#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

import json
import logging
from random import choice
from sys import exit

import click
from nltk import RegexpParser
from nltk.parse.stanford import StanfordParser
from nltk.tree import Tree

from strephit.commons.tokenize import Tokenizer
from strephit.commons.pos_tag import TTPosTagger
from strephit.commons.io import load_scraped_items
from strephit.commons.split_sentences import PunktSentenceSplitter
from strephit.commons import parallel

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class SentenceExtractor:
    """ Base class for sentence extractors.

    def __init__(self, corpus, document_key, sentences_key, language, lemma_to_token, match_base_form):
        """ Initializes the extractor.

            :param iterable corpus: The corpus, iterable of `dict`s
            :param str document_key: The key from which to retrieve the textual document
            :param str sentences_key: The key to which the extracted sentences should be stored
            :param str language: The language the text is in
            :param dict lemma_to_token: Mapping from lemma to list of tokens
        self.corpus = corpus
        self.sentences_key = sentences_key
        self.document_key = document_key
        self.lemma_to_token = lemma_to_token
        self.language = language
        self.lemma_to_token = lemma_to_token if match_base_form else self._filter_base_form(lemma_to_token)
        self.tokenizer = Tokenizer(self.language)
        self.tagger = TTPosTagger(self.language)

    def extract_from_item(self, item):
        """ Extract sentences from an item. Relies on `setup_extractor`
            having been called

            :param dict item: Item from which to extract sentences
            :return: The original item and list of extracted sentences
            :rtype: tuple of dict, list
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def setup_extractor(self):
        """ Optional setup code, run before starting the extraction

    def teardown_extractor(self):
        """ Optional teardown code, run after the extraction

    def extract(self, processes=0):
        """ Processes the corpus extracting sentences from each item
            and storing them in the item itself.

            :param int processes: how many processes to use for parallel tagging
            :return: the extracted sentences
            :type: generator of dicts

            count = 0
            for i, (item, extracted) in enumerate(parallel.map(self.extract_from_item,
                                                               self.corpus, processes)):

                if not item.get('name') or not item.get('url'):
                    logger.warn('Skipping item without name or URL')

                # assign an unique incremental ID to each sentence
                # and store information about the originating document
                for each in extracted:
                    each['id'] = count
                    each['url'] = item['url']
                    each['name'] = item['name']
                    count += 1

                    yield each

                if (i + 1) % 10000 == 0:
                    logger.info('Processed %d items, extracted %d sentences',
                                i + 1, count)

            logger.info('Done, total sentences extracted: %d', count)

    def _filter_base_form(lemma_to_token):
        """ Remove the base form from each list of tokens """
        for lemma, tokens in lemma_to_token.iteritems():
            if lemma in tokens:
        return lemma_to_token

class OneToOneExtractor(SentenceExtractor):
    """ 121 extraction strategy: 1 sentence per 1 LU
        N.B.: the same sentence will appear only once
        the sentence is assigned to a RANDOM LU
    splitter = None
    all_verb_tokens = None
    token_to_lemma = None

    def setup_extractor(self):
        self.splitter = PunktSentenceSplitter(self.language)

        self.all_verb_tokens = set()
        self.token_to_lemma = {}
        for lemma, match_tokens in self.lemma_to_token.iteritems():
            for match_token in match_tokens:
                self.token_to_lemma[match_token.lower()] = lemma
        logger.debug("All match tokens: %s" % self.all_verb_tokens)

    def extract_from_item(self, item):
        extracted = []
        url = item.get('url')
        if not url:
            logger.warn('skipping item without url')

        document = item.get(self.document_key)
        if not document:
            logger.debug('skipping item without document')
        elif isinstance(document, list):
            document = '\n'.join(document)

        sentences = self.splitter.split(document)
        for sentence in sentences:
            if not sentence.strip():

            tagged = self.tagger.tag_one(sentence, skip_unknown=False)
            sentence_verbs = [token for token, pos, lemma in tagged if pos.startswith('V')]

            matched = []
            for token in self.all_verb_tokens:
                if token in sentence_verbs:

            if matched:
                assigned_token = choice(matched)
                assigned_lu = self.token_to_lemma[assigned_token]
                    'lu': assigned_lu,
                    'text': sentence,
                    'tagged': tagged,
                    'url': url,

        if extracted:
            logger.debug("%d sentences extracted", len(extracted))
            return item, extracted
            logger.debug("No sentences extracted")

class ManyToManyExtractor(SentenceExtractor):
    """ n2n extraction strategy: many sentences per many LUs
        N.B.: the same sentence is likely to appear multiple times
    splitter = None

    def setup_extractor(self):
        self.splitter = PunktSentenceSplitter(self.language)

    def extract_from_item(self, item):
        extracted = []
        text = item.get(self.document_key)
        url = item.get('url')
        if not text or not url:
            logger.debug('skipping item without url or bio')
        elif isinstance(text, list):
            text = '\n'.join(text)

        sentences = self.splitter.split(text)
        for sentence in sentences:
            if not sentence.strip():

            tagged = self.tagger.tag_one(sentence, skip_unknown=False)
            sentence_verbs = {token.lower() for token, pos, lemma in tagged if pos.startswith('V')}

            for lemma, match_tokens in self.lemma_to_token.iteritems():
                for match in match_tokens:
                    if match.lower() in sentence_verbs:
                            'url': url,
                            'lu': lemma,
                            'text': sentence,
                            'tagged': tagged,

        if extracted:
            logger.debug("%d sentences extracted", len(extracted))
            return item, extracted
            logger.debug("No sentences extracted")

class SyntacticExtractor(SentenceExtractor):
    """ Tries to split sentences into sub-sentences so that each of them
        contains only one LU

    splitter = None
    parser = None
    token_to_lemma = None
    all_verbs = None

    def setup_extractor(self):
        self.splitter = PunktSentenceSplitter(self.language)
        self.parser = StanfordParser(path_to_jar='dev/stanford-corenlp-3.6.0.jar',
                                     java_options=' -mx2G -Djava.ext.dirs=dev/')

        self.token_to_lemma = {}
        for lemma, tokens in self.lemma_to_token.iteritems():
            for t in tokens:
                self.token_to_lemma[t] = lemma
        self.all_verbs = set(self.token_to_lemma.keys())

    def extract_from_item(self, item):
        extracted = []
        bio = item.get(self.document_key, '').lower()
        url = item.get('url')
        if not bio or not url:
            logger.warn('skipping item without url or bio')

            roots = self.parser.raw_parse_sents(self.splitter.split(bio))
        except (OSError, UnicodeDecodeError):
            logger.exception('cannot parse biography, skipping')

        for root in roots:
            root = root.next()
                sub_sents = self.find_sub_sentences(root)
                logger.exception('cannot find sub-sentences')

            for sub in sub_sents:
                    text = ' '.join(chunk for _, chunk in self.find_terminals(sub))
                    logger.debug('processing text ' + text)
                    verbs = set(chunk for _, chunk in self.find_terminals(sub, 'V'))
                    logger.exception('cannot extract verbs or parse sentence')

                found = verbs.intersection(self.all_verbs)

                if len(found) == 0:
                    logger.debug('No matching verbs found in sub sentence')
                elif len(found) == 1:
                        'lu': self.token_to_lemma[found.pop()],
                        'text': text,
                        'url': url,
                    logger.debug('More than one matching verbs found in sentence %s: %s',
                                 text, repr(found))

        if extracted:
            logger.debug("%d sentences extracted...", len(extracted))
            return item, extracted
            logger.debug("No sentences extracted. Skipping the whole item ...")

    def find_sub_sentences(self, tree):
        # sub-sentences are the lowest S nodes in the parse tree
        if not isinstance(tree, Tree):
            return []

        s = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, map(self.find_sub_sentences, iter(tree)), [])
        if tree.label() == 'S':
            return s or [tree]
            return s

    def find_terminals(self, tree, label=None):
        # finds all terminals in the tree with the given label prefix
        if len(tree) == 1 and not isinstance(tree[0], Tree):
            if label is None or tree.label().startswith(label):
                yield (tree.label(), tree[0])
            for child in tree:
                for each in self.find_terminals(child, label):
                    yield each

class GrammarExtractor(SentenceExtractor):
    """ Grammar-based extraction strategy: pick sentences that comply with a pre-defined grammar. """

    splitter = None
    parser = None
    # Grammars rely on POS labels, which are language-dependent
    grammars = {
        'en': r"""
                NOPH: {<PDT>?<DT|PP.*|>?<CD>?<JJ.*|VVN>*<N.+|FW>+<CC>?}
                CHUNK: {<NOPH>+<MD>?<V.+>+<IN|TO>?<NOPH>+}
        'it': r"""
                SN: {<PRO.*|DET.*|>?<ADJ>*<NUM>?<NOM|NPR>+<NUM>?<ADJ|VER:pper>*}
                CHUNK: {<SN><VER.*>+<SN>}

    def setup_extractor(self):
        self.splitter = PunktSentenceSplitter(self.language)
        grammar = self.grammars.get(self.language)
        if grammar:
            self.parser = RegexpParser(grammar)
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid or unsupported language: '%s'. Please use one of the currently supported ones: %s" % (
                    self.language, self.grammars.keys())

        for lemma, match_tokens in self.lemma_to_token.iteritems():
            self.lemma_to_token[lemma] = set([match.lower() for match in match_tokens])

    def extract_from_item(self, item):
        extracted = []
        url = item.get('url')
        if not url:
            logger.warn('skipping item without url')

        document = item.get(self.document_key)
        if not document:
        elif isinstance(document, list):
            document = '\n'.join(document)

        # Sentence splitting
        sentences = self.splitter.split(document)
        tokens = 0
        for sentence in sentences:
            if not sentence.strip():

            tagged = [(token, pos) for token, pos, lemma in self.tagger.tag_one(sentence)]

            # Parsing via grammar
            parsed = self.parser.parse(tagged)

            # Loop over sub-sentences that match the grammar
            for grammar_match in parsed.subtrees(lambda t: t.label() == 'CHUNK'):
                logger.debug("Grammar match: '%s'" % grammar_match)
                # Look up the LU
                for token, pos in grammar_match.leaves():
                    # Restrict match to sub-sentence verbs only
                    if pos.startswith('V'):
                        for lemma, match_tokens in self.lemma_to_token.iteritems():
                            if token.lower() in match_tokens:
                                # Return joined chunks only
                                # TODO test with full sentence as well
                                # TODO re-constitute original text (now join on space)
                                text = ' '.join([leaf[0] for leaf in grammar_match.leaves()])
                                logger.debug("Extracted sentence: '%s'" % text)
                                logger.debug("Sentence token '%s' is in matches %s" % (token, match_tokens))
                                logger.debug("Extracted sentence: %s" % text)
                                    'lu': lemma,
                                    'text': text,
                                    'tagged': tagged,
                                    'url': url,

        if extracted:
            logger.debug("%d sentences extracted. Removing the full text from the item ...", len(extracted))
            return item, extracted
            logger.debug("No sentences extracted. Skipping the whole item ...")

def extract_sentences(corpus, sentences_key, document_key, language,
                      lemma_to_tokens, strategy, match_base_form, processes=0):
    Extract sentences from the given corpus by matching tokens against a given set.

    :param corpus: Corpus as an iterable of documents
    :param str sentences_key: dict key where to put extracted sentences
    :param str document_key: dict key where the textual document is
    :param str language: ISO 639-1 language code used for tokenization and sentence splitting
    :param dict lemma_to_tokens: Dict with corpus lemmas as keys and tokens to be matched as values
    :param str strategy: One of the 4 extraction strategies ['121', 'n2n', 'grammar', 'syntactic']
    :param bool match_base_form: whether to match verbs base form
    :param int processes: How many concurrent processes to use
    :return: the corpus, updated with the extracted sentences and the number of extracted sentences
    :rtype: generator of tuples

    if strategy == 'n2n':
        logger.info("About to extract sentences using the 'many to many' strategy: the same "
                    "sentence is likely to appear multiple times, with different LUs.")
        extractor = ManyToManyExtractor
    elif strategy == '121':
        logger.info("About to extract sentences using the 'one to one' strategy: the same "
                    "sentence will appear only once.")
        extractor = OneToOneExtractor
    elif strategy == 'grammar':
        logger.info("About to extract sentences using the 'grammar' strategy: the same "
                    "sentence will appear only once.")
        extractor = GrammarExtractor
    elif strategy == 'syntactic':
        logger.info("About to extract sentences using the 'syntactic' strategy: the same "
                    "sentence will appear only once.")
        extractor = SyntacticExtractor
        raise ValueError("Malformed or unsupported extraction strategy: "
                         "please use one of ['121', 'n2n', 'grammar', or 'syntactic']")

    for each in extractor(corpus, document_key, sentences_key, language,
                          lemma_to_tokens, match_base_form).extract(processes):
        yield each

@click.argument('corpus', type=click.Path(exists=True))
@click.argument('lemma_to_tokens', type=click.File('r'))
@click.option('--strategy', '-s', type=click.Choice(['n2n', '121', 'grammar', 'syntactic']), default='n2n')
@click.option('--outfile', '-o', type=click.File('w'), default='output/sentences.jsonlines')
@click.option('--sentences-key', default='sentences')
@click.option('--document-key', default='bio')
@click.option('--processes', '-p', default=0)
@click.option('--match-base-form', is_flag=True, default=False)
def main(corpus, lemma_to_tokens, language_code, strategy, outfile, processes,
         sentences_key, document_key, match_base_form):
    """ Extract corpus sentences containing at least one token in the given set. """
    corpus = load_scraped_items(corpus)
    updated = extract_sentences(corpus, sentences_key, document_key, language_code,
                                json.load(lemma_to_tokens), strategy, match_base_form, processes)

    for item in updated:
        outfile.write(json.dumps(item) + '\n')
    logger.info("Dumped sentences to '%s'" % outfile.name)
    return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':