Functions to create Voronoi regions from points inside a geographic area.

"shapely" refers to the [Shapely Python package for computational geometry](http://toblerity.org/shapely/index.html).

Author: Markus Konrad <markus.konrad@wzb.eu>

import logging
from collections import defaultdict

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import Voronoi
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from shapely.geometry import LineString, asPoint, MultiPoint, Polygon
from shapely.ops import polygonize, cascaded_union

from ._geom import polygon_around_center

logger = logging.getLogger('geovoronoi')

def coords_to_points(coords):
    """Convert a NumPy array of 2D coordinates `coords` to a list of shapely Point objects"""
    return list(map(asPoint, coords))

def points_to_coords(pts):
    """Convert a list of shapely Point objects to a NumPy array of 2D coordinates `coords`"""
    return np.array([p.coords[0] for p in pts])

def voronoi_regions_from_coords(coords, geo_shape,
    Calculate Voronoi regions from NumPy array of 2D coordinates `coord` that lie within a shape `geo_shape`. Setting
    `shapes_from_diff_with_min_area` fixes rare errors where the Voronoi shapes do not fully cover `geo_shape`. Set this
    to a small number that indicates the minimum valid area of "fill up" Voronoi region shapes.
    Set `accept_n_coord_duplicates` to accept exactly this number of points with exactly the same coordinates. Such
    duplicates will belong to the same Voronoi region. If set to `None` then any number of duplicate coordinates is
    accepted. Set `return_unassigned_points` to True to additionally return a list of shapely Point objects that could
    not be assigned to any Voronoi region.

    This function returns the following values in a tuple:

    1. `poly_shapes`: a list of shapely Polygon/MultiPolygon objects that represent the generated Voronoi regions
    2. `points`: the input coordinates converted to a list of shapely Point objects
    3. `poly_to_pt_assignments`: a nested list that for each Voronoi region in `poly_shapes` contains a list of indices
       into `points` (or `coords`) that represent the points that belong to this Voronoi region. Usually, this is only
       a single point. However, in case of duplicate points (e.g. both or more points have exactly the same coordinates)
       then all these duplicate points are listed for the respective Voronoi region.
    4. optional if `return_unassigned_points` is True: a list of points that could not be assigned to any Voronoi region

    When calculating the far points of loose ridges for the Voronoi regions, `farpoints_max_extend_factor` is the
    factor that is multiplied with the maximum extend per dimension. Increase this number in case the hull of far points
    doesn't intersect with `geo_shape`.

    logger.info('running Voronoi tesselation for %d points' % len(coords))
    vor = Voronoi(coords)
    logger.info('generated %d Voronoi regions' % (len(vor.regions)-1))

    logger.info('generating Voronoi polygon lines')
    poly_lines = polygon_lines_from_voronoi(vor, geo_shape, farpoints_max_extend_factor=farpoints_max_extend_factor)

    logger.info('generating Voronoi polygon shapes')
    poly_shapes = polygon_shapes_from_voronoi_lines(poly_lines, geo_shape,

    logger.info('assigning %d points to %d Voronoi polygons' % (len(coords), len(poly_shapes)))
    points = coords_to_points(coords)
    poly_to_pt_assignments, unassigned_pts = assign_points_to_voronoi_polygons(points, poly_shapes,

    if return_unassigned_points:
        return poly_shapes, points, poly_to_pt_assignments, list(unassigned_pts)
        return poly_shapes, points, poly_to_pt_assignments

def polygon_lines_from_voronoi(vor, geo_shape, return_only_poly_lines=True, farpoints_max_extend_factor=10):
    Takes a scipy Voronoi result object `vor` (see [1]) and a shapely Polygon `geo_shape` the represents the geographic
    area in which the Voronoi regions shall be placed. Calculates the following three lists:

    1. Polygon lines of the Voronoi regions. These can be used to generate all Voronoi region polygons via
    2. Loose ridges of Voronoi regions.
    3. Far points of loose ridges of Voronoi regions.

    If `return_only_poly_lines` is True, only the first list is returned, otherwise a tuple of all three lists is

    When calculating the far points of loose ridges, `farpoints_max_extend_factor` is the factor that is multiplied
    with the maximum extend per dimension. Increase this number in case the hull of far points doesn't intersect
    with `geo_shape`.

    Calculation of Voronoi region polygon lines taken and adopted from [2].

    [1]: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.spatial.Voronoi.html#scipy.spatial.Voronoi
    [2]: https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/v1.0.0/scipy/spatial/_plotutils.py

    max_dim_extend = vor.points.ptp(axis=0).max() * farpoints_max_extend_factor
    center = np.array(MultiPoint(vor.points).convex_hull.centroid)

    # generate lists of full polygon lines, loose ridges and far points of loose ridges from scipy Voronoi result object
    poly_lines = []
    loose_ridges = []
    far_points = []
    for pointidx, simplex in zip(vor.ridge_points, vor.ridge_vertices):
        simplex = np.asarray(simplex)
        if np.all(simplex >= 0):       # full finite polygon line
        else:   # "loose ridge": contains infinite Voronoi vertex
            i = simplex[simplex >= 0][0]  # finite end Voronoi vertex

            t = vor.points[pointidx[1]] - vor.points[pointidx[0]]  # tangent
            t /= np.linalg.norm(t)
            n = np.array([-t[1], t[0]])  # normal

            midpoint = vor.points[pointidx].mean(axis=0)
            direction = np.sign(np.dot(midpoint - center, n)) * n
            direction = direction / np.linalg.norm(direction)   # to unit vector

            far_point = vor.vertices[i] + direction * max_dim_extend * farpoints_max_extend_factor

            loose_ridges.append(LineString(np.vstack((vor.vertices[i], far_point))))

    # confine the infinite Voronoi regions by constructing a "hull" from loose ridge far points around the centroid of
    # the geographic area

    # first append the loose ridges themselves
    for l in loose_ridges:

    # now create the "hull" of far points: `far_points_hull`
    far_points = np.array(far_points)
    far_points_hull = polygon_around_center(far_points, center)

    if far_points_hull is None:
        raise RuntimeError('no polygonal hull of far points could be created')

    # sometimes, this hull does not completely encompass the geographic area `geo_shape`
    if not far_points_hull.contains(geo_shape):   # if that's the case, merge it by taking the union
        far_points_hull = far_points_hull.union(geo_shape)

    if not isinstance(far_points_hull, Polygon):
        raise RuntimeError('hull of far points is not Polygon as it should be; try increasing '

    # now add the lines that make up `far_points_hull` to the final `poly_lines` list
    far_points_hull_coords = far_points_hull.exterior.coords
    for i, pt in list(enumerate(far_points_hull_coords))[1:]:
        poly_lines.append(LineString((far_points_hull_coords[i-1], pt)))
    poly_lines.append(LineString((far_points_hull_coords[-1], far_points_hull_coords[0])))

    if return_only_poly_lines:
        return poly_lines
        return poly_lines, loose_ridges, far_points

def polygon_shapes_from_voronoi_lines(poly_lines, geo_shape=None, shapes_from_diff_with_min_area=None):
    Form shapely Polygons objects from a list of shapely LineString objects in `poly_lines` by using
    [`polygonize`](http://toblerity.org/shapely/manual.html#shapely.ops.polygonize). If `geo_shape` is not None, then
    the intersection between any generated polygon and `geo_shape` is taken in case they overlap (i.e. the Voronoi
    regions at the border are "cut" to the `geo_shape` polygon that represents the geographic area holding the
    Voronoi regions). Setting `shapes_from_diff_with_min_area` fixes rare errors where the Voronoi shapes do not fully
    cover `geo_shape`. Set this to a small number that indicates the minimum valid area of "fill up" Voronoi region
    Returns a list of shapely Polygons objects.

    # generate shapely Polygon objects from the LineStrings of the Voronoi shapes in `poly_lines`
    poly_shapes = []
    for p in polygonize(poly_lines):
        if geo_shape is not None and not geo_shape.contains(p):    # if `geo_shape` contains polygon `p`,
            p = p.intersection(geo_shape)                          # intersect it with `geo_shape` (i.e. "cut" it)

        if not p.is_empty:

    if geo_shape is not None and shapes_from_diff_with_min_area is not None:
        # fix rare cases where the generated polygons of the Voronoi regions don't fully cover `geo_shape`
        vor_polys_union = cascaded_union(poly_shapes)   # union of Voronoi regions
        diff = np.array(geo_shape.difference(vor_polys_union), dtype=object)    # "gaps"
        diff_areas = np.array([p.area for p in diff])    # areas of "gaps"
        # use only those "gaps" bigger than `shapes_from_diff_with_min_area` because very tiny areas are generated
        # at the borders due to floating point errors
        poly_shapes.extend(diff[diff_areas >= shapes_from_diff_with_min_area])

    return poly_shapes

def assign_points_to_voronoi_polygons(points, poly_shapes,
    Assign a list/array of shapely Point objects `points` to their respective Voronoi polygons passed as list
    `poly_shapes`. Return a list of `assignments` of size `len(poly_shapes)` where ith element in `assignments`
    contains the index of the point in `points` that resides in the ith Voronoi region.
    Normally, 1-to-1 assignments are expected, i.e. for each Voronoi region in `poly_shapes` there's exactly one point
    in `points` belonging to this Voronoi region. However, if there are duplicate coordinates in `points`, then those
    duplicates will be assigned together to their Voronoi region and hence there is a 1-to-n relationship between
    Voronoi regions and points. If `accept_n_coord_duplicates` is set to None, then an an unspecified number of
    duplicates are allowed. If `accept_n_coord_duplicates` is 0, then no point duplicates are allowed, otherwise
    exactly `accept_n_coord_duplicates` duplicates are allowed.
    Set `return_unassigned_points` to additionally return a list of points that could not be assigned to any Voronoi
    region. `coords` can be passed in order to avoid another conversion from Point objects to NumPy coordinate array.

    # do some checks first

    n_polys = len(poly_shapes)
    n_points = len(points)

    if n_polys > n_points:
        raise ValueError('The number of voronoi regions must be smaller or equal to the number of points')

    if accept_n_coord_duplicates is None:
        dupl_restricted = False
        accept_n_coord_duplicates = n_points - n_polys
        dupl_restricted = True

    expected_n_geocoords = n_points - accept_n_coord_duplicates

    if coords is None:
        coords = points_to_coords(points)
    elif len(coords) != n_points:
        raise ValueError('`coords` and `points` must have the same length')

    if accept_n_coord_duplicates >= 0 and n_polys != expected_n_geocoords:
        raise ValueError('Unexpected number of geo-coordinates: %d (got %d polygons and expected %d geo-coordinates)' %
                         (n_points, n_polys, expected_n_geocoords))

    # get the Voronoi regions' centroids and calculate the distance between all centroid – input coordinate pairs
    poly_centroids = np.array([p.centroid.coords[0] for p in poly_shapes])
    poly_pt_dists = cdist(poly_centroids, coords)

    # generate the assignments
    assignments = []
    already_assigned = set()
    n_assigned_dupl = 0
    for i_poly, vor_poly in enumerate(poly_shapes):
        # indices to points sorted by distance to this Voronoi region's centroid
        closest_pt_indices = np.argsort(poly_pt_dists[i_poly])
        assigned_pts = []
        n_assigned = len(assigned_pts)
        for i_pt in closest_pt_indices:      # check each point with increasing distance
            pt = points[i_pt]

            if pt.intersects(vor_poly):      # if this point is inside this Voronoi region, assign it to the region
                if i_pt in already_assigned:
                    raise RuntimeError('Point %d cannot be assigned to more than one voronoi region' % i_pt)
                if n_assigned >= accept_n_coord_duplicates - n_assigned_dupl:

        if not assigned_pts:
            raise RuntimeError('Polygon %d does not contain any point' % i_poly)

        if accept_n_coord_duplicates == 0 and len(assigned_pts) > 1:
            raise RuntimeError('No duplicate points allowed but polygon %d contains several points: %s'
                               % (i_poly, str(assigned_pts)))

        # add the assignments for this Voronoi region
        n_assigned_dupl += len(assigned_pts)-1

    # make some final checks

    assert len(assignments) == len(poly_shapes)

    if dupl_restricted:
        assert n_assigned_dupl == accept_n_coord_duplicates
        assert sum(map(len, assignments)) == len(poly_shapes) + accept_n_coord_duplicates
        assert len(already_assigned) == n_points   # make sure all points were assigned
        unassigned_pt_indices = set()
        unassigned_pt_indices = set(range(n_points)) - already_assigned

    if return_unassigned_points:
        return assignments, unassigned_pt_indices
        return assignments

def get_points_to_poly_assignments(poly_to_pt_assignments):
    Reverse of poly to points assignments: Returns a list of size N, which is the number of unique points in
    `poly_to_pt_assignments`. Each list element is an index into the list of Voronoi regions.
    pt_poly = [(i_pt, i_vor)
               for i_vor, pt_indices in enumerate(poly_to_pt_assignments)
               for i_pt in pt_indices]

    return [i_vor for _, i_vor in sorted(pt_poly, key=lambda x: x[0])]