import pytest
from django import forms
from django.core import exceptions
from django.test import SimpleTestCase
from django.utils.html import escape

from django_mysql.forms import JSONField, SimpleListField, SimpleSetField

class TestSimpleListField(SimpleTestCase):
    def test_valid(self):
        field = SimpleListField(forms.CharField())
        value = field.clean("a,b,c")
        assert value == ["a", "b", "c"]

    def test_to_python_no_leading_commas(self):
        field = SimpleListField(forms.IntegerField())
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert excinfo.value.messages[0] == "No leading, trailing, or double commas."

    def test_to_python_no_trailing_commas(self):
        field = SimpleListField(forms.IntegerField())
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert excinfo.value.messages[0] == "No leading, trailing, or double commas."

    def test_to_python_no_double_commas(self):
        field = SimpleListField(forms.IntegerField())
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert excinfo.value.messages[0] == "No leading, trailing, or double commas."

    def test_to_python_base_field_does_not_validate(self):
        field = SimpleListField(forms.IntegerField())
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert (
            == "Item 1 in the list did not validate: Enter a whole number."

    def test_validate_fail(self):
        field = SimpleListField(
            forms.ChoiceField(choices=(("a", "The letter A"), ("b", "The letter B")))
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert excinfo.value.messages[0] == (
            "Item 2 in the list did not validate: Select a valid choice. "
            + "c is not one of the available choices."

    def test_validators_fail(self):
        field = SimpleListField(forms.RegexField("[a-e]{2}"))
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert (
            == "Item 1 in the list did not validate: Enter a valid value."

    def test_validators_fail_base_max_length(self):
        field = SimpleListField(forms.CharField(max_length=5))
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert excinfo.value.messages[0] == (
            "Item 1 in the list did not validate: Ensure this value has "
            + "at most 5 characters (it has 6)."

    def test_validators_fail_base_min_max_length(self):
        # there's just no satisfying some people...
        field = SimpleListField(forms.CharField(min_length=10, max_length=8))
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert excinfo.value.messages[0] == (
            "Item 1 in the list did not validate: Ensure this value has "
            + "at least 10 characters (it has 9)."
        assert excinfo.value.messages[1] == (
            "Item 1 in the list did not validate: Ensure this value has "
            + "at most 8 characters (it has 9)."

    def test_prepare_value(self):
        field = SimpleListField(forms.CharField())
        value = field.prepare_value(["a", "b", "c"])
        assert value.split(",") == ["a", "b", "c"]

        assert field.prepare_value("1,a") == "1,a"

    def test_max_length(self):
        field = SimpleListField(forms.CharField(), max_length=2)
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert (
            == "List contains 3 items, it should contain no more than 2."

    def test_min_length(self):
        field = SimpleListField(forms.CharField(), min_length=4)
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert (
            == "List contains 3 items, it should contain no fewer than 4."

    def test_required(self):
        field = SimpleListField(forms.CharField(), required=True)
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert excinfo.value.messages[0] == "This field is required."

class TestSimpleSetField(SimpleTestCase):
    def test_valid(self):
        field = SimpleSetField(forms.CharField())
        value = field.clean("a,b,c")
        assert value == {"a", "b", "c"}

    def test_to_python_no_leading_commas(self):
        field = SimpleSetField(forms.IntegerField())
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert excinfo.value.messages[0] == "No leading, trailing, or double commas."

    def test_to_python_no_trailing_commas(self):
        field = SimpleSetField(forms.IntegerField())
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert excinfo.value.messages[0] == "No leading, trailing, or double commas."

    def test_to_python_no_double_commas(self):
        field = SimpleSetField(forms.IntegerField())
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert excinfo.value.messages[0] == "No leading, trailing, or double commas."

    def test_to_python_base_field_does_not_validate(self):
        field = SimpleSetField(forms.IntegerField())
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert (
            == "Item 1 in the set did not validate: Enter a whole number."

    def test_to_python_duplicates_not_allowed(self):
        field = SimpleSetField(forms.IntegerField())
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert (
            == "Duplicates are not supported. '1' appears twice or more."

    def test_to_python_two_duplicates_not_allowed(self):
        field = SimpleSetField(forms.IntegerField())
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert (
            == "Duplicates are not supported. '1' appears twice or more."
        assert (
            == "Duplicates are not supported. '2' appears twice or more."

    def test_validate_fail(self):
        field = SimpleSetField(
            forms.ChoiceField(choices=[("a", "The letter A"), ("b", "The letter B")])
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert excinfo.value.messages[0] == (
            'Item "c" in the set did not validate: '
            + "Select a valid choice. c is not one of the available "
            + "choices."

    def test_validators_fail(self):
        field = SimpleSetField(forms.RegexField("[a-e]{2}"))
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert (
            == 'Item "a" in the set did not validate: Enter a valid value.'

    def test_validators_fail_base_max_length(self):
        field = SimpleSetField(forms.CharField(max_length=5))
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert excinfo.value.messages[0] == (
            'Item "longer" in the set did not validate: Ensure this value '
            + "has at most 5 characters (it has 6)."

    def test_validators_fail_base_min_max_length(self):
        # there's just no satisfying some people...
        field = SimpleSetField(forms.CharField(min_length=10, max_length=8))
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert excinfo.value.messages[0] == (
            'Item "undefined" in the set did not validate: Ensure this '
            + "value has at least 10 characters (it has 9)."
        assert excinfo.value.messages[1] == (
            'Item "undefined" in the set did not validate: Ensure this '
            + "value has at most 8 characters (it has 9)."

    def test_prepare_value(self):
        field = SimpleSetField(forms.CharField())
        value = field.prepare_value({"a", "b", "c"})
        assert sorted(value.split(",")) == ["a", "b", "c"]
        assert field.prepare_value("1,a") == "1,a"

    def test_max_length(self):
        field = SimpleSetField(forms.CharField(), max_length=2)
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert (
            == "Set contains 3 items, it should contain no more than 2."

    def test_min_length(self):
        field = SimpleSetField(forms.CharField(), min_length=4)
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert (
            == "Set contains 3 items, it should contain no fewer than 4."

    def test_required(self):
        field = SimpleSetField(forms.CharField(), required=True)
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
        assert excinfo.value.messages[0] == "This field is required."

class TestJSONField(SimpleTestCase):
    def test_valid(self):
        field = JSONField()
        value = field.clean('{"a": "b"}')
        assert value == {"a": "b"}

    def test_valid_empty(self):
        field = JSONField(required=False)
        value = field.clean("")
        assert value is None

    def test_invalid(self):
        field = JSONField()
        with pytest.raises(exceptions.ValidationError) as excinfo:
            field.clean("{some badly formed: json}")
        assert (
            == "'{some badly formed: json}' value must be valid JSON."

    def test_prepare_value(self):
        field = JSONField()
        assert field.prepare_value({"a": "b"}) == '{"a": "b"}'
        assert field.prepare_value(["a", "b"]) == '["a", "b"]'
        assert field.prepare_value(True) == "true"
        assert field.prepare_value(False) == "false"
        assert field.prepare_value(3.14) == "3.14"
        assert field.prepare_value(None) == "null"
        assert field.prepare_value("foo") == '"foo"'

    def test_redisplay_wrong_input(self):
        When displaying a bound form (typically due to invalid input), the form
        should not overquote JSONField inputs.

        class JsonForm(forms.Form):
            name = forms.CharField(max_length=2)
            jfield = JSONField()

        # JSONField input is fine, name is too long
        form = JsonForm({"name": "xyz", "jfield": '["foo"]'})
        assert "[&quot;foo&quot;]</textarea>" in form.as_p()

        # This time, the JSONField input is wrong
        form = JsonForm({"name": "xy", "jfield": '{"foo"}'})
        # Appears once in the textarea and once in the error message
        assert form.as_p().count(escape('{"foo"}')) == 2

    def test_already_converted_value(self):
        field = JSONField(required=False)
        tests = [
            '["a", "b", "c"]',
            '{"a": 1, "b": 2}',
        for json_string in tests:
            val = field.clean(json_string)
            assert field.clean(val) == val

    def test_disabled(self):
        class JsonForm(forms.Form):
            jfield = JSONField(disabled=True)

        form = JsonForm({"jfield": '["bar"]'}, initial={"jfield": ["foo"]})
        assert "[&quot;foo&quot;]</textarea>" in form.as_p()