# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================
"""Operators for concise TensorFlow network models.

This module is used as an environment for evaluating expressions
in the "specs" DSL.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from tensorflow.contrib.layers.python.layers import layers
from tensorflow.contrib.ndlstm.python import lstm1d
from tensorflow.contrib.ndlstm.python import lstm2d
from tensorflow.contrib.specs.python import specs_lib
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import logging_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import nn
from tensorflow.python.ops import nn_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import variable_scope

# The following assignments don't appear to follow Google naming
# conventions, but that's because these are functions defined by
# higher-order function application, not "constants" and because they
# are the commands of the DSL.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name

class Idx(specs_lib.Composable):
  """Implements the identity function in network specifications."""

  def funcall(self, x):
    return x

class Conc(specs_lib.Composable):
  """Implements tensor concatenation in network specifications."""

  def __init__(self, dim, *args):
    """Concatenates tensors along the given dimension.

        dim: dimension along which concatenation takes place
        *args: argument tensor functions to be concatenated
    self.dim = dim
    self.funs = args

  def funcall(self, x):
    outputs = [f.funcall(x) for f in self.funs]
    return array_ops.concat(outputs, self.dim)

External = specs_lib.External
Import = specs_lib.Import
Fun = specs_lib.Function
debug = specs_lib.debug
Print = Fun(logging_ops.Print)
Id = Fun(array_ops.identity)

# TODO(tmb) add Assert

# Two letter names for the most common layers.

# 2D Convolutional layers with nonlinearities (s/t/r/m/l)
# TODO(tmb) add Cbs, Fbs etc. for batch norms

Cx = Fun(layers.conv2d)
Cs = Fun(layers.conv2d, activation_fn=math_ops.sigmoid)
Ct = Fun(layers.conv2d, activation_fn=math_ops.tanh)
Cr = Fun(layers.conv2d, activation_fn=nn_ops.relu)
Cm = Fun(layers.conv2d, activation_fn=nn_ops.softmax)
Cl = Fun(layers.conv2d, activation_fn=None)

# Fully connected slim with nonlinearities (s/t/r/m/l)

Fx = Fun(layers.fully_connected)
Fs = Fun(layers.fully_connected, activation_fn=math_ops.sigmoid)
Ft = Fun(layers.fully_connected, activation_fn=math_ops.tanh)
Fr = Fun(layers.fully_connected, activation_fn=nn_ops.relu)
Fm = Fun(layers.fully_connected, activation_fn=nn_ops.softmax)
Fl = Fun(layers.fully_connected, activation_fn=None)

# Pooling

Mp = Fun(layers.max_pool2d)
Ap = Fun(layers.avg_pool2d)

# Batch manipulations

Do = Fun(layers.dropout)
Bn = Fun(layers.batch_norm)
Lrn = Fun(nn.local_response_normalization)
Unit = Fun(layers.unit_norm)

# Shape changes

Flat = Fun(layers.flatten)
Reshape = Fun(array_ops.reshape)
Transpose = Fun(array_ops.transpose)
Squeeze = Fun(array_ops.squeeze)
Expand = Fun(array_ops.expand_dims)

# Nonlinearities (rarely needed on their own)

Relu = Fun(nn_ops.relu)
Sig = Fun(math_ops.sigmoid)
Tanh = Fun(math_ops.tanh)
Smax = Fun(nn_ops.softmax)


Lstm2 = Fun(lstm2d.separable_lstm)
Lstm2to1 = Fun(lstm2d.reduce_to_sequence)  # 2D to 1D
Lstm2to0 = Fun(lstm2d.reduce_to_final)  # 2D to depth-only

def Clstm2(n, *args, **kw):
  """2D LSTM with 3x3 pre-convolution."""
  return Cl(n, [3, 3]) | Lstm2(*args, **kw)

def Dws(n):
  """Depth-wise convolution + sigmoid (used after LSTM)."""
  return Cs(n, [1, 1])

def Dwm(n):
  """Depth-wise convolution + softmax (used after LSTM)."""
  return Cm(n, [1, 1])


Lstm1 = Fun(lstm1d.ndlstm_base)
Lstm1to0 = Fun(lstm1d.sequence_to_final)  # 1D to depth-only
Ssm = Fun(lstm1d.sequence_softmax)

# Sharing of Variables

def Var(name, *args, **kw):
  """Implements an operator that generates a variable.

  This function is still experimental. Use it only
  for generating a single variable instance for
  each name.

      name: Name of the variable.
      *args: Other arguments to get_variable.
      **kw: Other keywords for get_variable.

      A specs object for generating a variable.

  def var(_):
    return variable_scope.get_variable(name, *args, **kw)

  return specs_lib.Callable(var)

class Shared(specs_lib.Composable):
  """Wraps a scope with variable reuse around the subnetwork.

  This function is still experimental.

      f: The shared subnetwork.
      name: A name for the shared scope.
      used: A flag indicating whether the scope has already been used.

  shared_number = 1

  def __init__(self, subnet, name=None, scope=None):
    """Create the Shared operator.

    Use this as:

        f = Shared(Cr(100, 3))
        g = f | f | f

    Ordinarily, you do not need to provide either a name or a scope.
    Providing a name is useful if you want a well-defined namespace
    for the variables (e.g., for saving a subnet).

        subnet: Definition of the shared network.
        name: Optional name for the shared context.
        scope: Optional shared scope (must be a Scope, not a string).

        ValueError: Scope is not of type tf.Scope, name is not
        of type string, or both scope and name are given together.
    if scope is not None and not isinstance(scope,
      raise ValueError("scope must be None or a VariableScope")
    if name is not None and not isinstance(scope, str):
      raise ValueError("name must be None or a string")
    if scope is not None and name is not None:
      raise ValueError("cannot provide both a name and a scope")
    if name is None:
      name = "Shared_%d" % Shared.shared_number
      Shared.shared_number += 1
    self.subnet = subnet
    self.name = name
    self.scope = scope

  def funcall(self, x):
    """Apply the shared operator to an input.

    This wraps a variable scope around the creation of the subnet.

        x: The input argument on which the subnet is invoked.

        The output tensor from invoking the subnet constructor.
    if self.scope is None:
      with variable_scope.variable_scope(self.name, values=[x]) as scope:
        self.scope = scope
        return self.subnet.funcall(x)
      with variable_scope.variable_scope(self.scope, values=[x], reuse=True):
        return self.subnet.funcall(x)