# Copyright 2018 University of Basel, Center for medical Image Analysis and Navigation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import SimpleITK as sitk
import torch as th
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
import sys

from . import kernelFunction

class Image:
        Class representing an image in airlab

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Constructor for an image object where two cases are distinguished:

        - Construct airlab image from an array or tensor (4 arguments)
        - Construct airlab image from an SimpleITK image (less than 4 arguments
        if len(args) == 4:
        elif len(args) < 4:

    def initializeForTensors(self, tensor_image, image_size, image_spacing, image_origin):
        Constructor for torch tensors and numpy ndarrays

        tensor_image (np.ndarray | th.Tensor): n-dimensional tensor, where the last dimensions are the image dimensions while the preceeding dimensions need to empty
        image_size (array | list | tuple): number of pixels in each space dimension
        image_spacing (array | list | tuple): pixel size for each space dimension
        image_origin (array | list | tuple): physical coordinate of the first pixel
        :return (Image): an airlab image object

        # distinguish between numpy array and torch tensors
        if type(tensor_image) == np.ndarray:
            self.image = th.from_numpy(tensor_image).squeeze().unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
        elif type(tensor_image) == th.Tensor:
            self.image = tensor_image.squeeze().unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
            raise Exception("A numpy ndarray or a torch tensor was expected as argument. Got " + str(type(tensor_image)))

        self.size = image_size
        self.spacing = image_spacing
        self.origin = image_origin
        self.dtype = self.image.dtype
        self.device = self.image.device
        self.ndim = len(self.image.squeeze().shape) # take only non-empty dimensions to count space dimensions

    def initializeForImages(self, sitk_image, dtype=None, device='cpu'):
        Constructor for SimpleITK image

        Note: the order of axis are flipped in order to follow the convention of numpy and torch

        sitk_image (sitk.SimpleITK.Image):  SimpleITK image
        dtype: pixel type
        device ('cpu'|'cuda'): on which device the image should be allocated
        return (Image): an airlab image object
        if type(sitk_image)==sitk.SimpleITK.Image:
            self.image = th.from_numpy(sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk_image)).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
            self.size = sitk_image.GetSize()
            self.spacing = sitk_image.GetSpacing()
            self.origin = sitk_image.GetOrigin()

            if not dtype is None:
                self.to(dtype, device)
                self.to(self.image.dtype, device)

            self.ndim = len(self.image.squeeze().shape)

            raise Exception("A SimpleITK image was expected as argument. Got " + str(type(sitk_image)))

    def to(self, dtype=None, device='cpu'):
        Converts the image tensor to a specified dtype and moves it to the specified device
        if not dtype is None:
            self.image = self.image.to(dtype=dtype, device=device)
            self.image = self.image.to(device=device)
        self.dtype = self.image.dtype
        self.device = self.image.device

        return self

    def itk(self):
        Returns a SimpleITK image

        Note: the order of axis is flipped back to the convention of SimpleITK
        image = Image(self.image.cpu().clone(), self.size, self.spacing, self.origin)

        itk_image = sitk.GetImageFromArray(image.image.numpy())
        return itk_image

    def numpy(self):
        Returns a numpy array
        return self.image.cpu().squeeze().numpy()

    def read(filename, dtype=th.float32, device='cpu'):
        Static method to directly read an image through the Image class

        filename (str): filename of the image
        dtype: specific dtype for representing the tensor
        device: on which device the image has to be allocated
        return (Image): an airlab image
        return Image(sitk.ReadImage(filename, sitk.sitkFloat32), dtype, device)

    def write(self, filename):
        Write an image to hard drive

        Note: order of axis are flipped to have the representation of SimpleITK again

        filename (str): filename where the image is written
        sitk.WriteImage(self.itk(), filename)

    def _reverse_axis(self):
        Flips the order of the axis representing the space dimensions (preceeding dimensions are ignored)

        Note: the method is inplace
        # reverse order of axis to follow the convention of SimpleITK
        self.image = self.image.squeeze().permute(tuple(reversed(range(self.ndim))))
        self.image = self.image.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)

    Object representing a displacement image
class Displacement(Image):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Constructor for a displacement field object where two cases are distinguished:

        - Construct airlab displacement field from an array or tensor (4 arguments)
        - Construct airlab displacement field from an SimpleITK image (less than 4 arguments)
        if len(args) == 4:
        elif len(args) < 4:

    def itk(self):

        # flip axis to
        df = Displacement(self.image.clone(), self.size, self.spacing, self.origin)
        df.image = df.image.squeeze()
        df.image = df.image.cpu()

        if len(self.size) == 2:
            itk_displacement = sitk.GetImageFromArray(df.image.numpy(), isVector=True)
        elif len(self.size) == 3:
            itk_displacement = sitk.GetImageFromArray(df.image.numpy())

        return itk_displacement

    def magnitude(self):
       return Image(th.sqrt(th.sum(self.image.pow(2),  -1)).squeeze(), self.size, self.spacing, self.origin)

    def numpy(self):
        return self.image.cpu().numpy()

    def _reverse_axis(self):
        Flips the order of the axis representing the space dimensions (preceeding dimensions are ignored).
        Respectively, the axis holding the vectors is flipped as well

        Note: the method is inplace
        # reverse order of axis to follow the convention of SimpleITK
        order = list(reversed(range(self.ndim-1)))
        self.image = self.image.squeeze_().permute(tuple(order))
        self.image = flip(self.image, self.ndim-1)
        self.image = self.image.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)

    def read(filename, dtype=th.float32, device='cpu'):
        Static method to directly read a displacement field through the Image class

        filename (str): filename of the displacement field
        dtype: specific dtype for representing the tensor
        device: on which device the displacement field has to be allocated
        return (Displacement): an airlab displacement field
        return Displacement(sitk.ReadImage(filename, sitk.sitkVectorFloat32), dtype, device)

def flip(x, dim):
    Flip order of a specific dimension dim

    x (Tensor): input tensor
    dim (int): axis which should be flipped
    return (Tensor): returns the tensor with the specified axis flipped
    indices = [slice(None)] * x.dim()
    indices[dim] = th.arange(x.size(dim) - 1, -1, -1, dtype=th.long, device=x.device)
    return x[tuple(indices)]

    Convert an image to tensor representation
def read_image_as_tensor(filename, dtype=th.float32, device='cpu'):

    itk_image = sitk.ReadImage(filename, sitk.sitkFloat32)

    return create_tensor_image_from_itk_image(itk_image, dtype=dtype, device=device)

    Convert an image to tensor representation
def create_image_from_image(tensor_image, image):
    return Image(tensor_image, image.size, image.spacing, image.origin)

    Convert numpy image to AirlLab image format
def image_from_numpy(image, pixel_spacing, image_origin, dtype=th.float32, device='cpu'):
    tensor_image = th.from_numpy(image).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
    tensor_image = tensor_image.to(dtype=dtype, device=device)
    return Image(tensor_image, image.shape, pixel_spacing, image_origin)

    Convert an image to tensor representation
def create_displacement_image_from_image(tensor_displacement, image):
    return Displacement(tensor_displacement, image.size, image.spacing, image.origin)

    Create tensor image representation
def create_tensor_image_from_itk_image(itk_image, dtype=th.float32, device='cpu'):

    # transform image in a unit direction
    image_dim = itk_image.GetDimension()
    if image_dim == 2:
        itk_image.SetDirection(sitk.VectorDouble([1, 0, 0, 1]))
        itk_image.SetDirection(sitk.VectorDouble([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]))

    image_spacing = itk_image.GetSpacing()
    image_origin = itk_image.GetOrigin()

    np_image = np.squeeze(sitk.GetArrayFromImage(itk_image))
    image_size = np_image.shape

    # adjust image spacing vector size if image contains empty dimension
    if len(image_size) != image_dim:
        image_spacing = image_spacing[0:len(image_size)]

    tensor_image = th.tensor(np_image, dtype=dtype, device=device).unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)

    return Image(tensor_image, image_size, image_spacing, image_origin)

    Create an image pyramide  
def create_image_pyramid(image, down_sample_factor):

    image_dim = len(image.size)
    image_pyramide = []
    if image_dim == 2:
        for level in down_sample_factor:
            sigma = (th.tensor(level)/2).to(dtype=th.float32)

            kernel = kernelFunction.gaussian_kernel_2d(sigma.numpy(), asTensor=True)
            padding = np.array([(x - 1)/2 for x in kernel.size()], dtype=int).tolist()
            kernel = kernel.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
            kernel = kernel.to(dtype=image.dtype, device=image.device)

            image_sample = F.conv2d(image.image, kernel, stride=level, padding=padding)
            image_size = image_sample.size()[-image_dim:]
            image_spacing = [x*y for x, y in zip(image.spacing, level)]
            image_origin = image.origin
            image_pyramide.append(Image(image_sample, image_size, image_spacing, image_origin))

    elif image_dim == 3:
        for level in down_sample_factor:
            sigma = (th.tensor(level)/2).to(dtype=th.float32)

            kernel = kernelFunction.gaussian_kernel_3d(sigma.numpy(), asTensor=True)
            padding = np.array([(x - 1) / 2 for x in kernel.size()], dtype=int).tolist()
            kernel = kernel.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0)
            kernel = kernel.to(dtype=image.dtype, device=image.device)

            image_sample = F.conv3d(image.image, kernel, stride=level, padding=padding)
            image_size = image_sample.size()[-image_dim:]
            image_spacing = [x*y for x, y in zip(image.spacing, level)]
            image_origin = image.origin
            image_pyramide.append(Image(image_sample, image_size, image_spacing, image_origin))


        print("Error: ", image_dim, " is not supported with create_image_pyramide()")

    return image_pyramide