from __future__ import print_function, division

import os
import subprocess
import json
from collections import OrderedDict

import torch as th
import numpy as np
from termcolor import colored
import argparse

def parseLossArguments(choices, help):
    Creates a custom type for loss parsing, it overrides the type, choice and help of add_argument, in order to
    properly extract the loss type, and still be able to print the choices available.
    in: 'autoencoder:1:10' (loss:weight:state_dim)
    out: autoencoder, 1, 10 (loss_name, weight, state_dim)

    :param choices: ([str]) the list of valid losses
    :param help: (str) help string
    :return: (dict) the arguments for parse arg

    def _arg_type(arg):
        arg_separator = arg.count(':')
        if arg_separator >= 1:
            if arg.split(':')[0] not in choices:
                raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
                    "invalid choice: {} (choose from {})".format(arg.split(':')[0], choices))
                loss, first_arg, second_arg = arg.split(':')[0], float(arg.split(':')[1]), 0
                if arg_separator == 2:
                    second_arg = int(arg.split(':')[2])
                return loss, first_arg, second_arg
            except ValueError:
                raise argparse. \
                    ArgumentTypeError("Error: must be of format '<str>:<float>:<int>', '<str>:<float/int>' or '<str>'")
            if arg not in choices:
                raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("invalid choice: {} (choose from {})".format(arg, choices))
            return arg

    def _choices_print():
        str_out = "{"
        for loss in choices[:-1]:
            str_out += loss + ", "
        return str_out + choices[-1] + '}'

    return {'type': _arg_type, 'help': _choices_print() + " " + help}

def buildConfig(args):
    Building the config file for the trainer

    :param args: (parsed args object)
    :return: (OrderedDict)
    # Fixes to use this function in srl_baselines/
    split_dimensions = args.split_dimensions if hasattr(args, "split_dimensions") else -1
    beta = args.beta if hasattr(args, "beta") else -1
    l1_reg = args.l1_reg if hasattr(args, "l1_reg") else 0
    l2_reg = args.l2_reg if hasattr(args, "l2_reg") else 0

    if "supervised" in args.losses:
        args.inverse_model_type = None

    exp_config = OrderedDict(
        [("batch-size", args.batch_size),
        ("beta", beta),
        ("data-folder", args.data_folder),
        ("epochs", args.epochs),
        ("learning-rate", args.learning_rate),
        ("training-set-size", args.training_set_size),
        ("log-folder", ""),
        ("model-type", args.model_type),
        ("seed", args.seed),
        ("state-dim", args.state_dim),
        ("knn-samples", 200),
        ("knn-seed", 1),
        ("l1-reg", l1_reg),
        ("l2-reg", l2_reg),
        ("losses", args.losses),
        ("n-neighbors", 5),
        ("n-to-plot", 5),
        ("split-dimensions", split_dimensions),
        ("inverse-model-type", args.inverse_model_type)]
    return exp_config

def loadData(data_folder):
    :param data_folder: (str) path to the data_folder to be loaded
    :return: (Numpy dictionary-like objects and np.ndarrays)
    training_data = np.load('data/{}/preprocessed_data.npz'.format(data_folder))
    episode_starts = training_data['episode_starts']

    ground_truth = np.load('data/{}/ground_truth.npz'.format(data_folder))
    # Backward compatibility with previous names
    true_states = ground_truth['ground_truth_states' if 'ground_truth_states' in ground_truth.keys() else 'arm_states']
    target_positions = \
        ground_truth['target_positions' if 'target_positions' in ground_truth.keys() else 'button_positions']

    with open('data/{}/dataset_config.json'.format(data_folder), 'r') as f:
        relative_pos = json.load(f).get('relative_pos', False)

    target_pos_ = []
    # True state is the relative position to the target
    target_idx = -1
    for i in range(len(episode_starts)):
        if episode_starts[i] == 1:
            target_idx += 1
        if relative_pos:
            true_states[i] -= target_positions[target_idx]
    target_pos_ = np.array(target_pos_)

    return training_data, ground_truth, true_states, target_pos_

def getInputBuiltin():
    Python 2/3 compatibility
    Returns the python 'input' builtin
    :return: (input)
        return raw_input
    except NameError:
        return input

def importMaplotlib():
    Fix for plotting when x11 is not available
    p = subprocess.Popen(["xset", "-q"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    x11_available = p.returncode == 0
    if not x11_available:
        import matplotlib

def detachToNumpy(tensor):
    Gets a th.Tensor and returns a np.ndarray
    :param tensor: (th.Tensor)
    :return: (numpy float)

def parseDataFolder(path):
    Remove `data/` from dataset folder path
    if needed
    :param path: (str)
    :return: (str) name of the dataset folder
    if path.startswith('data/'):
        path = path[5:]
    return path

def createFolder(path_to_folder, exist_msg):
    Try to create a folder (and parents if needed)
    print a message in case the folder already exist
    :param path_to_folder: (str)
    :param exist_msg:
    except OSError:

def printGreen(string):
    Print a string in green in the terminal
    :param string: (str)
    print(colored(string, 'green'))

def printYellow(string):
    :param string: (str)
    print(colored(string, 'yellow'))

def printRed(string):
    :param string: (str)
    print(colored(string, 'red'))

def printBlue(string):
    :param string: (str)
    print(colored(string, 'blue'))