The ``invariants`` module calculates the market invariants for various securities and
returns an usage dataframe of those invariants.

Currently Implemented:

- Stocks
- Forex

Future plans include fixed-income and derivatives market invariants.


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import warnings

def stock_invariants(prices, no_assets):
    Calculates stock price invariants, which are the compounded returns
    :param prices: stock prices data of the various tickers
    :type prices: pd Dataframe
    :param no_assets: number of assets in data
    :type no_assets: int
    :return: dataframe of stock invariants
    :rtype: pd.Dataframe
    if not isinstance(prices, pd.DataFrame):
        warnings.warn("prices are not a pd Dataframe", RuntimeWarning)

    asset_ret = pd.DataFrame()
    for j in range(no_assets):
        returns = []
        for i in range(1, len(prices)):
            log_ret = np.log(prices.iloc[i, j] / prices.iloc[i-1, j])
        asset_ret = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(returns), asset_ret], axis=1, ignore_index=True)
    return asset_ret

def forex_invariants(prices, no_assets):
    Calculates forex price invariants, which are the compounded returns
    :param prices: stock prices data of the various tickers
    :type prices: pd Dataframe
    :param no_assets: number of assets in data
    :type no_assets: int
    :return: dataframe of stock invariants
    :rtype: pd.Dataframe
    if not isinstance(prices, pd.DataFrame):
        warnings.warn("prices are not a pd Dataframe", RuntimeWarning)

    asset_ret = pd.DataFrame()
    for j in range(no_assets):
        returns = []
        for i in range(1, len(prices)):
            log_ret = np.log(prices.iloc[i, j] / prices.iloc[i-1, j])
        asset_ret = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(returns), asset_ret], axis=1, ignore_index=True)
    return asset_ret