Action Panel

The Action Panel contains a set of Action's which can be activated through
one of three methods: a clickable button, a keyboard shortcut, or a ps3
controller binding (with ps3 controller button presses read through ROS).
import logging

import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.widgets import Button

from visual_dynamics.gui.config import config

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    import rospkg
    import roslib
    import rospy
    from sensor_msgs.msg import Joy

    ROS_ENABLED = True
except ImportError as e:
    LOGGER.debug('Import ROS failed: %s', e)
except rospkg.common.ResourceNotFound as e:
    LOGGER.debug('No gps_agent_pkg: %s', e)

class Action:
    An action is defined by a key (used to identify it), a name, and a function.
    It is called by placing it on an matplotlib Axis object (as specified by
    axis_pos), giving it a keyboard_binding, or giving it a ps3_binding.
    def __init__(self, key, name, func, axis_pos=None, keyboard_binding=None, ps3_binding=None):
        self.key = key
        self.name = name
        self.func = func
        self.axis_pos = axis_pos
        self.kb = keyboard_binding
        self.pb = ps3_binding

class ActionPanel:

    def __init__(self, fig, gs, rows, cols, actions_arr):
        Constructs an ActionPanel assuming actions_arr is an array of
        fully initialized actions.
        Each action must have: key, name, func.
        Each action can have: axis_pos, keyboard_binding, ps3_binding.
        assert len(actions_arr) <= rows*cols, 'Too many actions to put into gridspec.'

        self._fig = fig
        self._gs = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(rows, cols, subplot_spec=gs)
        self._axarr = [plt.subplot(self._gs[i]) for i in range(len(actions_arr))]
        # Read keyboard_bindings and ps3_bindings from config
        self._actions = {action.key: action for action in actions_arr}
        for key, action in self._actions.items():
            if key in config['keyboard_bindings']:
                action.kb = config['keyboard_bindings'][key]
            if key in config['ps3_bindings']:
                action.pb = config['ps3_bindings'][key]

        self._buttons = None
        self._cid = self._fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key_press)
        if ROS_ENABLED:
            self._ps3_count = 0
            rospy.Subscriber(config['ps3_topic'], Joy, self.ps3_callback)

    def _initialize_buttons(self):
        self._buttons = {}
        for key, action in self._actions.items():
            if action.axis_pos is None:
            button_name = '%s\n(%s)' % (action.name, action.kb)
            if ROS_ENABLED and action.pb:
                ps3_buttons = [config['inverted_ps3_button'][i] for i in action.pb]
                button_name += '\n(%s)' % ',\n'.join(ps3_buttons)

            self._buttons[key] = Button(self._axarr[action.axis_pos], button_name)

    def on_key_press(self, event):
        if event.key in config['inverted_keyboard_bindings']:
            key = config['inverted_keyboard_bindings'][event.key]
            key = event.key
        print(event.key, key)
        if key in self._actions:
            LOGGER.debug('Unrecognized keyboard input: %s', str(event.key))
        # if event.key in config['inverted_keyboard_bindings']:
        #     key = config['inverted_keyboard_bindings'][event.key]
        #     if key in self._actions:
        #         self._actions[key].func()
        # else:
        #     LOGGER.debug('Unrecognized keyboard input: %s', str(event.key))

    def ps3_callback(self, joy_msg):
        self._ps3_count += 1
        if self._ps3_count % config['ps3_process_rate'] != 0:
        buttons_pressed = tuple(np.nonzero(joy_msg.buttons)[0])
        if buttons_pressed in config['permuted_inverted_ps3_bindings']:
            if ((len(buttons_pressed) == 1 and buttons_pressed[0] not in (
                config['ps3_button']['rear_right_1'], config['ps3_button']['rear_right_1'])) 
                or len(buttons_pressed) >= 2):
                LOGGER.debug('Unrecognized ps3 controller input:\n%s',
                        str([config['inverted_ps3_button'][b] for b in buttons_pressed]))