# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Main module."""

simulation = True

import sys
import copy
import math
import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN

# from sample import Sample
# from cluster import Cluster
# from microCluster import MicroCluster
class Sample():
    Each record of the stream has to be declared as a `Sample` class.

    :param value: the `values` of the current sample. 
    :param timestamp: the `timestamp` of current sample.


    def __init__(self, value, timestamp: int):
        self.value = value
        self.timestamp = 0
        self.realTimestamp = timestamp
    def getValue(self):
        :return: :attr:`value`
        return self.value
    def setTimestamp(self, timestamp: int):
        :set: :attr:`timestamp`
        self.timestamp = timestamp
    def setRealTimestamp(self, timestamp):
        self.realTimestamp = timestamp

    def setMicroClusterNumber(self, microClusterNumber: int):
        Assign to each sample the microClusterNumber in which was merged.

        :set: :attr:`microClusterNumber`
        self.microClusterNumber = microClusterNumber

def computeReductionFactor(lamb, steps):
    return math.pow(2, -lamb * steps)

class MicroCluster():

    Micro-Cluster class

    :param currenttimestamp: the `timestamp` in which the cluster is created.
    :param lamb: the `lamb` parameter used as decay factor.
    :param clusterNumber: the `number` of the micro-cluster.


    def __init__(self, currenttimestamp, lamb, clusterNumber):

        self.dimensions = None
        self.creationTimeStamp = currenttimestamp
        self.lamb = lamb

        self.reductionFactor = computeReductionFactor(self.lamb, 1)
        self.clusterNumber = clusterNumber
    def insertSample(self, sample, timestamp=0):

        Adds a sample to a micro-cluster. Updates the variables of the micro-cluster with :meth:`updateRealTimeWeight` and :meth:`updateRealTimeLSandSS`

        :param sample: the `sample` object 
        :param timestamp: deprecated, not needed anymore. Will be removed in the next versions.

        if self.dimensions == None:

            if isinstance(sample.value, type(list)):
                self.dimensions = len(sample.value)
            elif isinstance(sample.value, float):
                self.dimensions = 1
            elif isinstance(sample.value, np.ndarray):
                self.dimensions = len(sample.value)
                print ('Received {}'.format(sample.value))
                print ('Type {}'.format(type(sample.value)))
                sys.exit('Error instance sample.value type')

            ### incremental parameteres ###
            self.N = 0
            self.weight = 0
            self.LS = np.zeros(self.dimensions)
            self.SS = np.zeros(self.dimensions)
            self.center = np.zeros(self.dimensions)
            self.radius = 0 

        self.N += 1
    def updateRealTimeWeight(self):

        Updates the Weight of the micro-cluster by the fading factor and increases it by 1. 
        self.weight *= self.reductionFactor
        self.weight += 1
    def updateRealTimeLSandSS(self, sample):
        Updates the `Weighted Linear Sum` (WLS), the `Weighted Squared Sum` (WSS), the `center` and the `radius` of the micro-cluster when a new sample is merged. 

        :param sample: the `sample` to merge into the micro-cluster.

        sample = np.array(sample.value)

        self.LS = np.multiply(self.LS, self.reductionFactor)
        self.SS = np.multiply(self.SS, self.reductionFactor)
        self.LS = self.LS + sample
        self.SS = self.SS + np.power(sample, 2)

        self.center = np.divide(self.LS, float(self.weight))

        LSd = np.power(self.center, 2)
        SSd = np.divide(self.SS, float(self.weight))

        maxRad = np.nanmax(np.sqrt(SSd.astype(float)-LSd.astype(float)))
        # maxRad = np.nanmax(np.lib.scimath.sqrt(SSd-LSd))
        self.radius = maxRad        

    def noNewSamples(self):
        Updates the `Weighted Linear Sum` (WLS), the `Weighted Squared Sum` (WSS) and the weight of the micro-cluster when no new samples are merged.
        self.LS = np.multiply(self.LS, self.reductionFactor)
        self.SS = np.multiply(self.SS, self.reductionFactor)
        # self.weight = np.multiply(self.weight, self.reductionFactor)
        self.weight *= self.reductionFactor
    def getCenter(self):
        :return: the `center` of the micro-cluster.
        return self.center

    def getRadius(self):
        :return: the `radius` of the micro-cluster.
        return self.radius

class Cluster():

    Cluster class. Contains the list of the micro-cluster and the number of micro-clusters.

    def __init__(self):
        self.clusters = []
        self.N = 0
    def insert(self, mc):
        Inserts a micro-cluster into the cluster

        :param mc: the `micro-cluster` to be added to the list of the micro-clusters that make up the cluster.

        Increases the counter of micro-clusters into the cluster by 1.
        self.N += 1
    def show(self):
        print ('Number of Clusters: ' + str(len(self.clusters)))
        print ('-----')
        for cluster in self.clusters:
            print ('Cluster #'+str(self.clusters.index(cluster)))
            print ('Samples: '+str(cluster.N))
            print ('Weight: '+str(cluster.weight))
            print ('Creation Time: '+str(cluster.creationTimeStamp))
            print ('LastEdit Time: '+str(cluster.lastEditTimeStamp))

class OutlierDenStream():
    OutlierDenStream class. 

    :param lamb: the `lambda` parameter - fading factor
    :param epsilon: the `epsilon` parameter 
    :param beta: the `beta` parameter
    :param mu: the `mu` parameter
    :param numberInitialSamples: samples to use as initial buffer
    :param startgingBuffer: initial `buffer` on which apply DBScan or use it as unique class.
    :param tp: frequency at which to apply the pruning strategy and remove old micro-clusters.

    def __init__(self, lamb, epsilon=1, minPts=1, beta=1, mu=1,\
                numberInitialSamples=None, startingBuffer=None, tp=60, radiusFactor = 1):
        self.lamb = lamb
        self.minPts = minPts
        self.beta = beta
        self.numberInitialSamples = numberInitialSamples
        self.buffer = startingBuffer
        self.tp = tp
        self.radiusFactor = radiusFactor

        self.exportVariables = False

        ### Check input type: epsilon ### 
        if isinstance(epsilon, int) or isinstance(epsilon, float):
            self.epsilon = epsilon
        elif isinstance(epsilon, str) or isinstance(epsilon, unicode):
            self.epsilon = epsilon
            # if epsilon == 'auto':
            #     self.epsilon = 'auto'
            # if epsilon == 'max':
            #     self.epsilon = 'max'
            # if epsilon == 'mean':
            #     self.epsilon = 'mean'
            # if epsilon == 'median':
            #     self.epsilon = 'median'

            sys.exit('Error in parameter: epsilon')

        ### Check input type: mu ###
        if isinstance(mu, int) or isinstance(mu, float):
            self.mu = mu
        elif isinstance(mu, str) or isinstance(mu, unicode):
            if mu == 'auto':
                self.mu = 'auto'
            sys.exit('Error in parameter: mu')

        ### Running parameters ###
        self.inizialized = False

        ### Real timestamp or steps ###          
        if simulation:
            self.currentTimestamp = 0
            self.currentTimestamp = time.time()
    def resetLearningImpl(self):
        Initializes two empty `Cluster` as a p-micro-cluter list and o-micro-cluster list.
        If `mu` is `auto` computes the value

        if simulation:
            self.currentTimestamp = 0
            self.currentTimestamp = time.time()

        self.inizialized = False
        self.pMicroCluster = Cluster()
        self.oMicroCluster = Cluster()
        if isinstance(self.mu, str):
            if self.mu == 'auto':
                self.mu = (1/(1-math.pow(2, -self.lamb)))

        if isinstance(self.tp, str):
            if self.tp == 'auto':
                self.tp = round((1/self.lamb)*np.log(self.beta*self.mu/(self.beta*self.mu-1)))

        self.th_beta_mu = self.beta * self.mu
    # def initialDBScanSciLearn(self):
    #     db = DBSCAN(eps=8, min_samples=self.minPts, algorithm='brute').fit(self.buffer)
    #     clusters = db.labels_
    #     self.buffer['clusters'] = clusters
    #     clusterNumber = np.unique(clusters)
    #     for clusterId in clusterNumber:
    #         if (clusterId != -1):
    #             cl = self.buffer[self.buffer['clusters'] == clusterId]
    #             cl = cl.drop('clusters', axis=1)
    #             sample = Sample(cl.iloc[0].tolist())
    #             mc = MicroCluster(sample, self.currentTimestamp, self.lamb)
    #             for sampleNumber in range(len(cl[1:])):
    #                 sample = Sample(cl.iloc[sampleNumber].tolist())
    #                 mc.insertSample(sample, self.currentTimestamp)
    #             self.pMicroCluster.insert(mc)
    def initWithoutDBScan(self):

        Produces a micro-cluster merging all the samples passed into the initial buffer

        If `epsilon` is auto computes `epsilon` as the maxium radius obtained from these initial samples.
        sample = Sample(self.buffer[0], 0)
        mc = MicroCluster(1, self.lamb, self.pMicroCluster.N + 1)
        maxEpsilon = 0
        epsilons = []

        for sampleNumber in range(0, len(self.buffer)):
            sample = Sample(self.buffer[sampleNumber], sampleNumber)
            mc.insertSample(sample, self.currentTimestamp)

            if mc.radius > maxEpsilon:
                maxEpsilon = mc.radius

        if isinstance(self.epsilon, str):

            samplesToSkip = 10
            maxEps = np.max(epsilons[samplesToSkip:])
            meanEps = np.mean(epsilons[samplesToSkip:])
            medianEps = np.median(epsilons[samplesToSkip:])

            self.epsilons = epsilons

            if self.epsilon == 'auto' or self.epsilon == 'max':
                self.epsilon = maxEpsilon

            if self.epsilon == 'mean':
                self.epsilon = meanEps

            if self.epsilon == 'median':
                self.epsilon = medianEps

            if self.epsilon == 'radiusfactor':
                self.epsilon = self.radiusFactor * np.median(epsilons)

    def initDBScan(self):

        Init with DBSCAN

        db=DBSCAN(eps=0.05, min_samples=2)
        labels = pd.DataFrame(db.labels_+1) 
        for x in range(1, labels[0].max()+1):
            samples = self.buffer[labels[labels[0]==x].index]

            sample = Sample(samples[0], 0)

            mc = MicroCluster(1, self.lamb, self.pMicroCluster.N + 1)

            for sampleNumber in range(0, len(samples)):
                sample = Sample(samples[sampleNumber], sampleNumber)
                mc.insertSample(sample, self.currentTimestamp)

    def nearestCluster (self, sample, timestamp, kind):
        minDist = 0.0
        minCluster = None
        if kind == 'cluster':
            clusterList = self.pMicroCluster.clusters
        elif kind == 'outlier':
            clusterList = self.oMicroCluster.clusters
            sys.exit('Error in choosing kind nearestCluster type: if pMicroCluster or oMicroCluster')
        for cluster in clusterList:
            if (minCluster == None):
                minCluster = cluster
                minDist = np.linalg.norm(sample.value - cluster.center)
            dist = np.linalg.norm(sample.value - cluster.center)
            dist -= cluster.radius

            if (dist < minDist):
                minDist = dist
                minCluster = cluster

        if kind == 'cluster':
            self.dist_nearest_pmc = minDist
            self.dist_nearest_omc = 0
        if kind == 'outlier':
            self.dist_nearest_omc = minDist
            self.dist_nearest_pmc = 0
        return minCluster
    def updateAll(self, mc):
        for cluster in self.pMicroCluster.clusters:
            if (cluster != mc):
        for cluster in self.oMicroCluster.clusters:
            if (cluster != mc):

    def runInitialization(self):
        Initializes the variables of the main algorithm with the methods :meth:`resetLearningImpl` and :meth:`initWithoutDBScan`
        self.inizialized = True
    def runDBSCanInitialization(self):
        Initializes the variables of the main algorithm with the methods :meth:`resetLearningImpl` and :meth:`initDBScan`
        self.inizialized = True

    def runOnNewSample(self, sample):

        Performs the basic DenStream procedure for merging new samples.

            * Try to merge the sample to the closest core-micro-cluster (or)
            * Try to merge the sample to the closest outlier-micro-cluster (or)
            * Generate new outlier-micro-cluster by the sample

        :param sample: the new available `sample` in the stream

        :return: ``False`` if the sample is merged to an existing core-micro-cluster otherwise ``True`` meaning "anomalous" sample.  


        if simulation:
            self.currentTimestamp += 1
            self.currentTimestamp = time.time()

        if not self.inizialized:
            if (len(self.buffer) >= self.numberInitialSamples):
                self.inizialized = True

        ### MERGING PHASE ###
            merged = False
            TrueOutlier = True
            returnOutlier = True

            if len(self.pMicroCluster.clusters) != 0:
                closestMicroCluster = self.nearestCluster(sample, self.currentTimestamp, kind='cluster')
                backupClosestCluster = copy.deepcopy(closestMicroCluster)
                backupClosestCluster.insertSample(sample, self.currentTimestamp)
                if (backupClosestCluster.radius <= self.epsilon):

                    # closestMicroCluster.insertSample(sample, self.currentTimestamp)
                    # sample.setMicroClusterNumber(closestMicroCluster.clusterNumber)
                    # merged = True
                    # TrueOutlier = False
                    # returnOutlier = False
                    # self.updateAll(closestMicroCluster)

            if not merged and len(self.oMicroCluster.clusters) != 0:
                closestMicroCluster = self.nearestCluster(sample, self.currentTimestamp, kind='outlier')
                backupClosestCluster = copy.deepcopy(closestMicroCluster)
                backupClosestCluster.insertSample(sample, self.currentTimestamp)
                if (backupClosestCluster.radius <= self.epsilon):
                    # closestMicroCluster.insertSample(sample, self.currentTimestamp)
                    # merged = True
                    # sample.setMicroClusterNumber(closestMicroCluster.clusterNumber)
                    # if (closestMicroCluster.weight > self.beta * self.mu):
                    #     self.oMicroCluster.clusters.pop(self.oMicroCluster.clusters.index(closestMicroCluster))
                    #     closestMicroCluster.clusterNumber = self.pMicroCluster.N + 1
                    #     self.pMicroCluster.insert(closestMicroCluster)

                    # self.updateAll(closestMicroCluster)

                    merged = True
                    # if (backupClosestCluster.weight > self.beta * self.mu):
                    if (backupClosestCluster.weight > self.th_beta_mu):                        
                        backupClosestCluster.clusterNumber = self.pMicroCluster.N +1


            if not merged:
                newOutlierMicroCluster = MicroCluster(self.currentTimestamp, self.lamb, 0)
                newOutlierMicroCluster.insertSample(sample, self.currentTimestamp)
                # for clusterTest in self.pMicroCluster.clusters:
                #     if np.linalg.norm(clusterTest.center-newOutlierMicroCluster.center) < 2 * self.epsilon:
                #         TrueOutlier = False

                if TrueOutlier:
                    newOutlierMicroCluster.clusterNumber = self.oMicroCluster.N + 1
                    newOutlierMicroCluster.clusterNumber = self.pMicroCluster.N + 1
                    returnOutlier = False
            if self.currentTimestamp % self.tp == 0:
                for cluster in self.pMicroCluster.clusters:

                    # if cluster.weight < self.beta * self.mu:
                    if cluster.weight < self.th_beta_mu:                        
                for cluster in self.oMicroCluster.clusters:
                    creationTimestamp = cluster.creationTimeStamp
                    xs1 = math.pow(2, -self.lamb * (self.currentTimestamp - creationTimestamp + self.tp)) - 1
                    xs2 = math.pow(2, -self.lamb * self.tp) - 1
                    xsi = xs1 / xs2

                    if cluster.weight < xsi:
            if self.exportVariables:

                record = {
                    'pMicroClusters': len(self.pMicroCluster.clusters),
                    'oMicroClusters': len(self.oMicroCluster.clusters),
                    'pmc': copy.deepcopy(self.pMicroCluster.clusters),
                    'omc':  copy.deepcopy(self.oMicroCluster.clusters),    
                    'dist_nearest_pmc': self.dist_nearest_pmc,
                    'dist_nearest_omc': self.dist_nearest_omc,                
                    'result': returnOutlier,
                    'sample': sample

                return record

                return returnOutlier