# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Defines intervals for holding components.

:copyright: 2015 Agile Geoscience
:license: Apache 2.0
import operator
import warnings
from functools import total_ordering

    from functools import partialmethod
except:  # Python 2
    from utils import partialmethod

from .component import Component
from .position import Position
from . import utils

class IntervalError(Exception):
    Generic error class.

class Interval(object):
    Used to represent a lithologic or stratigraphic interval, or single point,
    such as a sample location.

    Initialize with a top (and optional base) and a description and/or
    an ordered list of components.

        top (float): Required top depth. Required.
        base (float): Base depth. Optional.
        description (str): Textual description.
        lexicon (dict): A lexicon. See documentation. Optional unless you only
            provide descriptions, because it's needed to extract components.
        max_component (int): The number of components to extract. Default 1.
        abbreviations (bool): Whether to parse for abbreviations.

        Seems like I should be able to instantiate like this:

            ``Interval({'top': 0, 'components':[Component({'age': 'Neogene'})``s

        I can get around it for now like this:

            ``Interval(**{'top': 0, 'components':[Component({'age': 'Neogene'})``

        Question: should Interval itself cope with only being handed 'top' and
        either fill in down to the next or optionally create a point?
    def __init__(self, top, base=None,

        if not isinstance(top, Position):
            top = Position(middle=top)

        if base is not None:
            if not isinstance(base, Position):
                base = Position(middle=base)

        self.top = top
        if base is not None:
            self.base = base
            self.base = top

        self.description = str(description)

        self.data = data or {}

        if components:
            self.components = list(components)
            self.components = []

        if self.description and (not self.components):
            if lexicon:
                comps = self.__parse_description(lexicon,
                self.components = comps
                with warnings.catch_warnings():
                    w = "You must provide a lexicon to generate "
                    w += "components from descriptions."
                self.components = []

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        # If we were passed top or base, make sure it's a position.
        if name in ['top', 'base']:
            if not isinstance(value, Position):
                value = Position(middle=value)
        # Must now use the parent's setattr, or we go in circles.
        super(Interval, self).__setattr__(name, value)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__dict__.__str__()

    def __repr__(self):
        s = str(self)
        return "Interval({0})".format(s)

    def __add__(self, other):
            If adding components, should take account of 'amount', if present.
            Or 'proportion'? ...Could be specified by lexicon??
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return self.union(other)

        elif isinstance(other, Component):
            top = self.top.z
            base = self.base.z
            d = self.description + ' with ' + other.summary()
            c = self.components + [other]
            data = self._combine_data(other)

            return Interval(top, base, description=d, data=data, components=c)

            m = "You can only add components or intervals."
            raise IntervalError(m)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        Must supply __eq__ and one other rich comparison for
        the total_ordering function to provide the others.
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return self.top == other.top

    def __lt__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            if self.order == 'elevation':
                return self.top < other.top
            return self.top > other.top

    def __bool__(self):
        if (not self.components) and (not self.data):
            return False
            return True

    def _repr_html_(self):
        Jupyter Notebook magic repr function.
        items = ['top', 'primary', 'summary', 'description', 'data', 'base']
        rows = ''
        row = '<tr>{row1}<td><strong>{e}</strong></td><td>{v}</td></tr>'
        style = 'width:2em; background-color:#DDDDDD'
        extra = '<td style="{}" rowspan="{}"></td>'
        for i, e in enumerate(items):
            row1 = extra.format(style, len(items)) if not i else ''
            v = getattr(self, e)
            v = v._repr_html_() if (v and (e == 'primary')) else v
            v = self.summary() if e == 'summary' else v
            v = utils.dict_repr_html(self.data) if e == 'data' else v
            v = v.z if e in ['top', 'base'] else v
            rows += row.format(row1=row1, e=e, v=v)

        html = '<table>{}</table>'.format(rows)
        return html

    def primary(self):
        Convenience function returning the first component.

            Component. The first one in the list of components.
        if self.components:
            return self.components[0]
            return None

    def middle(self):
        Returns the middle of the interval.

            Float: The middle.
        return (self.base.z + self.top.z) / 2

    def thickness(self):
        Returns the thickness of the interval.

            Float: The thickness.
        return abs(self.base.z - self.top.z)

    def min_thickness(self):
        Returns the minimum possible thickness of the interval, given the
        uncertainty in its top and base Positions.

            Float: The minimum thickness.
        return abs(self.base.upper - self.top.lower)

    def max_thickness(self):
        Returns the maximum possible thickness of the interval, given the
        uncertainty in its top and base Positions.

            Float: The maximum thickness.
        return abs(self.base.lower - self.top.upper)

    def kind(self):
        The type of Interval: a 'point' (where base = top),
        or an 'interval', where thickness > 0.

            str: Either 'point' or 'interval'.
        if self.thickness > 0:
            return 'point'
        return 'interval'

    def order(self):
        Gives the order of this interval, based on relative values of
        top & base.
        if self.top.z > self.base.z:
            return 'elevation'
            return 'depth'

    def summary(self, fmt=None, initial=False):
        Returns a summary of the interval.

            fmt (str): A format string. Optional.
            initial (bool): Whether to capitalize the first letter.

            str: An English-language summary.

            Allow formatting of the entire string, not just the rock.
        s = [c.summary(fmt=fmt, initial=initial)
             for c in self.components]
        summary = " with ".join(s)
        if summary:
            return "{0:.2f} m of {1}".format(self.thickness, summary)
        elif self.description:
            return "{0:.2f} m of {1}".format(self.thickness, self.description)
            return None

    def invert(self, copy=False):
        Inverts the interval. If it was depth-ordered (positive numbers
        increasing downwards.), it will now be elevation-ordered, and
        vice versa.

            copy (bool): Whether to make a copy or not. Default: False.
        if copy:
            d = self.__dict__.copy()
            return Interval(top=self.base, base=self.top, **d)
            old_base = self.base
            self.base = self.top
            self.top = old_base

    def copy(self):
        Returns a shallow copy of the interval.

        return Interval(**self.__dict__.copy())

    def relationship(self, other):
        Returns the relationship style. Completely deterministic.

        o = {'depth': operator.lt, 'elevation': operator.gt}[self.order]
        top_inside = o(self.top.z, other.top.z) and o(other.top.z, self.base.z)
        base_inside = o(self.top.z, other.base.z) and o(other.base.z, self.base.z)
        above_below = o(other.top.z, self.top.z) and o(self.base.z, other.base.z)

        if top_inside and base_inside:
            return 'contains'
        elif above_below:
            return 'containedby'
        elif top_inside or base_inside:
            return 'partially'
        elif (self.top.z == other.base.z) or (self.base.z == other.top.z):
            return 'touches'
            return None

    def _overlaps(self, other, rel='any'):
        Checks to see if and how two intervals overlap.

        overlaps = ['partially', 'contains', 'containedby']
        acceptable = overlaps + ['touches', 'any']
        if rel not in acceptable:
            m = 'rel must be one of {}'.format(', '.join(acceptable))
            raise IntervalError(m)

        r = self.relationship(other)
        if r:
            if (r == rel) or ((rel == 'any') and (r in overlaps)):
                return True
        return False

    # Curry _overlaps() into some convenient functions.
    any_overlaps = partialmethod(_overlaps, rel='any')
    partially_overlaps = partialmethod(_overlaps, rel='partially')
    completely_contains = partialmethod(_overlaps, rel='contains')
    is_contained_by = partialmethod(_overlaps, rel='containedby')
    touches = partialmethod(_overlaps, rel='touches')

    def spans(self, d):
        Determines if depth d is within this interval.

            d (float): Level or 'depth' to evaluate.

            bool. Whether the depth is in the interval.
        o = {'depth': operator.le, 'elevation': operator.ge}[self.order]
        return (o(d, self.base.z) and o(self.top.z, d))

    def split_at(self, d):
        Splits an interval.

            d (float): Level or 'depth' to split at.

            tuple. The two intervals that result from the split.
        if not self.spans(d):
            m = 'd = {} must be within interval {}'.format(d, self)
            raise IntervalError(m)

        int1, int2 = self.copy(), self.copy()

        int1.base = d
        int2.top = d

        return int1, int2  # upper, lower

    def _explode(self, other):
        Private function. 'Explodes' an interval with another interval.
        Note that `self` must at least partially overlap `other`.

            other (Interval): The other Interval.

            tuple. Three Intervals: upper, middle, lower; `middle` has the
                properties of the lowermost Interval.
        if not self.order == other.order:
            m = 'self and other must have the same wayupness'
            raise IntervalError(m)

        uppermost = max(self, other).copy()
        lowermost = min(self, other).copy()  # Only based on tops.

        if self.partially_overlaps(other):
            upper, _ = uppermost.split_at(lowermost.top.z)
            middle, lower = lowermost.split_at(uppermost.base.z)
            upper_temp, lower = uppermost.split_at(lowermost.base.z)
            upper, _ = upper_temp.split_at(lowermost.top.z)
            middle = lowermost

        return upper, middle, lower  # middle has lowermost's properties

    def _combine_data(self, other):
        Combines data only.

            other (Interval): The other Interval.

            dict. The blended data.
        self_data = getattr(self, 'data', None)
        other_data = getattr(other, 'data', None)

        if (self_data is None) and (other_data is None):
            return {}
        elif (self_data is not None) and (other_data is None):
            return self_data
        elif (self_data is None) and (other_data is not None):
            return other_data
            data = {}
            for k, v in other_data.items():
                if k in self_data:
                    v = utils.list_and_add(self_data[k], v)
                data[k] = v
            return data

    def _blend_descriptions(self, other):
        Private method. Computes the description for combining two intervals.
        Make sure that the intervals are already adjusted to the correct

            other (Interval): The other Interval.

            str. The blended description.
        thin, thick = sorted([self, other], key=lambda k: k.thickness)
        total = thin.thickness + thick.thickness
        prop = 100 * thick.thickness / total

        if self.components == other.components:
            return self.description.strip(' .,')

        d1 = thick.description.strip(' .,') or thick.summary()
        d2 = thin.description.strip(' .,') or thin.summary()
        if d1:
            d = '{:.1f}% {} with {:.1f}% {}'.format(prop, d1, 100-prop, d2)
            d = ''

        return d

    def _combine(self, old_self, other, blend=True):
        Private method. Combines data, components, and descriptions but
        nothing else.

            old_self (Interval): You have to pass the instance explicitly.
            other (Interval): The other Interval.
            blend (bool): Whether to blend or not.

            Interval. The combined description.
        if blend:
            self.components = old_self.components.copy()
            for c in other.components:
                if c not in self.components:
            self.description = old_self._blend_descriptions(other)
            self.data = old_self._combine_data(other)
            self.components = other.components
            self.description = other.description
            self.data = other.data

        return self

    def intersect(self, other, blend=True):
        Perform the intersection binary operation. self must at least
        partially overlap with other or an IntervalError is raised.

        If blend is False, you are essentially replacing self with other.

            other (Interval): The other Interval.
            blend (bool): Whether to blend or not.

            Interval. The intersection of the Interval with the one provided.
        if not self.any_overlaps(other):
            m = 'self must at least partially overlap other'
            raise IntervalError(m)

        _, intersection, _ = self._explode(other)

        return intersection._combine(self, other, blend=blend)

    def merge(self, other, blend=True):
        Perform the merge binary operation. self must at least
        partially overlap with other or an IntervalError is raised.

        If blend is False, you are essentially replacing self with other.

            other (Interval): The other Interval.
            blend (bool): Whether to blend or not.

            Striplog. The merge of the Interval with the one provided.
        if not self.any_overlaps(other):
            m = 'self must at least partially overlap other'
            raise IntervalError(m)

        upper, middle, lower = self._explode(other)

        if self.top.z == upper.top.z:
            self_is_uppermost = True
            self_is_uppermost = False

        middle = middle._combine(self, other, blend=blend)

        if self.partially_overlaps(other) and (not blend):
            # Then we'll only have two pieces:
            if self_is_uppermost:
                result = [upper, other]
                result = [other, lower]
            result = [lower, middle, upper]

        from .striplog import Striplog  # Import here to avoid circular ref
        if self.order == 'depth':
            return Striplog(result[::-1])
            return Striplog(result)

    def union(self, other, blend=True):
        Perform the union binary operation. self must at least touch other or
        an IntervalError is raised.

        If blend is False, you are essentially replacing self with other.

            other (Interval): The other Interval.
            blend (bool): Whether to blend or not.

            Interval. The union of the Interval with the one provided.
        if not (self.touches(other) or self.any_overlaps(other)):
            # m = 'self must at least touch or partially overlap other'
            # raise IntervalError(m)
            return self, other

        if self.order == 'elevation':
            top = max(self.top.z, other.top.z)
            bot = min(self.base.z, other.base.z)
            top = min(self.top.z, other.top.z)
            bot = max(self.base.z, other.base.z)

        result = self.copy()
        result.top = top
        result.base = bot

        return result._combine(self, other, blend=blend)

    def difference(self, other):
        Perform the difference binary operation.

            other (Interval): The other Interval.

            Interval. One or two Intervals.
        if self.touches(other) or (not self.any_overlaps(other)):
            return self
        elif self.completely_contains(other):
            upper, _, lower = self._explode(other)
            return upper, lower
            if self > other:
                return self.split_at(other.top.z)[0]
            elif self < other:
                return self.split_at(other.base.z)[1]
            else:  # They are equal
                return None

    def __parse_description(self, lexicon,
        Turns a description into a lists of components. The items in the
        list are in the order they were found in the description, which is
        usually order of importance.

            lexicon (Lexicon): The translation between words and their meaning.
            max_component (int): The most components to return. Default 1.
            abbreviations (bool): Whether to expand abreviations or not.
                Default False.

            List. A list of Components extracted from the description text.
        if abbreviations:
            text = lexicon.expand_abbreviations(self.description)
            text = self.description

        components = []
        for p, part in enumerate(lexicon.split_description(text)):
            if p == max_component:
            components.append(Component.from_text(part, lexicon))

        return components