import decimal
import functools
import math
import struct
from decimal import Decimal
from enum import Enum

from .errors import ClaripyOperationError
from .backend_object import BackendObject

def compare_sorts(f):
    def compare_guard(self, o):
        if self.sort != o.sort:
            raise TypeError("FPVs are differently-sorted ({} and {})".format(self.sort, o.sort))
        return f(self, o)

    return compare_guard

def normalize_types(f):
    def normalize_helper(self, o):
        if isinstance(o, float):
            o = FPV(o, self.sort)

        if not isinstance(self, FPV) or not isinstance(o, FPV):
            raise TypeError("must have two FPVs")

        return f(self, o)

    return normalize_helper

class RM(Enum):
    # see
    RM_NearestTiesEven = 'RM_RNE'
    RM_NearestTiesAwayFromZero = 'RM_RNA'
    RM_TowardsZero = 'RM_RTZ'
    RM_TowardsPositiveInf = 'RM_RTP'
    RM_TowardsNegativeInf = 'RM_RTN'

    def default():
        return RM.RM_NearestTiesEven

    def pydecimal_equivalent_rounding_mode(self):
        return {
            RM.RM_TowardsPositiveInf:      decimal.ROUND_CEILING,
            RM.RM_TowardsNegativeInf:      decimal.ROUND_FLOOR,
            RM.RM_TowardsZero:             decimal.ROUND_DOWN,
            RM.RM_NearestTiesEven:         decimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN,
            RM.RM_NearestTiesAwayFromZero: decimal.ROUND_UP,

RM_NearestTiesEven          = RM.RM_NearestTiesEven
RM_NearestTiesAwayFromZero  = RM.RM_NearestTiesAwayFromZero
RM_TowardsZero              = RM.RM_TowardsZero
RM_TowardsPositiveInf       = RM.RM_TowardsPositiveInf
RM_TowardsNegativeInf       = RM.RM_TowardsNegativeInf

class FSort:
    def __init__(self, name, exp, mantissa): = name
        self.exp = exp
        self.mantissa = mantissa

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.exp == other.exp and self.mantissa == other.mantissa

    def __repr__(self):

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((, self.exp, self.mantissa))

    def length(self):
        return self.exp + self.mantissa

    def from_size(n):
        if n == 32:
            return FSORT_FLOAT
        elif n == 64:
            return FSORT_DOUBLE
            raise ClaripyOperationError('{} is not a valid FSort size'.format(n))

    def from_params(exp, mantissa):
        if exp == 8 and mantissa == 24:
            return FSORT_FLOAT
        elif exp == 11 and mantissa == 53:
            return FSORT_DOUBLE
            raise ClaripyOperationError("unrecognized FSort params")

FSORT_FLOAT = FSort('FLOAT', 8, 24)
FSORT_DOUBLE = FSort('DOUBLE', 11, 53)

class FPV(BackendObject):
    __slots__ = ['sort', 'value']

    def __init__(self, value, sort):
        if not isinstance(value, float) or sort not in {FSORT_FLOAT, FSORT_DOUBLE}:
            raise ClaripyOperationError("FPV needs a sort (FSORT_FLOAT or FSORT_DOUBLE) and a float value")

        self.value = value
        self.sort = sort

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self.value, self.sort))

    def __getstate__(self):
        return self.value, self.sort

    def __setstate__(self, st):
        self.value, self.sort = st

    def __abs__(self):
        return FPV(abs(self.value), self.sort)

    def __neg__(self):
        return FPV(-self.value, self.sort)

    def __add__(self, o):
        return FPV(self.value + o.value, self.sort)

    def __sub__(self, o):
        return FPV(self.value - o.value, self.sort)

    def __mul__(self, o):
        return FPV(self.value * o.value, self.sort)

    def __mod__(self, o):
        return FPV(self.value % o.value, self.sort)

    def __truediv__(self, o):
            return FPV(self.value / o.value, self.sort)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            if str(self.value * o.value)[0] == '-':
                return FPV(float('-inf'), self.sort)
                return FPV(float('inf'), self.sort)

    def __div__(self, other):
        return self.__truediv__(other)
    def __floordiv__(self, other): # decline to involve integers in this floating point process
        return self.__truediv__(other)

    # Reverse arithmetic stuff

    def __radd__(self, o):
        return FPV(o.value + self.value, self.sort)

    def __rsub__(self, o):
        return FPV(o.value - self.value, self.sort)

    def __rmul__(self, o):
        return FPV(o.value * self.value, self.sort)

    def __rmod__(self, o):
        return FPV(o.value % self.value, self.sort)

    def __rtruediv__(self, o):
            return FPV(o.value / self.value, self.sort)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            if str(o.value * self.value)[0] == '-':
                return FPV(float('-inf'), self.sort)
                return FPV(float('inf'), self.sort)

    def __rdiv__(self, other):
        return self.__rtruediv__(other)
    def __rfloordiv__(self, other): # decline to involve integers in this floating point process
        return self.__rtruediv__(other)

    # Boolean stuff

    def __eq__(self, o):
        return self.value == o.value

    def __ne__(self, o):
        return self.value != o.value

    def __lt__(self, o):
        return self.value < o.value

    def __gt__(self, o):
        return self.value > o.value

    def __le__(self, o):
        return self.value <= o.value

    def __ge__(self, o):
        return self.value >= o.value

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'FPV({:f}, {})'.format(self.value, self.sort)

def fpToFP(a1, a2, a3=None):
    Returns a FP AST and has three signatures:

        fpToFP(ubvv, sort)
            Returns a FP AST whose value is the same as the unsigned BVV `a1`
            and whose sort is `a2`.

        fpToFP(rm, fpv, sort)
            Returns a FP AST whose value is the same as the floating point `a2`
            and whose sort is `a3`.

        fpToTP(rm, sbvv, sort)
            Returns a FP AST whose value is the same as the signed BVV `a2` and
            whose sort is `a3`.
    if isinstance(a1, BVV) and isinstance(a2, FSort):
        sort = a2
        if sort == FSORT_FLOAT:
            pack, unpack = 'I', 'f'
        elif sort == FSORT_DOUBLE:
            pack, unpack = 'Q', 'd'
            raise ClaripyOperationError("unrecognized float sort")

            packed = struct.pack('<' + pack, a1.value)
            unpacked, = struct.unpack('<' + unpack, packed)
        except OverflowError as e:
            # struct.pack sometimes overflows
            raise ClaripyOperationError("OverflowError: " + str(e))

        return FPV(unpacked, sort)
    elif isinstance(a1, RM) and isinstance(a2, FPV) and isinstance(a3, FSort):
        return FPV(a2.value, a3)
    elif isinstance(a1, RM) and isinstance(a2, BVV) and isinstance(a3, FSort):
        return FPV(float(a2.signed), a3)
        raise ClaripyOperationError("unknown types passed to fpToFP")

def fpToFPUnsigned(_rm, thing, sort):
    Returns a FP AST whose value is the same as the unsigned BVV `thing` and
    whose sort is `sort`.
    # thing is a BVV
    return FPV(float(thing.value), sort)

def fpToIEEEBV(fpv):
    Interprets the bit-pattern of the IEEE754 floating point number `fpv` as a

    :return:    A BV AST whose bit-pattern is the same as `fpv`
    if fpv.sort == FSORT_FLOAT:
        pack, unpack = 'f', 'I'
    elif fpv.sort == FSORT_DOUBLE:
        pack, unpack = 'd', 'Q'
        raise ClaripyOperationError("unrecognized float sort")

        packed = struct.pack('<' + pack, fpv.value)
        unpacked, = struct.unpack('<' + unpack, packed)
    except OverflowError as e:
        # struct.pack sometimes overflows
        raise ClaripyOperationError("OverflowError: " + str(e))

    return BVV(unpacked, fpv.sort.length)

def fpFP(sgn, exp, mantissa):
    Concatenates the bitvectors `sgn`, `exp` and `mantissa` and returns the
    corresponding IEEE754 floating point number.

    :return:    A FP AST whose bit-pattern is the same as the concatenated
    concatted = Concat(sgn, exp, mantissa)
    sort = FSort.from_size(concatted.size())

    if sort == FSORT_FLOAT:
        pack, unpack = 'I', 'f'
    elif sort == FSORT_DOUBLE:
        pack, unpack = 'Q', 'd'
        raise ClaripyOperationError("unrecognized float sort")

        packed = struct.pack('<' + pack, concatted.value)
        unpacked, = struct.unpack('<' + unpack, packed)
    except OverflowError as e:
        # struct.pack sometimes overflows
        raise ClaripyOperationError("OverflowError: " + str(e))

    return FPV(unpacked, sort)

def fpToSBV(rm, fp, size):
        rounding_mode = rm.pydecimal_equivalent_rounding_mode()
        val = int(Decimal(fp.value).to_integral_value(rounding_mode))
        return BVV(val, size)

    except (ValueError, OverflowError):
        return BVV(0, size)
    except Exception as ex:
        import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
        print("Unhandled error during floating point rounding! {}".format(ex))

def fpToUBV(rm, fp, size):
    # todo: actually make unsigned
        rounding_mode = rm.pydecimal_equivalent_rounding_mode()
        val = int(Decimal(fp).to_integral_value(rounding_mode))
        assert val & ((1 << size) - 1) == val, "Rounding produced values outside the BV range! rounding {} with rounding mode {} produced {}".format
        if val < 0:
            val = (1 << size) + val
        return BVV(val, size)

    except (ValueError, OverflowError):
        return BVV(0, size)

def fpEQ(a, b):
    Checks if floating point `a` is equal to floating point `b`.
    return a == b

def fpNE(a, b):
    Checks if floating point `a` is not equal to floating point `b`.
    return a != b

def fpGT(a, b):
    Checks if floating point `a` is greater than floating point `b`.
    return a > b

def fpGEQ(a, b):
    Checks if floating point `a` is greater than or equal to floating point `b`.
    return a >= b

def fpLT(a, b):
    Checks if floating point `a` is less than floating point `b`.
    return a < b

def fpLEQ(a, b):
    Checks if floating point `a` is less than or equal to floating point `b`.
    return a <= b

def fpAbs(x):
    Returns the absolute value of the floating point `x`. So:

        a = FPV(-3.2, FSORT_DOUBLE)
        b = fpAbs(a)
        b is FPV(3.2, FSORT_DOUBLE)
    return abs(x)

def fpNeg(x):
    Returns the additive inverse of the floating point `x`. So:

        a = FPV(3.2, FSORT_DOUBLE)
        b = fpAbs(a)
        b is FPV(-3.2, FSORT_DOUBLE)
    return -x

def fpSub(_rm, a, b):
    Returns the subtraction of the floating point `a` by the floating point `b`.
    return a - b

def fpAdd(_rm, a, b):
    Returns the addition of two floating point numbers, `a` and `b`.
    return a + b

def fpMul(_rm, a, b):
    Returns the multiplication of two floating point numbers, `a` and `b`.
    return a * b

def fpDiv(_rm, a, b):
    Returns the division of the floating point `a` by the floating point `b`.
    return a / b

def fpIsNaN(x):
    Checks whether the argument is a floating point NaN.
    return math.isnan(x)

def fpIsInf(x):
    Checks whether the argument is a floating point infinity.
    return math.isinf(x)

from .bv import BVV, Concat