )
    return tuple(filter(functools.partial(uses, ea), iterops(ea)))
ops_reg = ops_regs = utils.alias(ops_register)

## functions vs a specific operand of an insn
def op_repr(opnum):
    '''Returns the representation for the operand `opnum` belonging to the instruction at the current address.'''
    return op_repr(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def op_repr(ea, opnum):
    '''Returns the representation for the operand `opnum` belonging to the instruction at the address `ea`.'''
    insn = at(ea)
    oppr = idaapi.ua_outop2 if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else idaapi.print_operand
    outop = utils.fcompose(idaapi.ua_outop2, idaapi.tag_remove) if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else utils.fcompose(idaapi.print_operand, idaapi.tag_remove)
        res = outop(insn.ea, opnum) or "{:s}".format(op(insn.ea, opnum))
        logging.warn(u"{:s}({:#x}, {:d}) : Unable to strip tags from operand \"{:s}\". Returning the result from {:s} instead.".format('.'.join((__name__, 'op_repr')), ea, opnum, utils.string.escape(oppr(insn.ea, opnum), '"'), '.'.join((__name__, 'op'))))
        return u"{!s}".format(op(insn.ea, opnum))
    return utils.string.of(res)

def op_state(opnum):
    '''Returns the modification state for the operand `opnum` belonging to the current instruction.'''
    return op_state(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def op_state(ea, opnum):
    """Returns the modification state for the operand `opnum` belonging to the instruction at the address `ea`.

    The returned state is a string that can be "r", "w", or "rw" depending on
    whether the operand is being read from, written to, or modified (both).
    f = feature(ea)
    r, w = f&ops_state.read[opnum], f&ops_state.write[opnum]
    res = (r and 'r' or '') + (w and 'w' or '')

    # Make a reftype_t from the state we determined. If we couldn't figure it out,
    # then fallback to "r" as the operand still exists and it must be doing something.
    return interface.reftype_t.of_action(res or 'r')

def op_size(opnum):
    '''Returns the size for the operand `opnum` belonging to the current instruction.'''
    return op_size(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def op_size(ea, opnum):
    '''Returns the size for the operand `opnum` belonging to the instruction at the address `ea`.'''
    get_dtype_attribute = operator.attrgetter('dtyp' if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else 'dtype')
    get_dtype_size = idaapi.get_dtyp_size if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else idaapi.get_dtype_size

    res = operand(ea, opnum)
    return 0 if res.type == idaapi.o_void else get_dtype_size(get_dtype_attribute(res))
def op_bits(opnum):
    '''Returns the size (in bits) for the operand `opnum` belonging to the current instruction.'''
    return 8 * op_size(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def op_bits(ea, opnum):
    '''Returns the size (in bits) for the operand `opnum` belonging to the instruction at the address `ea`.'''
    return 8 * op_size(ea, opnum)

def opt(opnum):
    '''Returns the type of the operand `opnum` belonging to the current instruction.'''
    return opt(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def opt(ea, opnum):
    """Returns the type of the operand `opnum` belonging to the instruction at the address `ea`.

    The types returned are dependant on the architecture.
    res = operand(ea, opnum)
    return __optype__.type(res)
op_type = utils.alias(opt)

#def op_decode(opnum):
#    '''Returns the value of the operand `opnum` in byte form belonging to the current instruction (if possible).'''
#    raise NotImplementedError
#@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
#def op_decode(ea, opnum):
#    '''Returns the value of the operand `opnum` in byte form belonging to the instruction at address `ea`.'''
#    raise NotImplementedError

def op(opnum):
    '''Decodes the operand `opnum` for the current instruction.'''
    return op(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def op(ea, opnum):
    '''Decodes the operand `opnum` for the instruction at the address `ea`.'''
    res = operand(ea, opnum)
    return __optype__.decode(ea, res)
op_value = op_decode = utils.alias(op)

## older typeinfo stuff
# idaapi.set_typeinfo(ea, opnum, flags, ti)
# idaapi.get_typeinfo(ea, opnum, &flags, &buf)
# idaapi.typeflag(ea, &oldflag, type, opnum)

## XXX: maybe figure out if there's some way to do this generically
# idaapi.set_op_type(ea, type, opnum)

## XXX: figure out a useful name to implement the following to apply a data offset to an operand
# def? op_offset(ea, opnum, type, target = BADADDR, base = 0, tdelta = 0) -> int

## old method for applying a complex type to an operand
# def op_type(ea, opnum)
#    '''Apply the specified type to a stack variable'''
#    py_op = operand(ea, opnum)
#    py_v = py_op.addr
#    py_t = idc.parse_decl("type string", flags)[1]
#    py_name = "stack variable name"
#    idaapi.apply_type_to_stkarg(py_op, py_v, py_t, py_name)

## XXX: deprecate this, and somehow associate the segment register with the operand for the intel arch
def op_segment(opnum):
    '''Returns the segment register used by the operand `opnum` for the instruction at the current address.'''
    return op_segment(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def op_segment(ea, opnum):
    '''Returns the segment register used by the operand `opnum` for the instruction at the address `ea`.'''
    op = operand(ea, opnum)
    segment  = (op.specval & 0xffff0000) >> 16
    selector = (op.specval & 0x0000ffff) >> 0
    if segment:
        global architecture
        return architecture.by_index(segment)
    #raise NotImplementedError("{:s}.op_segment({:#x}, {:d}) : Unable to determine the segment register for the specified operand number. {!r} was returned.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, segment))
    return None
# FIXME: maybe use idaapi.op_seg(*args) to apply a segment to an operand?

def op_num(opnum):
    '''Set the type for operand `opnum` at the current instruction to a number and return it.'''
    return op_num(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def op_num(ea, opnum):
    '''Set the type for operand `opnum` belonging to the instruction at `ea` to a number and return it.'''
    t = idaapi.num_flag()
    ok, signed = idaapi.set_op_type(ea, t, opnum), idaapi.is_invsign(ea, database.type.flags(ea), opnum)
    if not ok:
        raise E.DisassemblerError(u"{:s}.op_num({:#x}, {:d}) : Unable to restore the type of operand {:d} to a number.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, opnum))

    # Extract the operand's op_t and its maximum value, as we'll use this to
    # transform the value if necessary.
    res, max = operand(ea, opnum), 2 ** op_bits(ea, opnum)

    # If this is an immediate value, then we can treat it normally.
    if res.type in {idaapi.o_imm}:
        integer = res.value & (max - 1)
        return 0 if integer == 0 else (integer - max) if signed else integer

    # If the signed-flag is set in our operand, then convert it into its actual
    # signed value.
    maximum = math.trunc(2 ** math.ceil(math.log(idaapi.BADADDR, 2)))
    integer = (res.addr - maximum) if res.addr & (maximum // 2) else res.addr

    # Now we can return the value transformed if the operand has an inverted sign
    return 0 if integer == 0 else (maximum + integer) if signed and integer < 0 else (integer - maximum) if signed else integer
op_number = utils.alias(op_num)

def op_chr(opnum):
    '''Set the type for operand `opnum` at the current instruction to a character and return it.'''
    return op_chr(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def op_chr(ea, opnum):
    '''Set the type for operand `opnum` belonging to the instruction at `ea` to a character and return it.'''
    t = idaapi.char_flag()
    ok, signed = idaapi.set_op_type(ea, t, opnum), idaapi.is_invsign(ea, database.type.flags(ea), opnum)
    if not ok:
        raise E.DisassemblerError(u"{:s}.op_chr({:#x}, {:d}) : Unable to set the type of operand {:d} to a character.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, opnum))

    # Extract the operand's op_t and its maximum value, as we'll use this to
    # transform the value if necessary.
    res, max = operand(ea, opnum), 2 ** op_bits(ea, opnum)

    # If this is an immediate value, then we can treat it normally.
    if res.type in {idaapi.o_imm}:
        integer = res.value & (max - 1)
        result = 0 if integer == 0 else (integer - max) if signed else integer

    # If the signed-flag is set in our operand, then convert it into its actual
    # signed value.
        maximum = math.trunc(2 ** math.ceil(math.log(idaapi.BADADDR, 2)))
        integer = (res.addr - maximum) if res.addr & (maximum // 2) else res.addr

        # Now we can use the value transformed if the operand has an inverted sign
        result = 0 if integer == 0 else (maximum + integer) if signed and integer < 0 else (integer - maximum) if signed else integer

    # There's no such thing as a signed character, so if we do get a signed
    # value back from our above logic, then we need to figure out its absolute
    # value so we can return it properly.
    absolute = abs(result)

    # IDA actually returns integers larger than a byte as a string, so we'll
    # first chunk our integer into octets.
    octets = []
    while absolute > 0:
        octets.append(absolute & 0xff)
        absolute //= 0x100

    # Last thing to do is to join each octet together back into some bytes
    return bytes().join(map(six.int2byte, reversed(bytearray(octets))))
op_character = op_char = utils.alias(op_chr)

def op_bin(opnum):
    '''Set the type for operand `opnum` at the current instruction to binary and return it.'''
    return op_bin(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def op_bin(ea, opnum):
    '''Set the type for operand `opnum` belonging to the instruction at `ea` to binary and return it.'''
    t = idaapi.bin_flag()
    ok, signed = idaapi.set_op_type(ea, t, opnum), idaapi.is_invsign(ea, database.type.flags(ea), opnum)
    if not ok:
        raise E.DisassemblerError(u"{:s}.op_bin({:#x}, {:d}) : Unable to set the type of operand {:d} to binary.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, opnum))

    # Extract the operand's op_t and its maximum value, as we'll use this to
    # transform the value if necessary.
    res, max = operand(ea, opnum), 2 ** op_bits(ea, opnum)

    # If this is an immediate value, then we can treat it normally.
    if res.type in {idaapi.o_imm}:
        integer = res.value & (max - 1)
        return 0 if integer == 0 else (integer - max) if signed else integer

    # If the signed-flag is set in our operand, then convert it into its actual
    # signed value.
    maximum = math.trunc(2 ** math.ceil(math.log(idaapi.BADADDR, 2)))
    integer = (res.addr - maximum) if res.addr & (maximum // 2) else res.addr

    # Now we can return the value transformed if the operand has an inverted sign
    return 0 if integer == 0 else (maximum + integer) if signed and integer < 0 else (integer - maximum) if signed else integer
op_binary = utils.alias(op_bin)

def op_oct(opnum):
    '''Set the type for operand `opnum` at the current instruction to octal and return it.'''
    return op_oct(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def op_oct(ea, opnum):
    '''Set the type for operand `opnum` belonging to the instruction at `ea` to octal and return it.'''
    t = idaapi.oct_flag()
    ok, signed = idaapi.set_op_type(ea, t, opnum), idaapi.is_invsign(ea, database.type.flags(ea), opnum)
    if not ok:
        raise E.DisassemblerError(u"{:s}.op_oct({:#x}, {:d}) : Unable to set the type of operand {:d} to octal.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, opnum))

    # Extract the operand's op_t and its maximum value, as we'll use this to
    # transform the value if necessary.
    res, max = operand(ea, opnum), 2 ** op_bits(ea, opnum)

    # If this is an immediate value, then we can treat it normally.
    if res.type in {idaapi.o_imm}:
        integer = res.value & (max - 1)
        return 0 if integer == 0 else (integer - max) if signed else integer

    # If the signed-flag is set in our operand, then convert it into its actual
    # signed value.
    maximum = math.trunc(2 ** math.ceil(math.log(idaapi.BADADDR, 2)))
    integer = (res.addr - maximum) if res.addr & (maximum // 2) else res.addr

    # Now we can return the value transformed if the operand has an inverted sign
    return 0 if integer == 0 else (maximum + integer) if signed and integer < 0 else (integer - maximum) if signed else integer
op_octal = utils.alias(op_oct)

def op_dec(opnum):
    '''Set the type for operand `opnum` at the current instruction to decimal and return it.'''
    return op_dec(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def op_dec(ea, opnum):
    '''Set the type for operand `opnum` belonging to the instruction at `ea` to decimal and return it.'''
    t = idaapi.dec_flag()
    ok, signed = idaapi.set_op_type(ea, t, opnum), idaapi.is_invsign(ea, database.type.flags(ea), opnum)
    if not ok:
        raise E.DisassemblerError(u"{:s}.op_dec({:#x}, {:d}) : Unable to set the type of operand {:d} to decimal.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, opnum))

    # Extract the operand's op_t and its maximum value, as we'll use this to
    # transform the value if necessary.
    res, max = operand(ea, opnum), 2 ** op_bits(ea, opnum)

    # If this is an immediate value, then we can treat it normally.
    if res.type in {idaapi.o_imm}:
        integer = res.value & (max - 1)
        return 0 if integer == 0 else (integer - max) if signed else integer

    # If the signed-flag is set in our operand, then convert it into its actual
    # signed value.
    maximum = math.trunc(2 ** math.ceil(math.log(idaapi.BADADDR, 2)))
    integer = (res.addr - maximum) if res.addr & (maximum // 2) else res.addr

    # Now we can return the value transformed if the operand has an inverted sign
    return 0 if integer == 0 else (maximum + integer) if signed and integer < 0 else (integer - maximum) if signed else integer
op_decimal = utils.alias(op_dec)

def op_hex(opnum):
    '''Set the type for operand `opnum` at the current instruction to hexadecimal and return it.'''
    return op_hex(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def op_hex(ea, opnum):
    '''Set the type for operand `opnum` belonging to the instruction at `ea` to hexadecimal and return it.'''
    t = idaapi.hex_flag()
    ok, signed = idaapi.set_op_type(ea, t, opnum), idaapi.is_invsign(ea, database.type.flags(ea), opnum)
    if not ok:
        raise E.DisassemblerError(u"{:s}.op_hex({:#x}, {:d}) : Unable to set the type of operand {:d} to hexadecimal.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, opnum))

    # Extract the operand's op_t and its maximum value, as we'll use this to
    # transform the value if necessary.
    res, max = operand(ea, opnum), 2 ** op_bits(ea, opnum)

    # If this is an immediate value, then we can treat it normally.
    if res.type in {idaapi.o_imm}:
        integer = res.value & (max - 1)
        return 0 if integer == 0 else (integer - max) if signed else integer

    # If the signed-flag is set in our operand, then convert it into its actual
    # signed value.
    maximum = math.trunc(2 ** math.ceil(math.log(idaapi.BADADDR, 2)))
    integer = (res.addr - maximum) if res.addr & (maximum // 2) else res.addr

    # Now we can return the value transformed if the operand has an inverted sign
    return 0 if integer == 0 else (maximum + integer) if signed and integer < 0 else (integer - maximum) if signed else integer
op_hexadecimal = utils.alias(op_hex)

def op_flt(opnum):
    '''Set the type for operand `opnum` at the current instruction to floating-point and return it.'''
    return op_flt(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def op_flt(ea, opnum):
    '''Set the type for operand `opnum` belonging to the instruction at `ea` to floating-point and return it.'''
    t = idaapi.flt_flag()

    # Explicitly set the operand type using idaapi.
    ok = idaapi.set_op_type(ea, t, opnum)
    if not ok:
        raise E.DisassemblerError(u"{:s}.op_flt({:#x}, {:d}) : Unable to set the type of operand {:d} to floating-point.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, opnum))

    # Read the number of bits for the operand so we can figure out how to properly
    # decode this integer.
    res, bits = operand(ea, opnum), op_bits(ea, opnum)
    integer = res.value if res.type in {idaapi.o_imm} else res.addr

    # Figure out which floating-point components to use for decoding
    if bits == 64:
        fraction, exponent, sign = 52, 11, 1

    elif bits == 32:
        fraction, exponent, sign = 23, 8, 1

    elif bits == 16:
        fraction, exponent, sign = 10, 5, 1

    # If we couldn't find a valid encoding, then raise an exception.
        raise E.UnsupportedCapability(u"{:s}.op_flt({:#x}, {:d}) : Unable to decode operand {:d} for instruction due to an unsupported number of bits ({:d}).".format(__name__, ea, opnum, opnum, bits))

    # Now we can decode the floating-point operand and return it.
        res = utils.float_of_integer(integer, fraction, exponent, sign)

    # If an exception was raised, then re-raise it with our parameters prefixed.
    except ValueError as message:
        raise ValueError(u"{:s}.op_flt({:#x}, {:d}) : {!s}".format(__name__, ea, opnum, message))

    # That's all, folks.
    return res
op_float = utils.alias(op_flt)

def op_stkvar(opnum):
    '''Set the type for operand `opnum` at the current instruction to a stack variable and return it.'''
    return op_stkvar(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def op_stkvar(ea, opnum):
    '''Set the type for operand `opnum` belonging to the instruction at `ea` to a stack variable and return it.'''
    if not function.within(ea):
        raise E.FunctionNotFoundError(u"{:s}.op_stkvar({:#x}, {:d}) : The specified address ({:#x}) is not within a function.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, ea))

    ok = idaapi.op_stkvar(ea, opnum)
    if not ok:
        raise E.DisassemblerError(u"{:s}.op_stkvar({:#x}, {:d}) : Unable to set operand {:d} to a stack variable.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, opnum))

    # Now that it's set, call into op_structure to return it.
    return op_structure(ea, opnum)
op_stack = op_stackvar = utils.alias(op_stkvar)

def op_structure(opnum):
    '''Return the structure and members for operand `opnum` at the current instruction.'''
    return op_structure(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def op_structure(ea, opnum):
    '''Return the structure and members for the operand `opnum` at the instruction `ea`.'''
    fl, op = database.type.flags(ea), operand(ea, opnum)
    if all(fl & ff != ff for ff in {idaapi.FF_STRUCT, idaapi.FF_0STRO, idaapi.FF_1STRO}):
        raise E.MissingTypeOrAttribute(u"{:s}.op_structure({:#x}, {:d}) : Operand {:d} does not contain a structure.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, opnum))

    # Figure out the offset for the structure member if it's an immediate value
    if op.type in {idaapi.o_imm}:
        max = 2 ** op_bits(ea, opnum)
        offset = op.value & (max - 1)

    # Otherwise, this could be a signed operand and it needs to be converted.
        max = math.trunc(2 ** math.ceil(math.log(idaapi.BADADDR, 2)))
        offset = (op.addr - max) if op.addr & (max // 2) else op.addr

    # Check to see if this is a stack variable, because we'll need to
    # handle it differently if so.
    if idaapi.is_stkvar(fl, opnum) and function.within(ea):
        fn, insn = function.by(ea), at(ea)

        # Now we can ask IDA what's up with it.
        res = idaapi.get_stkvar(insn, op, offset)
        if not res:
            raise E.DisassemblerError(u"{:s}.op_structure({:#x}, {:d}) : The call to `idaapi.get_stkvar({!r}, {!r}, {:+#x})` returned an invalid stack variable.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, insn, op, offset))
        m, actval = res

        # First we grab our frame, and then find the starting member by its id.
        frame = function.frame(fn)
        m = frame.members.by_identifier(m.id)

        # Figure out the real offset into the member so that we can figure
        # out which members we need to snag.
        realoffset = offset - m.offset + m.realoffset
        path, position = m.parent.members.__walk_to_realoffset__(realoffset)

        # If we got a list as a result, then we encountered an array which
        # requires us to return a list and include the offset.
        if isinstance(path, builtins.list):
            return path + [position]

        # Otherwise it's just a regular path, and we need to determine whether
        # to include the offset in the result or not.
        # Determine whether we need to include the offset in the result or not
        if position > 0:
            return path + (position,)
        return tuple(path) if len(path) > 1 else path[0]

    # Otherwise, we have no idea what to do here since we need to know the opinfo_t
    # in order to determine what structure is there.
    elif not idaapi.is_stroff(fl, opnum):
        raise E.MissingTypeOrAttribute(u"{:s}.op_structure({:#x}, {:d}) : Unable to locate a structure offset in operand {:d} according to flags ({:#x}).".format(__name__, ea, opnum, opnum, fl))

    # We pretty much have to do this ourselves because idaapi.get_stroff_path
    # will always only return the structure associatd with the member..
    delta, path = idaapi.sval_pointer(), idaapi.tid_array(2)
    count = idaapi.get_stroff_path(ea, opnum, path.cast(), delta.cast()) if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else idaapi.get_stroff_path(path.cast(), delta.cast(), ea, opnum)
    if not count:
        raise E.MissingTypeOrAttribute(u"{:s}.op_structure({:#x}, {:d}) : Operand {:d} does not contain a structure.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, opnum))

    # First we'll collect all of the IDs in our path. Then we can start by
    # grabbing the first structure id to see how we should search.
    path = [ path[index] for index in six.moves.range(count) ]
    logging.debug(u"{:s}.op_structure({:#x}, {:d}) : Processing {:d} members ({:s}) from path that was returned from `{:s}`.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, count, ', '.join("{:#x}".format(mid) for mid in path), "{!s}({:#x}, {:d}, ...)".format('idaapi.get_stroff_path', ea, opnum)))

    st = structure.by_identifier(path.pop(0))

    # If there are no members, then we simply return the structure and the
    # offset because the user put a structure there. They likely will want
    # to know that it's still there despite having no members.
    if not len(st.members):
        return (st, offset) if offset else st

    # Otherwise, iterate through the path that IDA gave us and grab every
    # member that was returned. Save our position so that we know what IDA
    # actually gave us as later we can use this to calculate the delta.
    path_from_ida, position = [], 0
        for item in path:
            m = st.by_identifier(item)
            position += m.realoffset
            st = m.type

    # If we weren't able to to find the member associated with the identifier
    # that we were given in the path, then IDA has mistakenly given us a
    # nonexisting member id. Fortunately, we were already planning on figuring
    # out the path through the members ourselves. So, we can simply terminate
    # this loop and continue collecting the relevant members as we strut our
    # way to the target offset of the structure.
    except E.MemberNotFoundError:
        logging.info(u"{:s}.op_structure({:#x}, {:d}) : Ignoring the rest of the member path ({:s}) due to IDA returning a nonexisting member id ({:#x}).".format(__name__, ea, opnum, ', '.join("{:#x}".format(mid) for mid in path), item))

    # If we didn't start out with a structure type, then immediately return
    # our current path and offset (if necessary).
    if not isinstance(st, structure.structure_t):
        return path_from_ida + [delta.value() + offset]

    # Figure out the real offset into the member so that we can figure out
    # where to start snagging members from.
    realposition = delta.value() + offset
    path, position = st.members.__walk_to_realoffset__(realposition - position)

    # If we got a list, then we encountered an array and we need to make sure
    # that we return a list.
    if isinstance(path, builtins.list):
        return path_from_ida + path + [position]

    # Otherwise, we just got a regular member path. So we need to determine
    # whether to include the offset in the result or not.
    results = tuple(path_from_ida) + tuple(path)
    if position > 0:
        return results + (position,)
    return results if len(results) > 1 else results[0]

@utils.multicase(opnum=six.integer_types, structure=structure.structure_t)
def op_structure(opnum, structure, **delta):
    '''Apply the specified `structure` to the instruction operand `opnum` at the current address.'''
    return op_structure(ui.current.address(), opnum, [structure], **delta)
@utils.multicase(opnum=six.integer_types, member=structure.member_t)
def op_structure(opnum, member, **delta):
    '''Apply the specified `member` to the instruction operand `opnum` at the current address.'''
    return op_structure(ui.current.address(), opnum, [member.parent, member], **delta)
@utils.multicase(opnum=six.integer_types, path=(types.TupleType, types.ListType))
def op_structure(opnum, path, **delta):
    '''Apply the structure members in `path` to the instruction operand `opnum` at the current address.'''
    return op_structure(ui.current.address(), opnum, path, **delta)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types, structure=structure.structure_t)
def op_structure(ea, opnum, structure, **delta):
    '''Apply the specified `structure` to the instruction operand `opnum` at the address `ea`.'''
    return op_structure(ea, opnum, [structure], **delta)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types, member=structure.member_t)
def op_structure(ea, opnum, member, **delta):
    '''Apply the specified `member` to the instruction operand `opnum` at the address `ea`.'''
    return op_structure(ea, opnum, [member.parent, member], **delta)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types, path=(types.TupleType, types.ListType))
def op_structure(ea, opnum, path, **delta):
    """Apply the structure members in `path` to the instruction operand `opnum` at the address `ea`.

    If the offset `delta` is specified, shift the structure by that amount.
    ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
    if not database.type.is_code(ea):
        raise E.InvalidTypeOrValueError(u"{:s}.op_structure({:#x}, {:d}, {!r}, delta={:d}) : Item type at requested address is not of a code type.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, path, delta.get('delta', 0)))

    # convert the path to a list
    path = [item for item in path]

    # validate the path
    if len(path) == 0:
        raise E.InvalidParameterError(u"{:s}.op_structure({:#x}, {:d}, {!r}, delta={:d}) : No structure members were specified.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, path, delta.get('delta', 0)))

    if any(not isinstance(m, (structure.structure_t, structure.member_t, basestring) + six.integer_types) for m in path):
        raise E.InvalidParameterError(u"{:s}.op_structure({:#x}, {:d}, {!r}, delta={:d}) : A member of an invalid type was specified.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, path, delta.get('delta', 0)))

    # ensure the path begins with a structure.structure_t
    if isinstance(path[0], structure.member_t):
        path[0:0] = [path[0].parent]

    # crop elements to valid ones in case the delta is specified at the end
    res = list(itertools.takewhile(lambda t: not isinstance(t, six.integer_types), path))
    if len(res) < len(path):

    if len(res) < len(path):
        logging.warn(u"{:s}.op_structure({:#x}, {:d}, {!r}, delta={:d}) : Culling path down to {:d} elements due to an invalid type discovered in the structure path.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, path, delta.get('delta', 0), len(path) - len(res) + 1))
    path = res[:]

    # if the delta is in the path, move it into the delta kwarg
    if isinstance(path[-1], six.integer_types):
        delta['delta'] = delta.get('delta', 0) + path.pop(-1)

    # figure out the structure that this all starts with
    sptr, path = path[0].ptr, list(path)

    # collect each member resolving them to an id
    moff, tids = 0, []
    for i, item in enumerate(path[1:]):
        if isinstance(item, basestring):
            m = idaapi.get_member_by_name(sptr, item)
        elif isinstance(item, structure.member_t):
            m = item.ptr
            raise E.InvalidParameterError(u"{:s}.op_structure({:#x}, {:d}, {!r}, delta={:d}) : Item {:d} in the specified path is of an unsupported type ({!r}).".format(__name__, ea, opnum, path, delta.get('delta', 0), 1 + i, item.__class__))
        moff += m.soff

        # if member is not a structure, then terminate the loop
        mptr = idaapi.get_sptr(m)
        if not mptr:

        # continue to the next iteration
        res = mptr

    # check what was different
    if len(path) != len(tids) + 1:
        logging.warn(u"{:s}.op_structure({:#x}, {:d}, {!r}, delta={:d}) : There was an error trying to determine the path for the list of members (not all members were pointing to structures).".format(__name__, ea, opnum, path, delta.get('delta', 0)))

    # build the list of member ids and prefix it with a structure id
    length = 1 + len(tids)
    tid = idaapi.tid_array(length)
    tid[0] = sptr.id
    for i, id in enumerate(tids):
        tid[i + 1] = id

    # now we can finally apply the path to the specified operand
    if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0:
        ok = idaapi.op_stroff(ea, opnum, tid.cast(), length, moff + delta.get('delta', 0))

    # IDA 7.0 and later requires us to get the instruction here
        insn = at(ea)
        ok = idaapi.op_stroff(insn, opnum, tid.cast(), length, moff + delta.get('delta', 0))

    return True if ok else False
op_struc = op_struct = utils.alias(op_structure)

def op_enumeration(opnum):
    '''Return the enumeration id of operand `opnum` for the current instruction.'''
    return op_enumeration(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def op_enumeration(ea, opnum):
    '''Return the enumeration id of operand `opnum` for the instruction at `ea`.'''

    # If our operand number is actually an enumeration identifier, then shift
    # our parameters, and try again with the current address.
    if enumeration.has(opnum):
        ea, opnum, id = ui.current.address(), ea, opnum
        return op_enumeration(ea, opnum, id)

    fl = database.type.flags(ea)
    if all(fl & n == 0 for n in (idaapi.FF_0ENUM, idaapi.FF_1ENUM)):
        raise E.MissingTypeOrAttribute(u"{:s}.op_enumeration({:#x}, {:d}) : Operand {:d} does not contain an enumeration.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, opnum))

    # Technically, the is the following call is the proper way to do this...
    # node, opnum = idaapi.get_enum_id(ea, opnum):

    res = opinfo(ea, opnum)
    if res is None:
        raise E.DisassemblerError(u"{:s}.op_enumeration({:#x}, {:d}) : Unable to get info for operand {:d} with flags {:#x}.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, opnum, fl))
    return enumeration.by(res.ec.tid)
@utils.multicase(opnum=six.integer_types, name=basestring)
def op_enumeration(opnum, name):
    '''Apply the enumeration `name` to operand `opnum` for the current instruction.'''
    return op_enumeration(ui.current.address(), opnum, enumeration.by(name))
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types, name=basestring)
def op_enumeration(ea, opnum, name):
    '''Apply the enumeration `name` to operand `opnum` for the instruction at `ea`.'''
    return op_enumeration(ea, opnum, enumeration.by(name))
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types, id=six.integer_types + (types.TupleType,))
def op_enumeration(ea, opnum, id):
    '''Apply the enumeration `id` to operand `opnum` of the instruction at `ea`.'''
    return idaapi.op_enum(ea, opnum, *id) if isinstance(id, types.TupleType) else idaapi.op_enum(ea, opnum, id, 0)
op_enum = utils.alias(op_enumeration)

def op_string(opnum):
    '''Return the string type of operand `opnum` for the current instruction.'''
    return op_string(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def op_string(ea, opnum):
    '''Return the string type (``idaapi.STRTYPE_``) of operand `opnum` for the instruction at `ea`.'''
    fl = database.type.flags(ea)
    if fl & (idaapi.FF_STRLIT if hasattr(idaapi, 'FF_STRLIT') else idaapi.FF_ASCI) == 0:
        raise E.MissingTypeOrAttribute(u"{:s}.op_string({:#x}, {:d}) : Operand {:d} does not contain a literate string.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, opnum))

    res = opinfo(ea, opnum)
    if res is None:
        raise E.DisassemblerError(u"{:s}.op_string({:#x}, {:d}) : Unable to get `idaapi.opinfo_t` for operand {:d} with flags {:#x}.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, opnum, fl))

    return res.strtype
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types, strtype=six.integer_types)
def op_string(ea, opnum, strtype):
    '''Set the string type used by operand `opnum` for the instruction at `ea` to `strtype`.'''
    res, fl = idaapi.opinfo_t(), database.type.flags(ea)

    # Update our flags for the instruction to include the string definition
    fl |= idaapi.FF_STRLIT if hasattr(idaapi, 'FF_STRLIT') else idaapi.FF_ASCI
    res.strtype = strtype

    # Now we can actually apply the opinfo_t
    # TODO: extend the opinfo() function to allow writing an opinfo_t
    ok = idaapi.set_opinfo(ea, opnum, fl, res)

    # TODO: verify that set_opinfo was actually applied by checking via get_opinfo
    return True if ok else False

## flags
def op_refs(opnum):
    '''Returns the `(address, opnum, type)` of all the instructions that reference the operand `opnum` for the current instruction.'''
    return op_refs(ui.current.address(), opnum)
@utils.multicase(ea=six.integer_types, opnum=six.integer_types)
def op_refs(ea, opnum):
    '''Returns the `(address, opnum, type)` of all the instructions that reference the operand `opnum` for the instruction at `ea`.'''
    inst = at(ea)

    # sanity: returns whether the operand has a local or global xref
    F = database.type.flags(inst.ea)
    ok = idaapi.op_adds_xrefs(F, opnum) ## FIXME: on tag:arm, this returns T for some operands

    # FIXME: gots to be a better way to determine operand representation
    res = opinfo(inst.ea, opnum)

    # FIXME: this is incorrect on ARM for the 2nd op in `ADD R7, SP, #0x430+lv_dest_41c`
    # stkvar
    if ok and res is None:
        fn = idaapi.get_func(ea)
        if fn is None:
            raise E.FunctionNotFoundError(u"{:s}.op_refs({:#x}, {:d}) : Unable to locate function for address {:#x}.".format(__name__, ea, opnum, ea))

        stkofs_ = idaapi.calc_stkvar_struc_offset(fn, inst.ea if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else inst, opnum)

        # check that the stkofs_ from get_stkvar and calc_stkvar are the same
        op = operand(inst.ea, opnum)

        res = interface.sval_t(op.addr).value
        if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0:
            member, stkofs = idaapi.get_stkvar(op, res)
            member, stkofs = idaapi.get_stkvar(inst, op, res)

        if stkofs != stkofs_:
            logging.warn(u"{:s}.op_refs({:#x}, {:d}) : The stack offset for the instruction operand ({:#x}) does not match what was expected ({:#x}).".format(__name__, inst.ea, opnum, stkofs, stkofs_))

        # build the xrefs
        xl = idaapi.xreflist_t()
        idaapi.build_stkvar_xrefs(xl, fn, member)
        res = [ interface.opref_t(x.ea, int(x.opnum), interface.reftype_t.of(x.type)) for x in xl ]
        # FIXME: how do we handle the type for an LEA instruction which should include '&'...

    # struc member
    elif ok and res.tid != idaapi.BADADDR:    # FIXME: is this right?
        # structures are defined in a supval at index 0xf+opnum
        # the supval has the format 0001c0xxxxxx where 'x' is the low 3 bytes of the structure id

        # structure member xrefs (outside function)
        pathvar = idaapi.tid_array(1)
        delta = idaapi.sval_pointer()
        if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0:
            ok = idaapi.get_stroff_path(inst.ea, opnum, pathvar.cast(), delta.cast())
            ok = idaapi.get_stroff_path(pathvar.cast(), delta.cast(), inst.ea, opnum)
        if not ok:
            raise E.DisassemblerError(u"{:s}.op_refs({:#x}, {:d}) : Unable to get structure id for operand.".format(__name__, inst.ea, opnum))

        # get the structure offset and then use that to figure out the correct member
        addr = operator.attrgetter('value' if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else 'addr')     # FIXME: this will be incorrect for an offsetted struct
        memofs = addr(operand(inst.ea, opnum)) + delta.value()

        # FIXME: use interface.node.sup_opstruct to figure out the actual path to search for

        st = idaapi.get_struc(pathvar[0])
        if st is None:
            raise E.DisassemblerError(u"{:s}.op_refs({:#x}, {:d}) : Unable to get structure pointer for id {:#x}.".format(__name__, inst.ea, opnum, pathvar[0]))

        # get the member at the specified offset in order to snag its id
        mem = idaapi.get_member(st, memofs)
        if mem is None:
            # if memofs does not point to the size of structure, then warn that we're falling back to the structure
            if memofs != idaapi.get_struc_size(st):
                logging.warn(u"{:s}.op_refs({:#x}, {:d}) : Unable to find the member for offset ({:#x}) in the structure {:#x}. Falling back to references to the structure itself.".format(__name__, inst.ea, opnum, memofs, st.id))
            mem = st

        # extract the references
        x = idaapi.xrefblk_t()

        if not x.first_to(mem.id, 0):
            logging.warn(u"{:s}.op_refs({:#x}, {:d}) : No references found to struct member \"{:s}\".".format(__name__, inst.ea, opnum, utils.string.escape(mem.fullname, '"')))

        refs = [(x.frm, x.iscode, x.type)]
        while x.next_to():
            refs.append((x.frm, x.iscode, x.type))

        # now figure out the operands if there are any
        res = []
        for ea, _, t in refs:
            ops = ((idx, internal.netnode.sup.get(ea, 0xf + idx)) for idx in six.moves.range(idaapi.UA_MAXOP) if internal.netnode.sup.get(ea, 0xf + idx) is not None)
            ops = ((idx, interface.node.sup_opstruct(val, idaapi.get_inf_structure().is_64bit())) for idx, val in ops)
            ops = (idx for idx, (_, ids) in ops if st.id in ids)
            res.extend( interface.opref_t(ea, int(op), interface.reftype_t.of(t)) for op in ops)
        res = res

    # enums
    elif ok and res.tid != idaapi.BADADDR:
        e = enumeration.by_identifier(res.tid)
        # enums are defined in a altval at index 0xb+opnum
        # the int points straight at the enumeration id
        # FIXME: references to enums don't seem to work
        raise E.UnsupportedCapability(u"{:s}.op_refs({:#x}, {:d}) : References are not implemented for enumeration types.".format(__name__, inst.ea, opnum))

    # FIXME: is this supposed to execute if ok == T? or not?
    # global
        # anything that's just a reference is a single-byte supval at index 0x9+opnum
        # 9 -- '\x02' -- offset to segment 2
        gid = operand(inst.ea, opnum).value if operand(inst.ea, opnum).type in {idaapi.o_imm} else operand(inst.ea, opnum).addr
        x = idaapi.xrefblk_t()
        if not x.first_to(gid, 0):
            return []

        refs = [(x.frm, x.iscode, x.type)]
        while x.next_to():
            refs.append((x.frm, x.iscode, x.type))

        # now figure out the operands if there are any
        res = []
        for ea, _, t in refs:
            if ea == idaapi.BADADDR: continue
            if database.type.flags(ea, idaapi.MS_CLS) == idaapi.FF_CODE:
                ops = ((idx, operand(ea, idx).value if operand(ea, idx).type in {idaapi.o_imm} else operand(ea, idx).addr) for idx in six.moves.range(ops_count(ea)))
                ops = (idx for idx, val in ops if val == gid)
                res.extend( interface.opref_t(ea, int(op), interface.reftype_t.of(t)) for op in ops)
                res.append( interface.ref_t(ea, None, interface.reftype_t.of(t)) )
        res = res
    return res
op_ref = utils.alias(op_refs)

## types of instructions
class type(object):
    This namespace is for fetching information about the instruction
    type at a given address within the database. The functions within
    this namespace return a boolean based on whether the instruction at
    the given address fits a particular type.

    It is prudent to note that the information that these functions
    expose are essentially flags for the instruction and is provided
    in order to allow a user to infer how IDA has processed the
    instruction. These flags are used by IDA in order to determine
    things such as whether or not it should continue disassembling,
    or if it should add the instruction's operand to its queue in
    order to recursively disassemble code witin the database.

    This namespace is also aliased as ``instruction.t``.

    Some examples of using this namespace are::

        > print instruction.type.is_return(ea)
        > print instruction.type.is_jxx(ea)
        > print instruction.type.is_call(ea)
        > print instruction.type.is_branch(ea)

    def is_return(cls):
        '''Returns true if the current instruction is a return-type instruction.'''
        return cls.is_return(ui.current.address())
    def is_return(cls, ea):
        '''Returns true if the instruction at `ea` is a return-type instruction.'''
        ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
        returnQ = lambda ea: feature(ea) & idaapi.CF_STOP == idaapi.CF_STOP
        return database.is_code(ea) and returnQ(ea)
    isReturn = returnQ = retQ = utils.alias(is_return, 'type')

    def is_shift(cls):
        '''Returns true if the current instruction is a bit-shifting instruction.'''
        return cls.is_shift(ui.current.address())
    def is_shift(cls, ea):
        '''Returns true if the instruction at `ea` is a bit-shifting instruction.'''
        ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
        return database.is_code(ea) and feature(ea) & idaapi.CF_SHFT == idaapi.CF_SHFT
    isShift = shiftQ = utils.alias(is_shift, 'type')

    def is_branch(cls):
        '''Returns true if the current instruction is any kind of branch.'''
        return cls.is_branch(ui.current.address())
    def is_branch(cls, ea):
        '''Returns true if the instruction at `ea` is any kind of branch.'''
        ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
        return database.is_code(ea) and cls.is_jmp(ea) or cls.is_jxx(ea) or cls.is_jmpi(ea)
    isBranch = branchQ = utils.alias(is_branch, 'type')

    def is_jmp(cls):
        '''Returns true if the current instruction is an immediate and indirect branch.'''
        return cls.is_jmp(ui.current.address())
    def is_jmp(cls, ea):
        '''Returns true if the instruction at `ea` is an immediate and indrect branch.'''
        ea = interface.address.inside(ea)

        F, X = feature(ea), interface.xiterate(ea, idaapi.get_first_cref_from, idaapi.get_next_cref_from)
        return database.is_code(ea) and (F & idaapi.CF_CALL != idaapi.CF_CALL) and (F & idaapi.CF_STOP == idaapi.CF_STOP) and len(list(X)) == 1 and not cls.is_return(ea)
    isJmp = jmpQ = utils.alias(is_jmp, 'type')

    def is_jxx(cls):
        '''Returns true if the current instruction is a conditional branch.'''
        return cls.is_jxx(ui.current.address())
    def is_jxx(cls, ea):
        '''Returns true if the instruction at `ea` is a conditional branch.'''
        ea = interface.address.inside(ea)

        F, X = feature(ea), interface.xiterate(ea, idaapi.get_first_cref_from, idaapi.get_next_cref_from)
        return database.is_code(ea) and all((F&x != x) for x in {idaapi.CF_CALL, idaapi.CF_STOP}) and len(list(X)) > 1
    isJxx = jxxQ = utils.alias(is_jxx, 'type')

    def is_jmpi(cls):
        '''Returns true if the instruction at the current address is an indirect branch.'''
        return cls.is_jmpi(ui.current.address())
    def is_jmpi(cls, ea):
        '''Returns true if the instruction at `ea` is an indirect branch.'''
        ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
        F = feature(ea)
        return database.is_code(ea) and (F & idaapi.CF_CALL != idaapi.CF_CALL) and (F & idaapi.CF_JUMP == idaapi.CF_JUMP)
    isJmpi = jmpiQ = utils.alias(is_jmpi, 'type')

    def is_call(cls):
        '''Returns true if the current instruction is a call.'''
        return cls.is_call(ui.current.address())
    def is_call(cls, ea):
        '''Returns true if the instruction at `ea` is a call.'''
        ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
        if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 and hasattr(idaapi, 'is_call_insn'):
            return idaapi.is_call_insn(ea)

        F = feature(ea)
        return database.is_code(ea) and (feature(ea) & idaapi.CF_CALL == idaapi.CF_CALL)
    isCall = callQ = utils.alias(is_call, 'type')

    def is_calli(cls):
        '''Return true if the current instruction is an indirect call.'''
        return cls.is_calli(ui.current.address())
    def is_calli(cls, ea):
        '''Returns true if the instruction at `ea` is an indirect call.'''
        ea = interface.address.inside(ea)
        F = feature(ea)
        return cls.is_call(ea) and all(F&x == x for x in {idaapi.CF_CALL, idaapi.CF_JUMP})
    isCalli = calliQ = utils.alias(is_calli, 'type')

t = type    # XXX: ns alias

is_return = returnQ = retQ = utils.alias(type.is_return, 'type')
is_shift = shiftQ = utils.alias(type.is_shift, 'type')
is_branch = branchQ = utils.alias(type.is_branch, 'type')
is_jmp = jmpQ = utils.alias(type.is_jmp, 'type')
is_jxx = jxxQ = utils.alias(type.is_jxx, 'type')
is_jmpi = jmpiQ = utils.alias(type.is_jmpi, 'type')
is_call = callQ = utils.alias(type.is_call, 'type')
is_calli = calliQ = utils.alias(type.is_calli, 'type')

## operand type registration
## XXX: This namespace is deleted after each method has been assigned to their lookup table
class operand_types:
    This internal namespace is responsible for registering the operand
    type handlers for each architecture inside ``__optype__`` and is
    deleted after they are registered.
    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_386, idaapi.o_void)
    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_ARM, idaapi.o_void)
    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_MIPS, idaapi.o_void)
    def void(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for ``idaapi.o_void``.'''
        return ()

    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_ARM, idaapi.o_reg)
    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_386, idaapi.o_reg)
    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_MIPS, idaapi.o_reg)
    def register(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for ``idaapi.o_reg`` which returns a ``register_t``.'''
        get_dtype_attribute = operator.attrgetter('dtyp' if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else 'dtype')
        dtype_by_size = utils.fcompose(idaapi.get_dtyp_by_size, six.byte2int) if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else idaapi.get_dtype_by_size

        global architecture
        if op.type in {idaapi.o_reg}:
            res, dt = op.reg, dtype_by_size(database.config.bits()//8)
            return architecture.by_indextype(res, get_dtype_attribute(op))

        optype = "{:s}({:d})".format('idaapi.o_reg', idaapi.o_reg)
        raise E.InvalidTypeOrValueError(u"{:s}.register({:#x}, {!r}) : Expected operand type `{:s}` but operand type {:d} was received.".format('.'.join((__name__, 'operand_types')), ea, op, optype, op.type))

    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_ARM, idaapi.o_imm)
    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_386, idaapi.o_imm)
    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_MIPS, idaapi.o_imm)
    def immediate(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for ``idaapi.o_imm`` which returns an immediate integer.'''
        get_dtype_attribute = operator.attrgetter('dtyp' if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else 'dtype')
        get_dtype_size = idaapi.get_dtyp_size if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else idaapi.get_dtype_size

        if op.type in {idaapi.o_imm, idaapi.o_phrase}:
            bits = 8 * get_dtype_size(get_dtype_attribute(op))

            # figure out the sign flag
            sf, res = 2 ** (bits - 1), op.value

            # if op.value has its sign inverted, then signify it otherwise just use it
            return -2 ** bits + res if interface.node.alt_opinverted(ea, op.n) else res & (2 ** bits - 1)
        optype = "{:s}({:d})".format('idaapi.o_imm', idaapi.o_imm)
        raise E.InvalidTypeOrValueError(u"{:s}.immediate({:#x}, {!r}) : Expected operand type `{:s}` but operand type {:d} was received.".format('.'.join((__name__, 'operand_types')), ea, op, optype, op.type))

    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_386, idaapi.o_far)
    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_386, idaapi.o_near)
    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_MIPS, idaapi.o_mem)
    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_MIPS, idaapi.o_near)
    def memory(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for memory-type operands which return an address.'''
        if op.type in {idaapi.o_mem, idaapi.o_far, idaapi.o_near, idaapi.o_displ}:
            seg, sel = (op.specval & 0xffff0000) >> 16, (op.specval & 0x0000ffff) >> 0
            return op.addr
        optype = map(utils.funbox("{:s}({:d})".format), [('idaapi.o_far', idaapi.o_far), ('idaapi.o_near', idaapi.o_near)])
        raise E.InvalidTypeOrValueError(u"{:s}.address({:#x}, {!r}) : Expected operand type `{:s}` or `{:s}` but operand type {:d} was received.".format('.'.join((__name__, 'operand_types')), ea, op, optype[0], optype[1], op.type))

    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_386, idaapi.o_idpspec0)
    def trregister(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for ``idaapi.o_idpspec0`` which returns a trap register on the Intel architecture.'''
        global architecture
        raise E.UnsupportedCapability(u"{:s}.trregister({:#x}, ...) : Trap registers (`%trX`) are not implemented for the Intel platform.".format('.'.join((__name__, 'operand_types')), ea))
    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_386, idaapi.o_idpspec1)
    def dbregister(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for ``idaapi.o_idpspec1`` which returns a Db register on the Intel architecture.'''
        global architecture
        raise E.UnsupportedCapability(u"{:s}.dbregister({:#x}, ...) : Db registers (`%dbX`) are not implemented for the Intel platform.".format('.'.join((__name__, 'operand_types')), ea))
    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_386, idaapi.o_idpspec2)
    def crregister(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for ``idaapi.o_idpspec2`` which returns a control register on the Intel architecture.'''
        global architecture
        regnum = op.reg
        return architecture.by_control(regnum)
    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_386, idaapi.o_idpspec3)
    def fpregister(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for ``idaapi.o_idpspec3`` which returns an FPU register on the Intel architecture.'''
        global architecture
        regnum = op.reg
        return architecture.by_float(regnum)
    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_386, idaapi.o_idpspec4)
    def mmxregister(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for ``idaapi.o_idpspec4`` which returns an MMX register on the Intel architecture.'''
        global architecture
        regnum = op.reg
        return architecture.by_mmx(regnum)
    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_386, idaapi.o_idpspec5)
    def xmmregister(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for ``idaapi.o_idpspec5`` which returns an XMM register on the Intel architecture.'''
        global architecture
        regnum = op.reg
        return architecture.by_xmm(regnum)

    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_386, idaapi.o_mem)
    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_386, idaapi.o_displ)
    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_386, idaapi.o_phrase)
    def phrase(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for returning a memory phrase on the Intel architecture.'''
        F1, F2 = op.specflag1, op.specflag2
        if op.type in {idaapi.o_displ, idaapi.o_phrase}:
            if F1 == 0:
                base = op.reg
                index = None

            elif F1 == 1:
                base = (F2 & 0x07) >> 0
                index = (F2 & 0x38) >> 3

                raise E.InvalidTypeOrValueError(u"{:s}.phrase({:#x}, {!r}) : Unable to determine the operand format for op.type {:d}. The value of `op_t.specflag1` was {:d}.".format('.'.join((__name__, 'operand_types')), ea, op, op.type, F1))

            if op.type == idaapi.o_displ:
                offset = op.addr
            elif op.type == idaapi.o_phrase:
                offset = op.value
                raise E.InvalidTypeOrValueError(u"{:s}.phrase({:#x}, {!r}) : Unable to determine the offset for op.type ({:d}).".format('.'.join((__name__, 'operand_types')), ea, op, op.type))

            # XXX: for some reason stack variables include both base and index
            #      testing .specval seems to be a good way to determine whether
            #      something is referencing the stack
            if op.specval & 0x00ff0000 == 0x001f0000 and index == base:
                index = None

            ## specval means kind of the following:
            # OF_NO_BASE_DISP = 1 then .addr doesn't exist
            # OF_OUTER_DISP = 1 then .value exists

            ## op_t.flags:
            # OF_NO_BASE_DISP = 0x80 #  o_displ: base displacement doesn't exist meaningful only for o_displ type if set, base displacement (x.addr) doesn't exist.
            # OF_OUTER_DISP = 0x40 #  o_displ: outer displacement exists meaningful only for o_displ type if set, outer displacement (x.value) exists.
            # PACK_FORM_DEF = 0x20 #  !o_reg + dt_packreal: packed factor defined
            # OF_NUMBER = 0x10 # can be output as number only if set, the operand can be converted to a number only
            # OF_SHOW = 0x08 #  should the operand be displayed? if clear, the operand is hidden and should not be displayed

        elif op.type == idaapi.o_mem:
            if F1 == 0:
                base = None
                index = None

            elif F1 == 1:
                base = None
                index = (F2 & 0x38) >> 3

                raise E.InvalidTypeOrValueError(u"{:s}.phrase({:#x}, {!r}) : Unable to determine the operand format for op.type {:d}. The value of `op_t.specflag1` was {:d}.".format('.'.join((__name__, 'operand_types')), ea, op, op.type, F1))
            offset = op.addr

            optype = map(utils.funbox("{:s}({:d})".format), [('idaapi.o_mem', idaapi.o_mem), ('idaapi.o_displ', idaapi.o_displ), ('idaapi.o_phrase', idaapi.o_phrase)])
            raise E.InvalidTypeOrValueError(u"{:s}.phrase({:#x}, {!r}) : Expected operand type {:s}, {:s}, or {:s} but operand type {:d} was received.".format('.'.join((__name__, 'operand_types')), ea, op, optype[0], optype[1], optype[2], op.type))

        # if arch == x64, then index += 8

        scale_lookup = {
            0x00 : 1,   # 00
            0x40 : 2,   # 01
            0x80 : 4,   # 10
            0xc0 : 8,   # 11
        scale = scale_lookup[F2 & 0xc0]

        bits = database.config.bits()
        dtype_by_size = utils.fcompose(idaapi.get_dtyp_by_size, six.byte2int) if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else idaapi.get_dtype_by_size

        seg, sel = (op.specval & 0xffff0000) >> 16, (op.specval & 0x0000ffff) >> 0

        global architecture
        sf, dt = 2 ** (bits - 1), dtype_by_size(database.config.bits() // 8)

        inverted, regular = offset & (2 ** bits - 1) if offset & sf else -2 ** bits + offset, -2 ** bits + offset if offset & sf else offset & (sf - 1)
        res = long(inverted) if interface.node.alt_opinverted(ea, op.n) else long(regular), None if base is None else architecture.by_indextype(base, dt), None if index is None else architecture.by_indextype(index, dt), scale
        return intelops.OffsetBaseIndexScale(*res)

    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_ARM, idaapi.o_phrase)
    def phrase(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for returning a memory phrase on either the AArch32 or AArch64 architectures.'''
        global architecture
        Rn, Rm = architecture.by_index(op.reg), architecture.by_index(op.specflag1)
        return armops.registerphrase(Rn, Rm)

    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_ARM, idaapi.o_displ)
    def phrase(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for returning a memory displacement on either the AArch32 or AArch64 architectures.'''
        global architecture
        Rn = architecture.by_index(op.reg)
        return armops.immediatephrase(Rn, long(op.addr))

    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_ARM, idaapi.o_mem)
    def memory(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for returning a memory reference on either the AArch32 or AArch64 architectures.'''
        get_dtype_attribute = operator.attrgetter('dtyp' if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else 'dtype')
        get_dtype_size = idaapi.get_dtyp_size if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else idaapi.get_dtype_size
        get_bytes = idaapi.get_many_bytes if idaapi.__version__ < 7.0 else idaapi.get_bytes

        # get the address and the operand size
        addr, size = op.addr, get_dtype_size(get_dtype_attribute(op))
        maxval = 1<<size*8

        # dereference the address and return its integer.
        res = get_bytes(addr, size) or ''
        res = reversed(res) if database.config.byteorder() == 'little' else iter(res)
        res = reduce(lambda agg, n: (agg*0x100)|n, six.iterbytes(res), 0)
        sf = bool(res & maxval>>1)

        return armops.memory(long(addr), long(res-maxval) if sf else long(res))

    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_ARM, idaapi.o_idpspec0)
    def flex(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for returning a flexible operand (shift-op) on either the AArch32 or AArch64 architectures.'''
        global architecture

        Rn = architecture.by_index(op.reg)
        shift = 0   # FIXME: find out where the shift "type" is stored
        return armops.flex(Rn, int(shift), int(op.value))

    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_ARM, idaapi.o_idpspec1)
    def list(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for returning a register list on either the AArch32 or AArch64 architectures.'''
        global architecture
        res = set()

        # op.specval represents a bitmask specifying which registers are included
        specval = op.specval
        for index in six.moves.range(16):
            if specval & 1:
            specval >>= 1
        return armops.list(res)

    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_ARM, idaapi.o_idpspec4)
    def extensionlist(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for ``idaapi.o_idpspec4`` which returns an extension register list on either the AArch32 or AArch64 architectures.'''

        # XXX: It seems that the op.value attribute is what distinguishes the list of registers here.
        #      0x00000001 - D8
        #      0x00000002 - D8-D9

        raise NotImplementedError(u"{:s}.extensionlist({:#x}, {:d}) : An undocumented operand type ({:d}) was found at the specified address.".format('.'.join((__name__, 'operand_types')), ea, op.type, op.type))

    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_ARM, 0xe)
    def condition(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for dealing with an undocumented operand type found on AArch64.'''

        # XXX: There's a couple of attributes here that seem relevant: op.value, op.reg, op.n

        raise NotImplementedError(u"{:s}.condition({:#x}, {:d}) : An undocumented operand type ({:d}) was found at the specified address.".format('.'.join((__name__, 'operand_types')), ea, op.type, op.type))

    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_MIPS, idaapi.o_displ)
    def phrase(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for memory phrases on MIPS architecturs.'''
        global architecture

        rt, imm = architecture.by_index(op.reg), op.addr
        return mipsops.phrase(rt, imm)

    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_MIPS, idaapi.o_idpspec0)
    def code(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for trap codes on MIPS architectures.'''
        res = op.value
        return mipsops.trap(int(res))

    @__optype__.define(idaapi.PLFM_MIPS, idaapi.o_idpspec1)
    def float(ea, op):
        '''Operand type decoder for floating-point registers on MIPS architectures.'''
        index = op.reg
        return mipsops.float(index)

## intel operands
class intelops:
    This internal namespace contains the different operand types that
    can be returned for the Intel architecture.
    class SegmentOffset(interface.namedtypedtuple, interface.symbol_t):
        A tuple representing an address with a segment register attached on the Intel architecture.

        Has the format `(segment, offset)` where `segment` is a segment register.
        _fields = ('segment', 'offset')
        _types = (
            (types.NoneType, interface.register_t),

        def symbols(self):
            '''Yield the `segment` register from the tuple if it is defined.'''
            s, _ = self
            if s is not None: yield s

    class SegmentOffsetBaseIndexScale(interface.namedtypedtuple, interface.symbol_t):
        A tuple representing a memory phrase operand on the Intel architecture.

        Has the format `(segment, offset, base, index, scale)` where `segment`
        includes the segment register and both the `base` and `index` registers
        are both optional.
        _fields = ('segment', 'offset', 'base', 'index', 'scale')
        _types = (
            (types.NoneType, interface.register_t),
            (types.NoneType, interface.register_t),
            (types.NoneType, interface.register_t),

        def symbols(self):
            '''Yield the `segment`, `base`, and the `index` registers from the tuple if they are defined.'''
            s, _, b, i, _ = self
            if s is not None: yield s
            if b is not None: yield b
            if i is not None: yield i

    class OffsetBaseIndexScale(interface.namedtypedtuple, interface.symbol_t):
        A tuple representing a memory phrase for the Intel architecture.

        Has the format `(offset, base, index, scale)` where both
        `base` and `index` are both optional registers.
        _fields = ('offset', 'base', 'index', 'scale')
        _types = (
            (types.NoneType, interface.register_t),
            (types.NoneType, interface.register_t),

        def symbols(self):
            '''Yield the `base`, and the `index` registers from the tuple if they are defined.'''
            _, b, i, _ = self
            if b is not None: yield b
            if i is not None: yield i

## arm operands
class armops:
    This internal namespace contains the different operand types that
    can be returned for the AArch32 and AArch64 architectures.

    class flex(interface.namedtypedtuple, interface.symbol_t):
        A tuple representing a flexible operand type that can be decoded on either the AArch32 or AArch64 architectures.

        Has the format `(Rn, shift, n)` which allows the architecture to apply
        a binary shift or rotation to the value of a register `Rn`.
        _fields = ('Rn', 'shift', 'n')
        _types = (

        register = property(fget=operator.itemgetter(0))
        t = type = property(fget=operator.itemgetter(1))
        imm = immediate = property(fget=operator.itemgetter(2))

        def symbols(self):
            '''Yield the `Rn` register from the tuple.'''
            r, _, _ = self
            yield r

    class list(interface.namedtypedtuple, interface.symbol_t):
        A tuple representing a register list operand on either the AArch32 or AArch64 architectures.

        Has the simple format `(reglist)` where `reglist` is a set of registers
        that can be explicitly tested as a set for membership.
        _fields = ('reglist', )
        _types = (set, )

        def symbols(self):
            '''Yield any of the registers within the `reglist` field belonging to the tuple.'''
            res, = self
            for r in res: yield r

    class immediatephrase(interface.namedtypedtuple, interface.symbol_t):
        A tuple representing a memory displacement operand on either the AArch32 or AArch64 architectures.

        Has the format `(Rn, Offset)` where `Rn` is a register and `Offset` is
        the integer that is added to the register.
        _fields = ('Rn', 'offset')
        _types = (

        register = property(fget=operator.itemgetter(0))
        offset = property(fget=operator.itemgetter(1))

        def symbols(self):
            '''Yield the `Rn` register from the tuple.'''
            r, _ = self
            yield r

    class registerphrase(interface.namedtypedtuple, interface.symbol_t):
        A tuple for representing a memory phrase on either the AArch32 or AArch64 architectures.

        Has the format `(Rn, Rm)` where both values are registers that compose
        the phrase.
        _fields = ('Rn', 'Rm')
        _types = (

        first = property(fget=operator.itemgetter(0))
        second = property(fget=operator.itemgetter(1))

        def symbols(self):
            '''Yield the `Rn` and `Rm` registers from the tuple.'''
            rn, rm = self
            yield rn
            yield rm

    class memory(interface.namedtypedtuple, interface.symbol_t):
        A tuple for representing a memory operand on either the AArch32 or AArch64 architectures.

        Has the format `(address, value)` where `address` is the actual value
        stored in the operand and `value` is the value that would be dereferenced.
        _fields = ('address', 'value')
        _types = (six.integer_types, six.integer_types)

        def symbols(self):
            '''This operand type is not composed of any symbols.'''
            raise StopIteration
            yield   # so that this function is still treated as a generator

## mips operands
class mipsops:
    This internal namespace contains the different operand types that
    are used by the MIPS architectures.

    class phrase(interface.namedtypedtuple, interface.symbol_t):
        A tuple for representing a memory phrase operand on the MIPS architectures.

        Has the format `(Rn, Offset)` where `Rn` is the register and
        `Offset` is the immediate that is added to the `Rn` register.
        _fields = ('Rn', 'Offset')
        _types = (interface.register_t, six.integer_types)

        register = property(fget=operator.itemgetter(0))
        immediate = property(fget=operator.itemgetter(1))

        def symbols(self):
            '''Yield the `Rn` register from this tuple.'''
            r, _ = self
            yield r

    class trap(interface.namedtypedtuple, interface.symbol_t):
        A tuple for representing a trap code that can be encoded within
        certain instructions on the MIPS architectures.

        Simply wraps the encoded integer in a single-element tuple with
        the format of `(code)`.
        _fields = ('code',)
        _types = (six.integer_types,)

        code = property(fget=operator.itemgetter(0))

        def symbols(self):
            '''This operand type is not composed of any symbols.'''
            raise StopIteration
            yield   # so that this function is still treated as a generator

    def coprocessor(index):
        A callable that returns a coprocessor register on the MIPS architectures.

        Takes an integer argument which returns the coprocessor register for
        the requested `index`.
        global architecture
        return architecture.by_coprocessor(index)

    def float(index):
        A callable that returns a floating-point register on the MIPS architectures.

        Takes an integer representing the `index` of the desired floating-point
        register to return.
        global architecture
        return architecture.by_float(index)

## architecture registers
class Intel(interface.architecture_t):
    An implementation of all the registers available on the Intel architecture.

    This keeps track of the relationships between registers to allow one to
    promote or demote a register to the different sizes that are available.

    An instance of this class can be accessed as ``instruction.architecture``
    (or ``instruction.arch``) when the current architecture of the database is Intel.
    prefix = ''
    def __init__(self):
        super(Intel, self).__init__()
        getitem, setitem = self.__register__.__getattr__, self.__register__.__setattr__
        i2s = "{:d}".format

        [ setitem('r'+_, self.new('r'+_, 64, _)) for _ in ('ax', 'cx', 'dx', 'bx', 'sp', 'bp', 'si', 'di', 'ip') ]
        [ setitem('r'+_, self.new('r'+_, 64)) for _ in map(i2s, six.moves.range(8, 16)) ]
        [ setitem('e'+_, self.child(self.by_name('r'+_), 'e'+_, 0, 32, _)) for _ in ('ax', 'cx', 'dx', 'bx', 'sp', 'bp', 'si', 'di', 'ip') ]
        [ setitem('r'+_+'d', self.child(self.by_name('r'+_), 'r'+_+'d', 0, 32, idaname='r'+_)) for _ in map(i2s, six.moves.range(8, 16)) ]
        [ setitem('r'+_+'w', self.child(self.by_name('r'+_+'d'), 'r'+_+'w', 0, 16, idaname='r'+_)) for _ in map(i2s, six.moves.range(8, 16)) ]
        [ setitem('r'+_+'b', self.child(self.by_name('r'+_+'w'), 'r'+_+'b', 0, 8, idaname='r'+_)) for _ in map(i2s, six.moves.range(8, 16)) ]
        [ setitem(    _, self.child(self.by_name('e'+_), _, 0, 16)) for _ in ('ax', 'cx', 'dx', 'bx', 'sp', 'bp', 'si', 'di', 'ip') ]
        [ setitem(_+'h', self.child(self.by_name(_+'x'), _+'h', 8, 8)) for _ in ('a', 'c', 'd', 'b') ]
        [ setitem(_+'l', self.child(self.by_name(_+'x'), _+'l', 0, 8)) for _ in ('a', 'c', 'd', 'b') ]
        [ setitem(_+'l', self.child(self.by_name(_), _+'l', 0, 8)) for _ in ('sp', 'bp', 'si', 'di') ]
        [ setitem(    _, self.new(_, 16)) for _ in ('es', 'cs', 'ss', 'ds', 'fs', 'gs') ]
        setitem('fpstack', self.new('fptags', 80*8, dtype=None))    # FIXME: is this the right IDA register name??

        # FIXME: rex-prefixed 32-bit registers are implicitly extended to the 64-bit regs which implies that 64-bit are children of 32-bit
        for _ in ('ax', 'cx', 'dx', 'bx', 'sp', 'bp', 'si', 'di', 'ip'):
            r32, r64 = getitem('e'+_), getitem('r'+_)
            r32.alias, r64.alias = { r64 }, { r32 }
        for _ in map(i2s, six.moves.range(8, 16)):
            r32, r64 = getitem('r'+_+'d'), getitem('r'+_)
            r32.alias, r64.alias = { r64 }, { r32 }

        # explicitly set the lookups for (word-register, idaapi.dt_byte) which exist due to ida's love for the inconsistent
        [ self.__cache__.setdefault((_+'x', self.by_name(_+'l').dtype), self.by_name(_+'l').__name__) for _ in ('a', 'c', 'd', 'b') ]

        fpstack = self.__register__.fpstack
        # single precision
        [ setitem("st{:d}f".format(_), self.child(fpstack, "st{:d}f".format(_), _*80, 80, "st{:d}".format(_), dtype=idaapi.dt_float)) for _ in six.moves.range(8) ]
        # double precision
        [ setitem("st{:d}d".format(_), self.child(fpstack, "st{:d}d".format(_), _*80, 80, "st{:d}".format(_), dtype=idaapi.dt_double)) for _ in six.moves.range(8) ]
        # umm..80-bit precision? i've seen op_t's in ida for fsubp with the implied st(0) using idaapi.dt_tbyte
        [ setitem("st{:d}".format(_), self.child(fpstack, "st{:d}".format(_), _*80, 80, "st{:d}".format(_), dtype=idaapi.dt_tbyte)) for _ in six.moves.range(8) ]

        # not sure if the mmx registers trash the other 16 bits of an fp register
        [ setitem("mm{:d}".format(_), self.child(fpstack, "mm{:d}".format(_), _*80, 64, dtype=idaapi.dt_qword)) for _ in six.moves.range(8) ]

        # sse1/sse2 simd registers
        [ setitem("xmm{:d}".format(_), self.new("xmm{:d}".format(_), 128, dtype=idaapi.dt_byte16)) for _ in six.moves.range(16) ]
        [ setitem("ymm{:d}".format(_), self.new("ymm{:d}".format(_), 128, dtype=idaapi.dt_ldbl)) for _ in six.moves.range(16) ]

        # control registers
        [ setitem("cr{:d}".format(_), self.new("cr{:d}".format(_), database.config.bits())) for _ in six.moves.range(8) ]

        ##fpctrl, fpstat, fptags
        ## 'cf', 'zf', 'sf', 'of', 'pf', 'af', 'tf', 'if', 'df', 'efl',

    def by_float(self, index):
        '''Return the desired floating-point stack register by the specified `index`.'''
        return self.by_name("st{:d}".format(index))

    def by_control(self, index):
        '''Return the desired control register by the specified `index`.'''
        return self.by_name("cr{:d}".format(index))

    def by_mmx(self, index):
        '''Return the desired MultiMedia eXtension register of the specified `index`.'''
        return self.by_name("mm{:d}".format(index))

    def by_xmm(self, index):
        '''Return the desired SSE vector register of the specified `index`.'''
        return self.by_name("xmm{:d}".format(index))

    def by_ymm(self, index):
        '''Return the desired 256-bit Advanced Vector Extensions register of the specified `index`.'''
        return self.by_name("ymm{:d}".format(index))

    def by_zmm(self, index):
        '''Return the desired 512-bit Advanced Vector Extensions register of the specified `index`.'''
        return self.by_name("zmm{:d}".format(index))

class AArch(interface.architecture_t):
    An implementation of all the registers available on the AArch32 (ARM) architecture.

    This is used to locate or manage the different registers that are available.

    An instance of this class can be accessed as ``instruction.architecture``
    (or ``instruction.arch``) when the current architecture of the database is either
    AArch32 or AArch64.
    prefix = '%'
    def __init__(self, BITS):
        super(AArch, self).__init__()
        getitem, setitem = self.__register__.__getattr__, self.__register__.__setattr__

        [ setitem("v{:d}".format(_), self.new("v{:d}".format(_), 128, idaname="V{:d}".format(_))) for _ in six.moves.range(32) ]
        [ setitem("q{:d}".format(_), self.new("q{:d}".format(_), 128, idaname="Q{:d}".format(_))) for _ in six.moves.range(32) ]

        for _ in six.moves.range(32):
            rv, rq = getitem("v{:d}".format(_)), getitem("q{:d}".format(_))
            rv.alias, rq.alias = { rq }, { rv }

        [ setitem("r{:d}".format(_), self.new("r{:d}".format(_), 32, idaname="R{:d}".format(_))) for _ in six.moves.range(13) ]
        [ setitem("r{:d}h".format(_), self.child(getitem("r{:d}".format(_)), "r{:d}h".format(_), 0, 16, idaname="R{:d}".format(_))) for _ in six.moves.range(13) ]
        [ setitem("r{:d}b".format(_), self.child(getitem("r{:d}".format(_)), "r{:d}b".format(_), 0, 8, idaname="R{:d}".format(_))) for _ in six.moves.range(13) ]

        # Sub-registers that compose the V register (floating-point)
        if BITS > 32:
            [ setitem("d{:d}".format(_), self.child(getitem("v{:d}".format(_)), "d{:d}".format(_), 0, 64, idaname="V{:d}".format(_), dtype=idaapi.dt_double)) for _ in six.moves.range(32) ]
            [ setitem("d{:d}".format(_), self.child(getitem("v{:d}".format(_)), "d{:d}".format(_), 0, 64, idaname="D{:d}".format(_), dtype=idaapi.dt_double)) for _ in six.moves.range(32) ]
        [ setitem("s{:d}".format(_), self.child(getitem("d{:d}".format(_)), "s{:d}".format(_), 0, 32, idaname="S{:d}".format(_), dtype=idaapi.dt_float)) for _ in six.moves.range(32) ]
        [ setitem("h{:d}".format(_), self.child(getitem("s{:d}".format(_)), "h{:d}".format(_), 0, 16, idaname="X{:d}".format(_), dtype=getattr(idaapi, 'dt_half', idaapi.dt_word))) for _ in six.moves.range(32) ]
        [ setitem("b{:d}".format(_), self.child(getitem("h{:d}".format(_)), "b{:d}".format(_), 0, 8, idaname="X{:d}".format(_))) for _ in six.moves.range(32) ]

        # General-purpose registers
        [ setitem("x{:d}".format(_), self.new("x{:d}".format(_), BITS, idaname="X{:d}".format(_))) for _ in six.moves.range(31) ]
        if BITS > 32:
            [ setitem("w{:d}".format(_), self.child(self.by_name("x{:d}".format(_)), "w{:d}".format(_), 0, 32, idaname="X{:d}".format(_))) for _ in six.moves.range(31) ]
        setitem('lr', self.new('lr', BITS, idaname='LR', alias={'x31'}))

        # Zero registers and special regs
        setitem('xzr', self.new('xzr', BITS, idaname='XZR'))
        if BITS > 32:
            setitem('wzr', self.new('wzr', 32, idaname='XZR'))
        setitem('sp', self.new('sp', BITS, idaname='SP', alias={'r13'}))
        if BITS > 32:
            setitem('wsp', self.child(getitem('sp'), 'wsp', 0, 32))
        setitem('pc', self.new('pc', BITS, idaname='PC'))
        setitem('msp', self.child(getitem('sp'), 'msp', 0, BITS, idaname='MSP'))
        setitem('psp', self.child(getitem('sp'), 'psp', 0, BITS, idaname='PSP'))

        # Status registers (all)
        # XXX: These registers are busted because they're actually individual
        #      combinations of 3 registers.
        setitem('xpsr', self.new('xpsr', 96, idaname='XPSR', alias={'psr'}))
        setitem('iepsr', self.child(getitem('xpsr'), 'iepsr', 0, 96, idaname='IEPSR'))
        setitem('iapsr', self.child(getitem('xpsr'), 'iapsr', 0, 96, idaname='IAPSR'))
        setitem('eapsr', self.child(getitem('xpsr'), 'eapsr', 0, 96, idaname='EAPSR'))

        # Status registers (application)
        # XXX: We only define these registers as children of the parent
        #      registers that can be written to.
        setitem('apsr', self.child(getitem('xpsr'), 'apsr', 0, 32, idaname='APSR'))
        setitem('q', self.child(getitem('apsr'), 'q', 27, 1))
        setitem('vf', self.child(getitem('apsr'), 'vf', 28, 1, idaname='VF'))
        setitem('cf', self.child(getitem('apsr'), 'cf', 29, 1, idaname='CF'))
        setitem('zf', self.child(getitem('apsr'), 'zf', 30, 1, idaname='ZF'))
        setitem('nf', self.child(getitem('apsr'), 'nf', 31, 1, idaname='NF'))

        # Status registers (execution)
        setitem('epsr', self.child(getitem('xpsr'), 'epsr', 32, 32, idaname='EPSR'))
        setitem('ts', self.child(getitem('epsr'), 'Ts', 24, 1, idaname='T'))

        # Status registers (interrupt)
        setitem('ipsr', self.child(getitem('xpsr'), 'ipsr', 64, 32, idaname='IPSR'))

        # Status registers (current program)
        setitem('cpsr', self.new('cpsr', 32, idaname='CPSR'))
        setitem('m', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'm', 0, 4))
        setitem('res1', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'res1', 4, 1))
        setitem('res0', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'res0', 5, 1))
        setitem('f', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'f', 6, 1))
        setitem('i', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'i', 7, 1))
        setitem('a', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'a', 8, 1))
        setitem('e', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'e', 9, 1))
        [ setitem("it{:d}".format(2 + _), self.child(getitem('cpsr'), "it{:d}".format(2 + _), 10 + _, 1)) for _ in range(6) ]
        setitem('ge', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'ge', 16, 3))
        setitem('dit', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'dit', 21, 1))
        setitem('pan', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'pan', 22, 1))
        setitem('ssbs', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'ssbs', 23, 1))
        setitem('j', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'j', 24, 1))
        setitem('it0', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'it0', 25, 1))
        setitem('it1', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'it1', 26, 1))
        setitem('q', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'q', 27, 1))
        setitem('v', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'v', 28, 1))
        setitem('c', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'c', 29, 1))
        setitem('z', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'z', 30, 1))
        setitem('n', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'n', 31, 1))

        setitem('spsr', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'spsr', 0, 32, idaname='SPSR'))
        setitem('cpsr_flag', self.child(getitem('cpsr'), 'cpsr_flag', 27, 5, idaname='CPSR_flg'))
        setitem('spsr_flag', self.child(getitem('spsr'), 'spsr_flag', 27, 5, idaname='SPSR_flg'))

        # Status registers (floating point)
        setitem('fpscr', self.new('fpscr', 32, idaname='FPSCR'))
        setitem('ioc', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'ioc', 0, 1))
        setitem('dzc', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'dzc', 1, 1))
        setitem('ofc', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'ofc', 2, 1))
        setitem('ufc', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'ufc', 3, 1))
        setitem('ixc', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'ixc', 4, 1))
        setitem('idc', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'idc', 7, 1))
        setitem('ioe', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'ioe', 8, 1))
        setitem('dze', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'dze', 9, 1))
        setitem('ofe', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'ofe', 10, 1))
        setitem('ufe', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'ufe', 11, 1))
        setitem('ixe', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'ixe', 12, 1))
        setitem('ide', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'ide', 15, 1))
        setitem('len', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'Len', 16, 3))
        setitem('stride', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'Stride', 20, 2))
        setitem('rmode', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'Rmode', 22, 2))
        setitem('fz', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'fz', 24, 1))
        setitem('dn', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'dn', 25, 1))
        setitem('ahp', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'ahp', 26, 1))
        setitem('qc', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'qc', 27, 1))
        setitem('Fv', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'Fv', 28, 1))
        setitem('Fc', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'Fc', 29, 1))
        setitem('Fz', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'Fz', 30, 1))
        setitem('Fn', self.child(getitem('fpscr'), 'Fn', 31, 1))

        # Media registers
        setitem('mvfr0', self.new('mvfr0', 32, idaname='MVFR0'))
        setitem('mvrb', self.child(getitem('mvfr0'), 'MVrb', 0, 4))
        setitem('mvsp', self.child(getitem('mvfr0'), 'MVsp', 4, 4))
        setitem('mvdp', self.child(getitem('mvfr0'), 'MVdp', 8, 4))
        setitem('mvte', self.child(getitem('mvfr0'), 'MVte', 12, 4))
        setitem('mvd', self.child(getitem('mvfr0'), 'MVd', 16, 4))
        setitem('mvsr', self.child(getitem('mvfr0'), 'MVsr', 20, 4))
        setitem('mvsv', self.child(getitem('mvfr0'), 'MVsv', 24, 4))
        setitem('mvrm', self.child(getitem('mvfr0'), 'MVrm', 28, 4))

        setitem('mvfr1', self.new('mvfr1', 32, idaname='MVFR1'))
        setitem('mvfz', self.child(getitem('mvfr1'), 'MVfz', 0, 4))
        setitem('mvdn', self.child(getitem('mvfr1'), 'MVdn', 0, 4))
        setitem('mnls', self.child(getitem('mvfr1'), 'MNls', 0, 4))
        setitem('mni', self.child(getitem('mvfr1'), 'MNi', 0, 4))
        setitem('mnsp', self.child(getitem('mvfr1'), 'MNsp', 0, 4))

        # Opaque registers
        setitem('fpsid', self.new('fpsid', 32, idaname='FPSID'))
        setitem('fpexc', self.new('fpexc', 32, idaname='FPEXC'))
        setitem('fpinst', self.new('fpinst', 32, idaname='FPINST'))
        setitem('fpinst2', self.new('fpinst2', 32, idaname='FPINST2'))
        setitem('primask', self.new('primask', 32, idaname='PRIMASK'))
        setitem('basepri', self.new('basepri', 32, idaname='BASEPRI'))
        setitem('faultmask', self.new('faultmask', 32, idaname='FAULTMASK'))
        setitem('control', self.new('control', 32, idaname='CONTROL'))
        setitem('basepri_max', self.new('basepri_max', 32, idaname='BASEPRI_MAX'))

        # XScale register(s?)
        setitem('acc0', self.new('acc0', 32, idaname='acc0'))

        # XXX: for some reason IDA defines the CS and DS registers??

class AArch32(AArch):
    An implementation of all the registers available on the AArch32 (ARM) architecture.

    This is used to locate or manage the different registers that are available.

    An instance of this class can be accessed as ``instruction.architecture``
    (or ``instruction.arch``) when the current architecture of the database is AArch32.

    def __init__(self):
        return super(AArch32, self).__init__(32)

class AArch64(AArch):
    An implementation of all the registers available on the AArch64 (ARM) architecture.

    This is used to locate or manage the different registers that are available.

    An instance of this class can be accessed as ``instruction.architecture``
    (or ``instruction.arch``) when the current architecture of the database is AArch64.

    def __init__(self):
        return super(AArch64, self).__init__(64)

class MIPS(interface.architecture_t):
    An implementation of all the registers available on the MIPS architectures.

    This includes the different coprocessor registers that are also available
    but are treated as special instructions by IDA.

    An instance of this class can be accessed as ``instruction.architecture``
    (or ``instruction.arch``) when the current architecture of the database is MIPS.
    prefix = '$'
    def __init__(self, BITS):
        super(MIPS, self).__init__()
        getitem, setitem = self.__register__.__getattr__, self.__register__.__setattr__

        setitem('zero', self.new('zero', BITS, idaname='$zero'))
        setitem('at', self.new('at', BITS, idaname='$at'))

        setitem('gp', self.new('gp', BITS, idaname='$gp'))
        setitem('sp', self.new('sp', BITS, idaname='$sp'))
        setitem('fp', self.new('fp', BITS, idaname='$fp'))
        setitem('ra', self.new('ra', BITS, idaname='$ra'))
        setitem('pc', self.new('pc', BITS))

        [ setitem("v{:d}".format(_), self.new("v{:d}".format(_), BITS, idaname="$v{:d}".format(_))) for _ in six.moves.range(2) ]
        [ setitem("a{:d}".format(_), self.new("a{:d}".format(_), BITS, idaname="$a{:d}".format(_))) for _ in six.moves.range(8) ]
        [ setitem("t{:d}".format(_), self.new("t{:d}".format(_), BITS, idaname="$t{:d}".format(_))) for _ in six.moves.range(0, 10) ]
        [ setitem("s{:d}".format(_), self.new("s{:d}".format(_), BITS, idaname="$s{:d}".format(_))) for _ in six.moves.range(8) ]
        [ setitem("k{:d}".format(_), self.new("k{:d}".format(_), BITS, idaname="$k{:d}".format(_))) for _ in six.moves.range(2) ]

        # FIXME: add the register definitions for : cs, ds, mips16

        # floating-point registers
        if BITS > 32:
            [ setitem("f{:d}".format(_), self.new("f{:d}".format(_), BITS, idaname="$f{:d}".format(_), dtype=idaapi.dt_double)) for _ in six.moves.range(32) ]
            [ setitem("f{:d}".format(_), self.new("f{:d}".format(_), BITS, idaname="$f{:d}".format(_), dtype=idaapi.dt_float)) for _ in six.moves.range(32) ]

        # FIXME: we should probably include all of the selector versions for the
        #        coprocessor registers too...
        i2s = "{:d}".format

        # coprocessor registers (0 - 31)
        setitem('Index', self.new('Index', BITS, id=0))         # 0
        setitem('Random', self.new('Random', BITS, id=0))       # 1
        setitem('EntryLo0', self.new('EntryLo0', BITS, id=0))   # 2
        setitem('EntryLo1', self.new('EntryLo1', BITS, id=0))   # 3
        setitem('Context', self.new('Context', BITS, id=0))     # 4
        setitem('PageMask', self.new('PageMask', BITS, id=0))   # 5
        setitem('Wired', self.new('Wired', BITS, id=0))         # 6
        setitem('HWREna', self.new('HWREna', BITS, id=0))       # 7
        setitem('BadVAddr', self.new('BadVAddr', BITS, id=0))   # 8
        setitem('Count', self.new('Count', BITS, id=0))         # 9
        setitem('EntryHi', self.new('EntryHi', BITS, id=0))     # 10
        setitem('Compare', self.new('Compare', BITS, id=0))     # 11
        setitem('SR', self.new('SR', BITS, id=0))               # 12.0
        setitem('IntCtl', self.new('IntCtl', BITS, id=0))       # 12.1
        setitem('SRSCtl', self.new('STSCtl', BITS, id=0))       # 12.2
        setitem('SRSMap', self.new('STSMap', BITS, id=0))       # 12.3
        setitem('Cause', self.new('Cause', BITS, id=0))         # 13
        setitem('EPC', self.new('EPC', BITS, id=0))             # 14
        setitem('PRId', self.new('PRId', BITS, id=0))           # 15.0
        setitem('EBase', self.new('EBase', BITS, id=0))         # 15.1
        setitem('Config', self.new('Config', BITS, id=0))       # 16.0
        setitem('Config1', self.new('Config1', BITS, id=0))     # 16.1
        setitem('Config2', self.new('Config2', BITS, id=0))     # 16.2
        setitem('Config3', self.new('Config3', BITS, id=0))     # 16.3
        setitem('LLAddr', self.new('LLAddr', BITS, id=0))       # 17
        setitem('WatchLo', self.new('WatchLo', BITS, id=0))     # 18
        setitem('WatchHi', self.new('WatchHi', BITS, id=0))     # 19
        setitem('XContext', self.new('XContext', BITS, id=0))   # 20
        setitem(i2s(21), self.new(i2s(21), BITS, id=0))         # 21
        setitem(i2s(22), self.new(i2s(22), BITS, id=0))         # 22
        setitem('Debug', self.new('Debug', BITS, id=0))         # 23
        setitem('DEPC', self.new('DEPC', BITS, id=0))           # 24
        setitem('PerfCtl', self.new('PerfCtl', BITS, id=0))     # 25.0
        setitem('PerfCnt', self.new('PerfCnt', BITS, id=0))     # 25.1
        setitem('ECC', self.new('ECC', BITS, id=0))             # 26
        setitem('CacheErr', self.new('CacheErr', BITS, id=0))   # 27
        setitem('TagLo', self.new('TagLo', BITS, id=0))         # 28.0
        setitem('DataLo', self.new('TagLo', BITS, id=0))        # 28.1
        setitem('TagHi', self.new('TagHi', BITS, id=0))         # 29.0
        setitem('DataHi', self.new('DataHi', BITS, id=0))       # 29.1
        setitem('ErrorEPC', self.new('ErrorEPC', BITS, id=0))   # 30
        setitem('DESAVE', self.new('DESAVE', BITS, id=0))       # 31

    def by_coprocessor(self, index, selector=0):
        '''Return the coprocessor register by the selected `index` and `selector`.'''
        file = self.register

        # FIXME: Should include _all_ of the coprocessor registers with their
        #        selector versions too..
        registers = {
            0x00 : file.Index,      0x01 : file.Random,     0x02 : file.EntryLo0,   0x03 : file.EntryLo1,
            0x04 : file.Context,    0x05 : file.PageMask,   0x06 : file.Wired,      0x07 : file.HWREna,
            0x08 : file.BadVAddr,   0x09 : file.Count,      0x0a : file.EntryHi,    0x0b : file.Compare,
            0x0c : file.SR,         0x0d : file.Cause,      0x0e : file.EPC,        0x0f : file.PRId,
            0x10 : file.Config,     0x11 : file.LLAddr,     0x12 : file.WatchLo,    0x13 : file.WatchHi,
            0x14 : file.XContext,

            0x17 : file.Debug,      0x18 : file.DEPC,       0x19 : file.PerfCtl,    0x1a : file.ECC,
            0x1b : file.CacheErr,   0x1c : file.TagLo,      0x1d : file.TagHi,      0x1e : file.ErrorEPC,
            0x1f : file.DESAVE,

        if index in registers:
            return registers[index]
        return self.by_name("{:d}".format(index))

    def by_float(self, index):
        '''Return the floating-point register by the selected `index`.'''
        return self.by_name("$f{:d}".format(index))

class MIPS32(MIPS):
    An implementation of all the registers available on the MIPS32 architecture.

    This includes the different coprocessor registers that are also available
    but are treated as special instructions by IDA.

    An instance of this class can be accessed as ``instruction.architecture``
    (or ``instruction.arch``) when the current architecture of the database is MIPS.

    def __init__(self):
        return super(MIPS32, self).__init__(32)

class MIPS64(MIPS):
    An implementation of all the registers available on the MIPS64 architecture.

    This includes the different coprocessor registers that are also available
    but are treated as special instructions by IDA.

    An instance of this class can be accessed as ``instruction.architecture``
    (or ``instruction.arch``) when the current architecture of the database is MIPS.

    def __init__(self):
        return super(MIPS64, self).__init__(64)

## global initialization
def __nw_newprc__(nw_code, is_old_database):
    pnum = idaapi.ph_get_id()
    return __newprc__(pnum)
def __ev_newprc__(pnum, keep_cfg):
    return __newprc__(pnum)
def __newprc__(id):
    Determine the architecture from the current processor and use it to initialize
    the globals (``architecture`` and ``register``) within this module.
    if not hasattr(database, 'config'):
        # XXX: If this module hasn't been loaded properly, then this is because IDA hasn't actually started yet.

    plfm, m = idaapi.ph.id, __import__('sys').modules[__name__]
    if plfm == idaapi.PLFM_386:     # id == 15
        res, description = Intel(), "Intel architecture {:d}-bit".format(database.config.bits())
    elif plfm == idaapi.PLFM_ARM:   # id == 1
        res, description = AArch64() if database.config.bits() > 32 else AArch32(), "AArch{:d}".format(database.config.bits())
    elif plfm == idaapi.PLFM_MIPS:  # id == 12
        res, description = MIPS64() if database.config.bits() > 32 else MIPS32(), "MIPS{:d}".format(database.config.bits())
        logging.warn("{:s} : IDP_Hooks.newprc({:d}) : Unsupported processor type {:d} was specified. Tools that use the instruction module might not work properly.".format(__name__, id, plfm))

    logging.warn("Detected processor module : {:s} ({:d})".format(description, plfm))

    # assign our required globals
    m.architecture, m.register = res, res.r

    # assign some aliases so that its much shorter to type
    m.arch, m.reg = m.architecture, m.register

# initialize with a default processor on the initial import but not on reload()
if 'architecture' not in locals() or 'register' not in locals():