Full text search views.
import logging
import math
import time
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from types import SimpleNamespace

from django.conf import settings
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseBadRequest
from django.template import loader

from ahmia import utils
from ahmia.lib.pagepop import PagePopHandler
from ahmia.models import SearchResultsClick, SearchQuery, PagePopScore
from ahmia.utils import get_elasticsearch_i2p_index
from ahmia.validators import is_valid_full_onion_url
from ahmia.views import ElasticsearchBaseListView

logger = logging.getLogger("search")

def onion_redirect(request):
    """Add clicked information and redirect to .onion address."""

    redirect_url = request.GET.get('redirect_url', '')
    search_term = request.GET.get('search_term', '')

    #Checks for "malicious" URI-schemes that could lead to XSS
    #Malicious user is redirected on a 403 error page
    #if the previous checks replace a malicious URI-scheme
    if not xss_safe(redirect_url):
        answer = "Bad request: undefined URI-scheme provided"
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(answer)

    if not redirect_url or not search_term:
        answer = "Bad request: no GET parameter URL."
        return HttpResponseBadRequest(answer)

        onion = utils.extract_domain_from_url(redirect_url)
        if is_valid_full_onion_url(redirect_url):
            # currently we can't log i2p clicks due to
            # SearchResultsClick.onion_domain having an onion validator
            # Also we don't have yet i2p results in order to test it
    except Exception as error:
        logger.error("Error with redirect URL: {0}\n{1}".format(
            redirect_url, error))

    message = "Redirecting to hidden service."
    return redirect_page(message, 0, redirect_url)

def remove_non_ascii(text):
    """ Remove non-ASCI characters """
    return ''.join([i if ord(i) < 128 else '' for i in text])

def xss_safe(redirect_url):
    """ Validate that redirect URL is cross-site scripting safe """
    if redirect_url[0:4] != "http":
        return False # URL does not start with http
    # Look javascript or data inside the URL
    if "javascript:" in redirect_url or "data:" in redirect_url:
        return False
    url = remove_non_ascii(redirect_url) # Remove special chars
    url = url.strip().replace(" ", "") # Remove empty spaces and newlines
    if "javascript:" in url or "data:" in url:
        return False
    return True # XSS safe content

def redirect_page(message, red_time, url):
    """Build and return redirect page."""

    template = loader.get_template('redirect.html')
    content = {'message': message, 'time': red_time, 'redirect': url}
    return HttpResponse(template.render(content))

def filter_hits_by_time(hits, pastdays):
    """Return only the hits that were crawled the past pastdays"""

    time_threshold = datetime.fromtimestamp(
        time.time()) - timedelta(days=pastdays)
    ret = [hit for hit in hits if hit['updated_on'] >= time_threshold]
    return ret

def heuristic_score(ir_score, gp_score, lp_score, urlparams):
    A formula to combine IR score given by Elasticsearch and
    PagePop scores given by page popularity algorithm. Arithmetics is
    black art, it can only improve via manually testing queries, and
    user feedback. Currently its a simple weighted sum.

    Normally the more tokens in query the lower pagepop influence
    should be. However the more tokens given the more ES seems to
    diverge IR score. Thus we bypass 'number of tokens' for the moment

    todo: hardcode coefficient values (currently in url params) and
    todo: make local pagepop coeff: `lp_coeff` proportional to number of hits

    :param ir_score: Information Relevance score by Elasticsearch
    :param gp_score: Global popularity score for that domain
    :param lp_score: Local popularity score for that domain
    :return: final score
    :rtype: ``float``
    lp_coeff = float(urlparams.get('lp', 0))
    gp_coeff = float(urlparams.get('gp', 0))
    ir_coeff = 1 - gp_coeff - lp_coeff
    ret = gp_score * gp_coeff + lp_score * lp_coeff + ir_score * ir_coeff

    # drag down the average score when the two scores diverge too much
    # pp = gp_coeff * gp_score
    # ir = ir_coeff * ir_score
    # ret = pp * ir / (pp + ir)  # failed: too much of a penalty

    return ret

def local_page_pop(hits):
    """Calculate page popularity only for the domains of our results (hits)"""
    domains = set(h['domain'] for h in hits)

    p = PagePopHandler(hits, domains)
    scores = p.get_scores_as_dict()

    return scores

class TorResultsView(ElasticsearchBaseListView):
    """ Search results view """

    http_method_names = ['get']
    template_name = "tor_results.html"

    def banned_search(self, search_term):
        I try to filter out two kind of search results:
            1. Ahmia tries to filter out explicit child media abuse material.
            2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right_to_be_forgotten
        This algorithm filters banned search terms.
        It is a best efford solution and it is not perfect.
        for f_term in settings.FILTERED_TERMS:
            for term in search_term.split(" "):
                term = ''.join(c for c in term if c.isdigit() or c.isalpha())
                if f_term.lower() == term.lower():
                    context = {'suggest': None, 'page': 1, 'max_pages': 0,
                    'result_begin': 0, 'total_search_results': 0,
                    'query_string': term, 'search_results': [] }
                    return context
        for f_term in settings.FILTER_TERMS_AND_SHOW_HELP:
            for term in search_term.split(" "):
                term = ''.join(c for c in term if c.isdigit() or c.isalpha())
                if f_term.lower() == term.lower():
                    context = {'suggest': None, 'page': 1, 'max_pages': 0,
                    'result_begin': 0, 'total_search_results': 0,
                    'query_string': term, 'search_results': [] }
                    context = { 'suggest': None, 'page': 1, 'max_pages': 1,
                    'result_begin': 0, 'result_end': 100, 'total_search_results': 2,
                    'query_string': term, 'search_results':
                    [{'domain': 'pelastakaalapset.fi',
                    'meta': 'Clearnet page: Self-help program is primarily intended for people who are worried about their sexual interest, thoughts, feelings or actions concerning children.',
                    'title': 'Self-help Program For People Who Are Worried About Their Sexual Interest In Children',
                    'url': 'https://www.pelastakaalapset.fi/en/our-work-in-finland/child-protection-and-finnish-hotline/otanvastuun/'},
                    {'domain': 'mielenterveystalo.fi', 'title': 'Sexual Interest In Children - Self-Help Programme',
                    'meta': 'Clearnet page: What is it all about when my sexual interest is directed towards children considerably younger than myself?',
                    'url': 'https://www.mielenterveystalo.fi/aikuiset/itsehoito-ja-oppaat/itsehoito/sexual-interest-in-children/Pages/default.aspx/'}],
                    'search_time': 1.23, 'now': datetime.now() }
                    return context
        return False # Not filtered

    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        This method is override to add parameters to the get_context_data call
        start = time.time()
        search_term = request.GET.get('q', '')
        context = self.banned_search(search_term)
        if context:
            return self.render_to_response(context)
        kwargs['q'] = search_term
        kwargs['page'] = request.GET.get('page', 0)



        if 'gp' in request.GET or 'lp' in request.GET:  # enable PagePop
            local_pp_scores = local_page_pop(self.object_list.hits)
            self.sort_hits(local_pp_scores, request.GET)


        kwargs['time'] = round(time.time() - start, 2)

        context = self.get_context_data(**kwargs)
        return self.render_to_response(context)

    def log_stats(**kwargs):
        """log the query for stats calculations"""
            search_term=kwargs['q'], network='T')

    # def get_queryset(self, **kwargs):
    #     object_list = super(TorResultsView, self).get_queryset(**kwargs)
    #     object_list.hits = self.filter_hits(object_list.hits)
    #     return object_list

    def get_es_context(self, **kwargs):
        return {
            "index": utils.get_elasticsearch_tor_index(),
            "doc_type": utils.get_elasticsearch_type(),
            "body": {
                "query": {
                    "bool": {
                        "must": [
                                "multi_match": {
                                    "query": kwargs['q'],
                                    "type": "most_fields",
                                    "fields": [
                                    "minimum_should_match": "75%",
                                    "cutoff_frequency": 0.01
                        "must_not": [
                                "exists": {
                                    # todo duplicate key since its defined as python dict
                                    "field": "is_fake",
                                    "field": "is_banned"
                        # "filter": [
                        #     {
                        #         "missing": {
                        #             "field": "is_fake"
                        #         }
                        #     },
                        #     {
                        #         "missing": {
                        #             "field": "is_banned"
                        #         }
                        #     }
                        # ]
                "suggest": {
                    "text": kwargs.get('q'),
                    "simple-phrase": {
                        "phrase": {
                            "field": "fancy",
                            "gram_size": 2  # todo make this applicable?
                "aggregations": {
                    "domains": {
                        "terms": {
                            "size": 1000,
                            "field": "domain",
                            "order": {"max_score": "desc"}
                        "aggregations": {
                            "score": {
                                "top_hits": {
                                    "size": 1,
                                    "sort": [
                                            "authority": {
                                                "order": "desc",
                                                "missing": 0.0000000001
                                            "_score": {
                                                "order": "desc"
                                    "_source": {
                                        "include": ["title", "url", "meta",
                                                    "updated_on", "domain",
                                                    "authority", "anchors",
                            "max_score": {
                                "max": {
                                    "script": "_score"
            "size": 0

    def format_hits(self, hits):
        Transform ES response into a list of results.
        Returns total number of results, results, didYoMean suggestion

        :param hits: ES response, type: `dict`
        :rtype: SimpleNamespace
            suggest = hits['suggest']['simple-phrase'][0]['options'][0]['text']
        except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError):
            suggest = None
        hits = hits['aggregations']['domains']
        total = len(hits['buckets']) + hits['sum_other_doc_count']

        new_hits = []
        for h in hits['buckets']:
            # replace score, updated_on, anchors with clear values
            tmp = h['score']['hits']['hits'][0]
            new_hit = tmp['_source'].copy()
            new_hit['score'] = tmp['sort'][1] * tmp['sort'][0]
            new_hit['updated_on'] = datetime.strptime(
                new_hit['updated_on'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
                new_hit['anchors'] = new_hit['anchors'][0]
            except (KeyError, TypeError):


        self.object_list = SimpleNamespace(total=total, hits=new_hits, suggest=suggest)

    def filter_hits(self):
        url_params = self.request.GET
        hits = self.object_list.hits
            pastdays = int(url_params.get('d'))
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            # Either pastdays not exists or not valid int (e.g 'all')
            # Either case hits are not altered
            hits = filter_hits_by_time(hits, pastdays)
            self.object_list.hits = hits
            self.object_list.total = len(hits)

    def sort_hits(self, local_pp_scores, urlparams):
        Combine IR (Information Relevant) score given by Elasticsearch,
        with PP (Page Popularity) score, to sort the results
        if not self.object_list:
        hits = self.object_list.hits

        ir_scores = []
        pp_globl_scores = []
        pp_local_scores = []
        for h in hits:
            ir_scores.append(h.get('score', 0))

        ir_scores_norm = utils.normalize_on_max(ir_scores)
        pp_globl_scores_norm = utils.normalize_on_max(pp_globl_scores)
        pp_local_scores_norm = utils.normalize_on_max(pp_local_scores)

        if settings.DEBUG:
            assert len(ir_scores_norm) == len(pp_globl_scores_norm) == \
                   len(pp_local_scores_norm) == len(hits)

        for h, ir, pp, pl in zip(hits, ir_scores_norm, pp_globl_scores_norm,
            h['score'] = heuristic_score(ir, pp, pl, urlparams)

        self.object_list.hits = sorted(hits, key=lambda k: k['score'], reverse=True)

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        Get the context data to render the result page.
        page = kwargs['page']
        length = self.object_list.total
        max_pages = int(math.ceil(float(length) / self.RESULTS_PER_PAGE))

        return {
            'suggest': self.object_list.suggest,
            'page': page + 1,
            'max_pages': max_pages,
            'result_begin': self.RESULTS_PER_PAGE * page,
            'result_end': self.RESULTS_PER_PAGE * (page + 1),
            'total_search_results': length,
            'query_string': kwargs['q'],
            'search_results': self.object_list.hits,
            'search_time': kwargs['time'],
            'now': date.fromtimestamp(time.time())

class IipResultsView(TorResultsView):
    """ I2P Search results view """
    template_name = "i2p_results.html"

    def log_stats(**kwargs):
        """Invoked by super().get() to log the query for stats calculations"""
            search_term=kwargs['q'], network='I')

    def get_es_context(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(IipResultsView, self).get_es_context(**kwargs)
        context['index'] = get_elasticsearch_i2p_index()
        return context