import datetime as dt
from calendar import day_abbr, month_abbr
from logging import getLogger

import pandas as pd
from import show
from bokeh.models import Rect, ColumnDataSource, Circle, Arc, MultiLine, SaveTool, HoverTool, Label, Plot, Range1d, \
from bokeh.palettes import *
from math import pi

from .utils import tooltip, evenly_spaced_hues
from ...names import Names as N, like
from import linscale
from import time_to_local_time, YMD

log = getLogger(__name__)

_max, _min = max, min

CALENDAR = 'Calendar'
X, Y, XS, YS = 'X', 'Y', 'Xs', 'Ys'
    'Alpha', 'Angle', 'Arc', 'Color', 'End', 'Fill', 'Radius', 'Size', 'Start', 'Week', 'Width'

def _cal(name): return f'{CALENDAR} {name}'

CALENDAR_X = _cal(X.upper())
CALENDAR_Y = _cal(Y.upper())

K2R = [f'#{i:02x}0000'.upper() for i in range(256)]
B2R = [f'#{i:02x}00{0xff-i:02x}'.upper() for i in range(256)]
K2W = [f'#{i:02x}{i:02x}{i:02x}'.upper() for i in range(256)]

class Calendar:

    The best way to understand this is probably to see the calendar template which shows three examples.
    Or read the std_ plot definitions.

    Data are stored in the dataframe, using column names prefixed by 'Calendar'.  These can then be referred
    to when plotting (or constant values can be provided).

    def __init__(self, df, scale=13, border_day=0.25, border_month=0.4, border_year=0.4, title=None,
                 hover=None, not_hover=tuple(), all_hover=False):

        self._hover_args = (hover, not_hover, all_hover)

        start, finish = df.index.min(), df.index.max()
        start =, 1, 1)
        finish = + 1, 1, 1) - dt.timedelta(days=1)
        delta_year = 7 * (1 + border_day) + border_year

        self._df = df
        self._df_all = pd.DataFrame(data={CALENDAR_SIZE: 1, CALENDAR_RADIUS: 0.5},
                                    index=pd.date_range(start, finish))

        self._set_xy(self._df, start, finish, border_day, border_month, delta_year)
        self._set_xy(self._df_all, start, finish, border_day, border_month, delta_year)

        xlo = self._df_all[CALENDAR_X].min()
        xhi = self._df_all[CALENDAR_X].max()
        ylo = self._df_all[CALENDAR_Y].min()
        yhi = self._df_all[CALENDAR_Y].max()
        nx = int(scale * (xhi - xlo))
        ny = int(scale * (yhi - ylo))

        plot = Plot(x_range=Range1d(xlo - 4, xhi + 4), y_range=Range1d(ylo - 1, yhi + 4),
                    width=nx, height=ny, title=Title(text=title))
        self._add_labels(plot, start, finish, xlo, xhi, yhi, border_day, delta_year)
        self._plot = plot

    def _set_date(df):
        df.loc[:, N.LOCAL_TIME] = x: time_to_local_time(x.to_pydatetime(), YMD))

    def _set_xy(df, start, finish, border_day, border_month, delta_year):
        offset = dict((y,, month=1, day=1).weekday() - 1)
                      for y in range(start.year, finish.year+1))
        df.loc[:, CALENDAR_WEEK] = index: (index.dayofyear + offset[index.year]) // 7)
        df.loc[:, CALENDAR_X] = df[CALENDAR_WEEK] * (1 + border_day) + df.index.month * border_month
        df.loc[:, CALENDAR_Y] = -1 * (df.index.dayofweek * (1 + border_day) +
                                      (df.index.year - start.year) * delta_year)

    def _add_labels(plot, start, finish, xlo, xhi, yhi, border_day, delta_year):
        for y in range(start.year, finish.year+1):
            plot.add_layout(Label(x=xhi + 1.1, y=(start.year - y - 0.4) * delta_year, text=str(y),
                                        text_align='center', text_baseline='bottom', angle=3*pi/2))
            for d, text in enumerate(day_abbr):
                plot.add_layout(Label(x=xlo - 1.5, y=(start.year - y) * delta_year - d * (1 + border_day),
                                      text=text, text_align='right', text_baseline='middle',
                                      text_font_size='7pt', text_color='grey'))
        dx = (xhi - xlo) / 12
        for m, text in enumerate(month_abbr[1:]):
            plot.add_layout(Label(x=xlo + dx * (m + 0.5), y=yhi + 1.5,
                                  text=text, text_align='center', text_baseline='bottom'))
        plot.toolbar.logo = None

    def _build_tools(df, hover, not_hover, all_hover):
        tools = [SaveTool()]
        if hover is None:
            hover = [col for col in df.columns if all_hover or (not col.startswith(CALENDAR) and not col in not_hover)]
        if hover:
            # names ensures that background has no hover
            tools.append(HoverTool(tooltips=[tooltip(col) for col in hover], names=['with_hover']))
        return tools

    def set_constant(self, dest, value):
        self._df.loc[:, dest] = value

    def set_linear(self, dest, name, lo=None, hi=None, min=0, max=1, gamma=1):
        self._df.loc[:, dest] = linscale(self._df[name], lo=lo, hi=hi, min=min, max=max, gamma=gamma)

    def set_size(self, name, lo=None, hi=None, min=0, max=1, gamma=1):
        self.set_linear(CALENDAR_SIZE, name, lo=lo, hi=hi, min=min, max=max, gamma=gamma)
        self._df.loc[:, CALENDAR_RADIUS] = self._df[CALENDAR_SIZE] / 2

    def set_palette(self, name, palette, lo=None, hi=None, min=0, max=1, gamma=1, nan='white'):
        n = len(palette)
        self._df.loc[:, CALENDAR_COLOR] = linscale(self._df[name], lo=lo, hi=hi, min=min, max=max, gamma=gamma). \
            map(lambda x: nan if np.isnan(x) else palette[_max(0, _min(n-1, int(x * n)))])

    def set_arc(self, angle, width, size=None, delta_radius=0, lo=0, hi=2, min=30, max=180, gamma=1):
        angle = 90 - self._df[angle]  # +ve anticlock from x
        width = linscale(self._df[width], lo=lo, hi=hi, min=min, max=max, gamma=gamma)
        self._df.loc[:, CALENDAR_START] = pi * (angle - width/2) / 180
        self._df.loc[:, CALENDAR_END] = pi * (angle + width/2) / 180
        if size is None:
            self._df.loc[:, CALENDAR_ARC_RADIUS] = self._df[CALENDAR_RADIUS]
            self._df.loc[:, CALENDAR_ARC_RADIUS] = size / 2
        self._df.loc[:, CALENDAR_ARC_RADIUS] += delta_radius

    def std_distance(self):
        self.background('square', fill_alpha=0, line_alpha=1, color='lightgrey')
        self.set_size(N.ACTIVE_DISTANCE, min=0.1)
        self.foreground('square', fill_alpha=1, line_alpha=0, color='black')

    def std_distance_climb_direction(self):
        self.background('circle', fill_alpha=1, line_alpha=0, color='#F0F0F0')
        self.set_size(N.ACTIVE_DISTANCE, min=0.2, max=1.1)
        self.set_palette(N.TOTAL_CLIMB, K2R, gamma=0.3)  # more red
        self.foreground('circle', fill_alpha=1, line_alpha=0)
        self.foreground('circle', fill_alpha=0, line_alpha=1, color='grey')
        self.set_arc(N.DIRECTION, N.ASPECT_RATIO, delta_radius=0.2)
        self.foreground('arc', fill_alpha=0, line_alpha=1, color='black')

    def std_distance_fitness_direction(self):
        fitness = sorted(like(N._delta(N.FITNESS_ANY), self._df.columns))[0]
        self.background('circle', fill_alpha=0, line_alpha=1, color='lightgrey')
        self.set_size(N.ACTIVE_DISTANCE, min=0.2, max=1.1)
        self.set_palette(fitness, B2R, gamma=0.7)
        self.foreground('circle', fill_alpha=1, line_alpha=0)
        self.set_arc(N.DIRECTION, N.ASPECT_RATIO, delta_radius=0.2)
        self.foreground('arc', fill_alpha=0, line_alpha=1)

    def std_group_distance_climb_direction(self):
        n = int(self._df[N.GROUP].max()) + 1
        palette = list(evenly_spaced_hues(n, saturation=0.2, stagger=7))
        self.background('square', fill_alpha=0, line_alpha=1, color='#F0F0F0')
        self.set_palette(N.GROUP, palette)
        self.set_constant(CALENDAR_SIZE, 1)
        self.foreground('square', fill_alpha=1, line_alpha=0)
        self.set_size(N.ACTIVE_DISTANCE, min=0.2, max=0.8)
        self.set_palette(N.TOTAL_CLIMB, K2W, gamma=0.3)
        self.foreground('circle', fill_alpha=1, line_alpha=0)
        self.foreground('circle', fill_alpha=0, line_alpha=1, color='black')
        self.set_arc(N.DIRECTION, N.ASPECT_RATIO, delta_radius=0.2)
        self.foreground('arc', fill_alpha=0, line_alpha=1, color='black')

    def show(self):
        self._plot.add_tools(*self._build_tools(self._df, *self._hover_args))

    def background(self, glyph, fill_alpha=CALENDAR_FILL, line_alpha=CALENDAR_ALPHA, color=CALENDAR_COLOR):
        if glyph == 'square':
            self._rect(self._df_all, fill_alpha=fill_alpha, line_alpha=line_alpha, color=color)
        elif glyph == 'circle':
            self._circle(self._df_all, fill_alpha=fill_alpha, line_alpha=line_alpha, color=color)
            raise Exception(f'Unexpected background glyph {glyph}')

    def foreground(self, glyph, fill_alpha=CALENDAR_FILL, line_alpha=CALENDAR_ALPHA, color=CALENDAR_COLOR):
        if glyph == 'square':
            self._rect(self._df, fill_alpha=fill_alpha, line_alpha=line_alpha, color=color)
        elif glyph == 'circle':
            self._circle(self._df, fill_alpha=fill_alpha, line_alpha=line_alpha, color=color)
        elif glyph == 'arc':
            self._arc(self._df, line_alpha=line_alpha, color=color)
        elif glyph == 'sqarc':
            self._sqarc(self._df, line_alpha=line_alpha, color=color)
            raise Exception(f'Unexpected foreground glyph {glyph}')

    def _rect(self, df, fill_alpha=CALENDAR_FILL, line_alpha=CALENDAR_ALPHA, color=CALENDAR_COLOR):
        rect = Rect(x=CALENDAR_X, y=CALENDAR_Y, width=CALENDAR_SIZE, height=CALENDAR_SIZE,
                    fill_color=color, fill_alpha=fill_alpha,
                    line_color=color, line_alpha=line_alpha)
        return self._plot.add_glyph(ColumnDataSource(df), rect, name='with_hover' if df is self._df else None)

    def _circle(self, df, fill_alpha=CALENDAR_FILL, line_alpha=CALENDAR_ALPHA, color=CALENDAR_COLOR):
        circle = Circle(x=CALENDAR_X, y=CALENDAR_Y, radius=CALENDAR_RADIUS,
                        fill_color=color, fill_alpha=fill_alpha,
                        line_color=color, line_alpha=line_alpha)
        return self._plot.add_glyph(ColumnDataSource(df), circle, name='with_hover' if df is self._df else None)

    def _arc(self, df, line_alpha=CALENDAR_ALPHA, color=CALENDAR_COLOR):
        arc = Arc(x=CALENDAR_X, y=CALENDAR_Y, radius=CALENDAR_ARC_RADIUS,
                  start_angle=CALENDAR_START, end_angle=CALENDAR_END, direction='anticlock',
                  line_color=color, line_alpha=line_alpha)
        return self._plot.add_glyph(ColumnDataSource(df), arc, name='with_hover' if df is self._df else None)

    def _sqarc(self, df, line_alpha=CALENDAR_ALPHA, color=CALENDAR_COLOR):
        df = df.dropna().copy()  # copy to avoid set on view errors
        xys = list(_corners(df))
        xs, ys = list(zip(*xys))
        df.loc[:, CALENDAR_XS] = xs
        df.loc[:, CALENDAR_YS] = ys
        multi = MultiLine(xs=CALENDAR_XS, ys=CALENDAR_YS, line_color=color, line_alpha=line_alpha)
        self._plot.add_glyph(ColumnDataSource(df), multi)

# helpers for generating square arc multiline (a lot of work for not much result)

def _edge(linear, x, y, r):
    if np.isnan(linear): return x, y
    d = 2 * r * (linear - int(linear))
    if linear < 1: return x + r - d, y + r
    if linear < 2: return x - r, y + r - d
    if linear < 3: return x - r + d, y - r
    return x + r, y - r + d

def _corner(linear, x, y, r):
    if np.isnan(linear): return x, y
    if linear < 1: return x + r, y + r
    if linear < 2: return x - r, y + r
    if linear < 3: return x - r, y - r
    return x + r, y - r

def _line_corners(x, y, r, start, end):
    yield _edge(start, x, y, r)
    while start < end:
        next_corner = int(start + 1)
        if next_corner < end:
            start = next_corner
            yield _corner(start, x, y, r)
            start = end
            yield _edge(start, x, y, r)

def _linearize(angle):
    linear = (angle - pi/4) / (pi/2)
    while linear <= 0: linear += 4
    while linear > 4: linear -= 4
    return linear

def _corners(df):
    for _, row in df.iterrows():
        x, y, r = row[CALENDAR_X], row[CALENDAR_Y], row[CALENDAR_ARC_RADIUS]
        start, end = _linearize(row[CALENDAR_START]), _linearize(row[CALENDAR_END])
        xys = list(_line_corners(x, y, r, start, end))
        yield list(zip(*xys))