# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# © 2015 ACSONE SA/NV
# License AGPLv3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0-standalone.html)

import logging
import time

from colorama import Fore, Style

    'DEBUG': Fore.BLUE,  # Blue
    'INFO': Fore.GREEN,  # Green
    'ERROR': Fore.RED,
    'CRITICAL': Fore.RED

def default_log_template(self, record):
    """Return the prefix for the log message. Template for Formatter.

    :param: record: :py:class:`logging.LogRecord` object. this is passed in
    from inside the :py:meth:`logging.Formatter.format` record.


    reset = [Style.RESET_ALL]
    levelname = [
        LEVEL_COLORS.get(record.levelname), Style.BRIGHT,
        Style.RESET_ALL, ' '
    asctime = [
        '[', Fore.BLACK, Style.DIM, Style.BRIGHT,
        Fore.RESET, Style.RESET_ALL, ']'
    name = [
        ' ', Fore.WHITE, Style.DIM, Style.BRIGHT,
        Fore.RESET, Style.RESET_ALL, ' '
    threadName = [
        ' ', Fore.BLUE, Style.DIM, Style.BRIGHT,
        '%(threadName)s ',
        Fore.RESET, Style.RESET_ALL, ' '

    tpl = "".join(reset + levelname + asctime + name + threadName + reset)

    return tpl

class LogFormatter(logging.Formatter):

    template = default_log_template

    def __init__(self, color=True, *args, **kwargs):
        logging.Formatter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

    def format(self, record):
            record.message = record.getMessage()
        except Exception as e:
            record.message = "Bad message (%r): %r" % (e, record.__dict__)

        date_format = '%H:%M:%S'
        record.asctime = time.strftime(
            date_format, self.converter(record.created)

        prefix = self.template(record) % record.__dict__

        formatted = prefix + " " + record.message
        return formatted.replace("\n", "\n    ")

def debug_log_template(self, record):
    """ Return the prefix for the log message. Template for Formatter.

    :param: record: :class:`logging.LogRecord` object. this is passed in
    from inside the :py:meth:`logging.Formatter.format` record.


    reset = [Style.RESET_ALL]
    levelname = [
        LEVEL_COLORS.get(record.levelname), Style.BRIGHT,
        Style.RESET_ALL, ' '
    asctime = [
        '[', Fore.BLACK, Style.DIM, Style.BRIGHT,
        '%(asctime)s', Fore.RESET, Style.RESET_ALL, ']'
    name = [
        ' ', Fore.WHITE, Style.DIM, Style.BRIGHT,
        Fore.RESET, Style.RESET_ALL, ' '
    threadName = [
        ' ', Fore.BLUE, Style.DIM, Style.BRIGHT,
        '%(threadName)s ',
        Fore.RESET, Style.RESET_ALL, ' '
    module_funcName = [
        Fore.GREEN, Style.BRIGHT,
    lineno = [
        Fore.BLACK, Style.DIM, Style.BRIGHT, ':', Style.RESET_ALL,
        Fore.CYAN, '%(lineno)d'

    tpl = ''.join(
        reset + levelname + asctime + name + threadName + module_funcName +
        lineno + reset

    return tpl

class DebugLogFormatter(LogFormatter):

    """Provides greater technical details than standard log Formatter."""

    template = debug_log_template