rohmu - azure object store interface

Copyright (c) 2016 Ohmu Ltd
See LICENSE for details
# pylint: disable=import-error, no-name-in-module
from azure.storage.blob import BlockBlobService, ContentSettings
from azure.storage.blob.models import BlobPrefix
from .base import BaseTransfer, get_total_memory, KEY_TYPE_PREFIX, KEY_TYPE_OBJECT, IterKeyItem
from ..errors import FileNotFoundFromStorageError, InvalidConfigurationError, StorageError
import azure.common
import time

    None: None,  # use default
    "germany": "core.cloudapi.de",  # Azure Germany is a completely separate cloud from the regular Azure Public cloud
    "public": None,  # use default

def calculate_max_block_size():
    total_mem_mib = get_total_memory() or 0
    # At least 4 MiB, at most 100 MiB. Max block size used for hosts with ~100+ GB of memory
    return max(min(int(total_mem_mib / 1000), 100), 4) * 1024 * 1024

# Increase block size based on host memory. Azure supports up to 50k blocks and up to 5 TiB individual
# files. Default block size is set to 4 MiB so only ~200 GB files can be uploaded. In order to get close
# to that 5 TiB increase the block size based on host memory; we don't want to use the max 100 for all
# hosts because the uploader will allocate (with default settings) 3 x block size of memory.
BlockBlobService.MAX_BLOCK_SIZE = calculate_max_block_size()

class AzureTransfer(BaseTransfer):
    def __init__(self, account_name, account_key, bucket_name, prefix=None,
        prefix = "{}".format(prefix.lstrip("/") if prefix else "")
        self.account_name = account_name
        self.account_key = account_key
        self.container_name = bucket_name
            endpoint_suffix = ENDPOINT_SUFFIXES[azure_cloud]
        except KeyError:
            raise InvalidConfigurationError("Unknown azure cloud {!r}".format(azure_cloud))

        self.conn = BlockBlobService(account_name=self.account_name, account_key=self.account_key,
        self.conn.socket_timeout = 120  # Default Azure socket timeout 20s is a bit short
        self.container = self.get_or_create_container(self.container_name)
        self.log.debug("AzureTransfer initialized, %r", self.container_name)

    def copy_file(self, *, source_key, destination_key, metadata=None, **kwargs):
        timeout = kwargs.get("timeout") or 15
        source_path = self.format_key_for_backend(source_key, remove_slash_prefix=True, trailing_slash=False)
        destination_path = self.format_key_for_backend(destination_key, remove_slash_prefix=True, trailing_slash=False)
        source_url = self.conn.make_blob_url(self.container_name, source_path)
        start = time.monotonic()
        self.conn.copy_blob(self.container_name, destination_path, source_url, metadata=metadata, timeout=timeout)
        while True:
            blob_properties = self.conn.get_blob_properties(self.container_name, destination_path, timeout=timeout)
            copy_props = blob_properties.properties.copy
            if copy_props.status == "success":
            elif copy_props.status == "pending":
                if time.monotonic() - start < timeout:
                    self.conn.abort_copy_blob(self.container_name, destination_key, copy_props.id, timeout=timeout)
                    raise StorageError(
                        "Copying {!r} to {!r} did not complete in {} seconds".format(source_key, destination_key, timeout)
            elif copy_props.status == "failed":
                raise StorageError(
                    "Copying {!r} to {!r} failed: {!r}".format(source_key, destination_key, copy_props.status_description)
                raise StorageError(
                    "Copying {!r} to {!r} failed, unexpected status: {!r}".format(
                        source_key, destination_key, copy_props.status

    def get_metadata_for_key(self, key):
        path = self.format_key_for_backend(key, remove_slash_prefix=True, trailing_slash=False)
        items = list(self._iter_key(path=path, with_metadata=True, deep=False))
        if not items:
            raise FileNotFoundFromStorageError(key)
        item, = items
        if item.type != KEY_TYPE_OBJECT:
            raise FileNotFoundFromStorageError(key)  # it's a prefix
        return item.value["metadata"]

    def _metadata_for_key(self, path):
        return list(self._iter_key(path=path, with_metadata=True, deep=False))[0].value["metadata"]

    def iter_key(self, key, *, with_metadata=True, deep=False, include_key=False):
        path = self.format_key_for_backend(key, remove_slash_prefix=True, trailing_slash=not include_key)
        self.log.debug("Listing path %r", path)
        yield from self._iter_key(path=path, with_metadata=with_metadata, deep=deep)

    def _iter_key(self, *, path, with_metadata, deep):
        include = "metadata" if with_metadata else None
        kwargs = {}
        if path:
            # If you give Azure an empty path, it gives you an authentication error
            kwargs["prefix"] = path
        if not deep:
            kwargs["delimiter"] = "/"
        items = self.conn.list_blobs(self.container_name, include=include, **kwargs)
        for item in items:
            if isinstance(item, BlobPrefix):
                yield IterKeyItem(type=KEY_TYPE_PREFIX, value=self.format_key_from_backend(item.name).rstrip("/"))
                if with_metadata:
                    # Azure Storage cannot handle '-' so we turn them into underscores and back again
                    metadata = {k.replace("_", "-"): v for k, v in item.metadata.items()}
                    metadata = None
                yield IterKeyItem(
                        "last_modified": item.properties.last_modified,
                        "metadata": metadata,
                        "name": self.format_key_from_backend(item.name),
                        "size": item.properties.content_length,

    def delete_key(self, key):
        key = self.format_key_for_backend(key, remove_slash_prefix=True)
        self.log.debug("Deleting key: %r", key)
            return self.conn.delete_blob(self.container_name, key)
        except azure.common.AzureMissingResourceHttpError as ex:  # pylint: disable=no-member
            raise FileNotFoundFromStorageError(key) from ex

    def get_contents_to_file(self, key, filepath_to_store_to, *, progress_callback=None):
        key = self.format_key_for_backend(key, remove_slash_prefix=True)

        self.log.debug("Starting to fetch the contents of: %r to: %r", key, filepath_to_store_to)
            self.conn.get_blob_to_path(self.container_name, key, filepath_to_store_to)
        except azure.common.AzureMissingResourceHttpError as ex:  # pylint: disable=no-member
            raise FileNotFoundFromStorageError(key) from ex

        if progress_callback:
            progress_callback(1, 1)
        return self._metadata_for_key(key)

    def _parse_length_from_content_range(cls, content_range):
        """Parses the blob length from the content range header: bytes 1-3/65537"""
        if not content_range:
            raise ValueError("File size unavailable")

        return int(content_range.split(" ", 1)[1].split("/", 1)[1])

    def _stream_blob(self, key, fileobj, progress_callback):
        """Streams contents of given key to given fileobj. Data is read sequentially in chunks
        without any seeks. This requires duplicating some functionality of the Azure SDK, which only
        allows reading entire blob into memory at once or returning data from random offsets"""
        file_size = None
        start_range = 0
        chunk_size = self.conn.MAX_CHUNK_GET_SIZE
        end_range = chunk_size - 1
        while True:
                # pylint: disable=protected-access
                blob = self.conn._get_blob(self.container_name, key, start_range=start_range, end_range=end_range)
                if file_size is None:
                    file_size = self._parse_length_from_content_range(blob.properties.content_range)
                start_range += blob.properties.content_length
                if start_range == file_size:
                if blob.properties.content_length == 0:
                    raise StorageError(
                        "Empty response received for {}, range {}-{}".format(key, start_range, end_range)
                end_range += blob.properties.content_length
                if end_range >= file_size:
                    end_range = file_size - 1
                if progress_callback:
                    progress_callback(start_range, file_size)
            except azure.common.AzureHttpError as ex:  # pylint: disable=no-member
                if ex.status_code == 416:  # Empty file

    def get_contents_to_fileobj(self, key, fileobj_to_store_to, *, progress_callback=None):
        key = self.format_key_for_backend(key, remove_slash_prefix=True)

        self.log.debug("Starting to fetch the contents of: %r", key)
            self._stream_blob(key, fileobj_to_store_to, progress_callback)
        except azure.common.AzureMissingResourceHttpError as ex:  # pylint: disable=no-member
            raise FileNotFoundFromStorageError(key) from ex

        if progress_callback:
            progress_callback(1, 1)

        return self._metadata_for_key(key)

    def get_contents_to_string(self, key):
        key = self.format_key_for_backend(key, remove_slash_prefix=True)
        self.log.debug("Starting to fetch the contents of: %r", key)
            blob = self.conn.get_blob_to_bytes(self.container_name, key)
            return blob.content, self._metadata_for_key(key)
        except azure.common.AzureMissingResourceHttpError as ex:  # pylint: disable=no-member
            raise FileNotFoundFromStorageError(key) from ex

    def get_file_size(self, key):
        key = self.format_key_for_backend(key, remove_slash_prefix=True)
            blob = self.conn.get_blob_properties(self.container_name, key)
            return blob.properties.content_length
        except azure.common.AzureMissingResourceHttpError as ex:  # pylint: disable=no-member
            raise FileNotFoundFromStorageError(key) from ex

    def store_file_from_memory(self, key, memstring, metadata=None, cache_control=None, mimetype=None):
        if cache_control is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("AzureTransfer: cache_control support not implemented")
        key = self.format_key_for_backend(key, remove_slash_prefix=True)
        content_settings = None
        if mimetype:
            content_settings = ContentSettings(content_type=mimetype)
        self.conn.create_blob_from_bytes(self.container_name, key,
                                         bytes(memstring),  # azure would work with memoryview, but validates it's bytes
                                         metadata=self.sanitize_metadata(metadata, replace_hyphen_with="_"))

    def store_file_from_disk(self, key, filepath, metadata=None, multipart=None, cache_control=None, mimetype=None):
        if cache_control is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("AzureTransfer: cache_control support not implemented")
        key = self.format_key_for_backend(key, remove_slash_prefix=True)
        content_settings = None
        if mimetype:
            content_settings = ContentSettings(content_type=mimetype)
        self.conn.create_blob_from_path(self.container_name, key, filepath, content_settings=content_settings,
                                        metadata=self.sanitize_metadata(metadata, replace_hyphen_with="_"))

    def store_file_object(self, key, fd, *, cache_control=None, metadata=None, mimetype=None, upload_progress_fn=None):
        if cache_control is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("AzureTransfer: cache_control support not implemented")
        key = self.format_key_for_backend(key, remove_slash_prefix=True)
        content_settings = None
        if mimetype:
            content_settings = ContentSettings(content_type=mimetype)

        def progress_callback(bytes_sent, _):
            if upload_progress_fn:

        # Azure _BlobChunkUploader calls `tell()` on the stream even though it doesn't use the result.
        # We expect the input stream not to support `tell()` so use dummy implementation for it
        original_tell = getattr(fd, "tell", None)
        fd.tell = lambda: None
            self.conn.create_blob_from_stream(self.container_name, key, fd, content_settings=content_settings,
                                              metadata=self.sanitize_metadata(metadata, replace_hyphen_with="_"),
            if original_tell:
                fd.tell = original_tell
                delattr(fd, "tell")

    def get_or_create_container(self, container_name):
        start_time = time.monotonic()
        self.log.debug("Got/Created container: %r successfully, took: %.3fs",
                       container_name, time.monotonic() - start_time)
        return container_name