import asyncio

import wrapt
from botocore.exceptions import IncompleteReadError, ReadTimeoutError

class AioReadTimeoutError(ReadTimeoutError, asyncio.TimeoutError):

class StreamingBody(wrapt.ObjectProxy):
    """Wrapper class for an http response body.

    This provides a few additional conveniences that do not exist
    in the urllib3 model:

        * Set the timeout on the socket (i.e read() timeouts)
        * Auto validation of content length, if the amount of bytes
          we read does not match the content length, an exception
          is raised.


    def __init__(self, raw_stream, content_length):
        self._self_content_length = content_length
        self._self_amount_read = 0

    async def __aenter__(self):
        return await self.__wrapped__.__aenter__()

    async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        return await self.__wrapped__.__aexit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)

    # NOTE: set_socket_timeout was only for when requests didn't support
    #       read timeouts, so not needed

    def tell(self):
        return self._self_amount_read

    async def read(self, amt=None):
        """Read at most amt bytes from the stream.

        If the amt argument is omitted, read all data.
        # botocore to aiohttp mapping
            chunk = await if amt is not None else -1)
        except asyncio.TimeoutError as e:
            raise AioReadTimeoutError(endpoint_url=self.__wrapped__.url,

        self._self_amount_read += len(chunk)
        if amt is None or (not chunk and amt > 0):
            # If the server sends empty contents or
            # we ask to read all of the contents, then we know
            # we need to verify the content length.
        return chunk

    def __aiter__(self):
        """Return an iterator to yield 1k chunks from the raw stream.
        return self.iter_chunks(self._DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE)

    async def __anext__(self):
        """Return the next 1k chunk from the raw stream.
        current_chunk = await
        if current_chunk:
            return current_chunk
        raise StopAsyncIteration

    anext = __anext__

    async def iter_lines(self, chunk_size=1024):
        """Return an iterator to yield lines from the raw stream.

        This is achieved by reading chunk of bytes (of size chunk_size) at a
        time from the raw stream, and then yielding lines from there.
        pending = b''
        async for chunk in self.iter_chunks(chunk_size):
            lines = (pending + chunk).splitlines(True)
            for line in lines[:-1]:
                yield line.splitlines()[0]
            pending = lines[-1]
        if pending:
            yield pending.splitlines()[0]

    async def iter_chunks(self, chunk_size=_DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE):
        """Return an iterator to yield chunks of chunk_size bytes from the raw
        while True:
            current_chunk = await
            if current_chunk == b"":
            yield current_chunk

    def _verify_content_length(self):
        # See:
        # Basically, our http library doesn't do this for us, so we have
        # to do this ourself.
        if self._self_content_length is not None and \
                self._self_amount_read != int(self._self_content_length):
            raise IncompleteReadError(