# Tests for the imagemagick module
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from shutil import copyfile
from glob import glob
from neuralstyle.imagemagick import shape, resize, choptiles, feather, extractalpha, mergealpha, equalimages, convert
from neuralstyle.utils import filename

CONTENTS = "/app/entrypoint/tests/contents/"

def test_equalimages():
    """Image comparison works"""
    tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory()
    # Compare different images
    assert equalimages(CONTENTS + "docker.png", CONTENTS + "goldengate.jpg") is False
    # Compare equal images
    copied = tmpdir.name + "/docker.png"
    copyfile(CONTENTS + "docker.png", copied)
    assert equalimages(CONTENTS + "docker.png", copied) is True

def test_shape():
    """The shape of an image can be correctly recovered"""
    tests = [  # Inputs, expected outputs
        (CONTENTS + "docker.png", [508, 443]),
        (CONTENTS + "goldengate.jpg", [1920, 1080])

    for imfile, expected in tests:
        result = shape(imfile)
        print("Input", imfile)
        print("Expected", expected)
        print("Output", result)
        assert result == expected

def test_convert_nolayers():
    """Convert a single image with no layers works as expected"""
    for content in [CONTENTS + f for f in ["docker.png", "goldengate.jpg"]]:
        for ext in [".png", ".jpg", ".psd", ".tga"]:
            tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory()
            outname = tmpdir.name + "/" + "output" + ext
            convert(content, outname)
            assert len(glob(tmpdir.name + "/" + filename(outname) + ext)) == 1
            assert shape(outname) == shape(content)

def test_resize_keepproportions():
    """Resizing an image without changing proportions works correctly"""
    tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory()
    fname = tmpdir.name + "/docker.png"
    copyfile(CONTENTS + "docker.png", fname)
    resize(fname, 1016)
    assert shape(fname) == [1016, 886]

def test_resize_changeproportions():
    """Resizing an image changing proportions works correctly"""
    tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory()
    fname = tmpdir.name + "/docker.png"
    copyfile(CONTENTS + "docker.png", fname)
    resize(fname, [700, 300])
    assert shape(fname) == [700, 300]

def test_choptiles():
    """Chopping an image into tiles works as expected"""
    tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory()
    content = CONTENTS + "/goldengate.jpg"
    tiles = choptiles(content, xtiles=2, ytiles=3, overlap=50, outname=tmpdir.name + "/tiles")
    print("Generated tiles", tiles)
    assert len(tiles) == 6
    for i, tile in enumerate(tiles):
        assert int(filename(tile).split("_")[-1]) == i

def test_feather():
    """Feathering an image produces noticeable changes"""
    tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory()
    content = CONTENTS + "/clock.jpg"
    outfile = tmpdir.name + "/feathered.jpg"
    feather(content, outfile)
    assert not equalimages(content, outfile)

def test_extractalpha():
    """Extracting the alpha channel from an image works as expected"""
    tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory()
    img = CONTENTS + "/alphasample.png"
    alphafile = tmpdir.name + "/alpha.png"
    rgbfile = tmpdir.name + "/rgb.png"
    extractalpha(img, rgbfile, alphafile)
    assert shape(rgbfile) == shape(img)
    assert shape(alphafile) == shape(img)
    assert not equalimages(img, rgbfile)
    assert not equalimages(img, alphafile)
    assert not equalimages(rgbfile, alphafile)

def test_mergealpha():
    """Extracting the alpha channel from an image, then merging it back, produces the same image"""
    contents = [CONTENTS + imname for imname in ["alphasample.png", "docker.png"]]
    for content in contents:
        tmpdir = TemporaryDirectory()
        alphafile = tmpdir.name + "/alpha.png"
        rgbfile = tmpdir.name + "/rgb.png"
        extractalpha(content, rgbfile, alphafile)
        recfile = tmpdir.name + "/reconstructed.png"
        mergealpha(rgbfile, alphafile, recfile)
        assert equalimages(content, recfile)