# translation of the Matlab feature extractor
import sys
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from math import *
from scipy.io import loadmat
from scipy.stats import skew, kurtosis
#import pyeeg 
# pyeeg is the one that has very good fractal dimensions 
# computation but not installed here

def mat_to_data(path):
    mat = loadmat('s01.mat')
    names = mat['dataStruct'].dtype.names
    ndata = {n: mat['dataStruct'][n][0, 0] for n in names}
    return ndata

def corr(data,type_corr):
    C = np.array(data.corr(type_corr))
    C[np.isnan(C)] = 0
    C[np.isinf(C)] = 0
    w,v = np.linalg.eig(C)
    x = np.sort(w)
    x = np.real(x)
    return x

def calculate_features('s01.mat'):
    f = mat_to_data('s01.mat')
    fs = f['iEEGsamplingRate'][0,0]
    eegData = f['data']
    [nt, nc] = eegData.shape
    print((nt, nc))
    subsampLen = floor(fs * 60)
    numSamps = int(floor(nt / subsampLen));      # Num of 1-min samples
    sampIdx = range(0,(numSamps+1)*subsampLen,subsampLen)
    feat = [] # Feature Vector
    for i in range(1, numSamps+1):
        print('processing file {} epoch {}'.format(file_name,i))
        epoch = eegData[sampIdx[i-1]:sampIdx[i], :]

        # compute Shannon's entropy, spectral edge and correlation matrix
        # segments corresponding to frequency bands
        lvl = np.array([0.1, 4, 8, 12, 30, 70, 180])  # Frequency levels in Hz
        lseg = np.round(nt/fs*lvl).astype('int')
        D = np.absolute(np.fft.fft(epoch, n=lseg[-1], axis=0))
        D[0,:]=0                                # set the DC component to zero
        D /= D.sum()                      # Normalize each channel               
        dspect = np.zeros((len(lvl)-1,nc))
        for j in range(len(dspect)):
            dspect[j,:] = 2*np.sum(D[lseg[j]:lseg[j+1],:], axis=0)

        # Find the shannon's entropy
        spentropy = -1*np.sum(np.multiply(dspect,np.log(dspect)), axis=0)

        # Find the spectral edge frequency
        sfreq = fs
        tfreq = 40
        ppow = 0.5

        topfreq = int(round(nt/sfreq*tfreq))+1
        A = np.cumsum(D[:topfreq,:])
        B = A - (A.max()*ppow)
        spedge = np.min(np.abs(B))
        spedge = (spedge - 1)/(topfreq-1)*tfreq

        # Calculate correlation matrix and its eigenvalues (b/w channels)
        data = pd.DataFrame(data=epoch)
        type_corr = 'pearson'
        lxchannels = corr(data, type_corr)
        # Calculate correlation matrix and its eigenvalues (b/w freq)
        data = pd.DataFrame(data=dspect)
        lxfreqbands = corr(data, type_corr)
        # Spectral entropy for dyadic bands
        # Find number of dyadic levels
        ldat = int(floor(nt/2.0))
        no_levels = int(floor(log(ldat,2.0)))
        seg = floor(ldat/pow(2.0, no_levels-1))

        # Find the power spectrum at each dyadic level
        dspect = np.zeros((no_levels,nc))
        for j in range(no_levels-1,-1,-1):
            dspect[j,:] = 2*np.sum(D[int(floor(ldat/2.0))+1:ldat,:], axis=0)
            ldat = int(floor(ldat/2.0))

        # Find the Shannon's entropy
        spentropyDyd = -1*np.sum(np.multiply(dspect,np.log(dspect)), axis=0)

        # Find correlation between channels
        data = pd.DataFrame(data=dspect)
        lxchannelsDyd = corr(data, type_corr)
        # Fractal dimensions
        no_channels = nc
        #fd = np.zeros((2,no_channels))
        #for j in range(no_channels):
        #    fd[0,j] = pyeeg.pfd(epoch[:,j])
        #    fd[1,j] = pyeeg.hfd(epoch[:,j],3)
        #    fd[2,j] = pyeeg.hurst(epoch[:,j])

        #[mobility[j], complexity[j]] = pyeeg.hjorth(epoch[:,j)
        # Hjorth parameters
        # Activity
        activity = np.var(epoch, axis=0)
        #print('Activity shape: {}'.format(activity.shape))
        # Mobility
        mobility = np.divide(
                            np.std(np.diff(epoch, axis=0)), 
                            np.std(epoch, axis=0))
        #print('Mobility shape: {}'.format(mobility.shape))
        # Complexity
        complexity = np.divide(np.divide(
                                        # std of second derivative for each channel
                                        np.std(np.diff(np.diff(epoch, axis=0), axis=0), axis=0),
                                        # std of second derivative for each channel
                                        np.std(np.diff(epoch, axis=0), axis=0))
                               , mobility)
        #print('Complexity shape: {}'.format(complexity.shape))
        # Statistical properties
        # Skewness
        sk = skew(epoch)

        # Kurtosis
        kurt = kurtosis(epoch)

        # compile all the features
        feat = np.concatenate((feat,

    return feat