import numpy as np

from pax import plugin, utils
from pax.InterpolatingMap import InterpolatingMap

from scipy.special import betainc, gammaln

def bdtrc(k, n, p):
    if (k < 0):
        return (1.0)

    if (k == n):
        return (0.0)
    dn = n - k
    if (k == 0):
        if (p < .01):
            dk = -np.expm1(dn * np.log1p(-p))
            dk = 1.0 - np.exp(dn * np.log(1.0 - p))
        dk = k + 1
        dk = betainc(dk, dn, p)
    return dk

def bdtr(k, n, p):
    if (k < 0):
        return np.nan

    if (k == n):
        return (1.0)

    dn = n - k
    if (k == 0):
        dk = np.exp(dn * np.log(1.0 - p))
        dk = k + 1
        dk = betainc(dn, dk, 1.0 - p)
    return dk

def binom_pmf(k, n, p):
    scale_log = gammaln(n + 1) - gammaln(n - k + 1) - gammaln(k + 1)
    ret_log = scale_log + k * np.log(p) + (n - k) * np.log(1 - p)
    return np.exp(ret_log)

def binom_cdf(k, n, p):
    return bdtr(k, n, p)

def binom_sf(k, n, p):
    return bdtrc(k, n, p)

def binom_test(k, n, p):
    The main purpose of this algorithm is to find the value j on the
    other side of the mean that has the same probability as k, and
    integrate the tails outward from k and j. In the case where either
    k or j are zero, only the non-zero tail is integrated.
    if n < k:
        raise ValueError("n must be >= k")
    if (p > 1.0) or (p < 0.0):
        raise ValueError("p must be in range [0, 1]")
    if k < 0:
        raise ValueError("k must be >= 0")

    d = binom_pmf(k, n, p)
    rerr = 1 + 1e-7
    d = d * rerr
    n_iter = int(max(np.round(np.log10(n)) + 1, 2))
    if k < n * p:
        j_min, j_max = k, n

        def check(d, y0, y1):
            return ((y0 >= d) and (d > y1))

        if binom_pmf(0, n, p) > d:
            j_min = j_max = 0
            n_iter = 0
            j_min, j_max = 0, k

            def check(d, y0, y1):
                return ((y0 <= d) and (d < y1))

    for i in range(n_iter):  # successive approximation loop
        n_pts = 20 if i == 0 else 10
        j_range = np.linspace(j_min, j_max, n_pts, endpoint=True)
        y = binom_pmf(j_range, n, p)
        for i in range(len(j_range) - 1):
            if check(d, y[i], y[i + 1]):
                j_min, j_max = j_range[i], j_range[i + 1]
    j = max(min((j_min + j_max) / 2, n), 0)

    if k * j == 0:  # one is zero, means we do a one-sided test
        pval = binom_sf(max(k, j), n, p)
        pval = binom_cdf(min(k, j), n, p) + binom_sf(max(k, j), n, p)
    return min(1.0, pval)

def s1_area_fraction_top_probability(aft_prob, area_tot, area_fraction_top,
                                     hits_tot, hits_fraction_top, low_pe_threshold=10,
    """Wrapper that does the S1 AFT probability calculation for you

    # below this in PE, transition to hits
    if area_tot < low_pe_threshold:
        s1_frac = area_tot / low_pe_threshold
        hits_top = hits_tot * hits_fraction_top
        s1_top = area_tot * area_fraction_top
        size_top = hits_top * (1. - s1_frac) + s1_top * s1_frac
        size_tot = hits_tot * (1. - s1_frac) + area_tot * s1_frac
        size_top = area_tot * area_fraction_top
        size_tot = area_tot

    if mode == 'pmf':
        return binom_pmf(size_top, size_tot, aft_prob)

        return binom_test(size_top, size_tot, aft_prob)

class S1AreaFractionTopProbability(plugin.TransformPlugin):
    """Computes p-value for S1 area fraction top for each interaction

    def startup(self):
        aftmap_filename = utils.data_file_name('XENON1T_s1_aft_xyz_20170808.json')
        self.aft_map = InterpolatingMap(aftmap_filename)

    def transform_event(self, event):
        for ia in event.interactions:
            s1 = event.peaks[ia.s1]

            aft_prob = self.aft_map.get_value(ia.x, ia.y, ia.z)

            ia.s1_area_fraction_top_probability = s1_area_fraction_top_probability(
                aft_prob, s1.area, s1.area_fraction_top, s1.n_hits, s1.hits_fraction_top)

        return event