import asyncio
import gc
import logging
import tracemalloc

import pytest
import aiozipkin as az
from yarl import URL

async def _retry_zipkin_client(url, client, retries=5, backoff_time=1):
    tries = 0
    while tries < retries:
        await asyncio.sleep(backoff_time)
        resp = await client.get(url)
        if resp.status > 200:
            tries += 1
        data = await resp.json()
        return data

async def test_basic(zipkin_url, client, loop):
    endpoint = az.create_endpoint('simple_service', ipv4='', port=80)
    interval = 50
    tracer = await az.create(zipkin_url, endpoint, sample_rate=1.0,
                             send_interval=interval, loop=loop)

    with tracer.new_trace(sampled=True) as span:'root_span')
        span.tag('span_type', 'root')
        span.annotate('SELECT * FROM')
        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
        span.annotate('start end sql')

    # close forced sending data to server regardless of send interval
    await tracer.close()

    trace_id = span.context.trace_id
    url = URL(zipkin_url).with_path('/zipkin/api/v2/traces')
    data = await _retry_zipkin_client(url, client)
    assert any(s['traceId'] == trace_id for trace in data for s in trace), data

async def test_basic_context_manager(zipkin_url, client, loop):
    endpoint = az.create_endpoint('simple_service', ipv4='', port=80)
    interval = 50
    async with az.create(zipkin_url, endpoint, sample_rate=1.0,
                         send_interval=interval) as tracer:
        with tracer.new_trace(sampled=True) as span:
            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

    trace_id = span.context.trace_id
    url = URL(zipkin_url).with_path('/zipkin/api/v2/traces')
    data = await _retry_zipkin_client(url, client)

    assert any(s['traceId'] == trace_id for trace in data for s in trace), data

async def test_exception_in_span(zipkin_url, client, loop):
    endpoint = az.create_endpoint('error_service', ipv4='', port=80)
    interval = 50
    async with az.create(zipkin_url, endpoint, send_interval=interval,
                         loop=loop) as tracer:
        def func(span):
            with span:
                raise RuntimeError('foo')

        span = tracer.new_trace(sampled=True)
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):

    url = URL(zipkin_url).with_path('/zipkin/api/v2/traces')
    data = await _retry_zipkin_client(url, client)
    assert any({'error': 'foo'} == s.get('tags', {})
               for trace in data for s in trace)

async def test_zipkin_error(client, loop, caplog):
    endpoint = az.create_endpoint('error_service', ipv4='', port=80)
    interval = 50
    zipkin_url = ''
    async with az.create(zipkin_url, endpoint, sample_rate=1.0,
                         send_interval=interval, loop=loop) as tracer:
        with tracer.new_trace(sampled=True) as span:
            await asyncio.sleep(0.0)

    assert len(caplog.records) == 1
    msg = 'zipkin responded with code: '
    assert msg in str(caplog.records[0].exc_info)

    t = ('aiozipkin', logging.ERROR, 'Can not send spans to zipkin')
    assert caplog.record_tuples == [t]

async def test_leak_in_transport(zipkin_url, client, loop):


    endpoint = az.create_endpoint('simple_service')
    tracer = await az.create(zipkin_url, endpoint, sample_rate=1,
                             send_interval=0.0001, loop=loop)

    await asyncio.sleep(5)
    snapshot1 = tracemalloc.take_snapshot()

    await asyncio.sleep(10)
    snapshot2 = tracemalloc.take_snapshot()

    top_stats = snapshot2.compare_to(snapshot1, 'lineno')
    count = sum(s.count for s in top_stats)
    await tracer.close()
    assert count < 400  # in case of leak this number is around 901452