import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy
import h5py
import os

def sr_update(pgrad, Sij, step, eps=0.1):
    invSij = np.linalg.inv(Sij + eps * np.eye(Sij.shape[0]))
    v = np.einsum("ij,j->i", invSij, pgrad)
    return -v * step  # / np.linalg.norm(v)

def sd_update(pgrad, Sij, step, eps=0.1):
    return -pgrad * step  # / np.linalg.norm(pgrad)

def sr12_update(pgrad, Sij, step, eps=0.1):
    invSij = scipy.linalg.sqrtm(np.linalg.inv(Sij + eps * np.eye(Sij.shape[0])))
    v = np.einsum("ij,j->i", invSij, pgrad)
    return -v * step  # / np.linalg.norm(v)

def opt_hdf(hdf_file, data, attr, configs, parameters):
    import pyqmc.hdftools as hdftools

    if hdf_file is not None:
        with h5py.File(hdf_file, "a") as hdf:
            if "configs" not in hdf.keys():
                hdftools.setup_hdf(hdf, data, attr)
                for k, it in parameters.items():
                    hdf.create_dataset("wf/" + k, data=it)
            hdftools.append_hdf(hdf, data)
            for k, it in parameters.items():
                hdf["wf/" + k][...] = it.copy()

def polyfit_relative(xfit, yfit, degree):
    p = np.polyfit(xfit, yfit, degree)
    ypred = np.polyval(p, xfit)
    resid = (ypred - yfit) ** 2
    relative_error = np.var(resid) / np.var(yfit)
    return p, relative_error

def stable_fit2(xfit, yfit, tolerance=1e-2):
    """ Try to fit to a quadratic. If the fit is not good, 
    then just take the lowest value of yfit
    steprange = np.max(xfit)
    minstep = np.min(xfit)
    pq, relative_errq = polyfit_relative(xfit, yfit, 2)
    pl, relative_errl = polyfit_relative(xfit, yfit, 1)

    print("relative errors in fit", relative_errq, relative_errl)
    if relative_errl / relative_errq < 2:  # If a linear fit is about as good..
        if pl[0] < 0:
            return steprange
            return minstep
    elif relative_errq < tolerance and pq[0] > 0:
        est_min = -pq[1] / (2 * pq[0])
        if est_min > steprange:
            est_min = steprange
        if est_min < minstep:
            est_min = minstep
        return est_min
        return xfit[np.argmin(yfit)]

def stable_fit(xfit, yfit):
    p = np.polyfit(xfit, yfit, 2)
    steprange = np.max(xfit)
    minstep = np.min(xfit)
    est_min = -p[1] / (2 * p[0])
    if est_min > steprange and p[0] > 0:  # minimum past the search radius
        est_min = steprange
    if est_min < minstep and p[0] > 0:  # mimimum behind the search radius
        est_min = minstep
    if p[0] < 0:
        plin = np.polyfit(xfit, yfit, 1)
        if plin[0] < 0:
            est_min = steprange
        if plin[0] > 0:
            est_min = minstep
    # print("estimated minimum adjusted", est_min, flush=True)
    return est_min

def line_minimization(
    npartitions = None
    """Optimizes energy by determining gradients with stochastic reconfiguration
        and minimizing the energy along gradient directions using correlated sampling.


      wf: initial wave function

      coords: initial configurations

      pgrad_acc: A PGradAccumulator-like object

      steprange: How far to search in the line minimization

      warmup: number of steps to use for vmc warmup

      max_iterations: (maximum) number of steps in the gradient descent

      vmcoptions: a dictionary of options for the vmc method

      lmoptions: a dictionary of options for the lm method

      update: A function that generates a parameter change 

      update_kws: Any keywords 

      npts: number of points to fit to in each line minimization


      wf: optimized wave function


    if vmcoptions is None:
        vmcoptions = {}
    vmcoptions.update({"verbose": verbose})
    if lmoptions is None:
        lmoptions = {}
    if update_kws is None:
        update_kws = {}

    # Restart
    if hdf_file is not None and os.path.isfile(hdf_file):
        with h5py.File(hdf_file, "r") as hdf:
            if "wf" in hdf.keys():
                grp = hdf["wf"]
                for k in grp.keys():
                    wf.parameters[k] = np.array(grp[k])
            if 'iteration' in hdf.keys():
                iteration_offset = np.max(hdf['iteration'][...])+1

    # Attributes for linemin
    attr = dict(max_iterations=max_iterations, npts=npts, steprange=steprange)

    def gradient_energy_function(x, coords):
        newparms = pgrad_acc.transform.deserialize(x)
        for k in newparms:
            wf.parameters[k] = newparms[k]
        df, coords =, coords, accumulators={"pgrad": pgrad_acc}, client=client, npartitions=npartitions, **vmcoptions)
        en = np.mean(df["pgradtotal"], axis=0)
        en_err = np.std(df["pgradtotal"], axis=0) / np.sqrt(df['pgradtotal'].shape[0])
        dpH = np.mean(df["pgraddpH"], axis=0)
        dp = np.mean(df["pgraddppsi"], axis=0)
        dpdp = np.mean(df["pgraddpidpj"], axis=0)
        grad = 2 * np.real(dpH - en * dp)
        Sij = np.real(dpdp - np.einsum("i,j->ij", dp, dp))

        if np.any(np.isnan(grad)):
            for nm, quant in {'dpH':dpH,
                print(nm, quant)
            raise ValueError("NaN detected in derivatives")
        return coords, grad, Sij, en, en_err

    x0 = pgrad_acc.transform.serialize_parameters(wf.parameters)

    # VMC warm up period
    if verbose:
        print("starting warmup")
    data, coords =, coords, accumulators={}, **vmcoptions)
    df = []
    # Gradient descent cycles
    for it in range(max_iterations):
        # Calculate gradient accurately
        coords, pgrad, Sij, en, en_err = gradient_energy_function(x0, coords)
        step_data = {}
        step_data["energy"] = en
        step_data["energy_error"] = en_err
        step_data["x"] = x0
        step_data["pgradient"] = pgrad
        step_data["iteration"] = it+iteration_offset
        step_data['nconfig'] = coords.configs.shape[0]

        if verbose:
            print("descent en", en, en_err)
            print("descent |grad|", np.linalg.norm(pgrad), flush=True)

        xfit = []
        yfit = []

        # Calculate samples to fit.
        # include near zero in the fit, and go backwards as well
        # We don't use the above computed value because we are
        # doing correlated sampling.
        steps = np.linspace(-steprange / npts, steprange, npts)
        params = [x0 + update(pgrad, Sij, step, **update_kws) for step in steps]
        if client is None:
            stepsdata = correlated_compute(wf, coords, params, pgrad_acc)
            stepsdata = correlated_compute_parallel(wf, coords, params, pgrad_acc, client, npartitions)
        stepsdata['weight'] = stepsdata['weight']/np.mean(stepsdata['weight'], axis=1)[:,np.newaxis]
        en = np.mean(stepsdata['total']*stepsdata['weight'], axis=1)
        est_min = stable_fit(xfit, yfit)
        x0 += update(pgrad, Sij, est_min, **update_kws)
        step_data["tau"] = xfit
        step_data["yfit"] = yfit

        opt_hdf(hdf_file, step_data, attr, coords, pgrad_acc.transform.deserialize(x0))

    newparms = pgrad_acc.transform.deserialize(x0)
    for k in newparms:
        wf.parameters[k] = newparms[k]

    return wf, df

def correlated_compute(wf, configs, params, pgrad_acc):
    Evaluates accumulator on the same set of configs for correlated sampling of different wave function parameters

        wf: wave function object
        configs: (nconf, nelec, 3) array
        params: (nsteps, nparams) array 
            list of arrays of parameters (serialized) at each step
        pgrad_acc: PGradAccumulator 

        data: a single dict with indices [parameter, values]

    import copy
    import numpy as np

    data = []
    psi0 = wf.recompute(configs)[1]  # recompute gives logdet
    for p in params:
        newparms = pgrad_acc.transform.deserialize(p)
        for k in newparms:
            wf.parameters[k] = newparms[k]
        psi = wf.recompute(configs)[1]  # recompute gives logdet
        rawweights = np.exp(2 * (psi - psi0))  # convert from log(|psi|) to |psi|**2
        df = pgrad_acc.enacc(configs, wf)
        df["weight"] = rawweights
    data_ret = {}
    for k in data[0].keys():
        data_ret[k] = np.asarray([d[k] for d in data])
    return data_ret

def correlated_compute_parallel(wf, configs, params, pgrad_acc, client, npartitions):
    config = configs.split(npartitions)
    runs=[ client.submit(correlated_compute, wf, conf , params, pgrad_acc) for conf in config]
    allresults = [r.result() for r in runs]
    block_avg = {}
    for k in allresults[0].keys():
        block_avg[k] = np.hstack([res[k] for res in allresults])
    return block_avg