import six
from types import GeneratorType as _GeneratorType
from google.protobuf.message import Message as _ProtoMessageType

if six.PY2:
    _list_types = list, xrange, _GeneratorType
    _list_types = list, range, _GeneratorType, map, filter

protobuf_mask = 0x80000000

def is_proto(emsg):
    :param emsg: emsg number
    :type emsg: int
    :return: True or False
    :rtype: bool
    return (int(emsg) & protobuf_mask) > 0

def set_proto_bit(emsg):
    :param emsg: emsg number
    :type emsg: int
    :return: emsg with proto bit set
    :rtype: int
    return int(emsg) | protobuf_mask

def clear_proto_bit(emsg):
    :param emsg: emsg number
    :type emsg: int
    :return: emsg with proto bit removed
    :rtype: int
    return int(emsg) & ~protobuf_mask

def proto_to_dict(message):
    """Converts protobuf message instance to dict

    :param message: protobuf message instance
    :return: parameters and their values
    :rtype: dict
    :raises: :class:`.TypeError` if ``message`` is not a proto message
    if not isinstance(message, _ProtoMessageType):
        raise TypeError("Expected `message` to be a instance of protobuf message")

    data = {}

    for desc, field in message.ListFields():
        if desc.type == desc.TYPE_MESSAGE:
            if desc.label == desc.LABEL_REPEATED:
                data[] = list(map(proto_to_dict, field))
                data[] = proto_to_dict(field)
            data[] = list(field) if desc.label == desc.LABEL_REPEATED else field

    return data

def proto_fill_from_dict(message, data, clear=True):
    """Fills protobuf message parameters inplace from a :class:`dict`

    :param message: protobuf message instance
    :param data: parameters and values
    :type data: dict
    :param clear: whether clear exisiting values
    :type clear: bool
    :return: value of message paramater
    :raises: incorrect types or values will raise
    if not isinstance(message, _ProtoMessageType):
        raise TypeError("Expected `message` to be a instance of protobuf message")
    if not isinstance(data, dict):
        raise TypeError("Expected `data` to be of type `dict`")

    if clear: message.Clear()
    field_descs = message.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name

    for key, val in data.items():
        desc = field_descs[key]

        if desc.type == desc.TYPE_MESSAGE:
            if desc.label == desc.LABEL_REPEATED:
                if not isinstance(val, _list_types):
                    raise TypeError("Expected %s to be of type list, got %s" % (repr(key), type(val)))

                list_ref = getattr(message, key)

                # Takes care of overwriting list fields when merging partial data (clear=False)
                if not clear: del list_ref[:]  # clears the list

                for item in val:
                    item_message = getattr(message, key).add()
                    proto_fill_from_dict(item_message, item)
                if not isinstance(val, dict):
                    raise TypeError("Expected %s to be of type dict, got %s" % (repr(key), type(dict)))

                proto_fill_from_dict(getattr(message, key), val)
            if isinstance(val, _list_types):
                list_ref = getattr(message, key)
                if not clear: del list_ref[:]  # clears the list
                setattr(message, key, val)

    return message